I’m writing to tell you all that I didn’t win the $550 million Powerball lottery with my 2 tickets. So you can forget about the new cars I was going to buy you all. |
Seat open on KEYS advisory panel The District 5 seat is open on Keys Energy Services’ Advisory Committee. It covers Big Pine Key to the Seven Mile Bridge. Find applications at the service building, 1001 James St., or request one from Edee.Delph@KeysEnergy.com. They are due at noon Monday. The committee provides Keys Energy (KEYS) with community input on issues including electricity generation, distribution, finance, customer service, and new ventures. It comprises five members, a Utility Board member and two KEYS staffers. The four other districts are: 1, Key West to Stock Island; 2, Key Haven to Big Coppitt; 3, Shark Key to Sugarloaf Key; and 4, Cudjoe Key to the Torch Keys. The Utility Board will appoint the new District 5 representative at a Dec. 12 meeting. |
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Free animated Christmas tree for your computer desktop. Link |
I wonder what happened to the person who had his medical records released without his permission. Did he ever get satisfaction? |
Teak is the most over-rated, over-priced wood on the planet. It is ugly, monotonous in color, loses it’s color in the sun and is and weak. The farm-raised teak is not suitable for use as pallets or even firewood (too may knots and sapwood). Show some originality and creativity on your next project, opt for old-growth, river recovered cypress or long-leaf pine. They’re stronger, more beautiful, and not an environmental nightmare in harvesting as teak is. ~ Lower Keys Fine Woodworking 305.394.7400 |
Two BP rig supervisors and a former BP executive have pleaded not guilty to criminal charges in the deadly Deepwater Horizon rig explosion and the company’s response to the massive 2010 spill in theGulf of Mexico. Kaluza and Vidrine are charged with manslaughter in the deaths of 11 rig workers. They are accused of disregarding abnormally high pressure readings that should have been glaring indications of trouble just before the blowout of BP’s Macondo well. Rainey was charged separately with concealing information from Congress about the amount of oil that was leaking from the well. |
There was an odd occurrence yesterday at Picnic Island when the tide and wind were such that my anchored boat stayed in the exact same position for the half hour that I was there. Usually boats will swing on the anchor, but not yesterday. I noticed it because I could see the distant red number 6 marker in Newfound Harbor through the same place in the mangroves for the entire time. |
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The world will end in 24 days on December 21, the Winter Solstice. What shall we so with all the unopened Christmas presents. Can we return them? |
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On this day in 1972, the first commercially successful video game, “Pong,” was released in California. |
As Seen on TV products are often a joke, but I found one that does what Vince says — in aces! Schticky, the big roller, Vince showed it taking spider webs off the porch ceiling and cleaning easily. The best way I’ve found yet. I may have to buy one for each relative with the same cleaning problem. The porch hasn’t looked this clean since it was new-built. Cleaning the roller under a running hose out in the grass is the least icky way to get the gunk off it. |
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Some lucky charter boat Captain just bought two brand new, shiny outboard motors. It must be nice! |
[Biggest Lie I Tell Myself] I don’t need to write this down, I’ll remember it. |
[Open Mic Night] Ok Piners, cruise on down to Key West tonight and check out Daddy Bones BBQ (behind Checkers). It’s open mic night and that means a $10.95 plate of BBQ and a $8 pitcher of draft beer. We have not needed a gong yet as most of the folks that come to play are actually pretty good (Jerseygirls are welcome too). So bring the cool ride you are so proud of and partake in a ageless tradition hanging in a parking lot mingling with your friends! Except, this time, its our parking lot so those nasty donut eaters wont tell you to leave. Hey those of the donut-eater crew — y’all welcome too! |
[“Just smoked mahi mahi”] I’ve been hangin’ with this crowd too much. I read this line and expected a description of the effects on the next line. |
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[Duck Tours] These amphibious behemoths are now plying the narrow streets of Old Town adding to the congestion. |
Imagine what these politians would accomplish if they weren’t allowed to speak to the media. |
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If there are no ups or downs in your life it means that you are dead. |
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Have you ever looked at someone and thought, Yep, he has a person locked in his basement. |
The Way to Wealth by Benjamin Franklin. Free download. Link |
[Snowbirds] It’s funny to see snowbirds getting all dressed up in their snowbird costumes of Spandex and Lycra with their sleek helmets, gloves and elbow pads just to ride their $500 bicycles on the bike path along Key Deer Blvd. As winter progresses I see more of them while riding my rusty conch cruiser dressed in t-shirt, shorts and flip-flops. |
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Does anyone know where I can buy some 2″ rigging hose needed to conceal my outboards control cables. I can only find 1 1/2″ I’ve tried everywhere I can think of from KW to Marathon. |
Flying over Earth from space. Wheee! Link |
[Weird Department] While sitting down, raise your right foot off the floor and rotate your foot in a clockwise rotation, now raise your right arm and draw a letter “6” in the air with your finger. Notice that your left foot will now rotate counter clockwise. Try it. Can anyone tell me why this happens? |
Kid Ory – I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate Link |
With few exceptions, all human beings feel. With few exceptions, all human beings’ feelings are distorted, twisted, because of what has happened to their feminine. As a result, all but a few human beings respond poorly to events which generate emotions. There is nothing wrong with emotions, they are part of being human. What’s wrong is emotions don’t work very well in most people, and in a few people, they don’t seem to work at all, not consciously anyway. Of course, unconsciously, everything is in play, and therein lies the root of most human disease – physical, mental, and spiritual, and collective. Therein also lies the cause of heavy reliance on the intellect, the will, force. I am pretty sure the so-called Fall was the loss of the feminine, thus the loss of direct communion with the other realms, God, if you wish, and with the real emotions. If George W. Bush had had a functioning feminine, he would have known not to retaliate after 9/11. He would have sensed it was a really bad idea, which time and events proved after he retaliated with a great deal of whoopee support from most Americans, men and women. If Barack Obama had had a functioning feminine, he would have ended those two wars immediately upon being sworn in as Commander-in-Chief of US Armed Forces. |
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Fresh cut Mangrove Snapper, Ahi Tuna, and Grouper is in the case at FANCI SEAFOOD. We are open at our new location at mm22.3, 22290 Overseas Hwy, Cudjoe Key. Come on in and check out our new store! |
Why is it that teenagers are innocent no matter what they do? Another teen was killed when attacking a person who so happened to have a gun and used it on the teen when he was threatened. That is our law in Florida. |
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[A Guide To U.S. Newspapers] -The Wall Street Journal is read by the people who run the country. |
Marijuana–it’s one of the primary reasons why California experienced a stunning 20 percent drop in juvenile arrests in just one year, between 2010 and 2011, according to provocative new research. The San Francisco-based Center on Juvenile & Criminal Justice (CJCJ) recently released a policy briefing with an analysis of arrest data collected by the California Department of Justice’s Criminal Justice Statistics Center. The briefing, “ California Youth Crime Plunges to All-Time Low ,” identifies a new state marijuana decriminalization law that applies to juveniles, not just adults, as the driving force behind the plummeting arrest totals. Link |
[Editor Good] Good job editing the nymphomaniac/wedding cake post I sent it. |
[Job Fair] Marathon Veterinary Hospital is moving to a new state of the art facility in February. We are looking to expand our staff, and will have many job openings. Please spread the word. The MVH will be hosting a job fair this Sunday. |
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[You Get What You Give] An Australian widow reportedly left her entire estate, worth an estimated $12.5 million, to a friendly neighbor who bought her groceries and helped with simple chores. Harris had previously left her entire estate to her niece Coralie Hart, but reportedly changed her will in April 2005 after she suspected her family was trying to take her fortune and put her in a nursing home. “The Grays would be surprised, (while) my family are waiting for me to die,” Harris said. “I am determined that my relatives, after what they have put me through, will not get one cent.” After she became ill in 2005, Harris leaned on Gray and her then-husband for financial and moral support. The Grays reportedly lived next door to Harris in an affluent Sydney neighborhood. The Grays would often check in on Harris, and helped her pay bills, organize finances and take out the garbage. |
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How do we get yesterdays CT? (Ed: Scroll to the bottom and click Older Posts) |
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[“Python Menace”] As with any over populated species, why not just develop a sterilization food and air drop it all over the country. Bugs, rats, snakes, wild dogs, deer, cats, and other non-indigenous creatures could easily be controlled. Do not give us the God crap either, it is humans that over breed these things. |
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President Obama and Mitt Romney are meeting for lunch today. I hope Governor Romney tells the President his secret plan to create 20,000,000 jobs and I also hope that crow isn’t on the menu. |
As simple as this ploy is, it has worked through the ages time and again, as we are presently witnessing in theU.S.and the end result of this chicanery is always very depressing. It is not the rich that is the problem, indeed in most cases they have been the fuel for good economies, but a big part of the problem lies with leaders with their nefarious schemes to maintain power and assuage their super inflated egos. |
[Cuban-American Vote] If you want to understand why President Obama was re-elected despite a largely unsuccessful presidency and almost unprecedentedly high and continuous unemployment, just look at the Cuban-American vote. In fact, if you want to understand America today — specifically, why it is in decline — just look at the Cuban-American vote. Link |
[“what did the Jews do that was so God awful that the Germans shot them on sight”] The Jews have always been the scapegoats because of the jealousy of others. I am reading a book about the Borgias of Italy in the 15th century. Whenever the Borgia Pope Alexander VII need more money for his military expansion he’d tax the Jews.
