2025 February

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

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(Big Pine Key’s garbage pick-up days)

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[Spelling Fail] I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg.  The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in what oerdr the ltteres in a word are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is that the frsit and last ltteer be in the rghit pclae.  The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it whotuit a pboerlm.  This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe.  Azanmig huh?  Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
[Prisoner Trading] It appears that the Arabs value 1 Israeli prisoner to be worth 60 Palestinian prisoners.
Pentagon downplays $7B in US military equipment left in Afghanistan, enough to start a war. Link
The New Jersey drone hysteria may have accidentally created a new Area 51. It wouldn’t be the first time military test flights fueled an extraterrestrial legend. Link
[Snitch] Report illegal aliens and those who hire them toll free at (866) 347-2423.
How does raw water compare to tap water? A microbiologist explains why the risks outweigh the benefits. Link
[Puppy Bowl] My cat and I are watching Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet. We’re trying to decide which puppy we want to adopt. One pup just stole the ref’s flag while the other team all took a break at the water bowl. A couple jumped in and got Illegal bathing penalties.  One pooch scored a touchdown into the wrong team’s home base. I think we have found our dog — a little Yorkie/Westie or maybe the Cavapoo. The half-time Kittie Shoẁ is starting. All of the players will be adopted.
[Superbowl half time show] That was the worst half time show ever! Hip Hop is okay, but rap is boring, just a steady stream of words and no musical tune just rhymes. The synchronized dancers were good. But it sure was a great game because my team won!
[The Name Game] Surnames from nicknames nobody has any more. Often Dad’s name was a nickname. For example, a common nickname for “John” is “Jack” and we have (less commonly) John Jacks and (more commonly) John Jackson. John Bills and John Bilson, John Wills and John Wilson, and John Willis and John Willison are Bill, Will, and Wille, all short for William.
“Richard” is “Dick”, and we have John Dicks (or Dix) and John Dickson (or Dixon). “Nicholas” is “Nick” and we have John Nicks (or Nix) and John Nickson (or Nixon).
Sometimes the name has the diminutive suffix “-kin” inserted. Wilkins is little Will’s son, as is Wilkinson; Peterkins is little Peter’s son. Link
[Holiday Rental] UK family tell of nightmare of bloodstained, sex toy-filled holiday rental. The family, which included four small children, were initially told by Vrbo that the property’s issues were ‘minor”. Link
The mystery behind the best UFO picture ever seen. In August 1990, two hikers sent photos of a strange diamond-shaped aircraft to the press – but the story never appeared. Was it a prank, a hoax, an optical illusion or something else entirely? Link
[Superbowl] the half time show was too ghetto.
Hunting for Burmese pythons is best done in the dark. The invasive species is wreaking havoc on one of the world’s most unique ecosystems. Link
[Dementia] Doctor warns of five medications known to raise dementia risk. Omeprazole, anticholinergics, benzodiazepines, tricyclics antidepressants, Proton pump inhibitors. Link
[Overloaded Migrant Boat] The U.S. Coast Guard intercepted an overloaded migrant boat carrying more than 130 people from Haiti, including small children, near the Florida Keys last week. The sailboat was traveling between Cuba and Cay Sal Bank in the Bahamas, about 50 miles southeast of the Middle Keys city of Marathon, when it was spotted last Tuesday by a Coast Guard airplane crew and a Customs and Border Protection Air and Marine Operations crew, according to a Coast Guard statement. Photos released by the Coast Guard showed crew members caring for small children and infants. There were a total of 132 people on the sailboat.
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[1524 (future) Albuquerque, New Mexico] …to keep very large snakes, which they venerate. Among them there are men dressed like Women who marry other men and serve as their wives. At a great festival they consecrate the ‘Women’ who wish to live unmarried, with men.
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The inflation rate for food is 2% so how come Winn Dixie raises just about everything by 50% and sometimes 75%. For goodness’ sake, they are charging $60 for a gallon of extra virgin olive oil. Last year or so it cost $24. $50 is not 2% more than $24! Florida Avocados were $.99, now they are $1.50 is that 2%? We’re being screwed.
[Ultimate Luxury] Emirates Airlines now has compartments with a door in first class. Close the privacy doors and you are in a world of your own. With fine dining at any time, an onboard shower spa, and the ultimate lounge bar just a short walk away. As close as it comes to your own private jet. Video
The current Coconut Telegraph was published on 2/11/25 at 8:25 am.


Electric hoist (440 lbs lift/120V) crane overhead garage winch remote control auto lift. YT-100/200KG $120.77 new. 2 years old. For sale $50. Pick up on Big Pine Key.

[Antique Olea Sancta] Catholic Church holy oil tabernacle 10+ years-old. hand carves oak. $200 More pictures

Barber Shop business for sale. Marathon area. Well established with good following. 11K.  $2800/mo rent. Water and electric included. Serious inquiries only. Email:
[Adult Tricycle] Three-wheel trike bike. (Gray, 26″) Single speed. Hybrid cargo cruiser with removable wheeled basket for shopping or dogs. Exercise bike for men or women. Bicycle bell. Cable bike lock. (New $299.99 +tx = $320.99 Oct 2021). For sale now on Big Pine Key $150. Excellent condition, low milage. Only driven on Sundays.
[Steel Jack Stands] NEW. 6,000 lb or 3 Ton Capacity, 1 Pair, Black and Red. New $35.88. For sale $20 for both. Never used. Link
[Floor Jack] NEW. BIG RED T82002-BR Torin Hydraulic Trolley Service/Floor Jack, 2 Ton (4,000 lb) Capacity, Red $46.79. For sale price $25. (Big Pine Key) New, never used. Link   Contact: