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Hope you’ve enjoyed all the Super Bowl fun facts and trivia these past couple of weeks. Today is the last one and possibly the most important: While eating all the wonderful Super Bowl foods we need something to wash them down with. Beer, the beverage of choice for most Super Bowl parties. 51.7 million cases will be sold for Super Bowl Sunday, that’s about 325.5 million gallons of that Icy cold amber nectar. Why worry about having enough beer when you can join us on Super Bowl Sunday, where the tap never stops flowing. No need to wait for an official invite, Springers Super Bowl Pig Roast starts at 2pm. Along with our delicious pig, we are serving up black beans and rice, Mac and cheese and our new tropical coleslaw. Don’t forget the Jell-O shots being given away all day. There is also raffles and giveaways throughout the event with proceeds going to women’s charities. Game time is 6:30 and with our 14 television you’re sure to catch all the action no matter where you park your keister. |
[Grinder Pump Meeting] To answer the Grinder Pump poster’s question, the subject is slated on the agenda of (today) Friday’s, January 31st Commission meeting in Key West at approximately 1:30 pm. There is a large group of concerned residents who will be there around 1:00 pm. For any and all lower Keys residents, slated for grinder or gravity, this is one meeting you will want to attend and be heard. |
[Sand Filled Bathing Suits] Make the bathing suit so small it can’t hold sand. Problem solved |
Dear Chairman Smith, Commissioners Shaw and Commissioner Cranny-Gage, Has the “Gang of Three” returned? May I inquire from the Commissioners that would vote for an increase for employees now; why even review pay scale for increases for employees when it stands now your agency’s pay for staff is higher than 10 other mosquito control districts already? When Director Fussell was there he made the adjustments for the higher pay, Now is your chance to do something constructive as to bring in line with other mosquito control districts when tweaking the pay scale. I do understand it costs more to live in the Fabulous Florida Keys. But—- Florida Keys Mosquito Control “still paid more on average in 14 of 20 job categories than 10 other mosquito control districts in the state, and some public and private businesses as well”. Plus some retired employees and staff have life time paid health coverage paid for by the taxpayers in MonroeCounty. You have worked very hard at getting budget under some control; don’t get another black eye by increasing the pay scale. Employees will not quit, they have a wonderful job and receive great benefits…where will they go to get higher pay, and benefits…most private businesses are nowhere near these salaries and benefits here in the Keys. This argument does not hold water. How many jobs in the Keys pay retirement and health insurance with this amount of wages? “while places that are more pleasant in which to live, and thus more attractive to workers, will have lower wages and higher prices,” the Florida Price Level Index stated”. The Key West Citizen did a good job with this article and the facts are there for you to read. Also, I do hope you keep to your budget that was set aside on the new building that will be built if the deal goes through on the property in Key West. You have set aside $100,000 to bring the administrative offices up to par in Marathon, the Taj Mahal and hopefully with purchase of property for around $700,000.00 and another $800,000 for building the new building in Key West, I think you have set aside $2 million in total for both property and building …I would like to request your board to keep building down to a skeleton crew and skeleton warehouse in Key West. Please think what you are putting on the backs of the Monroe County Taxpayers when making these decisions. Have an election coming up for BOCC Commissioners. Would a good platform be— the County taking over the MCD? Thank you, Kay Thacker, Key Largo. |
[Cruising is bad for you health] Carribean Princess has 165 sick! The third ship this month. |
[iPhone 5 Fingerprint Reader a Bad Idea] The creation of a biometric payment system would mean surrendering fingerprint data to companies with a history of security breaches. If prints were irreproducible, that might not be such a concern. But it’s not particularly hard to hack a fingerprint. A laser printout of a digital fingerprint has just enough relief for a counterfeiter to cast a glue-based copy. (German hacker group Chaos Computer Club used a similar technique to trick iPhone’s Touch ID within two weeks of its launch.) Therein lies the rub. You can change your password, but you can’t change your fingerprints. |
