Politics, Religion & Conspiracy 2024

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Friday, September 13, 2024
Today’s conspiracy. Let’s talk about those Bluetooth, yes I said Bluetooth Pearl Earrings that Harris got from the German company who admitted that they make them and they work.
Oh well it’s just about “Another Conspiracy Theory”, but, listening to Harris in the past, I noticed the Lack of the usual WORD SALAD that normally comes from her. Like I said, another conspiracy theory. But it gets you to thinking. Are the democrats capable of doing that.
Wow, it’s amazing how many Trump admin members want nothing to do with him. Even his own Vice President and heads of staff he hired feel he’s unfit for office. Speaks volumes.
I’m glad Trump mentioned the new items on the menu. It does raise a few questions.

  1. What side dishes go with Poodles?
  2. Do you make the Cat casserole with or without the footpads?
  3. How many pet goldfish should you figure on for a meal for 8 guests?
  4. Never eat a Gerbil when offered.

You know why?

Former Republican Vice President Dick Cheney says he’ll vote for Harris. Maybe it’s time for Dick Cheney to take “the Donald” on a “hunting trip.”
In our nation’s 248-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump. He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him by a substantial margin.
There is no mention in the Bill of Rights, in the entirety of the Constitution, of muskets, flints, or bullets, or any limitations of their possession. What is the motivation of this poster here, who willfully mis-characterizes the 2nd Amendment and the 4th Amendment protecting us from illegal search and seizure? You do no one good service by disseminating ridiculous untruths to bolster your apparent leftist, pathetic hatred of our constitution. I won’t even ask you why you lied. I know the answer.
Trump’s rambling answer to a child care question, deconstructed. The continuing adventures of a “stable genius” or more word salads? Link
60,000,000 plus Americans would rather have one autocrat make all decisions instead of Congress then would support our democracy.
GOP is going nuts over immigrants and eating cats, but not one word about school shootings.


Friday, September 6, 2024
Since 1965 when a DEMOCRAT named Johnson declared “a war on poverty” us Taxpayers have spent Zillions of dollars to the poor and unfortunate masses who are too unmotivated to take responsibility for themselves, and it isn’t working. No matter how much money you throw at the problem, it’s not the answer. Thats the definition of insanity. Now there’s a group in the democratic enclave of california that are Rioting because they feel that they are not getting enough. It has been reported that in 2021 states governments have spent 45% (1.8 Trillion $)of their budgets on public Welfare. When will the Tribe get enough to satisfy their demands. And when will the Hard Working Americans say Enough is Enough. I don’t know what’s the answer and I seriously doubt that ANYONE in the government knows either. Obviously the democrats feel that throwing MORE MONEY will keep the Tribe quiet. But how do you motivate someone to take responsibility for themselves???
Is there anything more fun than being at a Trump rally”?
After Trump attacked the press a Cult member tried to climb a stanchion and attack a news network.
What a sick mind Trump has.
Trump said his going to area 60 in Arlington Cemetery wasn’t for a campaign photo op?
Doesn’t everyone go to a closed off veteran graveside and flash thumbs up signs with huge smiles as you publicity agents take photos?
The scary part is the Cult will buy that bullshit!
Trump lost the last election by 11,000,000 votes making him again a looser.
The moon is actually more useful than the sun, since the moon gives us light at night, when it’s dark. The sun only gives us light in the day, when it’s already bright ~D.J. Trump
Biden lies but Trump only “fibs a bit” (cult speak).
Harris lacked confidence, presidential demeanor in first TV interview: body language expert. Video
ACCORDING to D.J. T. you’re not allowed to celebrate LABOR DAY unless you are, or have been, in labor. Especially if you have a cat!
Trump says he won the election because he got more votes than he did the first time he ran for President. He fails to mention that Biden got more than him.
The science is in. Climate alarmism can end. Since 1959 increases in atmospheric CO2 is due to sea surface temperature.  Link


Friday, August 30, 2024
You can’t have a tyrant or dictator without an enemy, you just can’t. Hitler had the Jews. First, he wanted to export them, then enslave them, and finally, kill them. Trump has the immigrants. He’s better than Hitler. He just wants to expel them, all 11 million.  That’s the only good thing I can say about him.
Actually who did OVERTHROW the government? Why it is obvious the democrats who did that in the first place?  Didn’t Nancy Pelosi, Cackles Harris, and the rest of the democrat Cabal who Threw crooked Jo biden Under the bus??? It makes no difference why they did it, it just matters that they did it. Trump is only ALLEGEDLY  claimed to have stirred up the pot, causing what appears to have been a riot in the capital. However, there’s conflicting claims of malfeasance on Both sides. BUT  there’s No dispute as to whether the democrats did in fact overthrow our government by kicking out Old jo biden and Coronating Cackles as Queen. Continue the LIES democrats, cuz that’s all you know how to do. Lies and more lies. I hear the democrats continue to claim that Trump lies and perhaps he does fib a bit. But Cackles has never stopped lying. Every time she opens her mouth a lie comes out. And who wants our commander in chief who climbed to her position on her Knees(ask Joe Brown). I’d pick the Orange one with proven leadership as my chief.
It’s considered disrespectful. Guess who broke the law for photographs and used them for political reasons?
Yep, Freaking Trump the convicted felon. He thinks American laws don’t apply to him. He’s better than you and I.
Trump attacked Kamala Harris and her plan to outlaw price gouging calling it Communism. Here’s the best part. 37 states including Texas and other RED STATES already have anti-price gouging laws. Why isn’t he mentioning those Communist states? Odd. You gotta love it.
House Republicans sheepishly withdrew their plan to impeach Joe Biden on Friday after belatedly realizing it would make Kamala Harris president sooner. At a subdued press conference, Reps. Jim Jordan and James Comer blamed the botched impeachment effort on “a big mix-up.” “I thought Jim was going to read the Constitution to see what it said about impeachment, and Jim thought I was going to do it,” Comer said. “In the end, neither of us did.” Unbowed, Jordan said it was now time for him and Comer to “buckle down” and read the 4,400-word document. “We want to be ready to impeach Kamala Harris the day she is sworn in as president,” Jordan said, “if not sooner.”
The Donald Trump and Kamala Harris campaigns are sparring over whether to mute one of the microphones when it is the other person’s turn to speak during the pair’s scheduled debate next month. The Harris campaign said in a statement to CBS News that it wanted both candidates’ microphones to be live throughout the full broadcast.

The Trump campaign reportedly wants the ABC debate, scheduled for 10 September, to be governed by the same rules agreed when Joe Biden was the Democratic candidate. That would mean the microphones being muted.

The apparent impasse comes as the former president questioned the impartiality of the network and signalled he might even skip the debate. The Biden campaign negotiated the rules for the debate and agreed that the microphone would be muted when a candidate wasn’t speaking. The Trump campaign agreed to the rule, which was enforced during the June CNN debate. But now, with just 15 days until the ABC News debate in Philadelphia is scheduled to air, the Harris campaign wants the microphones to be “hot” – meaning they will never be turned off for the duration of the debate. This would allow the two candidates to interrupt and speak over each other on the debate stage.

“The vice president is ready to deal with Trump’s constant lies and interruptions in real time. Trump should stop hiding behind the mute button,” Harris campaign senior communications adviser Brian Fallon said in a statement.

Trump is trying to back out of the debate with Harris. He’s using all kinds of phony excuses. The real reason is she’s a former prosecutor and he’s an active felon. He scared to death of her.
In high school I was a victim of women’s inequality. I wanted to take mechanical drawing as an elective. I was denied because you need a penis to do mechanical drawing. ( I thought all you needed was a drawing board & a protractor. I had both.) A couple of years later I was taking the required mechanical drawing class in order to be able to teach it to high school boys.

I’m sure they would have told me I was similarly unequipped to be president. Or even an astronaut, a rabbi, a pilot, a soldier. Of course, in those days they also told men they couldn’t be nurses. Boys couldn’t take cooking classes. Exceptions were made for boys who were about to be drafted & might become Army cooks (or housewives).
Have we come a long way? We’ll know on Election Day.

The 4 modern day MUSKeteers.
Republican Adam Kinzinger—a former U.S. House representative from Illinois who became a staunch critic of Donald Trump after the former President claimed the 2020 election was stolen and encouraged a mob to storm the Capitol—took to the Democratic National Convention stage in Chicago on Thursday to explain why he is supporting Vice President Kamala Harris in November and to encourage fellow Republicans who wish to “defend democracy and decency” to do the same. Link
Here is Trumps plan going forward to try and win the election.
Trump talks s**t and tries to convince everyone that America is a horrible place to live only he can lift us up from the bowels of hell.
Sorry, but America will continue being a world leader that it is always moving forward no matter how hard a wannabe dictator tries to attack America every day.
Trying to tell us getting a 2 for 1 prisoner swap that took months of negotiations was a win for Russia says it all.
He said Putin would only release them to him. He was wrong.
If you have any synapse left that still work, watch this entire video! Very impressive talk!   Don’t fall asleep!  Run it as many time as needed for your understanding. Link
Trump is selling his $2 bills, bubbleheads and his supertrump cards. He needs money. What’s next, a lemonade stand?
Trump donated to Kamala Harris’s campaign when she was California Attorney General. That was before she was Black.
Trump Videos At Arlington Stir More Fallout After Grave Site Visit. Once again, cadet bone-spurs has made a mockery of America’s Hero’s for his own personal gain. The Hoover family granted permission to the Trump team to film and take photographs at the grave site; the Marckesano family did not, and filming and photographing at the grave site for political purposes is a violation of federal law. Link
Trump is a grifter with is Trump U., super me cards, bobbleheads, and other stuff you’d find at a baseball stadium for rip-off prices. What a loser.
Barack Obama endorses Kamala parody. Video
WHOOPS! Well, this is embarrassing.
Trump Donated to Kamala Harris’s Campaign When She Was California Attorney General.
Years before either came close to the White House, Donald J. Trump gave $6,000 to her re-election campaign. His daughter Ivanka gave $2,000.
Republican group cites notorious Dred Scott ruling as reason Kamala Harris can’t be president. Link
During the current Federal administration, we’ve seen record higher stock market numbers, as well as lower inflation and unemployment. Perhaps the higher prices we see every day are a result of corporations unfairly regaining what they lost during the Covid pandemic that was poorly and fatally mismanaged by the previous administration!
…and I should have signed off: VOTE!
Trump is against EVs and that has Musk worried. He promised Trump $45 million a month to his PAC if he changes his stance against EVs. Let’s see how long it takes Trump to favor EVs.


Friday, August 23, 2024
Suckers and losers and the Presidential Medal of Freedom is better than the Congressional Medal of Honor. This was spoken by a draft dodger and a lying coward. What does Trump have against the military who’ve honorably served their country?
I guess everything’s fair in politics. Trump keeps saying Kamala was the administrations border Czar. She wasnt.
So I guess it’s fair to say Trump is the undisputed leader of the KKK. It’s just as credible.
“I’ve always wanted a Purple Heart” ~D.J. Trump


Lowering drug prices, reforming the Supreme Court, tips not taxable. These are some of the things Democrats do for the people and not the corporations. What has Trump ever done for the people? No one can say.
Mental Illness. “Much more than 100% of America’s new jobs are going to immigrants”. ~D.J. Trump.
How does that work? Sir, let me introduce you to the guy at the end of the bar…
Would you trust him with your kid? Now this is funny! “Stable Genius” indeed. Video
Just before the big meeting in Singapore Kim Jong-un decided to send Donald Trump a letter in his own handwriting to let him know he was still in the game.
Trump opened the letter which appeared to contain a single-line coded message: 370HSSV-0773H
Trump was baffled, so he e-mailed it to his aides, who had no clue either, so they sent it to the FBI. No one could solve it at the FBI, so it went to the CIA. With no clue as to its meaning, the FBI finally asked Marine Corps for help. Within a few seconds the Marine Corps cabled back with this reply, “Tell the President he’s holding the message upside down.”
The Trump plan to lead America into the future. “I’m better looking than her”. After saying she’s as pretty as his wife.
Gee, self love much?
Kamala’s speech–WOW WOW WOW !!!!
Now a few words from Cadet Bone Spurs about the Congressional Medal of Honor. “I watched Sheldon sitting so proud in the White House when we gave Miriam the Presidential Medal of Freedom. That’s the highest award you can get as a civilian, it’s the equivalent of the Congressional Medal of Honor, but civilian version.”

“It’s actually much better because everyone gets the congressional Medal of Honor, that’s soldiers, they’re either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets, or they’re dead,” he went on. “She gets it, and she’s a healthy beautiful woman. And they’re rated equal. But she got the Presidential Medal of Freedom.”

“Lock him up” Crowd chants after Hillary Clinton mentions Trump’s felonies. Video
It’s time to place your bets as to when America will declare full wall-to-wall martial law, close the borders, kill the phone systems, electric, water and maybe cut road transportation of food supplies. With the crazies now fighting like demented old ladies for parking spots, our fine feathered friends in government are about to start WW3 just after we have a few civil wars break out between the Leftist rednecks and the Right rednecks. It might just be a very reddish Christmas if at all this year.  Time to clean up our maintenance department.
Trump says he has no idea what the Project 2025 plan is.
So well over 100 of his own administration members created this playbook and he didn’t know about it?
His Vice President choice even wrote the forward for the anti-American plan.
He was supposed have been deeply vetted.
Trump went on to say there’s some ideas that are great ideas.
How does he know this if he didn’t read it or even know about it?
It would take a true Cult member to believe his constant lies.


Friday, August 16, 2024
Take back our country. I don’t mean take it back from liberals or conservatives but make it a democracy where the majority rules – one man, one vote! As it is now, we are a republic where a select few decide who will be President. If the majority votes for one candidate, but the Electoral College wants another, the other will become President. That’s wrong. Just having that power is wrong. Who are they? We didn’t elect them. The Electoral College must go. It is an obsolete body created 200 years ago when the people were uneducated, there were few roads, and fewer means of communication. In the present, it’s not fair to let the few select our President. We want majority rule. One man, one vote. The majority rules.

Also, we need term limits and age limits. I’m old and know my facilities have diminished and people should be glad I’m not in public office because I make mistakes that I wouldn’t have made in my productive years. Where has common sense gone? There should be some way to get term limits for Congress and the Supreme Court. Giving someone a job for life is foolish and invites mistakes and corruption.

Who do you like: someone who always scowls or someone who has a genuine smile?
Best wishes and God Bless former President Trump after announcing his helicopter was shot down over Somalia. He was a passenger along with Samuel Jackson on a secret mission to free prisoners. A true hero.
His followers are too stupid…. you can show them facts, and it is nonsense to them. Trump could have sex with lvanka and publish it on pornhub, and his followers would say, what a good christian he is.
Poor Trump. Now he’s imagining helicopter trips with people he never flew with and is having delusions of being in helicopter crashes that never happened. Thanks Joe for passing on the torch before you got that bad. Can Trump’s family say “Intervention”?
Biden and Trump are both too old to run the world. Face it, Trump is delusional and mentally unbalanced. Just read some of his speeches and comments. The man is too old to govern.
Just read that the USA has 5% of the world’s population but has 66% of the world’s lawyers. do you see the problem here? The majority of the past presidents have been lawyers. Do you see the problems they have created for their own interests?  Do we have too many laws and regulations? Yet they (the lawyers and Democrats) want to blame the orange man for their shortcomings. We can and should go back to a normal society, not the freak show we’re experiencing today.
Harris/Walz. Incredibly parody content. Best one of the cycle so far. Video
Thank you Biden/Harris for working out a swap for 16 American / foreign prisoners being returned from Russia. Trump said Putin would only return them to him. Now that Harris has a chance to win, Putin’s changed his tune. Trump party voters are so angry for that huge American success. Positive American news makes them want to attack America and s**t talk about how horrible this country is. Americans have had enough of their hatred for this great country and constant verbal attacks.
Viral presentation using gumballs to show perils of mass immigration continues to resonate, 28 years later. Makes you realize the enormously impossibly of dealing with this situation. Video
Kamala Harris – Wikipedia <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamala_Harris>
Tim Walz – Wikipedia <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Walz>
This country is in deep crapola!
Watch this video. It will give you an insight on the future and the ridiculous idea of the mass immigration schemes being foisted on the American people. Video
Trump never talks in specifics what his plans for our country are because he can’t see or think of anything but himself—a true narcissist. And his followers love it.
I think Trump fans hear his nonsense as sense. They surely dance to a different drummer (one who can’t keep a beat).
Trump finds it easy to criticize his opponents’ military service. Where did he serve?


Friday, August 9, 2024
When Trump loses, he can add that loss to his long list of losses, but expect a lot of yelling and rabble-rousing and law suits. Trump just does not believe in the American way.
Where’s Weirdo?
Oil companies are crushing past records for oil production and profits. America is the leading energy producer leaving Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries behind. Where’s the “Joe did that” comments and stickers?
The largest crowd Biden could draw was 2-3,000. Not so with Harris. Harris has to limit attendance because all those who want to see her can’t fit in the venues she’s chosen so far.
Donald Trump twice donated money to Kamala Harris when she was running for California attorney general. He gave her $5,000 in September 2011 and $1,000 in 2013; his daughter Ivanka donated $2,000 in 2014. The donations came at a time when Trump was facing two lawsuits in California alleging fraud by Trump University, his real estate training program.
Can you spell hypocrite?
“They got you in here too, huh?” Says Biden As Dems Lock Kamala In basement.
In an extraordinary show of support from the furry mammals, on Wednesday America’s cats gave a full-throated endorsement to Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota. The felines, who have been unusually active this election cycle, said they were supporting Walz because “this November, cats are on the ballot.” “Unlike some candidates, who have used language that belittles and ridicules us, Gov. Walz makes us feel seen,” the cats’ official statement read. Praising the vice-presidential candidate’s upbeat demeanor, the cats stated, “Tim Walz is like a ray of sunshine we would bask in for hours without moving.”
After Biden’s debate disaster I gave up and accepted that Trump would be President. I felt like the people of Germany felt when they woke up and accepted the fact that Hitler would be their Chancellor.
When does Trump think America was great? And just when does he want to return America too? Give me a year!
Every Democrat presidential nominee since 1984 went to law school, although Gore did not graduate. Joe Biden (no surprise) was at the bottom of his class. Every Democrat vice presidential nominee since 1976, except for Lloyd Bentsen, went to law school. Barack Obama was a lawyer. Michelle Obama was a lawyer. Hillary Clinton was a lawyer. Bill Clinton was a lawyer. John Edwards is a lawyer. Elizabeth Edwards was a lawyer. Look at leaders of the Democrat Party in Congress: Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer is a lawyer. Former Senator Harry Reid was a lawyer. The Republican Party is different. Link
The drunk guy at the end of the bar. showed up again. After telling us for weeks he is a financial genius and that he is the one responsible for the years-long stock market boom. He says it was because he’s going to be back in office soon. He suddenly changed his tune as fast as changing your socks when I asked him why he wasn’t responsible for the slight downturn in the market and it upset him so much he started screaming about me asking him such a horrible question. That’s when he went into a weird, rambling rant about asking about my race and nationality.
I bought him a beer. He then went on his usual s**t, talking about how horrible America is and he’s the only one on earth that can save it. It’s always the same with this guy. Weird guy, but he is funny and entertaining.
[Book Review] “Cue The Sun! The Invention of Reality TV.” The book culminates in one of America’s most persistent rule breakers, Donald Trump, documenting how the creator and executive producer Mark Burnett built NBC’s “The Apprentice” into a success that burnished the reputation of the play- boy tycoon, resulting in “the most sinister outcome.” “Taking a failed tycoon who was heavily in hock and too risky for almost any bank to lend to,” Nussbaum writes, “a crude, im- pulsive, bigoted, multiple-bankrupt ignoramus, a sexual predator so reckless he openly harassed women on his show, then finding a way to make him look attractive enough to elect as president of the United States? That was a coup, even if no one could brag about it.”
More Democratic bull shit. They’re claiming (The FBI) that they can’t crack the shooter’s encryption on his cellphone. Well, I’ve got a little tip for them, just give it to the Israelis and they’ll get into it in less than a day. It’s apparent that our DEI administration is incapable of making the correct decisions about anything. Just look at their wind turbines off the East coast that are falling apart. Pitiful.
It’s a sad time in America when a former President can’t be happy that Americans were released from a Russian prison. He cried about how we never get great deals and how we give up more than we receive. 16 prisoners coming home compared to 8.
He screamed we probably gave up millions. Truth is 0
He said he was the only person Putin would free them too. NOPE.
His s**t talking about America is disgusting. America is not the scumbag country he wants us to believe it is. Americans are tired of his B.S.
A poster on here says Harris is just like Obama. That’s great to hear. That sews up my vote. Harris 2024! Thanks poster.
Can you identify which best fits your candidate? Fear and anger vs hope and joy.  Which do you support for Americans?


Friday August 2, 2024
Do you want to be with Trump and the weird people or Harris and the cool people?
Well, Trump has finally said what we all knew about him. He told Americans, “If you vote for me you will never have to vote again”. “WE will fix it”
He wants to end Democracy in America and take away your right to vote. The Trump party is a clear and obvious enemy of America.
Donald Trump has seen how unpopular his Project 2025 — the plan to impose Christian sharia law of a Talibangelical extreme theocracy, written by his own top staff insiders — is, so is now trying to distance himself from it. T68Of course, remember when…
Trump claimed he had never heard of David Duke.
Trump claimed he didn’t know who the Proud Boys were.
Trump claimed he did not know Ghislaine Maxwell, the accomplice of his long-time bromance pal Jeffrey Epstein, despite the many photos of them partying cheerily together.
Stormy Who?
E. Jean Who?
Now all of a sudden, he has no idea about Project 2025, mostly written by his most extreme and closest former top advisors. “Nope. Never heard of ’em.”
And now they are even trying to re-brand this package of atrocious government overreach as “Agenda 47” — same hazardous product with new packaging and a new label — from which it will be much more difficult for would-be “President 47” to distance himself when the authoritarian stench seeps through the wrapping.
But sadly, there are gullible TrumpubliKKKlan cult worshipers credulous enough to sucker for that.
Recently in a news article Harris was compared to Biden. This is very Shortsighted. Obviously Harris IS Obama in everything, the new green deal, the economy, granting the INVADERS the right to vote, cutting back (defunding) the police, the drag queen insanity, transgender fantasy, pride month, black history month, so if you vote for Harris you are granting Obama another 4 years to complete his plan for the destruction of America.
Trump is just a big bully. When has a bully ever been the smartest kid in the class?
Why can’t Trumpers see that he wants an end to democracy. The rest of us see it all too clearly. He keeps saying it, but his followers are deaf.
It’s good and it’s bad, but who are the real people behind all this? Didn’t something like this almost happen to Russia when Russia fell from communism? How come certain factions are never spoken of during these conversations? Something stinks and I think it smells like Orwell’s 1984 again! Project 2025 | Presidential Transition Project
The weird people are weird because if Trump says the sky is maroon, they will believe him instead of looking up—and that’s weird!
RFK Jr. denies eating dog but not sexually assaulting nanny.

Incompetents passing the blame. We deserve better.

Biden is bad. Link
Have you noticed that Trump won’t answer any question without giving an insult?
US and Russia swapped prisoners. It seems Russia was running out of hitmen. Video
Biden wants to reform the Supreme Court, but will the corrupt Court let him? No way. They like what they have. What better way to get rich?
While the FBI wasn’t able to crack the encryption on assassin’s cellphone, it took the Israelis only 40 minutes to get inside. but the mainstream media hasn’t and probably won’t admit it nor has those stalwarts in the FBI mentioned it to we the people (us). I hope those situations change when Trump is elected in November.
Poor Trump. Since Kamala entered the race he’s gone insane. Before, he was just deranged. Telling an audience that Harris (who attended a well-known black college, belonged to a black sorority, and has always been black) ”just decided to be black a few years ago.”
Folks he’s gone from textbook weird; just babbling nonsensical comments, to a complete mental breakdown. Hopefully his family can stage an intervention.


