(Ed: Please note that only the Home and Contact Us links work in the navigation bar until this Friday when it should all work. Thank you for your patience while we switch to the Cloud.) |
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[The Movies] Si-Fi movies set in the distant future still have the same, crappy public address systems in the space terminals that we have today at airports. |
[He Died of a Bug] A contestant in a Deerfield Beach roach-eating contest who downed dozens of live bugs and worms collapsed and died shortly after winning the contest in South Florida, |
1st Pakistan Peace Prize Winner shot because the Taliban is afraid of a 14 year old girl’s power. Link |
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[Vote No Again] An independent voter’s quest to make sense of the 12 constitutional amendments. Amendment 5 |
Deer Ed, The links in the body of CT work fine it goes to the email format and “Coconut_Telegraph” in the Subject line. Anyway if you get this the links are working fine for some of us. The different banner is neat. Forge ahead! |
I haven’t heard the new music at WD what’s it like? I go there to shop for groceries not dance. What is this world coming to? |
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Coconuts Bar in Key Largo bids farewell. (Not the famous Coconuts Lounge and Liquor on Big Pine Key) Link |
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[Grilled asparagus] I wonder if asparagus makes the smell of the fish’s pee bad? That might explain why our canals don’t always smell good. |
The authorities say the winner of a roach-eating contest died shortly after downing dozens of bugs and worms. Officials at the Broward County Sheriff’s Office said on Monday that they were waiting for an autopsy to determine the cause of death. The contestant, Edward Archbold, 32, collapsed at a reptile store in Deerfield Beach soon after winning. Officials said no other contestants fell ill. |
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Good luck with the change over. The Telegraph is the one thing that keeps me connected to the Key’s where I lived most of my life. |
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Hogfish Bar & Grill named as one of the best seafood restaurants in theU.S. By whom? Where is the detailed information, or is this another cheep advertising shot? |
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Halloween recipes. Link |
Marathon’s Crane Point Hammock. Zip line. Mark these words: It will never ever make a profit, ever. Just another bad idea that will lose money. Losers with bad ideas losing money. That’sMarathon. Why do they pay these people to waste their tax money. |
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It is October. I know because it’s 40º here in the great state of Michigan today. ha ha |
I loved the bee grabbing the girl animation from yesterday. Well done. The banners are beautiful eye candy for me. |
Keys Lionfish population is still exploding. Link |
Looking forward to Crab season. Link |
I ate at the Hogfish Bar & Grill twice… It sucked both times. ~rjgeorge68@verizon.net |
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[Patrol Car Use] It may not be a bad idea to allow the Police to take their cars home because a Policeman is always on duty in reality. The only thing that needs addressing is the use of it for family business. If the wife is out shopping with it, then the Policeman is useless as a stand-by! Also it greatly depends on where the Policeman lives. |
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Romney‘s foreign policy speech: All War All The Time. Link |
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Neo con Nazis rejoice. Your candidate is more embarrassing abroad than your point man Dubya. Thanks guys. Maybe a good old fashioned book burning is in order. Link |
Its about time someone said it. The Right‘s fantasy that someone wanting to work will ever quit looking for work is B.S. If you want to work you can find it. If you want to work you don’t quit looking for work. That just means you are too damn lazy to put out the effort. The economy’s coming along and the good news for most Americans is always doom and gloom to the Right. As for the people using the “Underemployed” B.S. that’s as bad as saying the economic numbers are cooked. That’s a made-for-politics bit of rhetoric that has no merit. We are all underemployed and can use better jobs. Its always been that way and always will. It’s as if all Republicans have turned into Jane Fonda and hate America doing better after the 2nd worst Republican financial disaster in American history in ’08 before our President was elected. I’m not buying the B.S. and if you are an honest thinking American you are seeing our return to the days before Republican destruction. Obama 2012. I don’t want an Iranian Oil baron sitting behind the Presidents desk. It would be a slap in the face of every veteran returning from Iraq. |
“American Capitalism Gone With A Whimper” The irony of this article appearing in the English edition of Pravda (Russian online newspaper) defies description. Why can a Russian newspaper print the following yet the American media can’t/won’t see it? Link |
In 1973, Spiro Agnew (R) resigned the vice presidency after being charged with tax evasion. |
Obama has mentioned Big Bird And Elmo combined 13 times,Libya and economy zero times. Sad day when the supposed leader of the free world resorts to 5th-grade taunts. |
[Romney wins debate] It’s hard to argue with someone who says anything in the world true or not and doesn’t let anyone else get a word in. Obama said in the debate that the tax code Romney stands behind rewards companies for sending jobs overseas( like he did at Bain) Romney said that was not true. It has been confirmed as true by independent fact checkers. So can you say he actually won when he lied? Is a man who is 1. A liar or 2. Not familiar with the tax plan he represents fit the president? And what does that say about his ” jobs plan” when so many very lucrative companies like his bain capital take advantage of the American tax code as elitists and blame 47% of the population for being freeloaders |
kill big bird10The Big Bird thing is a euphemism for all that is wrong with Romney’s platform of slash and burn anything that doesn’t benefit the rich. |
The whole damn thing is about to come crumbling down around us and people are still trying to blame one side or the other. The founders warned us about the party system along with many important things that would take pages to go into. Wake up folks, its not Obama, its not Romney, its the system! How do we fix it? We bring back the Republic, we get rid of special interest influence, we live by the true free market, we do away with collectivism, we do away with foreign entangling alliances, we trust in our fellow man, unless he truly threatens us, we declare war when it needs to be fought, we believe in the individual, we quit preaching to losers and enabling laziness. Again, wake up! |
Republicans create business and defend the country – Democrats tax and redistribute the wealth created by Republicans. Republicans can get along fine without Democrats – the reverse is not true. Look only at the health of Republican Governor states. |
With apologies to Abe Lincoln, You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time unless they are Obama voters. |
When the rich don’t want to pay a tax increase, which is why they are holding up religious cultist and wall street jobs exporter Mitt Romney as their candidate, is because they don’t want to pitch in a little more to pay for the bush wars. Bush was their guy. The wars made him famous. I think it is Unpatriotic to not chip in a little more of the greed money he saved them to pay down the deficit they helped create. It sounds damn unpatriotic. |
Obama Executive Orders since 2009 (these are only some of them!) What do they tell you? Honestly, does this make you comfortable? I can tell these scare the hell out of me. The Office of the President has always had emergency powers in place in case of national emergency, why do you think he has gone to this extreme with these EOs? * Executive Order 10990 allows the Government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports. e over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels, and minerals. I am in search of the full list he has written into law with merely his signature. These 13 pretty much set up a Totalitarian government. I think he’s even got the Socialists that back him fooled. |
From the Right |
(Ed: FTR is taking he day off today. Don’t worry, he didn’t run out of things to write about!) |