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[Marathon Journal] Recent events have been interesting. Former City Manager Roger Hernstadt has resigned for a job elsewhere. Marathon is now looking for a replacement. I have long advocated that someone in the Keys should be the City Manager. I have recently changed that assumption. Marathon needs an experienced, successful, and professional city manager. Mr. Marathon Mike Puto is an excellent choice as interim city manager. There is no need to rush the city manager replacement process. If we want to keep our future city manager, then the contract needs to address the financial problem. City managers who want to become a Marathoner owning a home, sending kids to school must have some reasonable expectation of financial security over the long haul. City managers must be allowed to work for three city councilmembers not just one. The day of one councilmember bypassing the city manager to work with staff are over. A resolution providing for charter enforcement is not hard to do. My idea would be to appoint an independent master for which any elector could report a supposed violation. The master would evaluate whether the violation should be heard or not. If a violation is valid, then the master would hear the case and render a decision. Obviously, this is just a simple idea that needs more work. Nothing is ever really simple with our city council. The council dynamic has changed with Councilmember Senmartin’s successful campaign. He got elected by the largest amount of voters than ever in Marathon’s history. What caused that was the perception of dirty politics and bullet voting. The best solution is to attract new people to run for city council. If you look back over the last six years, the same people have been elected. Running for city council is simple. Collect contributions for signs, radio, newspaper, and so on. You need to meet people face to face as much as is possible. Don’t engage in dirty politics; you cannot get elected in Marathon doing so. I speak from experience. I did everything right in my 2010 campaign. I got about a 1,000 votes. What sank my campaign was responding negatively to what I perceived as attacks on me from other campaigners. You want to really change the city council? Go to the county building on 63rd Street the elections office and sign up to run for city council. The elections office will help you every step of the way. |
It’s a sad and lonely cafe. In Miami obviously. |
The biggest obstacle to running for office is ridicule. Not many can handle it, that’s why the same people run over and over again. They’re the only ones who can handle ridicule. |
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Lost Cat. Missing in Port Pine Heights since 1/28. Yellow adult male. Name is Ziggy. He needs medicine. Reward. If found, please phone… Classified Ads > Lost and Found |
The year of the horse. Today is the start of the lunar new year celebrated by many peoples around the world, particularly the Chinese and begins 15 days of partying. |
[Editor a Communist..or something] Deer Ed, How can I change America for the better if you refuse to print the valuable information I send you to place on this forum? It is now clear that your agenda is self-serving and not good for America. |
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[Another Sick Caribbean Cruise] Two in one week, plus mosquitoes are transmitting a new virus that appears as dengue, joint pain is a sign. Link |
[Friday Joke] A distinguished young woman on a flight from Switzerland asked the priest beside her, “Father, may I ask a favor?” |
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[Minimum Wage] There’s plenty of states that raised their minimum wage already on their own. So how come all of those businesses in those states didn’t meet the doom and gloom people predict when they say raising it will destroy businesses? Using that logic it should make sense then that instead of raising the wage we should cut it down to $6 and hour and the entire economy will blossom, right? Are you naïve enough to believe that if you cut minimum wages those very same businesses will hire lots more people? I don’t believe that would happen at all. |
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[Pot Kills] Detection of marijuana in fatally injured drivers has tripled from 1999 to 2010. I bet the future stats for Colorado and Washington are going to be quite interesting. Link |
A muster parade of the tall ships is planned for 10:30 a.m. outside of Fort Zachary Taylor State Park, when they will gracefully sail past Mallory Square and out to the seas around 11 a.m. for the start of the race. When the ships return at 2 p.m., some will be open to the public for tours. Cost is $5 for a wrist band. Link |
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2006 Ford E150 van, V8, Auto, all power, Keyless entry. Well kept. Asking $6,295. Classified Ads > Auto |