Friday, July 26, 2024
Attention all Trump Cult members. Hannibal Lecter is not a real person. ~Thank You
Come on, you have to admit it. The RNC convention was hilarious. From Melania laughing at Kidd Rocks Performance to the painful camera shots of Trumps family looking like they just left a taxidermy business. People were wearing fake bandages on their ears and Rudy G. was falling all over the place. Shoe in for the “Best Performance By A Cult” award coming up during the Oscar’s. DeSantis still creeping people out and Gaetz attacking McCarthy which I guess was supposed to be a sign of solidarity.
Notice Trump bandage? He had nothing covering his ear while golfing earlier, but he goes on stage with a covering the size of a boat sail.
Thank you President Biden for putting aside your ego and putting your country first. How refreshing.
One down…. One to go. Come on America, we can do this.
The reason conservatives deny the truth no matter how much evidence is provided them is because then they will see that the USA is not as bad as they think it is.
Trump: “No more mr nice guy.” He couldn’t be nice for two weeks. He tried, but his hate for the USA overwhelmed him and he had to attack. It doesn’t matter who or what he attacks, he just has to attack. Never a plan for the USA, just complain about our country.
President Biden put his country first and gave up power.
Trump complains that Harris is an affirmative action hire and isn’t qualified to be President, even though she went to law school, was Attorney General of California, a Senator, and vice President of the United States. What are Trump’s qualifications? He was a realtor, reality show host and graduated from Trump University.
Jewish Space laser teams are starting fires in wooded areas.
Ingest Clorox as a Covid treatment.
Shoot light inside your body to fight an illness.
Lose an election by over 7 MILLION votes that was certified by your own party means you really won.
Attacking law enforcement at the United States Capitol while trying to overthrow America’s government after an election makes you a PATRIOT.
Believing an American President born in Hawaii and seeing his birth certificate from the hospital and a birth announcement in a newspaper that day means he’s not an American.
Saying Nazi marchers carrying torches and chanting during a pro-Nazi march were fine Americans.
The problem with JD Vance is he has no conviction, but I guess his running mate has 34.
Trump called Harris “real garbage” He can’t find any thing she has done that he disagrees with so he reverts to his nasty old self and name-calling as his vocabulary is so limited.
This country is like a banana republic ~Trump
I only see Trump banners because the rest of us are afraid to put up any signs for Democrats. We’re afraid of the Trumpers’ violence. They are the ones with the R-15s.
More info on Kamala Harris. The History of Kamala Harris. Link
Leading Trump party hero Lauren Boebert believes President Biden is really dead and there’s a stand in. She is demanding he proves he’s alive. I think the horses have  left the barn on that one.


Friday, July 19, 2024
Trumpers keep saying Biden is responsible for the attack a registered Republican made on Trumps life. I guess that means Trump is responsible for the attacker that broke into Nancy Pelosi’s house trying to assassinate her husband. Where was their rage then? Not a peep.
I’m curious, the man that tried to assassinate Trump is a  registered, voting REPUBLICAN. Why are Republicans trying to kill their own candidate?
It appears that the Democrats are perpetually CLAIMING the Republicans are extreme. Always extreme with their policies and agenda. Extreme agendas, Extreme policies, EXTREME. But isn’t it actually the democrats that are the extreme ones here, trying to DESTROY the Traditional Way of Life that Americans have enjoyed for over 200 years, with their DEI choices. Look at what we get with DEI picks for cabinet positions. Not the Best, but the ones that checked the politically correct boxes. Look at their policies, pay off the deadbeat’s student loans, open borders, funding terrorist organizations, Woke(delusionist) ideology. The list is endless. The democrats have F••k•d Up Since they Started The War Between the States. And continued till today. It’s time that the democrats cease to exist. I didn’t spend 30 years in the military protecting you from our enemies to watch it destroyed by the democrats in the last 4 years, VOTE REPUBLICAN.
In the words used by Trump to a Gold Star family visiting the grave of their son shot during a war, “Trump knew what he signed up for.”
Project 2025 Explained: What To Know About The Controversial Right-Wing Policy Map For Trump—As RNC Kicks Off. Link
Elon Musk ‘fully endorses’ Donald Trump for President with powerful message after shooting. Link
‘The gunman and the would-be dictator’. Donald Trump’s attempted assassination is a “horror and an outrage,” says David Frum. But it’s “sadly incorrect to say, as so many have, that political violence ‘has no place’ in American society.” Trump and his supporters “envision a new place for violence as their defining political message in the 2024 election,” and the former president himself “will be the martyr-in-chief, his own blood the basis for his bid for power and vengeance.”
Trumps new slogan: “Are you better of now than you were 4 wives ago”?
As a normal, thinking American, I too am worried about Biden’s age and mental capacity. But what I don’t understand is why all the focus is on Biden now and very little is being said about Trump’s mental state. Let’s face it trump has been spewing incoherent word salads for a very long time. This one is from last year.

“Beautiful company, beautiful, guy’s been doing it for 50 years, sells hundreds of boats, they use Mercury engines, they want to take that out, they want to make it all-electric, I asked, “How is it?” He said, ‘It’s a problem, sir, they want us to make all electric boats, the problem is, the boat is so heavy, it can’t float.’ I said, ‘that sounds like a problem.’ He said, ‘also it can’t go fast because of the weight, and they want to now have a 50 mile or 70 mile radius, you have to go out 70 miles before you can really start the boat up, and you go out at two knots, that’s essentially almost like two miles an hour.’ I said, ‘How long does it take you to get out there?’ He said, ‘many hours, and then you’re allowed to go around for ten minutes, and then you have to come back, because the battery only lasts a very short period of time.’ So I said, ‘let me ask you a question,’ and he said, ‘nobody has ever asked this question,’ and it must because of MIT, my relationship to MIT. ‘Very smart,’ he goes. I say, ‘What would happen if the boat sank from its weight, and you’re in the boat, and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery’s now under water, and there’s a shark that’s approximately 10 yards over there — by the way, a lot of shark attacks lately, do you notice that? Lotta shark attacks — I watched some guys justifying it today, ‘well they weren’t really that angry, they bit off the young lady’s leg because of the fact that they were, they were … not hungry but they misunderstood who she was.’ These people are crazy.’ He said, ‘there’s no problem with sharks, they just didn’t really understand a young woman swimming,’ No, really got decimated and other people too, a lot of shark attacks, so I said, ‘there’s a shark 10 yards away from the boat, 10 yards, or here. Do I get electrocuted if the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking? Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted?’ Because I will tell you, he didn’t know the answer, he said, ‘you know, nobody’s ever asked me that question.’ I said, ‘I think it’s a good question. I think there’s a lot of electric current coming through that water.’ But you know what I’d do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted? I’ll take electrocution every single time. I’m not getting near the shark. So we’re going to end that, we’re going to end it for boats, we’re going to end it for trucks.

Trump’s hand-picked judge threw out his stolen documents case. Link
2 inches to the Right would have been a boon for the Left!
President Joe Biden tested positive for Covid-19 on Wednesday, shortly after saying he would consider dropping his controversial reelection bid if presented with a “medical condition.”
Project 2025. If these holy roller jerkoffs get control, Orwell’s Big Brother is right behind them…..greased up for action! Link
Anyone else notice a huge difference? There was an assassination attempt on Nancy Pelosis life awhile back. The killer broke into her house looking to kidnap her but found her husband and beat him with a hammer. The Trump Cult blamed it on Paul Pelosi being attacked by a gay group. Why are they not blaming one of the groups Trump has attacked for the assassination attempt. They treat Trump like a Messiah. The Proud boys vowed revenge on Trump for abandoning them yet Trumpers will blame anyone but them. The person that tried to kill Trump was an registered Republican and was considered a very Conservative gun guy. He did send a $15 contribution to a Democratic group but then changed to the Republican party.


Friday, July 12, 2024
President Biden is so good at reading teleprompters, why can’t he read the writing that’s on the wall? I am a Democrat but if does not step aside, sadly I will switch teams.
Joe Biden beats out brussels sprouts for America’s least favorite vegetable.
A man is walking through his local mall and notices a Mexican book store. He decides to go in because he has never seen a Mexican book store before. He browses through the store and finally asks the clerk, “Do you have the book on Donald Trump’s foreign policies with Mexico?”
The clerk replies, “F*ck you, get out, stay out!” The man replies, “Yeah, that’s the one!”


Friday, July 5, 2024
Today marked a positive day for democracy and America. The ongoing efforts to prosecute and incarcerate a former president have been characterized as malicious and baseless, driven by political motivations of Biden following the last presidential election. Recent court rulings have dismissed attempts to block the popular wonderful former president from potentially returning to the Oval Office this November, signaling confidence in their eventual defeat.
A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself within” –Will Durant, 1944
Biden’s undeniably poor showing does not necessarily a Trump triumph make. The Republican may have ended his night as the clear beneficiary of the president’s struggles, but was it a knockout or simply a win by forfeit?
Biden slams Supreme Court immunity ruling. President Joe Biden late Monday sharply criticized the Supreme Court’s 6-3 ruling granting Donald Trump and other former presidents broad immunity for “official acts during his tenure in office.” In a brief White House address, Biden said the court’s conservative majority invented a “dangerous” and “fundamentally new principle” that leaves “virtually no limits on what the president can do.”
Conservatives are mostly un-American because they are against the state and social workers, police, elections, legal system and anyone in government who wants to help us. Anything traditionally American they hate.
If Trump or Harris weren’t the default candidates, Biden would be removed.  The alternative to him is awful.
Yeah, sure, Biden was having an off day during the debate, but what if the USA came under attack, then? Would he say he was tired and his response would have to wait until he was rested?
The Definition of Strength’: Rep. Wesley Hunt recounts President Trump’s legendary power move in face-to-face meeting with Taliban heads. Link


Friday, June 28, 2024
Biden looked like a hospice patient who lost his way on the way to the bathroom. ~NY Times
Are us Democrats going to keep pretending that Biden is all there?
Thursday’s debate had the deranged versus the senile. We’re in trouble if this is all we got.
Surgeon General Vivek Murthy declared gun violence an “urgent public health crisis” on Tuesday. Biden never even mentioned it in the debate.
I’m really disappointed in the Trump Party. After years and years of telling us how gun free zones are a travesty and against everything American and an example of woke taking over,  they have BANNED GUNS at their Republican convention. I don’t understand why. Everyday they preach the more guns means the safer we are. Why are they disregarding Americans safety at the convention?
If Trump, a convicted felon, can still run for President shouldn’t every job application remove the question ‘do you have a felony’ be removed? No one should be disqualified from any job if they have been convicted of a felony.
Republicans lying to themselves. “Motivated ignorance refers to willfully blinding oneself to facts. It’s choosing not to know. In many cases, for many people, knowing the truth is simply too costly, too psychologically painful, too threatening to their core identity. People actively decide to remain in a state of ignorance. If they are presented with strong arguments against a position they hold, or compelling evidence that disproves the narrative they embrace, they will reject them. Doing so fends off the psychological distress of the realization that they’ve been lying to themselves and to others.”
Biden led the country out of the mess Trump left him with. Trump couldn’t even spell Covid.
Trump told everyone he had 107,000 people at his rally in Wildwood N.J. There wasn’t even 107,000 in that city that day according to city officials. That’s awesome. He doesn’t lie, does he?
debate: Trump only had immigration, all the rest were lies. His immigration comments were mostly lies too.
Weekly conspiracy theory update: So last week I read the informative article on the Avocado Cartel. But what I want to know is why is no one talking about the Orange juice Cartel? With orange juice at nearly $34 a gallon and the Orange juice cartel’s meat puppet/mouth piece Ron DeSatan saying that there’s no such thing as climate change. And the media saying that it’s climate change and destructive invasive insects. You gotta wonder what’s going on here?
Delegates at July’s Republican National Convention in Milwaukee will be allowed to carry AR-15 rifles inside the event’s security zone, but not tennis balls. Under Wisconsin law, cities can’t enact restrictions on firearms that go beyond state regulations, so most guns will be allowed at the RNC. Alderman Scott Spiker notes that canned goods will be prohibited because they could be thrown, but “nothing is a more dangerous projectile than a bullet.”
The Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected an effort by Republican-led states to prevent the federal government from contacting social media companies to flag misinformation
White House asks migrants t0 hold off on raping and murdering any more Americans until after election.
Trump demanding a drug test for Biden. Biden should demand a lie detector test for Trump!
Every drug Biden is tested for should allow a lie detector tester to ask Trump a question. I have a feeling Biden would definitely come out the top dog.
An explosion of blatant antisemitism by anti-Israel protesters” is alarming Jewish Americans, said Carl Campanile in the New York Post. In New York City, a pro-Palestinian mob recently gathered outside an exhibit memorializing the Jewish victims savagely murdered by Hamas at a music festival on Oct. 7. The protesters lit flares, chanted “Long live the Intifada,” and held a banner reading “Long Live October 7.” Last week, vandals defaced with red paint the home of Anne Pasternak, the Jewish president of the Brooklyn Museum, scrawling “White Supremacist Zionist” and inverse triangles, which are used by Hamas to identify Israeli targets. In another New York City incident, protesters with faces obscured by kaffiyehs and face masks boarded a subway car and demanded all “Zionists” raise their hands, warning, “This is your chance to get out.” For many Jews, the “overt displays of hate” carried “uncomfortable echoes of Germany in the 1930s.”


Friday, June 21, 2024
I’ve noticed that recently Fox News on the internet, which I read on my cellphone has become discriminatory with who is able to read their better and more hitting stories. Now ONLY people who have joined the Fox News network can read the stories. On general principles I refuse to cave in to their WOKE NONSENSE. If they won’t let me read their stories f**k them, I’ll just get my information somewhere else. Does anyone think that this new practice is discriminatory, possibly ammunition for a class action lawsuit?
Last night I was watching a movie about zombies and it brought back memories of sleepy jo biden being helped off the stage lately by barak obama among with numerous others, jill biden, the new Italian prime minister, numerous military personnel. Would you rather have a supposedly felon running our country or a zombie being controlled by O and soros?
Trump demands Biden take a cognitive function test. Then he confused the name of the doctor that gave him his. That’s  awesome!
A felon cannot have a gun, but can run for President.
The New Fox News WOKE plan to make everyone comply to their new plan. It’s supposed to be an over the air broadcast available to everyone, but now it’s restricted to only people who comply with their NEW WOKE policies. Is this discrimination? Is it a violation of FCC REGULATIONS?
Idiot watch. Trump picks running mate. Video
Trump-eating shark. Calling his longstanding fear of being devoured by them “delusional thinking at its saddest,” the world’s sharks issued a statement on Tuesday disavowing “any interest whatsoever” in eating Donald J. Trump.
“Given his constant intake of Diet Coke and hamburgers, there is nothing to indicate that Trump would be anything resembling a nutritious meal,” the sharks’ statement read. “The very thought of biting into him is nauseating.”
The sharks said that Trump’s anxiety about being eaten by them demonstrates “an inflated sense of his appeal, to say the least.”
“We thought the same thing when Robert F. Kennedy Jr. claimed he was eaten by a worm,” the sharks wrote. “Why do these narcissists think they’re so delicious?”
In perhaps their most withering comment, the sharks concluded, “We might consider eating Trump if the only other thing on the menu was Steve Bannon.”
Trump Jr. has his tighty whities in a knot again. He is crying about Chuck Schumer for having a holiday picture of him grilling a raw hamburger with a piece of cheese on it. Meanwhile his daddy is known to put ketchup on a steak like a 4 year old. Maybe sit this one out Jr. your silver spoon is showing when you turn around.


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Friday, June 14, 2024
Trump is a monster. Without truth a person is a monster. The truth will set you free.
Hunter Biden found guilty on gun charges. Link
Trump isn’t running to lead America. He’s running for revenge and to pardon his own crimes. His constant crying and attacks against his own past administration members and current party members is a disgrace. The sooner he’s gone the better.
What Trump Thinks | Biden-Harris 2024. Video
They say revenge is a dish best served cold, but that has never been Donald Trump’s style. The Republican presidential candidate has been making fiery-hot threats and promises to pay back his political enemies in the event of reelection in November. Trump’s recent guilty verdict in the Manhattan hush-money trial has only poured gasoline on the flames of his ire. And he will not have to do it alone. Plenty of Trump allies and fellow conservatives are on board with the plan to target and prosecute President Joe Biden and other Democrats who have been critical of the former president.
While President Biden is meeting heads of states Trump is meeting with his probation officer and still spouting the big lie.
I love that.
Biden at G7 world leader conference being corralled by Italian prime minister as he meanders away. Lord help us.
Donald Trump returned to Capitol Hill on Thursday for the first time since his supporters stormed Congress on Jan. 6, 2021. Trump met separately with House and Senate Republicans, in what The Associated Press called a “triumphant return” to a Washington “successfully purged” of his GOP critics.
The meetings were supposed to highlight GOP unity under Trump’s leadership, but “much of the focus was instead on stray comments he made,” “Perhaps most striking,” Trump disparaged Milwaukee, “site of the Republican National Convention in July.” Milwaukee “is a horrible city,” he said.


Friday, June 7, 2024
Donald Trump’s threats to lock up his political rivals have only gotten louder and more explicit since he was convicted of 34 felonies in New York courts.
Call For Violence. Post-Trump verdict, will the American right finally wake up? If we want to get back to “neutrality,” it’s going to first take bloodying up some noses. Link
Free pass to USA! 6.4 million illegals into USA. Now legislation to slow down numbers. Too little, too late.
Duh, election time?
Trump can’t move his lips without lying! Do all his supporters not care about truth and longer?
Election interference is getting out of hand. The politicized court system is out of control. For the last 5 years The Trump party have been going after Hunter Biden for no reason other than to hurt his father. He did have an illegal gun but in the past thousands and thousands of private citizens have simply received slaps on the wrist. The 2 judges overseeing his case were appointed by Trump. That speaks volumes of the extent Trump’s cult attacking the Biden family has gone too. I look forward to hearing the Trump party go on the record proclaiming the half a decade long attacks against Hunter is nothing more than election interference. We all know it.
Donald Trump’s 34 felony convictions continue to make the front pages of Monday’s newspapers. Historians tell USA Today that “Trump’s conviction has landmark impact on U.S. history,” while The Wall Street Journal says “Trump, GOP fuel attacks on justice system” after the verdict. “If a president is a felon, who can stop him?” The New York Times asks in a front-page analysis, explaining that America’s king-averse “founders saw peril of unchecked power.” The Times also offers a local angle on the convictions: “Once a creature of New York, Trump has become its pariah.”
Biden’s order will “let him seal off the border” during “surges of asylum seekers,” a provision that “mirrors a failed bill” Republicans abandoned at Donald Trump’s urging.
Weidong “Bill” Guan, chief financial officer of the right-wing Epoch Times news organization, was arrested and charged with “participating in a transnational scheme to launder at least approximately $67 million of illegally obtained funds,” the Justice Department said Monday. Guan, 61, pleaded not guilty.
Latinos’ rightward shift. A steep rise in the number of Latinos who identify as Republican. In 2016, Hispanic Americans were 36 percentage points more likely to say they were Democrats than Republicans. That gap narrowed to 28 points in 2020 and to 12 points in 2023.
His lie-of-the-week. Trump world is aflame with a “patently absurd” claim of a deep state conspiracy to assassinate Donald Trump.
If there is one takeaway from Trumps conviction it is that America’s justice system works. After weeks of deliberations and personal  attacks and insults against Judges, attorneys, a President that had zero to do with it, 12 jurors that were selected by the defense AND the prosecution passed a judgement that  was rendered. You can’t get any more American than that.
Enough is enough. We were told on Memorial Day, a day we should be respectful to our fallen sons and daughters, that we are nothing but a nation of scumbags. That was from a former President–Trump.
How sad. America has just proven we are better than the least of us.
At least Trump and the right are admitting their love of all things Nazi. From the head of America’s white supremist organizations announcing their endorsement of Trump we now have Trump stating he is ” Unifying the Reich”. His words no one elses. He’s not even trying to hide his love of the 3rd Reich anymore
GOP group blasts Trump as “convicted felon” in Philadelphia billboards. Link
The Borowitz Report held a contest for the best Trump haiku. I believe this haiku deserved to win:
I write the best haikus
You’ve never seen anything like these
Counting syllables is for losers
Last week in South Dakota, the executive council of the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe voted to ban Republican Gov. Kristi Noem from their territory following a series of provocative statements. Noem alleged that some tribes work with Mexican drug cartels on South Dakota reservations and that Indigenous children “have no hope.”
Well, how that the “Armor” on the Rust film was sentenced to 18 months in jail for failing to confirm that there was No Live ammo on the set.  BUT, nothing happens to Alex Baldwin, who Claims that he didn’t “pull the trigger “, but it just happened that the gun went off all by itself, it was in his hand when HE KILLED the camera person. So now what?? But he’s A Special person and a democrat so he gets a pass. Only in the democratic country of democrats.
The Biden administration announced another round of student loan cancellations for an additional $7.7 billion in student loans for 160,000 Americans in its “ongoing efforts to relieve soaring college debt,” said CNN. The latest loan cancellations bring the total to 4.75 million people granted debt forgiveness, relieving an average of over $35,000, the White House said.
The number of Republicans who believe a felon should be allowed to be president jumped 41 points after the May 31 conviction of Donald Trump, according to a new YouGov poll. The poll found that 58% of Republicans asked in June believe a felon should be allowed to be president, compared to just 17% who felt that way in April.
Jail. Steve Bannon was convicted in July 2022 for “stonewalling a subpoena from the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol,” Politico said. Bannon’s initial sentence was paused while he appealed, but he “lost the first round of that challenge” last month, The New York Times said, prompting the order from Nichols, a Trump appointee.
Condom Bill fails. The legislation, which would establish a nationwide right to “obtain contraceptives and to voluntarily engage in contraception,” and for health care providers to distribute birth control. The Republicans killed it.
Trump found guilty by 12 regular citizens on the jury that Trump lawyers could have removed if they didn’t like them. The judge bent over backwards to accommodate Trump’s antics and not lock him up. Now the lies will continue… Truth would destroy him.
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito said Wednesday he won’t sit out two cases involving the Jan. 6 Capitol riots, telling Democratic lawmakers demanding his recusal that his wife bore full responsibility for publicly displaying a pair of flags associated with the “Stop the Steal” movement that fueled the insurrection.


Friday, May 31, 2024

Trump is against everything American, our courts, our elections, Constitution, police. He never says one good thing about America. The only people he speaks well of are Putin and Kim Il.
Trump has finished a late meeting with the House leadership who still refuse to fund his wall. Frustrated, he decides to go for a walk while he works out how to deal with the problem. He walks to the Washington monument. He looks at it and says “what would you do, George? “a ghostly voice says, ”Go to Congress and ask for a separate bill for the wall so the government can operate “. Trump shakes his head, “the Senate would pass it but not the house, so I can’t do that.“
Then he walks to the Jefferson memorial. He asks the same question. Jefferson ‘s ghost says, ”Ignore Congress, go to the people, they have the power to demand funding for the wall.” Trump shakes his head. “I can’t do that, they voted this house in, and I didn’t even win by the popular vote, only by the electoral college.”
Depressed, fed up and despairing he arrives at the Lincoln Memorial. Before he can ask the question, Lincoln stands up and points to the Kennedy Center, “go to the theatre!”
MAGA takeover “With Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito aged 74 and 76 respectively, the six Federalist Society justices know that a second Trump term would enable them to pass on their seats to equally MAGA justices, sealing their legacy on SCOTUS for a generation. If even one of the Democratic appointees had a health or other issue leading to an empty seat, Trump could make nominations that add up to a 7-2 Federalist Society majority, with John Roberts the only one over 60 years old. To that, add the additional hundreds of other Trump appointments to federal district and appeals courts, which would enshrine the new ‘the law is what we say it is’ jurisprudence.”
Just like that, the Trumpers after trying to steal a fair election and highly praised the insurrectionists that attacked America’s Capitol to overthrow a fair election with fraudulent electors slates and attackers injuring law enforcement officers doesn’t want protests around their convention. All the talk of the Insurrectionists freedom to protest on the property of America’s Capitol has gone by the wayside.
I have $1,000 that says if any protesters get arrested the former President and his self-proclaimed Reich won’t consider them hostages at all and praise their very same rights. The MAGA Cult is only a one way street leading to a dead end.