An interesting footnote about the Catholic Church at that time was that the Pope’s daughter was Lucrezia Borgia who he married off three times by the time she was 21 for his political gain. He made his 17 year old son, Casare, a Cardinal and latter a general who carried out the Pope’s plans for expanding his territories. The Pope’s vow of chastity wasn’t obeyed, nor were his other vows. |
[Junk Foodies] Hostess Bakery plants shut down Friday the result of a union strike idling some 18,000 workers. The Obama administration will hire most all of these displaced employees. The State Department will hire the Twinkies, the Secret Service the Ho Hos, the generals will sleep with the Cupcakes and all the Ding Dongs are going to Congress. |
The Knights placed the shrine in 1954 after receiving a special-use permit from the government. The Forest Service continued to sanction the shrine overlooking theBigMountainski run until the most recent lease ran out in late 2010. The Forest Service announced in 2011 it wouldn’t renew the permit but later, after being pressured politically, reversed the denial on the grounds the statue qualified as a historical display, which spurred FFRF’s lawsuit. |
[“what did the Jews do that was so God awful that the Germans shot them on sight”] How does a population of many millions face and take responsibility for an act of technologically engineered mass genocide that is unprecedented in human history? Link |
Tax hikes do not reduce the deficit because in the long run government will spend whatever the tax system will raise, plus as much more as it can get away with… The best way to increase revenue is to look at history and do what Kennedy, and before him, Calvin Coolidge did: lower tax rates across the board.” ~Milton Freidman American citizens are not a piggy bank to be used to bailout the Federal Governments irresponsible spending decisions. |
Stock Market lesson for today: New car sales soar, car company stock prices hardly move. Go figure! |
This picture is proof for the person who needed to be reminded what the Jews did to anger the Nazis so much. |
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Somebody explain to me why our “representatives” can’t live in their districts and telecommute these days? |
[Social Security and Medicare] I seldom even glance at FTR’s posts, but the words Social Security and Medicare caught my eye and his allegations of a 40% increase in premiums this coming year. He had me running to check my letter from Social Security as I thought that I had missed something. No, it is FTR who missed something. He obviously can’t read, or understand what he has read. Medicare Part B is going up $5 per month from $99.90 this year to 104.90 for 2013. Whew! FTR had me scared. What he probably saw was the Part B deductible is going up from $140 in 2012 to $147 in 2013, and mistook the $147.00 for the premium. While I would prefer no increase in my Medicare, the 5% increase is not budget busting. I’m only writing this because I’m sure that his writing of a 40% increase scared many of our senior citizens, I just wanted to set their minds at rest. It is obvious that FTR sees only what he wants to see. |
[Fiscal Cliff] Jeesss, finally when everybody gets caught up on what a “budget deficit” is and what the “National debt” is, they throw another one at us, the old “fiscal cliff”. Give us a break! |
[“what did the Jews do that was so God awful that the Germans shot them on sight”] One reason is that Jews are loyal to their religion first and the German state a distant third –behind their families. This the same principle now with the Christian religion being ridiculed and having their holidays renamed and removed. |
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On this day in 1947, the United Nations approved the partition of Palestine between Arabs and Jews. How did that work out for them? |
[Immigration–Just Keep the Good Ones] The Obama administration’s top immigration official says his agency is working to attract and keep more foreign-born high tech entrepreneurs who are seeking to start a company in the U.S. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service Director Alejandro Mayorkas says his agency “has not been especially nimble” to adapt to fast-paced changes in the business landscape. He says that’s changing since the agency added new training for staffers who evaluate business visa applications. |
FTR forever up! |