[Government Agency Data Mining Americans] Created as a result of the Frank/Dodd Bill the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is conducting a massive, NSA-like data-mining project collecting Americans credit card account information. Ex-Congressmen Christopher Dodd and Barney Frank were responsible for dangerously lowering lending standards at Freddie and Fannie. This caused trillions in losses when most of those sub-prime loans failed causing a severe economic downturn with tens of millions unemployed. The Federal Reserve had to devalue the dollar to inflate their way out, causing food and fuel prices to substantially rise. (See truthandcommonsense dot org.) Frank and Dodd blamed others for their mess, formulated the bill with this new agency who competes with the NSA in a contest of who can collect the most personal information on Americans. Link |
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I attend weddings purely to be fortunate enough to hear those two little words that always bring tears to my eyes – “open bar” |
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As things stand now, we can shoot an iguana with a .22 rifle if it is our yard, correct? What about disposing of the dead critter? Will people throw them in the canal? Surely that can’t be allowed. If so, as efficient as that seems, it would be even more dangerous than target shooting, which apparently is allowed. Is it just me or are a lot of crazy things happening all of a sudden in Monroe county? |
[Border Warning] New York federal Judge Edward Korman, on New Year’s Eve, ruled that if you’re at the U.S. border, the federal government can confiscate your laptop, smartphone or tablet for any reason. No probable cause is needed. The so-called “border exemption” extends 100 miles inland from the actual border. That includes everyone on the Eastern Seaboard, the West Coast, the Gulf or the Great Lakes. |
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Insurance is the wewest wrinkle to gun range debate! Link |
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Sweetheart Dinner Dance February 8th at 6 pm. Prime rib, twice baked potato, Caesar salad and wonderful homemade cheese cake. Plus Entertainment. $20. Funds will help our Sunshine Grandparents at Moosehaven. Members and qualified guest, thank you. Tickets go on sale 1/24/14 in the social quarters, see Donna A. Sargent. If any questions call 305-745-5175. |
[Friday Joke] A teacher was explaining government to her second grade class. The homework she assigned them was to have their parents explain what they believed government to be. When Little Johnny got home later that day, he went up to his dad and asked him just that. His dad thought for a while before answering, “Think of Government like this: I’m the president, your mom is Congress, our maid is the work force, you are the people, and your baby brother is the future.” ”I still don’t get it” replied Little Johnny, so his dad suggested he sleep on it. In the middle of the night, Little Johnny was woken by his baby brother’s crying. When he went to his baby brother’s crib he found his diaper was full, so he went to his parent’s room to let them know so they could change his diaper. But when he quietly opened their door, he could only see his mom sleeping. So he went to the maid’s room to see if she was up and could help, but when he got there, he could here strange noises, so he looked through the keyhole and saw his dad having sex with her. The next morning over breakfast, Little Johnny’s dad asked him “Did you understand my analogy about Government?” to which Little Johnny replied “Yes, last night was a real eye opener. The President is screwing the work force, Congress is fast asleep, nobody cares about the people, and the future is full of crap!” |
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I find so many people that don’t understand what historic preservation is or even like the idea of it. It’s the same with the environment, many feel if preservation stands in their way of making more money it’s a bad think. |
If anyone starts shooting at targets in your neighborhood you’ll find out how nerve racking it can be. This happened to me in Virginia. I went before the Board of Supervisors and they put a stop to it. All it takes is a government with balls! |
Bushmaster needs to put some kind of counter on the sides of those 30 bullet magazines so when a guy is shooting a bunch of little kids he can see how many slugs he has left before it’s time to slap in a fresh mag. |
[“Vegetarian ‘Ham’”] Textured soy protein, water, vegetable oil, whey protein, sugar, wheat flour, salt, vegetarian seasonings, permitted food coloring. Contains soybeans, gluten and dairy. That sure sounds like Twinkies to me! |
[“Back yard shooting”] Are there any back yards around the FKAA building? |
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[“Employer paying minimum wage will not be in business long”] Au contraire my friend, from the Northern border of Minn, to the southern border of Texas we have a large swath of the known as the rust belt. Within the confines of this belt there are literally thousands if not millions of people who are more than willing to work for minimum wage. This is not only true for the employees, but many employers would be delighted to show a net profit per hour equal to the minimum wage. Traveling down the rust belt is to see small town America imploding. One may ask then, why do they stay? My friend, the answer is they don’t! Like the Okies did during the last great depression, they are seeking more hospitable climes, only in most cases to find that that is not the American dream either. I think the answer to our problem is increase the minimum wage to $50 per hour. That should fix things for at least a month or two. |
Big drug bust on Stock Island, the other dealers cheer. Drug supply vs. demand sets the price, just like with any other commodity. Economy 101. |
$50,000,000 in State sewer money soon come. Link |
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Next pour the mixture wide around the ant mound or other areas, thin pooling it preferably, keeping away from animals and children of course. What happens is the ants are thirsty, they drink the mix and feed it to others in their nest, wipes them all out. Anticide! |
Stock Market lesson for today: Car company sales and profits soar, the stock price does nothing or drops. |
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[Historic Preservation] Pigeon Key Solar Panels. You might read the caption that was under the photo on the Net for 2013: “A 105-by-16-foot solar array collects sunlight to be converted into electricity on Pigeon Key near Marathon. Officials inaugurated the new system Friday on the tiny 5.3-acre island. The $225,000 investment should be paid back within five years for the island, which now serves as an educational facility and visitor attraction.” Self sufficiency, with no “new” electric bills after 5 years might be seen as a good, not a bad thing. |
The Soca crime family is kaput. Yesterday’s Stock Island bust is the biggest in recent memory putting a big crimp on the supply of cocaine, Oxycontin, Xanax and crack in the lower Keys. The three family member crime family were very bad dudes. The son, Juan Soca Jr, had 28 arrests since 2001. Didn’t the judge notice he was a repeat offender after 28 arrests? |
Free Colorectal Cancer test and get a free $10 Publix debit card. Link |
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[Iguana Control] “No longer have iguana infestations, just the occasional iguana coming in from adjacent areas” And all the juveniles you’re not seeing when you’re not around, so you still have an infestation problem. Maybe one day you’ll realize you have lost, just not today. |
The #1 selling ramen noodle soup in Colorado. |
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Once second on the Internet will show you graphically. You know the Internet is busy, but can you visualize just how busy? Link |
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Speaking of bounties on invasive species, if the Sanctuary wanted the lionfish gone, there’d be a bounty on them. How dare they state that it’s the end of the Keys fisheries and not do something aggressive other than sit and bitch. If you don’t like it, Sanctuary, then put your money where your mouths are. And that message goes to the SAC[?] members also. Big talk, no action. |
[Captain Doom and Gloom] “Historic Preservation” A few years ago, there was a guy who invented a roof shingle that generated electric power just like these solar panels, and it looked like a real shingle. Hard to install, but it would have been great for restoration and supplying power. There was also a company that invented a paint to do the same, but of course all that is on a shelf hidden forever! |
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What follows is an e-mail that I received from “D”. It appears that D and I have different views on the threat posed by Muslim fundamentalists having possession of nuclear weapons and of our relationship with Israel. As promised I am publishing it. Unfortunately I do not have time today to respond, but I will in Sunday’s CT.
Your postings of late seem to have the same message, only about A-bombs, They have been around since WW2, and very few if any have been used in any warfare, If what I read on the net is true, even the military here stopped our ‘deer’ president from blowing one off near SC. No matter what a few muslin nutcases may want to do, they all do not want to die and their scientists and military more than likely do not want to die because a nutcase wants 70 virgins. Iran has enough religious problems to cope with at home. I also notice that you never mention the fact that Israel has tons of Nuke weapons and always threatens to use them, but will not sign any Nuke treaties or allow any inspections in their territory, but demands inspection of other sovereign nations. Very strange that Israel can “demand’ that we place sanctions on Syria, but will allow no sanctions on itself. Maybe he was right when the late president was caught on an open mike saying “we control the United States”, and “all goys are cattle” My thanks to D for his time, I will respond in Sundays CT. Please send me your comments at |