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Since 2002. Anonymous Letters to the Editor with pictures. Published Monday through Friday by Noon.
Santa Village has a Santa Tracker: 10 days, 21 hours, 50 minutes, etc. Link |
What I do know about Mr. Forrest Young is he has worked very hard as a marine collector, built a good looking and well thought out aquarium habitat for all of us and our guest to enjoy, created jobs, is a nice man and a good guitar player. |
[Fines] Remember when this country had a Constitution and Bill of Rights that guaranteed No excessive fines, or cruel and unusual punishment? I read that a mobile home owner on Little Torch made some improvements without a permit and was fined $600 per day until he accumulated $1.8 million in fines! That, my friends, is excessive. This county will not give you a permit to make much of any improvement on a mobile home because they want them gone. I have it on tape from the previous FEMA rep at the County, in the presence of the previous Building Official. She also said, “We will not be happy until we have forced you to tear down your mobile home and put up a stilt house.” I was accompanying a friend at the time who had been lied to multiple times by the building department, so I took a tape recorder and explained why it was on the table and would be recording the conversation. The “mobile home” in question had been expanded with a concrete block structure properly permitted decades ago that was considerably bigger than the mobile home, and the mobile had been studded and drywalled inside, and plywood sheathed and then sided outside. It would withstand more hurricane than any modular and did not flood in Wilma. The County said they consider the entire structure to be a mobile home because a piece of it was. You should have the right to maintain and improve your own home without interference. $600/day for a code infraction? Oppressive. |
To the person who lost their kayak, check your email. I’ve been trying to contact you for several days. |
I don’t remember the stairs that were cut into the granite wall at the dead end of Rockingham Street because I just knew I wasn’t allowed to go up there. So what ever was up there didn’t exist. My little friend Kathy lived in the house next to the granite wall on the third floor where the ceilings were slanted. I think they were poorer than us; not that we ever did without anything.Years later that same little girl phoned me out of the blue and asked me to her senior prom in Providence that was being held in one of those creepy old brick school auditoriums. I didn’t know what to make of it except that she couldn’t get a date so she must be ugly. When we were little we were very good friends and played pin the tail on the donkey so I accepted. She wasn’t bad looking, and rather Irish and had on a pretty dress. Of course a girl named Kathleen Finnegan would look Irish. We danced, drank punch. I tried not to look at any of the guys or their dates too long so we wouldn’t get into any fights. I don’t remember what we talked about. I know it wasn’t deep because I wasn’t in touch with my inner female yet. The school was a crap hole with party streamers running across the beams. Too many shadows inside and out of the building. I never liked going to other guys’ territory in the inner city. Teenage Italian males were more of a problem than blacks in that area. It bordered on South Providence where the blacks lived, but this neighborhood’s trouble came from young Italians. A menacing group. The blockbuster movie at the time was West Side Story. Everyone saw it and everyone tried to imitate the gangs. When my friends and I were walking home after seeing it we tried to act tough like the Jets, kicking over garbage cans, packs of Lucky Strikes rolled up in the sleeves of our white t-shirts, hair slicked back with Vitalis, snapping fingers out in front of our jazz-stepping selves, trying to act like the Jets in every way. “When you’re a Jet you’re a Jet all the way, from your first cigarette to you’re last dying day…” (No I didn’t get laid. There was no attraction to Kathleen. I guess playing pin the tail on the donkey just kills it for anything more.) |
[“Where is the Idiots Of The World meeting being held”] Same place it always is, right here on the good old CT. “This meeting will come to disorder!” |
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If you are looking for real Mexican food, take it from this Texan, forget Chicos, try the Mexican food truck by the Key Largo big fruit and vegetable stand at mm 101. Its worth the drive for fresh Homestead veggies and both Key Largo flea markets on Sunday. Did you ever try the taco stand in the town of Mascotte, west of Orlando? The town looks like Mexico. Its on Florida hwy 50. Try any food truck at the Plant City flea market on Wednesdays. That looks like little Mexico too. |
Thank you for the “growing up in BPK in the 70s and 80s” It was an enjoyable trip down memory lane! |
To the person looking to rent a jet ski PWC for a week or two around Big Pine, be aware that most of the area north of the island is off limits to personal watercraft. |
I have no time for stupid people. But they sure do have time for me. |
I love the Keys and wish I could live there but I cant at this time. Remember you all live in a small paradise that most folks dream about. As for now I will live in my small paradise on a lake in central Alabama and dream of the Keys, but I will be a visitor from time to time, so until then enjoy the warm breeze and salt air. Life is what you make it. Love, laugh and smile as often as you can. |
Derringer. Rare 1964 gold plated Hi-Standard .22 long rifle, double barreled. Gold plating looks good on one side, not so good on the other side (results of 40 years in Keys). Fires great and true. Located on Big Pine Key. $200 call Classified Ads > Misc |
A gadfly is a person who upsets the status quo by posing upsetting or novel questions. The term “gadfly” was used by Plato in the Apology[2] to describe Socratess relationship of uncomfortable goad to the Athenian political scene, which he compared to a slow and dimwitted horse. |
