2024 October

Friday, October 25, 2024

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(Big Pine Key’s garbage pick-up days)

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[Gray Hair] Is there a way to reverse gray hair? The vast majority of adults go gray. Fifty percent of people have roughly 50% gray hair by age 50. Dermatologists call this the 50-50-50 rule. Stress! Eventually, high levels of stress can lead to chronic inflammation. Inflammation can interfere with melanocytes. Link
Hurricane Oscar has completely defecated. We have nothing to be concerned about. Phew!
Every day, thousands of innocent plants are killed by vegetarians. Help end the violence. Eat bacon!
[Friday Joke] What did the grape say when stepped on? Nothing, it just let out a little wine.
[Meteor] When a meteor smashes into your driveway. ‘How to Kill an Asteroid: The Real Science of Planetary Defense’ transports you to the scene in Winchcombe, England. Link
[Fake Book Review] The Open Kimono by Seymour Hare
[Friday Joke] I just had another “friend‘ delete and block me on FB. The guy is from France. We were talking about sports history. He asked me who won the first Tour de France. Apparently, the 5th Panzer Division was not the correct answer.
[Word of the Day: Olfaction] People who can’t smell breathe differently. A new study reveals hidden inhalation differences in those born without olfaction. Link
Early Voting Starts – Vote Ron Saunders
[Commie] Elon Musk’s secret conversations with Vladimir Putin. The world’s richest man and a linchpin of U.S. space efforts, has been in regular contact with Russian President Vladimir Putin since late 2022. Link
[Commie] Steven Segal moved to Russia and wants to fight in Ukraine and “die if need be” to help Putin win. He’s 72.
Is that what happened when no one goes to your movies anymore?
[Electoral College] I’m afraid you have it backwards. Without the electoral college your vote might not mean shit. Why do you think we even have it? To fix that fact. I don’t believe the poster knows how it works and why it is needed. Link
[Tube Food] Inside the US military lab making tube food for spy plane pilots. An aviator flying a U-2 aircraft will consume delicacies like truffle mac and cheese from a metal tube. Here’s how this cuisine is made—and what it tastes like. Link
[The Truth about Ron Saunders] Ron Saunders, a career Democrat politician, is running for Supervisor of Elections in Monroe County. However, his record raises serious concerns about his integrity and accountability. Saunders has been cited for at least five Federal Election Campaign violations and has a history of over $300,000 in federal tax liens. On three separate occasions, he bounced checks totaling over $10,000. These issues suggest that Ron Saunders is not fit to manage his own finances, let alone the critical responsibilities of the Elections Office.
For verified public records of at least 25 of Ron Saunders’ transgressions, click here.(Submitted by his opponent)
[Space, The Last Frontier] Striking. Vibrant. Dazzling. The adjectives to describe our universe are infinite. And nowhere is that on display more than in the images from this year’s Astrophotography Prize Photographer of the Year awards. Link
Key West Appliance Repair (305) 563-6965. Business Directory > Appliance, Repair
[Big Pine Computer Club] Meeting this Saturday, Oct. 26, 10:30 a.m. at the Community Center, Big Pine Plaza. Halloween costumes optional.
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[You Be the Judge] should my flatmate stop drying her underwear on our radiators? Will hates it when Harriet hangs her laundry everywhere. She thinks he should stop getting his knickers in a twist. You decide who’s talking pants. Link
[Asteroids] What Hollywood gets wrong—and surprisingly right—about saving the world from killer asteroids. Are nukes really our best defense? Link
[K-Ration Breakfast] It includes a packet of Nescafe instant coffee, energy biscuits (they look like crackers), gum, a tin of chopped ham and eggs, the key to open the can, and cigarettes. US Army Signal Corps, 1943.
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[Friday Joke] Wife, “Nobody told me that when I found a husband the ears are sold separately.”
Me, “Did you say something?”
[Rigid Wing Sail] A nuclear waste tanker ship is testing a 65-foot-tall wing-sail. ‘FastRig’ could help dirty cargo vessels cut shipping emissions by as much as one-third. Link
Today’s Coconut Telegraph was published on 10/25/24 at 8:27 am.