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[Bogus Signs] Regarding the truck loaded with “martial law is in effect signs” story. This bogus story has been circulating as a false rumor since 1999 according to the website. |
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Good news! Searching “Grinder pump petition” on Google now brings up both local online petitions as the first two hits. Link |
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[Leech Society] If you can’t take care of yourself then you should self-terminate. You are holding everyone else back, being a cry baby and expecting handouts. You consume everything and contribute nothing and then whine for more. You are a waste of human skin. If you want to enjoy life, then get off your crummy ass and do something! Stop holding your hand out. Do not think the rest of us don’t realize what a piece of crap you are. The Pretenders with Iggy Pop performing “Fools Must Die“ |
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The other LPS sewer grinder pump salesmen (grinder pump pimps?) know a few things about the Environment One (E-1) pump that the E-1 slicks probably neglected to mention to FKAA. Here are just two good ones: The E-1 pump motor will reportedly not withstand total submersion for long! (Any chance of that in a power outage or flood?) This is apparently due to heat build-up, clogging and their choice of air-cooling the motor instead of using an oil bath and finned casing like most. (That may be why they try to keep run times below one minute, and preferably 30-45 seconds). The level control for on-off is an internal switch triggered by the sewage passing into a thin tube that is prone to clogging, especially by grease. It might not turn on or it might not turn off. By not using the usual float ball switches, the amount of pumping is limited to about 8 gallons at a time and is not adjustable. It seems that what you just flushed is not the only P.O.S. in the pump pit. Tell FKAA and the County, No grinder pumps! Petition |
She let the dogs out. At least she kept the cat locked up. |
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[Week in Review] A few good conspiracies on CT – maybe they’re related? Maybe those signs said ‘Martian’ Law and it’s tied to the UFO sightings. Then maybe the Area 54 gang is ‘mad as hell and not going to take it anymore’. Throw in some grinder pumps and you can see how the invasion will work. How’s that for an obtuse angle or angel? I can’t link the Ed’s website glitch to this – I’m buying the story about the HHS gang ‘helping’ the CT. |
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[Snowbirds] I am bracing myself for an influx of UFOs: Ugly, Fat, Out-of-towners. We know where most of them come from and It ain’t California. |
I asked her, “Do you know him?” “Yes”, she sighed, “He’s my old boyfriend. I understand he took to drinking right after we split up those many years ago, and I hear he hasn’t been sober since.” “My God!” I said, “Who would think a person could go on celebrating that long?” |
Where will I live when my grinder pump brakes down after a Hurricane and there is no power and I have to clean up my property? No toilet, no bath. Where will I live? |
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Please take time out of your busy schedule and either call, write or visit him, Please. He needs cheer, encouragement & support so he can eventually grow stronger, get better and return home. In the beginning, he has been a caretaker to many, providing the same for our community. Now, he needs you. Please consider this petition on his behalf & act upon, soon. Here’s Stanley’s information for getting in touch with him: South Dade Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, 17475 S. Dixie Highway Room #227 (Corner of U.S. 1 & 174th Street), Miami, FL. 33157, 305-255-1045 |
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[Silent Movie] “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari”-1920. Full length movie |
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The County and FKAA do not yet seem to understand that we do NOT want individual grinder pumps stuck in our yards. Please read your post before you hit Send! |
[“High Key Deer mortality rates”] These rates can be easily controlled by importing the endangered Tigers and Lions and let them grow families in the Keys. God will provide, right? |
[‘Martial Law Is In Effect signs”] When they change the signs on the garbage trucks from Waste Management to the Soylent Corporation then you’ll know we are really in trouble |
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[Traffic Pattern] I have been driving North Roosevelt Boulevard both ways recently and it really seems to be working. I wonder why it was such a big deal and took so much activism to get that changed from the one way scheme that had everyone so upset. I also heard police chief Donnie Lee say that there had been no problems even during Fantasy Fest. So congratulations to the Blue Paper and the majority of the City Commission and the other folks who made it happen despite the obstacles the nay sayers presented. I am so glad we thought outside the box they put us in. Maybe we should make a habit of it. eh |
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Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around cleaning their guns and reloading. |
Your $50 donation will support the historic commissioning of six U. S. Coast Guard Fast Response Cutters being home-ported here in Key West. The first commissioning will be the CHARLES DAVID JR taking place at sunset on 16 November 2013. Gala tickets are available through the Tropic Cinema Box Office, and from commissioning committee members. Active duty military members in uniform will receive two tickets for the price of one (through commissioning committee members only, please). For information see Events |
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Who will be the next czar of the Americas? Who will have the canknockas to try and fix the mess the greedies have created to downfall the USA? Is there a man among us who will risk his life to bring back the American way of hard work and self respect, of honor, good deeds, the best education for our children, the clean and healthy, the prosperous? What future will such a man suggest for those who will be born in dept beyond their understanding? Can he save what is left of the give me state and return it to a I will work for it state or are we beyond the no return point and heading to WW3 as some crazies have planned since the last fiasco to restructure the power egotists? Time to think very deeply about the future which is here now, and to learn Chinese not Spanish, Russian or Hebrew. God save the USA! |
Rumor has it that South Park’s Mr. Hanky, the Christmas poo, will be making a guest appearance at the Looe Key Tiki Bar’s Halloween party tonight. Obviously he is vehemently opposed to the LPS sewer grinder pumps that FKAA wants to put in your yard, so he or his friends will likely have the paper version of the online petition “NO GRINDER PUMPS” available to sign, just in case you are hesitant to give your email address to an online site. Link |