Now that the election has been over long enough to let the agida subside, it’s time for Republicans and Conservatives to reflect on where we’ve been and where we’re going. The first thing we have to do is to look at the internal numbers of the election. On Nov. 6, Mitt Romney carried the majority of every economic group except those earning less than $50,000 a year in household income (NYT). That means he carried the majority of middle-class voters. In ‘08 McCain lost white voters under 30 years of age by 10 points, Romney won those voters by 7 points, a 17-point shift. That’ huge) Obama received 41 / 2 million fewer voters in 2012 than 2008, and Romney got more votes than McCain. Prior to the election, the nattering crowd was absolutely certain that Romney’s selection of Ryan was a poison pill that was certain to cause the campaign to crater. The fact is that it didn’t Romney lost, but even in that loss, he made huge gains over the McCain/Palin effort. Many of those same nabobs also said that the topics of Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security must be avoided because that conversation was certain to be as deadly as the Bubonic Plague to any Presidential Campaign. That too was proven wrong. The public, especially seasoned citizens are fully aware of the dire conditions of those entitlements. Romney brought the fight to the Democrats and made the rational, persuasive case for entitlement reform that conservatives have so desperately needed. The nation listened, thought about it — and on Election Day, Mitt Romney carried seniors by a wide margin (56/44, NYT). And it’s safe to say that the entitlement discussion will never be the same. The fact is that the Republicans lost, and Obama won. There were many reasons for that, but not a one of those reasons had anything to do with the basics of the Conservative or Republican ethos. Or their vision for America. In fact, this last election proved that the Republican/Conservative brand is increasing in influence and popularity. Here in Monroe County, in 2008 Obama won by 7%. In ’12 that margin had plummeted to .4%. That’s a huge 6.6% point drop. In Florida, in ’08 Obama won by 2.6%. In ’12 that margin skidded by more than half to .9%. Nationally, in ’08 Obama won by 7.28%. In ’12 that margin plummeted by more than half to only 3.7%. Of course those percentages reflect only the popular vote. Nonetheless there can be no doubt that the national hunger for responsibility in governance is growing. This election was won by Obama because he curried and won the support of a specific set of disparate special interest groups that are concentrated in highly urbanized areas. He curried and won constituencies that block vote. It was the block voters in states with massive urban populations that are rich in Electoral College votes that one the election for Obama. Republicans and Conservatives have a responsibility, a duty, to our nation and to ourselves not to become liberal light. We must adhere to our principles. We must continue to seek entitlement reform, less government regulation, and massive cuts in federal spending. We know that increasing taxes on any group of Americans in this fiscal firestorm will only fan the flames. Its way past time to begin a national dialogue on imposing term limits on Congress. There has never been a better time. Republicans/Conservatives should do nothing to abnegate their core beliefs of fiscal responsibility and respect for our Constitution. But, we should embark on a massive outreach/educational effort to reach our youth, Blacks, Hispanics, and other minorities. Our Congressional leadership should block any increases in taxes for anybody unless entitlement reform and massive federal spending cuts are folded into the mix.
That poster, incredibly, asked “whose to know” if the Bengasi attackers were just a random group of street thugs. We must assume that the poster has been on a long ocean voyage or taking a trip to the center of the earth, because Obama himself, hours after the assault called it a terrorist action. Shortly thereafter the CIA and every other responsible intell agency of the US Aidentified the action as terrorism, accomplished by AQI or its surrogate. Obama sent Rice out to lie to cover Obama’s ass. Obama et al got caught with their lying pants on fire. They tried to tamp down the obvious so that Obama’s “light foot print” policy would not receive that scorn that it deserved just before the election. A huge segment of Obama’s campaign centered on the death of UBL, and his claim that AQI was at deaths door. The Bengasi raid and all the ancillary issues proved Obama’s bragging to be pure bull. UBL is dead but AQI is stronger than ever. And Obama is president. Go figure. |
No Name Key crosses are outstanding! I watched the suggested Eric Idle “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life!” video as suggested. Too funny. By my count, aren’t the amount of crosses depicted roughly the same, if not the exact number of “electrifiers”? Perhaps, 23 power crosses would satisfy everyone. Good stuff. |
[“It would be incredibly wonderful if a video could be made with “electrifiers” volunteering to attach/crucify themselves on those poles/crosses”] It’s amazing that anyone would think such comment is appropriate. It is amazing the extent of the vile hatred that some folks have that we live in a wonderful country of democracy, freedom, and laws. Thank God for America and the men and women who fight to keep our freedom! Justice will prevail, so get over it and move on – nothing to see here. |