GUILTY. All counts, WHOOPIE!

The Libertarian Party chose activist Chase Oliver as its presidential nominee after a weekend convention that featured a poorly received speech by Donald Trump and a less-contentious appearance by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
“We’re trying to be gentlemen in this world, the Democrats. You are gangsters. You are gangsters!” Actor Robert De Niro clashing with pro-Trump protestors outside of the Manhattan courthouse where the former president’s hush money trial is being held.
Trump on Memorial day, “Happy Memorial Day to the human scum”. What an inspiring thought from a man who wants to be America’s leader.
Trump probably says: “If they can arrest me for falsifying records, they can get you too for falsifying records or committing crimes. No crook is safe under Biden.

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Friday, May 24, 2024
Electoral turmoil. “If Biden holds off Trump in the Rust Belt while losing Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada and all other states vote the way they did in 2020, the president will prevail [in the Electoral College] by a margin of…273-265. How do you think a country in which half the voters have already been driven to the brink of authoritarian madness with propaganda about rigged elections will react to an outcome that tight? It gets worse. If Trump loses the election narrowly, it’s a cinch that the president’s margins in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin will be extremely tight. We may all get to relive the ‘hanging chads’ insanity of Florida 2000 in November, except this time it could play out across three states instead of one.”
OK. Let’s be fair. Trump is demanding Biden take a drug test for the debates. Biden should demand Trump takes a lie detector test and asked if he had sex with Stormy and tried to pay her off before the election. He denies having sex with her at all.
That’s fair. I’m an Independent and would like both answered.
Friday’s correction of the slime thrown at Sherri Hodies by From the Right Guy is another example of Republicans trashing the truth. They think they can just trash anyone if they think it gains them power. Remember it was Republicans who invented the excuse: “alternate truth” to bury their lies.
THANKS FOR PUBLISHING FTR’S RUMINATIONS AGAIN.  THIS THING WITH THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE IS IMPORTANT FOR THE COMMUNITY.  PERSONALLY I’VE LONG SUPPORTED JOYCE.  SHE IS A DEMOCRAT, SHE IS AN EXCEPTIONALLY COMPETENT AND HONEST PERSON, IT’S A SHAME SHE ISN’T RUNNING AGAIN.   MS. HODIE FLAT OUT LIED WHEN SHE CLAIMED TO HAVE BEEN EMPLOYED BY JOYCE….IT’S REPORTED THAT JOYCE SENT HER AN E MAIL DEMANDING A RETRACTION…THEN HODIE, IN A SPEECH DID ACTUALLY RETRACT THE CLAIM.  I PERSONALLY HAVE NOT YET SEEN THE EMAIL OR THE EXISTING VIDEO OF THE SPEECH SO I HAVE NOT YET MENTIONED IT.   ANYWAY HERE’S MORE….I HOPE THAT YOU SEE FIT TO PUBLISH IT.  THANKS.                                                The rejoinder to FTR’s Fridays comments concerning Sheri Hodie, Republican Candidate for Supervisor of Elections was interesting, but fell far short of the mark.  The issue of whether or not Ms. Hodie has baccalaureate  and masters degrees can be laid to rest simply by publishing the identity of the issuing institution(s), and the actual discipline of the degree, i.e. “Batchelor of Science”, “Master of Business Administration.”  Ms. Hodie should do this so that interested voters can verify her claims.  But she has not!
Ms. Hodie claims to have been employed in an “administrative position” by a major employer.  Personally I’d like to know what that role was, was she the person who delivers the office mail,  was she a secretary, or did she formulate budgets, personally manage a large staff, formulate business plans, and so on.  Ms. Hodie’s claim to have have been employed by the current Supervisor of Elections has been questioned.  Accordingly Ms. Hodie should tell the voters what her role in the office, if any, was.  Was she simply a volunteer poll worker, or was she actual permanent staff, and if so in what capacity?  These are all questions that she should answer and voters consider.  Ms Hodie should tell us what her qualifications really are……but she has not.
However murky her past may be, there is one issue concerning Ms. Hodie that is crystal clear., Ms. Hodie is NOT a registered paralegal in Florida.  The record is there for you check for yourself on the web.  Why would a person spend the money and effort to earn a “paralegal certificate” from a prestigious university, and then not register as such with the state.  Would an aspiring pilot spend the money, effort, and time, ultimately having the skills and knowledge necessary to be fully prepared to become a licensed pilot, and then not secure a pilots license?
It’s reported that the current Supervisor of Elections has denied that Ms. Hodie was an employee of that office.  Why?
Then there is the most mysterious facet of this all, why did the Republican Executive Committee endorse Ms. Hodies candidacy in violation of it’s long standing rules and practices?   You just gotta wonder.
We the PEOPLE also have a RIGHT to hear the Hur-biden tape. We are the PEOPLE. We Fund the government. They are there to do the OUR bidding. We should start a CLASS ACTION SUIT to allow ALL THE PEOPLE to hear biden’s interview with Hur so that we will have a better understanding of what jo biden is all about when WE THE PEOPLE. go to the polls in November. And don’t accept the Bul• Shi• executive privilege COVER UP  jo biden is quivering in his nickers as to how he came out during the interview. And he doesn’t want it to come out.
Democratic town furious over migrant shelter opening in neighborhood (yahoo.com) When the bleeding heart dildos make your town take in this trash, only then will you realize this is nothing but an invasion and destruction of your countries freedoms and rights! Wake up Americans and close the freaking borders AFTER you throw out the sissies and religious nuts who are behind this disgrace!  When they make you open YOUR HOUSE to  these useless eaters, then you will wake up, if you live through it!

Contact Us Don’t tell me you don’t have anything to say! No one knows who you are.

Friday, May 17, 2024
100%: The percentage by which President Joe Biden is raising tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles. This is a quadruple increase from the 25% tariff currently imposed on EVs from China. The increase is part of an overall tariff bump on $18 billion for Chinese exports in various industries.
This continued incorrect usage of the term Transgender Women is just another distraction being used by the Progressive Democrats to cover up the destruction of our constitutional republic. These Mentally defective MEN pretending to be women just needs to be labeled as such. When push comes to shove if a person is Claiming to be a transgendered Woman. just tell IT   To DROP TROUSERS. The answer will be Swinging in the Breeze (pun intended).
Great. The Presidential debates have been decided. Only 3 questions need asking.
1. Do you accept the results of the last election?
2. Do you think the people that stormed America’s Capitol on Jan. 6th are Patriots or Prisoners?
3. Should the amount of money being poured into political campaigns be capped?
I can make my decision from those 3 answers.
NO SHADE, NO WATER, NO BREAKS. Just in time for the summer heat. Thanks Republican leaders in Florida. It’s why you were put in office, to screw America’s workforce at every chance.
Border trouble. President Biden has refused to mitigate what may prove to be the worst threat to his re-election. Stunningly, he has taken no discernible action to stabilize the southern border, though immigration is the most important issue to voters. The number of border crossings is unprecedented, and Chinese migrants are the fastest-growing group attempting entry to the U.S. It is not partisan to call this a national security threat. It is also not enough to say there was a great bipartisan bill to fix the border and Trump killed it. Most Americans know Biden hasn’t acted to fix the problem. Biden cannot just wish this away.

Biden’s Team Training for the Olympics.

Is Marjorie Taylor Greene finished? Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), an ardent supporter of Donald Trump, tried to oust House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) last week for allowing the approval of fresh aid for Ukraine. She failed, with Democrats joining most Republicans to defeat the motion to vacate in a lopsided 359-43 vote.
Many of Greene’s GOP colleagues booed her in what Newsweek described as a sign she has “lost Republicans.” Trump warned that Greene’s effort was stirring “chaos” at the wrong time. Greene has gone from the far-right fringes of the GOP caucus to a position of considerable influence as a voice of the MAGA faithful, but did she go too far this time?
The Republican party in Monroe has changed since I left. Before I left we were basically very minor players, but we had dear friends who were the Brass.  Time has moved on and the new Brass doesn’t seem to have much respect for rules.


Friday, May 10, 2024
Ho ho, I prepared and finished today’s Politics page and the computer ate it. It’s 2pm and I still can’t reconstruct it. Please tune in next Friday for some new stuff.


Friday, May 3, 2024
Afroman – Hunter Got High (Official Video)
Trump rarity: Verbal blasts may backfire. Former President Donald Trump is headed back for another week in court, and his “trial is hardly the trail,” The Washington Post says on Monday’s front page. Being tried for allegedly defrauding voters by paying off a porn star before the 2016 election is “disrupting his campaign plans.” The trial has also produced something of a “Trump rarity,” The New York Times says: His “verbal blasts may backfire” in an arena where “what is true — or at least what can be proven” — matters, and the defendant has long “treated his own words as disposable commodities, intended for single use, and not necessarily indicative of any deeply held beliefs.”
Loonies. Trump wants to monitor all pregnant woman to make sure they don’t get an abortion.
I don’t drink much but a few days ago I stopped in for a cold one. There was an old man at the end of the bar rambling, and I could hear him saying, ” We have languages coming into our country….  we don’t have 1 instructor in our entire nation that can speak that language.. .these are languages.. it’s the craziest thing…they have languages that nobody has ever heard of”. The old guy then went on to say ” I AM YOUR RETRIBUTION”
At that point I had no choice but to call the bartender and tell him ” Get Mr. Trump another drink on me I have to hear more.
Hunter Biden threatened to sue FOX unless they removed the 6 part series of lies about the President’s son. FOX removed the series because they knew it was full of lies.
If a Trump supporter says they want you to back up something you said with facts, they’re lying. They want you to waste your time on an explanation they will neither consider nor accept. If they liked facts, they wouldn’t be Trump supporters.
This is interesting. A poster told us Biden’s responsible and was wrong to ban oil drilling in Alaska. Made a pretty big deal about it. Yet the same poster failed to mention Trump banned drilling off the Florida coast, Georgia and South Carolina. Not a peep pointing that out. Was the poster unaware of Trump’s banning of American drilling?
By the way America is now again the world’s leading energy producer and producing more energy than anytime in American history. That is something to crow about! The Right hates that.
[Gag Order] The judge is afraid of Trump because he knows Trump is just daring the judge to lock him up. Trump is making a mockery of our legal system. There are two legal systems. One for the rich and powerful and the other for us. If one of us flaunted the legal system as Trump does, we’d be in jail.
Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, warned Fox News that he plans to take legal action “imminently” against the network for its coverage of him, according to an April 23 letter made public Monday.
Fox News is perpetrating a “conspiracy and subsequent actions to defame Mr. Biden and paint him in a false light,” Biden’s lawyers wrote. And “while routinely defaming and disparaging” him, Fox violated multiple “revenge porn” laws and “sought to profit by the unlawful exploitation” of Biden’s “image, name and likeness for commercial purposes and reprehensible dissemination of salacious photographs.”
I wonder how history will treat Trump supporters’ hanging on his every lie and hyperbolic statement. No matter how absurd a thing is they believe him.
Puppy Breaks Into Kristi Noem’s Official Residence and Craps on Rug. In an incident under investigation by state police, a puppy of indeterminate breed obtained access to Gov. Kristi Noem’s official residence Sunday night and pooped on the entryway carpet. A police spokesman said that the act of canine vandalism is believed to be “political in nature.” At a hastily called press conference, a visibly rattled Noem called the puppy’s actions “a result of Joe Biden’s failed policies at the border.”
“Bad puppies are swarming into our country, breaking into our homes, and committing unspeakable crimes,” she said.
But, in a worrisome development for Noem, a new poll shows South Dakota’s voters favoring the puppy over her by a two-to-one margin.
This was  after she wrote in a new book about killing a rambunctious puppy some years ago. Link
Wow, times sure have changed. Now we have Trump with his chaos, vengeance, lies, crimes and hate. Remember when Obama was running? The biggest thing against him was his choice of religious ministers in Chicago.


Friday, April 26, 2024
Well, the results are in. The first year of DeSantis labor policies are costing Florida’s economy to lose over $12.6 billion dollars.
My question is why are farmers and construction labor positions not being filled? Are American workers lazy? We complain about workers taking American jobs but while berries are rotting in the fields and Construction projects are falling farther behind these jobs are open. These jobs should have lines of Americans looking to fill them.
Fact is you can’t steal a person’s job unless they are working at it first. Let’s go folks get off you arses and get out there and work. Drink your water before you hit the job sites because water breaks are not required by labor laws anymore. Family farms/businesses goods are rotting in the strawberry fields while looking for dependable hard working American workers. Make American farms/construction workers great again. Soon berries will be an expensive luxury.
Undocumented workers are not stealing your jobs anymore. No wonder Mar A Largo had to hire so many Undocumented workers to keep it running.
GOP Looney Turning Point USA head and MAGA influencer Charlie Kirk claimed that the use of birth-control pills “really screws up female brains,” leading to “very angry and bitter young ladies” who vent their resentment by voting for “the Democrat Party.”
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (“CREW”) respectfully requests that the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Public Integrity Section investigate whether former President Donald J. Trump knowingly and willfully made material false statements in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001(a)(2) by reporting more than $50 million owed to one of his own companies. Link
Better than SNL skits.
Trump voters: “This is horrible I had to pay $6.00 for a hamburger and I blame Joe Biden for that.”
Same Trump voter on payday: “I have to buy a pair of those $400 gold tennis shoes and get me $500 worth of Trump bucks that are non-negotiable. Oh, look, Trump trading cards only $99 each.”
Biden, it was you! It was not Donald Trump who made the terrible mistakes listed below. It was you, President Biden, you alone! Op-ed. Link
Trump hates the military and their families until he needs their votes. We have all known that for years. He even tried to attack Nikki Haleys husband who was serving this country in Africa. Asking ” where’s her husband and he’s gone, he’s staying away”? When did serving your country become something a former President feels is worthy of insults? Sad, but then again it’s not really surprising coming from the extreme right.

Christians have been warning about the Antichrist for 2000 years. So when he finally shows, they vote for him.
So, I hear that high schools are going to have three bathrooms, Men, Women, and Democrats.
More GOP Loonies:  Tennessee’s state senate passed a bill to tackle the nonexistent scourge of “vaccine lettuce.” GOP state Sen. Frank Niceley said scientists were secretly plotting to “mass medicate” the population “like they do with fluoride in the water.”
Russian Who Bankrolled Trump’s Truth Social Set Up. Russian banker—who reportedly has family links to the Kremlin—was key backer of Donald Trump’s Truth Social. But that wasn’t his only controversial project. Link

Trump Realty. So the free-thinking Right is now letting others tell them where it’s safe to live. What a bunch of thin-skinned snowflakes. And I can pretty much guarantee that they are not sending their best.

How come Trump supporters seldom make sense in their rebuttals and never state facts that can be verified? They seldom defend their position and only insult and complain.


Friday, April 19, 2024
It was also reporter today that biden’s uncle was eaten by cannibals, but I digress,   biden’s energy secretary Granholm Claimed that he’s obsessed with lowering gas prices even after the cost of gas has gone up over the past week by at  least $.35. So why is he selling off the strategic oil reserves?? And btw when has Jo biden been Obsessed with anything other then showering with his daughter and sniffing young girls hair
Extortion: The act of being a former President that demands of you giving 5% of YOUR CAMPAIGN MONEY to anyone that mentions your name or likeness in any form. Gotta love folks that whine about a fast-food sandwich costing them $1 more when they’re on their way to buy a $9,000 pair of gold tennis shoes.
To the poster of “No successful Socialist country”. Civics is taught in Illinois and a required class to pass in order to graduate high school.
Trump Cronies:  5 in jail, 13 indited. “First method of estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.”  ~Sun Tzu
HYPOCRITES: Amount in PPP Loans Forgiven
Matt Gaetz (R-FL) – $476,000
Marjorie Taylor Greene – $183,504
Greg Pence (R-IN) – $79,441
Vern Buchanan (R-FL) – $2,800,000
Kevin Hern (R-OK) – $1,070,000
Roger Williams (R-TX) – $1,430,000
Brett Guthrie (R-KY) – $4,300,000
Ralph Norman (R-SC) $306,250
Ralph Abraham (R-AL) – $38,000
Mike Kelly (R-PA) – $974,100
Vicki Hartzler (R-MO) – $451,200
Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) – $988,700
Carol Miller (R-WV) – $3,100,000
On Friday a CT’er wrote in praise of several Nordic nations claiming that they and China had “successful” socialist governments.  As to China,  may I remind all my Deer Friends that China is a dictatorship.  As was Nazi Germany and Mussolini’s Italy…and both were socialist governments.   Socialism rules (by a dictator) in Cuba and North Korea as well.  As to the Nordic nations the CT’er is simply wrong.  I suggest that you take the time to read the following: Link
A poster in last Friday’s Political section claimed that Alex Baldwin will get no jail time because he is a Democrat. What a stretch even for such a narrow mind. This is truly a sick society filled with uneducated, sick minds.
Trump Is Still Paying Hush Money—to His Loyal Bean-Counter. Allen Weisselberg is collecting $2 million while he stews at Rikers. Link
Are you a Democrat, a Republican, or a Southerner? Link

Those on the Looney Right who want a civil war forgot what it’s like to be an American.


Friday, April 14, 2024
The Republican Looney Toons said the US forced Russia into attacking Ukraine. GOP extremist repeating Russian lies on House floor.
19/04/1776 and 05/11/2024 are both important dates in the history of America. The first date was the “Shot Heard Throughout the World” — Americas violent beginning. And look what was accomplished. Moving on to the second date, 4 November 2024 Election Day, the day that we the people decide whether we continue to be Americans or choose to go with the Socialist government.  We are aware of what we got from the previous generations, but we have no idea of what the future will look like. Just look at previous failures with Socialism. Not one is an overwhelming success. The question I ask all of you is what kind of country do you want your children and grandchildren to live in?? A Shithole like Ethiopia, Venezuela or Guatemala or someplace like the America we all grew up in??? Your choice but remember voting has consequences. Choose Wisely
Ex prez, like him or hate him.  On trial for paying off a hooker.  Chief witness convicted liar lawyer, disbarred, and the hooker.
Other side of the aisle, sitting president and scum son.  No charges.
Don’t worry, I’ll only be a dictator for one day.” “No choice but to lock up opponents.“  -Trump
Leading Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene believes the Eclipse was God’s way of telling us he’s sending a message to Americans to repent. God’s way of saying Bidens evil. Anyone want to tell her during Trumps very first year there was an Eclipse and Trump was seen staring at it from his balcony with no eye protection. Maybe she was right,  God was maybe telling us something.
Deer friends, on Friday a CT’er woofed about the March Jobs Situation report published by the BLS, that told us that 300k jobs were added in March.  That person thought that that news was peachy keen.   It wasn’t. First, the top two categories of jobs added were in health care and government.  I remind you that neither of those adds a damn thing to our economy.  The third category reported was “manufacturing”. I hope that you’re wondering how many new manufacturing jobs were added.  After all, adding those types of jobs is what has historically made the USA the premier nation on this globe.  Well Deer Friend, -0- manufacturing jobs were added in March of 2024.   Ain’t that just spiffy as hell?   Yessir, those protesters in Michigan that are crying out for “Death To America” just might be getting their wish the way things are going now. Link
Have you noticed when trying to figure out where your package is you automatically go to the USPS tracking system? And all you get is information that your package has arrived at “The Next carrier facility”. And so on to the next carrier facilities. Never actually informing you where the package is. WTF is this. Sounds like the democrats explaining that they don’t have a clue as to where your package is.
Trump says he will jail anyone who has illegals in their house or working in their business.
Wasn’t there a group of illegals caught working at Mar A Lago?
Yep. I’m sure his case is somehow different. Trump lives there and works there.
The Trump crime family so far has seen 13 Trump associates convicted of a crime and 7 even went to jail. They accuse Biden and his son of crimes, but don’t have any evidence. But on the other hand, Trump continues to incriminate himself with proof of his crimes. There are audio recordings and video recordings and witnesses of his crimes. What more do you want? Lock him up!


Friday, April 5, 2024
Trump has said he wants to jail the members of the Jan 6th insurrection committee and free the people that tried to overthrow America’s government and were fairly charged and held accountable?
R.I.P. the Republican party.
Zieg Hiel mein Traitors.
Just when you think Trump can’t get any weirder … he launches his own version of the Bible. Link
GO WOKE,  GO BROKE = Rudy Guiliani and Mike – the my pillow guy – say hold our beers.
The Birdfeeder Allegory, An Example of Viral Disinformation. As we become more and more absolute in our convictions, more and more polarized from and stigmatized by the other half of society, we no longer have minds that are open to facts. Link
The White House celebrated Easter Sunday as “Trans Day of Visibility.” Not too long ago the overwhelming majority of Americans opposed same-sex marriage. Even a Democratic president signed the “Defense of Marriage Act.” Marriage and family were protected and cherished. Not anymore.
Trump gag order expanded after he attacks judge’s daughter on social media. Move bars Trump from lashing out at family members of attorneys and court personnel in case tied to hush-money payments. Link
Wow, Trump has told his party members if they don’t obey him and make their own decisions they are ” weak and cowards”.
Interesting comment considering he sneaked out of the White House and wouldn’t admit he lost.
His definition of weakness and cowardice are definitely different than mine.
Only traitors would vote for a deranged man who hates everything about America. They say they like the way he talks.


Friday, March 29, 2024
Sick society. The Right refers to democrats and democracy as the ‘enemy’. How will we ever be great again with that attitude?
Like our ex prez or not, he is a graduate of Wharton.This school does not teach people to play nice-nice, nor to be the most friendly around. It teaches people how to make money (although Trump filed for bankruptcy 6 times).
Ironic how all these charges are leveled coincidentally right before elections. trump will win, get all his money back plus damages Our banana republic will make an about-face.
Brian Pritchard a well-known election denier who is a Conservative talking head and outspoken voice screaming the election was stolen was caught VOTING 9 TIMES!
No, it’s not a Cult.
Biden NEVER said “Americans should eat cereal for breakfast.” Some folks will believe anything. Too funny.
Remove the aluminum foil helmet and pay better attention.
Would someone please tell Trump he did not defeat Obama in an election. He even said this week he beat Obama in a landslide. The sad part is people will applaud that like circus seals.
Here is a suggestion to break the left’s ridiculous gender ideology and denial of biological reality. Trump should make a declaration that he is identifying as a woman. The left will have to admit the absurdity of their gender ideology or accept and celebrate “Donna Trump” as the first woman President, thus beating Hillary, Liz Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Kamala Harris, and Kirsten Gillibrand to the glorious goal of one of their “female firsts”. Furthermore, if he remains married to Melania, he will also be the first gay president and the first lesbian president. He will also be the first lesbian president married to an immigrant! What a most glorious event for the Democrats to celebrate. I love it when a plan comes together.

Biden shoes for only $5.99.

