2025 February

Friday, February 7, 2025

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(Big Pine Key’s garbage pick-up days)

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The Port Pine Heights Community Yard Sale is tomorrow, Saturday February 8th, with individual houses starting at 8AM. Directions:  At the traffic light on Big Pine Key head north on Key Deer Blvd (30 MPH).  Stay on Key Deer Blvd approx. 4 miles, almost to the end.  Entrances to Port Pine Heights will be on the left; Gulf Blvd and Kyle Blvd.  Signs will be posted to direct you to where the treasures are located.
I only type in lowercase because I hate capitalism  ~Karl Marx
[Testosterone] Men who watch a sexually explicit movie have an average increase of 35% in testosterone, peaking at 60–90 minutes after the end of the film, but no increase is seen in men who watch sexually neutral films. Men who watch sexually explicit films also report increased motivation and competitiveness, and decreased exhaustion. A link has also been found between relaxation following sexual arousal and testosterone levels.
[Israel’s Iron Dome] It is nearly unstoppable with a 90% kill rate. —America wants one, too. Video
[Boil Eggs Perfectly Every Time] How to boil eggs so they turn out just the way you want them, whether you like them hard-boiled or soft-boiled. Link
[Computer Club Change of Venue] This Saturday’s meeting has moved to the library. This time they notified us in advance. 10:30 as usual. The County is having a function in the Community Center, so we will meet at the Library. You know where it is,  to the left of the Center, and next to the Chinese restaurant, to the right of the craft store, below Heaven, and above Hell.
Remember these?
While listening to some old psychedelic music on YouTube from the Frisco area a band called “Fromious Bandersnatch” has tons of music. I never have heard of them till now. Amazing they are not as big as “The Dead” were/are. Any way, keep ’em flying!
Frumious Bandersnatch – Cheshire
Fails. Video
An Area 51 blogger was raided at gunpoint by federal agents. He says the US Government is trying to silence him. Link
Keys surf ‘n turf kit.
[Advertising Scam] Sites promising ‘10 seconds to youthful brain’, ‘5-minutes to 6-pack abs’, cure tinnitus with one pill a day, etc. There are a lot of these. The thing is the claim is so attractive that the commercial takes much longer to watch than the 10-second cure. The videos are about 20 minutes of wasted time just to be told you had to buy a jar of pills (that do nothing, sucker).
[Vote For Me] Climate change is caused by fossil fuels released into the atmosphere. All mass murders are caused by guns (maybe a car every now and then). When I’m elected, I will ban all fossil fuels and guns, but not cars.  End of problem.
Walgreens is in trouble. The pharmacy chain is closing 1,200 unprofitable stores around the U.S. The stock is around $10 and they just stopped paying dividends. The second largest pharmacy chain is in desperate need of cash and is closing stores left and right. Some of their problems stem from them filling too many oxycontin ‘scripts and being sued for that.
To be sure, CVS is struggling too, closing more than 1,000 stores in recent years. It replaced its CEO earlier this year and is considering splitting up the company. Link
I went on a couple of musical instrument sites to check out new instruments. Now I get junk mail from Guitar Center, Musicians’ Friend, Reverb, etc every day — at least twice a day. How do they know? I didn’t sign it, register or give my name or email address to any site, yet here are the junk mails from them, flooding my in box, even from sites I didn’t visit like JustStrings. I think there will be a revolution of anti-advertisements eventually as more and more of us get fed up with the constant bombardment of advertisements. Hell, even shoes have ads on them.
My neighbor Karen isn’t too sharp, but thinks she is. She has a “federal” cat. I think she means feral.
[Therapy] I’ve been a therapist for over 30 years, and so many of the couples I meet with simply don’t see how their words and body language — even if they are not yelling — are disrespectful. I’ve seen couples who have a hard time repairing trust that was broken during embroiled and ugly fights. Others lose a sense of trust by the sarcastic digs, eye rolls, interrupting, or belittling.
~ Phrases that humiliate your partner, name-calling, or speaking disparagingly — directly or to others in public
“Really, second helpings?”
“Oh, he always does that.”
“Don’t pay attention to him.”
~ Sarcasm and mocking tones intended as insults
“Great job on yelling at the kids.”
“Is that what you’re wearing?”
“Yeah, like that’s worth bragging about.”
~ Manipulative language that twists reality
“It didn’t happen that way.”
“I never said that. You understood it wrong.”
“You’re crazy if you really think that.”
~ Moralistic statements that insult, correct, criticize, demean, diagnose or label
“You spoil him way too much, because your mother spoiled you.”
“You’re so selfish.”
“That’s a narcissistic thing to say.”   More
I like big butts and I cannot lie.
Constitutional Amendment to legalize pot in Florida—full text. Link
[Second Shot Heard Round The World] Scientists reveal what would happen if an astronaut ejaculated in space. Sex historian, Dr Esme Louise James, and AI expert, Dr Matt Agnew, have revealed what would happen if an astronaut ejaculated in space. Link
[Friday Joke] An elderly man is walking through the woods when he hears a voice calling him. He looks down and sees a frog. “Kiss me,” says the frog, “and I’ll turn into a beautiful princess.”
The man picks up the frog and puts it in his pocket. The frog protests, “Why aren’t you kissing me?” The man replies, “At my age, I’d rather have a talking frog.”
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[Immigration] I.C.E. has detention centers outside every 7-Eleven.
[Word of the Day] Defenestration: throwing someone or thing out the window.
[Baja Peninsula] At the Firebrand River, bending down to California, which turns toward the west, forming that peninsula which was formerly held to be an island, because it was a low sandy country. It is inhabited by brutish, bestial, naked people who eat their own offal. The men and Women couple like animals, the female openly getting down on all fours. There is much singing and dancing, at which all the chiefs of the locality gather and dance naked, and after all have danced with her they put her in a hut that has been decorated for this event and the chiefs adorn her with clothes and bracelets of fine turquoises, and then the chiefs go in one by one to lie with her, and all the others who wish, follow them. From this time on these Women cannot refuse anyone who pays them a certain amount agreed on for this. Even if they take husbands, this does not exempt them from obliging anyone who pays them. The greatest festivals are on market days. The custom is for the husbands to buy the Women whom they marry, of their fathers and relatives, at a high price, and then to take them to a chief, who is considered to be a priest, to deflower them and see if she is a virgin; and if she is not, they have to return the whole price, and he can keep her for his wife or not, or let her be consecrated, as he chooses. At these times they all get drunk. ~Cabeza de Vaca 1547
[10 Murdered] Sweden had the worst mass murder of all time. They are making a big deal out of that. Crap, that’s nothing, we have that happen almost every week in the States. It doesn’t even get front page news anymore, they print it on the back pages it’s so common here. All anyone does is say, “We have to do something about it.” Americans no longer cares about gun violence because the alternative is to modify the 2d Amendment and that’s not going to happen. We even joke about it. We love our guns more than our children.
[Fake Truths] Myths and misconceptions people still believe to be true. Link
The first motorcycle to sell for over $1M at auction. Only five Cyclone V-Twins are believed to still be in working condition. Link
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[Esquire Handbook of Men’s Style] A guide to looking good all keys folks should read. We have some of the worst dressers in the world down here.
[Wisdom] Forgiveness is more easily obtained then permission.