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[Crook] What Attorney Hendricks kept repeating over and over on Bill Becker’s show this morning was how the slanderous mailer only contained a very old public record. And he brushed aside any taint to his already besmirched reputation. He sure seemed to dislike Senmartin enough to create that mailer. I wonder if Miller could actually be his son or if his son may know who that is and if Vogel really looked there? She “followed all our leads…” What about phone records? And all this was done through the fantasy fest office? Nice. |
[Conspiracy Man] “Martial Law Signs” Check this out before more rumors spread. Link |
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Would you be interested in helping us avoid future disasters related to individual low pressure grinder pumps being placed on individual homeowners property. We know each grinder pump can run 3 to 5 homes if placed in a manhole in the right of way where they are more easy to access, maintain, pump out in a Hurricane or change out as needed. It will Save the County over 4 million dollars to do things this way. It will save the property owner over $1,000. in electric upgrades if the FKAA supplies the electric to these manhole pumps and people will not have to give an easement to their property. This issue applies to the Cudjoe Wastewater plant service from Cudjoe to Big Pine key |
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The Big Pine flea market is open this Saturday and Sunday 8 am til 2 pm. Come get your fresh vegetables and meet all the new vendors. All your old friends are here too. It’s time to stock up on all your fishing supplies, hats, sunglasses and shop early for great prices on christmas gifts. |
[Great Hypocrite] During his lifetime the brilliant Thomas Jefferson owned about 600 people, but he was really kind of nice to them. He raped only a few of the women who bore some of his kids. He claimed he really didn’t like doing all this but didn’t want to rock the boat, so to speak. He somewhat made up for all this by writing our Declaration of Independence, a paean to the concept of the right to freedom of the individual human being. |
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[“You can find anything on the web that supports your way of thinking”] So post stuff that is true and has honest evidence to support it, instead of bitching about that other write. |
I agree with the person who noted that the CT has been overrun with concerns outside of the Keys. I too want to know the status of Jersey girls and who has the most attractive mug shot on Also I miss the Peacock poet. |
[“What’s a kickin back?”] It’s that little convenience store on Sugarloaf, US 1 bend oceanside, that you ignore going southbound and nearly rear end anyone turning into it northbound. It would be a high accident location on US 1 like Boondocks is if it was a bar, since it requires some attention being paid to getting out of there without being seriously t-boned. |
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The County and FKAA do not yet seem to understand that we do NOT want individual grinder pumps stuck in our yards.” |
The deficit fell below one trillion. |
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Helping those in need. What you need to know about divorce. Link |
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Congress’s inaction on climate change imposes on unfunded mandate on State & local governments. Link |
Kudos to all who put the fright night on at the community park, young and young at heart had a frightful good time Thanks again. |
While dining, my friend said, “You have an real anal personality.” I replied graciously with, “Thank you! Somebody has to be in control.” |
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Ever wonder what the National Debt really is? Like who owes what to whom? Seems our floundering fathers are just blowing money out the windows to foreign BS countries and printing more dead presidents for the fun of it. Any National Debt INSIDE the USA is no more than ill inspired recirculation of wealth, so why worry about that part of it? That wealth does not leave our country! No matter who is getting a slice of the Dole Pie, that pie in in the USA. It is the foreign crap that is killing us. Could be they are hiding the crumbs? |
[Flight to Havana] What part of “embargo” do you not understand? Flights from Key West to Havana? Really? It is a communist country. Good luck. Maybe check in with Yaniz[?] didn’t work too well for him. |
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Memo reveals only 6 people signed up for Obamacare on first day. The King has no clothes! |
[Obamacare] $400 million in the toilet and a suspected major compromise of a data center later. Obama calls in Google, Red Hat and Oracle to rescue site. To our resident ‘big government is the solution’ lefties: haha! Link |
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[“All you pro-lifers should love maternity insurance”] Oh I really do, everyone should be made to pay for my healthcare they cannot use themselves. And I’m like so pro-life too, Obamacare is going to cover my sex change operation so I can get the free prenatal care. Doctors say I can’t kids, but If it’s free and makes me feel like a real woman, it’s me honey. Look out sisters, there’s a new hotness coming to town! |
“Obama has spent nearly 5 times as much on welfare as on NASA, education, and transportation combined.” ~Ftr guy. Wait a minute, is FTR guy supporting education and NASA? That sounds very un Republican, almost RINO. I like how FTR guy ignores the elephant in the room or the political sacred cow– the military budget. The military spends in one day what NASA gets in one year! |
Nice move, President Obama. That was slick how you used our Navy and deked[?] Assad into getting rid of his chemical weapons without firing a shot or getting any of our heroes hurt. |
Who said you can keep your doctor & medical insurance plan when the Affordable Health Care Act kicks in? |
I just keep thinking oblundercare then Benghazi over and over. Benghazi oblundercare, that’s the way the White House handles everything. They don’t they blame simple equation Benghazi oblundercare same deadly disaster[?] |
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Part 2) The Obamacare fans may want to think about the fact that when the employer mandate goes into effect next year, the average Joe who gets his health insurance on the job is really going to be screwed. In anticipation of the law, already the percentage of people who get health coverage from their job via a grandfathered plan has dropped from 56 percent in 2011 to 36 percent in 2013. It will get worse as employers cut employees or cut employee hours from full to part time. Link