As Floridians, we all know about “Florida Man.” Florida Man is the label given to someone doing irrational and bizarre things in FL.  I think most of us can agree that our elected officials deserve the label Florida Man, including our current US Senator Rick Scott (you know…that guy). There’s a lot of things to dislike about “Florida Man” Rick Scott. Besides the fact that he resembles a Disney villain, he also made his millions on Medicare fraud, used that money to win two statewide seats in FL, and now is ironically calling for a policy to eliminate BOTH Medicare and Social Security in five years. You can’t make this stuff up. Like most Florida Man stories, this one is both bizarre and frightening. This year we have an opportunity to stop Rick Scott doing Rick Scott things (you know…stealing from federal programs and then trying to shut them down once caught) by voting him out of office. Please consider supporting our campaign to take back FL’s Senate seat from Rick Scott and to help stop FL Republican extremism.

The best way to beat a fool is to let him talk.

Stanley Campbell for US Senate. It’s time to talk about an uncomfortable topic: do the Democrats have a black problem? There’s been a lot of talk in the press  this week week to discuss this important topic following the news that two African American county Party Chairs were ousted by the Party elites. So do the Democrats have a black problem? As the only African American on the statewide ballot in Florida, I can say “yes.” I did not enter this race prepared to face backlash from the FL Democratic Party for simply running. As a black man, as a veteran, as a graduate of a Florida HBCU, as a business owner, as a lifelong Democrat, I falsely believed that the Party would welcome a candidate who represents so many of their voters. I was wrong.

While the elites overlook our campaign, I am doubling down on our mission.  A mission to give Democrats the option to vote for a candidate who can unify our divisions, beat a Republican in the general election, and help our Party repair the mistakes of the past. Please join us in our march towards unity and victory. Please support our campaign to help start a new movement.

Bridge crash. One thing that you can always count on. If there’s a disaster, the RWNJ’s will have an alt-reality theory.


Friday, March 22, 2024
Trump straightened out American history when he told us. “The Continental Army took over the airports from the British” to help win the Revolutionary War. Yes, Biden’s the one with cognitive issues.
Rep. Lauren Boebert Votes Against $20M Earmarks But Takes Credit Anyway. Boebert said she “can’t wait for the ribbon cuttings,” but failed to mention that she didn’t actually vote for the bill that brought the money to her district.
I question whether Trump actually graduated from Wharton College because if he did, he didn’t learn much. He’s declared bankruptcy 6 times!
1991: Trump’s Taj Mahal
1992: First of two Atlantic City casinos owned by Donald Trump.
1992: Second of two Atlantic City casinos owned by Donald Trump.
1992:  Trump’s Plaza Hotel in New York City
2004:  Trump’s Hotels and Casinos Resorts
2009:  Trump’s Entertainment Resorts
How about Trump University?
If you vote for any 3d party candidate that is effectively a vote for Trump. Don’t think otherwise.
Robby Starbuck tells Tucker: “[The sexualization of kids] is a near planetary scale psychological operation to usher in a new form of communism. And I know to some people that might sound extreme, but to give a little bit of insight, my family came from Cuba, where communism happened in a flash. And I don’t think a lot of Americans realize just how quickly this can happen. And we’re well down the path.”
If you want to love Trump, love him, go to his rallies, buy his sneakers …. but just stop framing it as patriotism.  ~Jon Stewart. The Daily Show


Friday, March 15, 2024
Just say no. Well folks, how do you like paying for gourmet meals for ILLEGAL ALIANS, while demented president advises you and your family to eat breakfast cereal for dinner because bidenomics won’t let you buy what you’re craving for. A family dinner nite at Taco Bell. Well that’s what’s happening here  our tax dollars are being used to Feed CRIMINALS. Yes that’s what they are, not undocumented migrants or lately Newcomers. They are ILLEGAL ALIENS. They crossed the border ILLEGALLY period. They BROKE THE LAW.
The US right now is pumping more fuel then any other time in American history. Why won’t FOX or Trump’s party mention that? I tend to believe they hate positive American news. Positive American news is the thing they despise the most.
CEO, Douglas Macgregor State of the Union Response. Video
Donald Trump says Nikki Haley was responsible for the Jan 6th insurrection security detail at the Capitol. Ummm, anyone want to tell him? She wasn’t even in D.C.
Trump always says bad things about the USA. He doesn’t like anything about America and like Russia better.


Friday, March 8, 2024
Wow would this brilliant idea FU the US Military or what!  Nothing like giving the questionable invaders weapons to take over America! Now tell me the Lefties are no commies! FTA!
Contact Us Don’t tell me you don’t have anything to say!


Friday, March 1, 2024
If Biden loses, it’s because he refused to shut down the border. I’ll never understand why he refuses. This is the Repubs’ biggest argument and the only valid one against Biden.
I can believe this did happen somewhere in Britain. They do have a good sense of humor, with a touch of reality.
An Israeli doctor says: “In Israel, medicine is so advanced that we cut off a man’s testicles, put them on another man, and in 6 weeks, he is looking for work.”
The German doctor says: “That’s nothing, in Germany we take part of a brain, put it in another man, and in 4 weeks he is looking for work.”
The Russian doctor says: “Gentlemen, we take half a heart from a man, put it in another’s chest, and in 2 weeks he is looking for work.”
The American doctor laughs: “You all are behind us. Five years ago, we took a man with no brains, no heart, and no balls and made him President. Now, the whole country is looking for work!”
The two most important events in history were the invention of beer and the invention of the wheel. Beer required grain and that was the beginning of agriculture. Neither the glass bottle nor aluminum can were invented yet, so while our early humans were sitting around waiting for them to be invented, they just stayed close to the brewery. That’s how villages were formed.
The wheel was invented to get man to the beer and vice versa. These two were the foundation of modern civilization and together were the catalyst for the splitting of humanity into two distinct subgroups: 1. Liberals. 2. Conservatives.
Some men spent their days tracking and killing animals to BBQ at night while they were drinking beer. This was the beginning of what is known as the Conservative movement.
Other men who were less skilled at hunting (called ‘vegetarians’ which was an early human word meaning ‘bad hunter’) learned to live off the Conservatives by showing up for the nightly BBQ’s and doing the sewing, fetching, and hairdressing. This was the beginning of the liberal movement.
Some of these liberal men “evolved” into women. Others became known as girlie-men. Some noteworthy liberal achievements include the domestication of cats, the invention of group therapy, group hugs, and the concept of democratic voting to decide how to divide the meat and beer that Conservatives provided.
I used to be so proud of my country. We had such honor. Now it’s “do whatever Trump says to keep him in power”, not what is good for the country and its people.
Trump says a President has to have immunity (if he plans to break the law). How come no other President in history has ever asked for immunity?
[Friday Joke] Remember when Playboy magazine reportedly offered Sarah Palin $4,000,000 to pose nude in an upcoming issue? Then, Michelle Obama was offered $50.00 by National Geographic? And remember when KFC offered a “Hillary” meal, consisting of two small breasts and two large thighs Now, KFC is offering the “Biden Cabinet Bucket.” It consists of nothing but left wings and assholes. Just keeping you up to date.
Another crooked (Christian) politician. Arkansas Governor Sorry Sanders Huckabee. Link
FOX news was outraged that President Biden was seen licking an ice cream cone. It would have pleased FOX if he was shooting an AR-14.


Friday, February 23, 2024
Asking for immunity for his crimes is another example of how sick Trump is.
They said Russia didn’t interfere with the election. You probably think that they didn’t interfere with the Hunter Biden fiasco either, even though the provided falsehoods to the FBI that started the whole investigation. The whole thing was to get Trump elected.
It’s a shame what Israel is doing to the Palestinians and how much they are suffering.
They should stop trying to kill all the Israelis and really mean it.
Liar lying. Did you hear Donald Trump’s comments about President Biden’s economy running on his fumes, would that be his great GDP or unemployment numbers when he left office and President Biden took over in 2021?
“I had 10% unemployment when Biden took over! It was the best unemployment numbers since 1939.
No one can do unemployment like I can.
All the economists were amazed I was able to get unemployment to 10%.
If you don’t elect me in November, you’ll never see 10% unemployment again!
And then Sleepy Joe came in and it’s now less than 4%.
Crooked Trump. Trump University. Lock him up! Lock him up!
Trump is so broke he’s selling sneakers. Next we might see him on the sidewalk selling lemonade.
Trump is the worst President in American history and Biden is the 14th best according to a new study. Poll ranks Biden as 14th-best President, with Trump last. President Biden may owe his place in the top third to his predecessor: Mr. Biden’s signature accomplishment, according to the historians, was evicting Donald J. Trump from the Oval Office. Link
Russians love Trump because he likes and supports autocratic governments and is against most civil rights.
Orange man wants immunity for the crimes he plans to commit. Am I the only one who thinks Trump is deranged? He should be locked up, not for his crimes, but because he’s dangerous.
Trump doesn’t know right from wrong. I’m serious!
The Myth of Donald Trump’s ‘Beautiful Clean Coal’. While the U.S. president advocates for the most polluting fossil fuel, a shrinking number of power companies see a future for it. Link


Friday, February 16, 2024
Putin critic Alexei Navalny, 47, dies in Arctic Circle jail. Russia’s most significant opposition leader for the past decade, Alexei Navalny, has died in an Arctic Circle jail, the prison service said. Seen as President Vladimir Putin’s most vociferous critic, Navalny was serving a 19-year jail term on charges widely considered politically motivated. He was moved to one of Russia’s toughest penal colonies late last year. Link
An array of bills limiting local governments’ ability to tax, regulate and serve their communities are advancing in the Florida Legislature. Link
Trump says things he doesn’t even know he’s saying. When you ask him about it he denies it because he can’t remember saying it. And Biden looks like he’s going to keel over. The smart vote is for Nikki Haley.
The Republican Party of Florida has decided not to hide from the abortion issue. During a meeting in Wesley Chapel over the weekend, the state party voted to support an anti-abortion resolution ahead of the 2024 election, saying it does not want a constitutional amendment enshrining abortion rights to go before voters in November. If it does, then state Republicans will urge voters to oppose it. (Read the full resolution here.)
The GOP is typically anti-abortion, but the party’s stance is notable given that Republicans have differed widely on how they message on the issue, which has become salient in the wake of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade.
Jimmy Kimmel rolled a clip of Trump claiming there was an insurrection ― but it was caused by Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), House speaker at the time. “That’s right,” Kimmel mockingly agreed. “Nancy Pelosi cooked up a secret plot to have a bunch of MAGA morons break into her office and poop into her desk. That’s how she does things. Very sick woman.”
Kimmel played another clip of Trump claiming his mob acted “peacefully and patriotically” on Jan. 6, 2021. “Yeah,” Kimmel said, “and then his followers tried to peacefully and patriotically kill the vice president of the United States.” Video

Just like we drew it up.

Special counsel warns of threat to witnesses – Search (bing.com) This is how you spin things to the dumb public with innuendos and false maybes so the target looks like a real bad guy! The press is backed by you know who, and will resort to anything to stop Trump!  It’s sad to see our country go downhill like this!
We can’t even close the borders from invasions due to the greed of the gonifs !  It’s going to be messy in the next election if the wrong guy gets it!
Trump should be kept around as a novelty after he gets out of jail. “Lock him up, Lock him up…” Lock him up and put Biden out to pasture.
If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime, Mr Trump.
Should state lawmakers stop enabling Gov. DeSantis’ culture- war antics? Yes. Link
Trump thinks he’s being wrongfully persecuted 91 times. How can all those Grand Jurys and all those random jurors conspire to charge Trump 91 times? It makes no sense. Where there’s smoke there’s fire.
In light of the Kansas City shooting at an all-age event, it’s really terrible when you cannot even scroll through online news without the reminder of what a hellhole civilization we have become. God save us from the Right and the 2d Amendment.
Trump wants immunity for his crimes and those he’s planning to commit. Is this some Twilight Zone America? Has everyone gone nuts?
Trump will end Democracy as we know it. And government will be led by tyrants for many years. Ultra conservatism seems to be growing worldwide. After about fifty years of totalitarian government the people will wake up and get rid of the gun people and once again vote for the Constitution and democracy.


The Vladimir Putin Interview. Video
DOJ Report Cites Biden’s ‘Poor Memory,’ Intensifying Age Concerns. Special counsel report describes president as ‘elderly man’. Voters already rank Biden’s age as one of their top concerns. Link
We were friends for years. Trump tore us apart. Link
Tucker Carlson is a traitor to the United States as he’s seen kissing Putin’s ass. Link
A man is walking through his local mall and notices a Mexican book store. He decides to go in because he has never seen a Mexican book store before. He browses through the store and finally asks the clerk, “Do you have the book on Donald Trump’s foreign policies with Mexico?” The clerk replies, “F*ck you, get out, stay out!”
The man replies, “Yeah, that’s the one!”
Putin interview by Tucker Carlson yesterday. Putin schooled him, also went up a few notches in approval ratings.
Biden responds angrily to special counsel report questioning his memory. President declares his memory is ‘fine’ and blasts counsel for suggesting he does not know when his son died. Link


Friday, February 2, 2024
On Monday, the Supreme Court ruled that the Biden Administration is legally allowed to open the border by force. Texas Governor Greg Abbott correctly sees this as a direct threat to his state’s safety, and he’s prepared for a conflict with federal authorities over it.
Hal Turner Radio Show – Now 25 out of 50 States Standing with Texas Against Federal Government; U.S. Primed for Actual CIVIL WAR. Link
E. Jean Carroll defamation case verdict. The Ultimate BJ. Link
The Immigration Bill. Using our borders as a political weapon puts getting Trump elected ahead of our country’s welfare. They are all talk, and few really care about America just so long as they get Trump elected
Republicans CAUGHT Plagiarizing Bank Lobbyists “We bet it was super easy for Patrick McHenry and Andy Barr to decide their position on predatory overdraft fees, since all they did is copy and paste whatever Big Banks said.”
Now that illegals are beating up cops, we really need the border closed. I don’t care who gets the credit but the immigration bill needs to be passed.
Why does the Right hate electric vehicles and want to keep gas vehicles? They seem almost giddy whenever there’s a negative report about EV development and the switch from fossil fuels to renewables.


Friday, January 26, 2024
The immigration deal before Republicans contains everything that they’ve been screaming about for years, but they won’t pass it and make America great again because Trump asked them not to because it would make Biden look good. Republicans value power ahead of country.
BANK OVERDRAFT FEES. Republicans caught plagiarizing bank lobbyists. “We bet it was super easy for Patrick McHenry and Andy Barr to decide their position on predatory overdraft fees, since all they did is copy and paste whatever Big Banks said.” Link
Fox has made the decision to not carry Mike Lindell’s infomercials anymore. People like Brent Terhune are royally pissed off and aren’t going to take it lying down! Where are you going to go now if you want a nice pair of sheets to lie on and/or wear? What’s so wrong with a guy trying to make an honest living trying to overturn elections and selling slippers? And Lindell was about to release MeinKampfyPillow – the overstuffed pillow in the shape of Trump’s ass. Link
Lone Star Defiance~!?THINK! How long has this INVASION been going on and how may foreign TROOPS have landed in our country?People have to be total idiots not to realize what is happening!  But of course the MEDIAS “clean it all up” so the dummies don’t notice their hoods are now OCCUPIED by foreign troops!
When the bad guys start crashing into homes and dragging people into cages then it will be too late!
“The COVID vaccines are the Antichrist of all products”  ~Tucker Carlson
Nikki Haley says America has never been a racist country. I don’t think she knows any Black people or Black history. She certainly doesn’t know Civil War history.
Trump wants to be able to commit crimes as President and not be charged. He is totally deranged. I want a President who obeys the Constitution and our laws.
Believing Tucker Carlson about anything, especially February 6 and vaccines is believing an admitted liar. When called to account for these very same lies he admitted in Federal Court that he says anything to improve his ratings on FOX. These sheeple hate our country and government so much that they will believe anything Trump or FOX says. Fox lost the suit bigtime!
[Poor Judgment] Lloyd Austin is United States Secretary of Defense, one of the most important cabinet positions, especially at this time of war and when Houthi rebels are shooting at our ships And Putin is being Putin. Austin disappeared for a couple of days without telling anyone. That’s very poor judgment and he should be replaced with someone more reliable and with better judgement. He was also unconscious for part of those days during his operations and unable to do his job.
Quran forbids using bathroom tissue. MUST use a hand. Starbucks is hiring 10,000 Muslims. Choose your coffee and sweet rolls wisely.
The entire 5th Circuit agreed to rehear a panel decision striking down Mississippi’s felony disenfranchisement provision. In a stunning departure from the 5th Circuit’s characteristically anti-democratic decisions, a 2-1 panel struck down a Jim Crow-era provision of the Mississippi Constitution that permanently disenfranchises Mississippians with certain felony convictions. The state constitutional provision at issue, which was enacted in 1890 with the express purpose of denying voting rights to Black men, currently disenfranchises nearly 11% of the state’s voting age population and disproportionately burdens Black Mississippians.  The majority — including Obama-appointed Judge James Dennis and Carter-appointed Judge Carolyn King — held that the Mississippi Constitution’s permanent felony disenfranchisement provision violates the 8th Amendment’s prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment: Permanent denial of the franchise…is an exceptionally severe penalty, constituting nothing short of the denial of the democratic core of American citizenship. It is an especially cruel penalty as applied to those whom the justice system has already deemed to have completed all terms of their sentences…These individuals, despite having satisfied their debt to society, are precluded from ever fully participating in civic life. Indeed, they are excluded from the most essential feature and expression of citizenship in a democracy—voting. However, this stunning voting rights victory — which had the potential to re-enfranchise tens of thousands of Mississippians — was ephemeral, lasting for only 55 days. In the month following the ruling, the 5th Circuit granted state officials’ request for the case to be reheard en banc, thereby nullifying the panel’s decision. This came as no surprise, given that nearly a year earlier, the entire 5th Circuit upheld the Jim Crow-era provision in a different case, ruling that it had been “cured” of any “racist taint.” The entire 5th Circuit bench will rehear the case at oral argument on Jan. 23, 2024. Republican litigants in other cases are trying to take advantage of the 5th Circuit’s ultra-conservative composition by exploiting appellate procedure. The Mississippi ruling is just one among a handful of anomalously pro-democracy 5th Circuit rulings that Republican litigants have asked the court to rehear en banc. Keenly aware of the 5th Circuit’s reliably right-wing track record, Republican state officials have become emboldened in seeking to overturn more moderate panel decisions that do not suit their partisan ends. Louisiana Republicans in particular, have continually exploited the special procedure of rehearing en banc in an effort to reverse pro-democracy rulings. In a recent petition, the state asked the entire 5th Circuit to rehear a decision upholding a Voting Rights Act-based 1992 consent decree ensuring that Black Louisianans have an equal opportunity to elect their preferred candidates to the state Supreme Court. The court is yet to rule on the state’s rehearing petition.
In the ongoing case concerning Louisiana’s congressional map, the state asked the entire 5th Circuit to overturn a panel decision affirming that private plaintiffs — not just the U.S. attorney general — can bring lawsuits under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act. In a rare win for voters, the 5th Circuit denied Louisiana’s request.
For Republicans, life begins at conception, but not giving a shit begins at birth.
Fake Biden robo-call tells New Hampshire voters to stay home. Link
Down and out: How DeSantis tried to fight on two fronts – and cowered in both. Florida governor’s refusal to take on Trump or his ignoring the non-Maga flank of the GOP means he ends his White House run in a no-man’s land.
The “Florida Freedom Fighters Fund” bill, introduced earlier this month by State Sen. Ileana Garcia (R), would offer cash to Florida residents running for president who are charged with crimes. This is real and will likely go across DeSantis’ desk. More of those good ‘ole GOP conservative policies.
Can anyone tell me one thing the GOP has done this year, besides blocking everything they can?

Republicans: “Democrats call everyone they don’t like a Nazi.” When Republicans are the real Nazis and White Supremacists. see pic.

So tell me trumpers, besides putting all his political opponents and people who have offended him into Gulags. And lining his and his cronies pockets and the nonstop whining about how the election was stolen. What are his real plans to make America great again? Because I haven’t heard a damn thing
Republicans always put their Party before their country. They refuse to pass immigration reform so Biden looks bad and they have something to complain about Biden.
Vengeance, chaos and retribution will mark Trump’s reign along with the fall of NATO and Europe to the Russians.


Friday, January 19, 2024
Democrat Joe Manchin does everything in his power to upset Biden’s agenda. What a turncoat.
Florida sheriff releases video of armed home intruders fleeing when intended victim fires back with rifle. Link
The House just passed a record-high $840 billion Military budget, the same amount as all the stimulus checks combined.
Huh? I guess when they print money for people it’s “socialist,” but when they do it for Military contractors it’s “bipartisan.”
Mexico’s capture of drug kingpin could be signal to US. Now cut off his head and toss him back over the fence. Link
Deadly batches of the vaccines. Link
Republicans seem to be obsessed with Hunter Biden and Democrats hardly know who he is. All we are told is that Hunter Biden gives abortions to young boys in the basement of a New York pizza parlor.
Former White House physician Ronny Jackson has revealed his former boss Barack Obama sent him a scathing email after he tweeted in 2020 the then Democrat candidate Joe Biden needed to take a cognitive exam, the same one Donald Trump sat in 2018. Video
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Friday, January 12, 2024


Photo from our rally 1/6/24 in Miami

ll about Covid 19 and Big Pharm AND what is is store for this rock! The Tucker Carlson Encounter: Bret Weinstein
The Tucker Carlson Encounter: Bret Weinstein
There’s never been a more accurate representation of the indoctrination of religion against education in our f**ked up country. This might as well be the GOP tagline.
The five truths Trump hopes you will forget about 6 January 2021. ~Robert Reich
Alina Habba, President Trump’s lawyer brings the HEAT. Link
The Right believes anything that is against our government. The wilder the conspiracy the more likely they are to believe it. Scary!


Friday, January 5, 2024
What the bible says: Trump is the “Man of sin or man of lawlessness, man of rebellion, man of insurrection, or man of apostasy” is a figure referred to in the Christian Bible in the Second Epistle to the Thessalonians. He is usually equated with the Antichrist in Christian eschatology.
The Dow closed at 30,930.52 on Trump’s last day in office. Today, under Biden’s economic program it is at an all-time high of 37,689.54! What President is better for our economy?
Billionaire Mark Cuban believes President Joe Biden owes Donald Trump a big thanks ahead of the 2024 election. Link
“The Real Story of January 6,” a documentary by The Epoch Times, reveals the truth that has been hidden from the American people. While a narrative has been set that what took place that day was an insurrection, key events and witnesses have been ignored until now. The documentary takes an unvarnished look at police use of force and the deaths that resulted in some measure from it. The film asks tough questions about who was responsible for the chaos that day. With compelling interviews and exclusive video footage, the documentary tells the real story of January 6. The film is narrated by Joshua Philipp, host of “Crossroads” on EpochTV and a senior investigative reporter at The Epoch Times.
Jasper Fakkert, editor-in-chief of The Epoch Times, said: “There has been a narrative perpetuated about January 6 that omits many of the facts about what happened that day.
“With in-depth interviews and exclusive video footage, we take an objective look at the issues, the people, and the impacts of the events.”
The film takes a close look at the shooting of 35-year-old Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt and the deaths of three other supporters of former President Donald J. Trump. It analyzes the police response to the massive crowds and use of force around the U.S. Capitol.
It examines the human impacts of Jan. 6, including the suicide of one defendant and the long pretrial imprisonment of dozens of others. It also investigates claims that some attacks on the Capitol and police were carried out by unindicted suspicious actors. Link
Unemployment is 3.7% under Biden.  6.3% under Trump. Handgun production rose 12.5% in Trump’s last year.
Trump is evil and delusional. Anyone connected to him is in trouble. He screws everyone and is trying to destroy America. Everyone is afraid of him.

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