[Nature Photo of the Year] Polar bear in Arctic snowstorm.

Children spend about 2 hours on the phone during school hours! That’s squarely the fault of parents who won’t let teachers confiscate phones during class. These tethered parents are making sissies of our youth. “Whaa whaa, Mommy, please don’t let them take my phone or I’ll die. I need TikTok to live!”
Sign the petition to legalize pot in Florida. Petition
[No China Mail] The post office will no longer be accepting any mail from China. Wow! There goes Temu and Shein! We buy all our junky stuff from them. (Editor: That order was rescinded after a couple of hours as stupid.)
Canada liquor stores have signs over their American whiskeys: “Buy Canadian’
The current Coconut Telegraph was published on 2/7/25 at 8:44 am.


Electric hoist (440 lbs lift/120V) crane overhead garage winch remote control auto lift. YT-100/200KG $120.77 new. 2 years old. For sale $50. Pick up on Big Pine Key.

[Antique Olea Sancta] Catholic Church holy oil tabernacle 10+ years-old. hand carves oak. $200 More pictures

Barber Shop business for sale. Marathon area. Well established with good following. 11K.  $2800/mo rent. Water and electric included. Serious inquiries only. Email:
[Adult Tricycle] Three-wheel trike bike. (Gray, 26″) Single speed. Hybrid cargo cruiser with removable wheeled basket for shopping or dogs. Exercise bike for men or women. Bicycle bell. Cable bike lock. (New $299.99 +tx = $320.99 Oct 2021). For sale now on Big Pine Key $150. Excellent condition, low milage. Only driven on Sundays.
[Steel Jack Stands] NEW. 6,000 lb or 3 Ton Capacity, 1 Pair, Black and Red. New $35.88. For sale $20 for both. Never used. Link
[Floor Jack] NEW. BIG RED T82002-BR Torin Hydraulic Trolley Service/Floor Jack, 2 Ton (4,000 lb) Capacity, Red $46.79. For sale price $25. (Big Pine Key) New, never used. Link   Contact: