2018 January

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The-Coconut-Telegraph-w-CoconutsPublished Tuesdays and Fridays. Letters to the editor with pictures.​ Since 0202.​

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[Irma Help] A very big thank you to all the folks who helped others after Miss Irma made an unwelcome visit to our area of the Keys. You are indeed caring and giving people. Thank you, Vineyard Church, for the 3000 folks you accommodated and all the other churches and organizations who helped get the mess manageable; and thank you for the food and shelter all you good people gave to others who needed it so badly. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

[Moldy Animals] A friend has started a group for those of us with animals affected by the mold in our homes. Every day many people are asking about how to help their animals I figured this would be a great place for us to share our stories, our successes and unfortunately our failures when it comes to our animals. After losing my third dog this year to mold related illness I’m not only trying to save my own life but that of my surviving dogs. For anyone that tells you mold does not affect animals do not believe them it can kill them.  Link
[“Debris rules”] The rules should have been passed out in Homestead when checking hurricane permits. I emailed the major local papers in January to republish and no response. Concrete is another item that needs separated. As if debris pickup isn’t bad enough, now we deal with people who didn’t separate 4+ months ago. Now the snowbirds are adding to it. Welcome the new arrivals, but educate them.

[Coach Scott’s Send-off] I let everyone know last week that our great friend and local legend Scott Wade “Coach Scott” has passed away. Coming up Sunday the 21st, we are giving him a going away party. We will all get together at the ball diamond at Watson field at 2 p.m. We will be having a pig roast along with sodas and beer. There’s no need to bring anything but you and your friends and family. Let’s give Coach Scott the send off that he deserves.

[Conspiracyman] Let me be the first to imagine that Saturday’s Hawaii missile alert was intentionally sent by our government to see what people would do in a real nuclear emergency. There’s no way someone pressed or bumped the alert button by accident. I doubt that button is just sitting on a desk waiting to be pushed without some sort of cover or two-step procedure. The button pusher was only transferred and not fired. That’s another reason I think the government set this up; they didn’t want to have him lose his job as long as he keeps his mouth shut. Next year he’ll get a promotion as reward for keeping mum.
[Moldy House] We just got our mold testing results back. The highest levels are in the unfinished part of our attic. The finished part had lower levels, but the inspector said that’s probably because it’s drywalled and painted. He said that we need to stay out of the attic and really shouldn’t even be on our 2nd floor; and with it being in the basement, we shouldn’t go in there either. I can’t imagine the 1st floor would be safe either because there is visual mold under the kitchen sink. We are moving as soon as we can. We are all so sick. How do you go about cleaning all of the salvageable stuff; and what is salvageable? We are so poor as it is, we have to be able to save some things.


[Wood Chipper] 4-cylinder gas. Ford engine, 10” throat. Runs good. Makes little sticks out of big sticks. Good tires. $3200 located on 20th Street Ocean in Marathon. Eric (352) 207-6492.

[FTR Leaving the Keys] To FTR, I got out, too. Only permanently. There’s tiki bars and tourists just 25 miles away, I ain’t goin. The micro-brewery in the woods, is another story. Not as cheap as TN, but no snow! I wish you well as I’m as excited about being gone as you are
[Aleppo] Before-and-after pics reveal what war did to the largest city in Syria. It’s amazing what a lot of high explosives can do to remodel a city. Link
[American Legion Post 168] January 19, 2018 Team Depot ― The Home Depot’s associate-led volunteer force ― will partner with ServiceSource Florida, Habitat for Humanity Key West & Lower Florida Keys, and active-duty personnel from nearby military installations to renovate portions of the 66-year-old American Legion Post 168, rendering it handicapped-accessible, safe, secure, and energy-efficient. Habitat for Humanity is partnering with American Legion Post 168, ServiceSource, and Home Depot on continued repairs and renovations at 803 Emma Street, American Legion Post 168. Link
Turmeric is very good for you! Video



Conspiracy theory of the day.

[Moldy Library] The BPK library has mold? Then why would the other stores in that strip not be suspected of having it too? They share the same roof.  We’re seeing the tip of the iceberg now. There’s more, a lot more that’s not been found.


Winn Dixie $5 coupon! Link

[The Internet] It’s weird how spending every waking moment reading horrific things on the internet is not curing my depression?



[Wealth Distribution] Skewed Preferences: From left to right: the wealth distribution Norton’s respondents said would be ideal; how they estimated wealth was currently distributed; and the actual distribution of wealth in the United States.

In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.  ~Lewis Carroll


Mustang from 1968 Bullitt movie & new Bullitt 2018 Mustang. 50 year Anniversary would now sell for over $4 million.  I see you grey or white hairs smiling; we had the best cars! Video

You are what you do. Not what you say you’ll do!
A wee ride in Scotland. Trials rider Danny MacAskill busts out some more amazing tricks as he takes a mountain bike out for a ride in the area around Edinburgh. Video



[LSD]25 or 6 to 4 – Chicago. What a tight band! One of the best guitar parts. Video

[Modern Love Podcast] Lois Smith reads ‘Yes, We Do. Even at Our Age.’ Link
[Mud] As many of you know the Thomas Fire devastated Ventura, Santa Paula, Carpinteria, Montecito and Santa Barbara.  You may have seen the massive destruction from the rains which really hit Montecito really hard. The death toll is 17 with more than 20 others missing from the huge mudslides.  About 100 homes destroyed and so much more!  Montecito is just South of Santa Barbara with multi million dollar homes. If we were complaining about the mud from Irma, we haven’t seen ‘real’ mud like in California!
Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.
The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.  ~Einstein
I don’t understand why prescription medicine is allowed to advertise on TV or why anyone would think of trying one of the medicines after listening to the laundry list of warnings of possible side effects. Suppose the Food and Drug Administration expanded their domain and got to regulate the wine business advertising. Here’s a possible outcome of that control:

Do you have feelings of inadequacy? Do you suffer from shyness? Do you sometimes wish you were more assertive? Do you sometimes feel stressed?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist about Cabernet Sauvignon. Cabernet Sauvignon is the safe, natural way to feel better and more confident. It can help ease you out of your shyness and let you tell the world that you’re ready and willing to do just about anything.

You will notice the benefits of Cabernet Sauvignon almost immediately and, with a regimen of regular doses, you’ll overcome obstacles that prevent you from living the life you want. Shyness and awkwardness will be a thing of the past. You will discover talents you never knew you had.

Cabernet Sauvignon may not be right for everyone. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not use it, but women who wouldn’t mind nursing or becoming pregnant are encouraged to try it.

Side effects may include: Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, incarceration, loss of motor control, loss of clothing, loss of money, delusions of grandeur, table dancing, headache, dehydration, dry mouth, and a desire to sing Karaoke and play all-night Strip Poker, Truth Or Dare, and Naked Twister.

Warnings: The consumption of Cabernet Sauvignon may make you think you are whispering when you are not. The consumption of Cabernet Sauvignon may cause you to tell your friends over and over again that you love them. The consumption of Cabernet Sauvignon may cause you to think you can sing. The consumption of Cabernet Sauvignon may create the illusion that you are tougher, smarter, faster and better looking than most people.

Life is a cabernet old chum!

Green Berets keep fallen soldier’s promise. Link
[Conquistadores 1518 Mexico] “Only free our captured monarch Montezuma”,—added they with great vehemence; while their noise and their attacks continued through the whole night. The whole of us, they cried out, were to be sacrificed to their gods, our hearts were to be torn from our bodies, the blood was to be drawn from our veins, and our arms and legs were to be eaten up at their festivals. The remaining parts of our bodies would be thrown to the tigers, lions and serpents, which they kept in cages; these had not been fed for these two days, in order that they might devour our ?esh the more greedily. Our gold and other things would be their booty, and they told the Tlascallans who aided us they should be locked up in cages where they fattened people for their sacrifices.
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