Florida Keys Southernmost Car Club [will be/was] collecting toys for the Domestic Abuse Shelter in Monroe County December 21st. |
The point raised by the Rolling Stone rape story should really be that American parents have raised up a horde of dangerous sociopathic children with a huge sense of entitlement and without any sense of conscience, remorse, or responsibility for their own actions. |
[Monroe County Sales Tax Extension] Its all about the money. Did the three commissioners living north of the 7 Mile Bridge vote to illegally divert funds from the 1 cent infrastructure sales tax? Read carefully the exact wording on the measure passed by the electorate. Why are 1300 residents and taxpayers in Commissioner Neugents district being forced to give up their property easement? This is an Eminent Domain issue which makes it a constitutional issue both federal and state and then have to pay to provide electricity for their sewer pump? How many residents in Marathon, where Commissioner Neugent, lives are being strong armed into giving up their property and forced to provide electricity to run a second class sewer system. Neugent called us losers and voted to make that happen. Link |
[Pristine Boca Grande Key] God help they should post it with signs and start writing tickets with heavy fines. No reason for boats, much less a bunch of partying people going on that island. |
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Are there any gas stations between Key West and Big Pine that sell non ethanol gas? |
[“Growing up on BPK, without A/C–until I left”] Ha! Our parents pulled the same thing on us. I think the A/C installer was waiting around the corner for me to leave and as soon as I was out of sight he was there putting the system in. |
Fabulous Christmas light display with tributes to all armed forces and a thank you for their service. Video |
Chief Doney Lee, I CANT BREATH! I see that your gang needs more training on how to be a police officers. I think it is time you step down. Key West needs a leader that is better than you at policing. ~silentfaith@comcast.net |
[Illegal Dumping] Coming soon to Peg Leg Road, LTK, will be 24/7 surveillance! For the second time in 2014 there have been two, yes 2, dump truck-size loads of yard waste, branches, palm fronds, etc. dumped on the perimeters of the vacant lots of Peg Leg Rd. This debris must be cut up first (by me) into 16 inch or so pieces and placed into trash cans before Waste Management will haul them away. I spent hours cutting the debris but I do not supply the cans, nor will fill them, so that WM can haul them away. In the future the 360 degree surveillance may just be what is needed to stop this neighborhood dumping and disrespect for others property. Dumpers beware because if apprehended the Monroe County ordinance and fines for illegal dumping will be enforced. Sorry it had to come to this, but a stand needs to be taken. |
[Mad Russian ad] Then there’s the time he was roofing a commercial building on the corner of Duval and Truman. He’d worked for the guy before and knew he was a slow payer. When the job was done, the owner came by with a sob story as to why he couldn’t pay Chodzin. Without missing a beat, Chodzin yelled up to his crew to start tearing off the roof. They started chopping on the roof (which was a piece of scrap plywood he had placed on the flat roof knowing the owner was going to try to cheat him). The owner freaked, went to his car, and returned with full payment. |
[Sewers] I am sure that I am somehow misunderstanding what is happening with our new sewer system in the Keys. I have read that the original purpose of a public sewer system was to protect and keep our oceans, canals and inland waters unpolluted. This seems reasonable. So why is the FKAA drilling shallow injection wells only 120 feet in depth, when it has been proven and is without question that this will allow leachate into surrounding waters? This is unreasonable and bizarre. If this is what prevails, we may as well stay on septic tanks. Regardless of your opinion of the sewer system under construction, please help spread this fact. |
Ho ho ho. I finally know who Santa is the other 364 days of the year. Could it be Deer Ed? |
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Pope rummaging through Vatican basement for the rest of his plastic nativity scene figures. |
I read a newspaper article that said Key West is the number one tourist destination researched in the US. Probably by people who are concerned about budget, crime and safety. I also read in a different article that the Key West Police Department has given a reprimand and a minimal suspension to two of the six cops that battered and suffocated Charles Eimers to death on his first day visiting Key West. The two issues need to be pulled together so that when people research Key West vacation, they also can read about how the KW police chief blows off the beating and death in custody of innocent tourists as mere violations of policy and procedures. Maybe if the Key West tourist industry takes a financial hit, they will take police brutality as a more serious issue. A Key West hotel discount is not worth taking a beating or tasering because you fell asleep on the beach after enjoying a margarita at a Key West bar and some cop concludes you are homeless.Notice how I used all the right keywords in this posting to attract hits in internet searches for a Key West vacation? All thats needed now is to include a link to http://thebluepaper.com so they can read the truth about safety and the dangers in Key West. |
Big Pine Key duplex for rent. We have a 650 sq ft half duplex to rent on a canal in Big Pine Key. We stay in the other half. The place is clean and has central air which reduces your electric bill considerably. It has a W/D connection. (Current renter would like to sell their w/d for $500 OBO). Sorry, but no tobacco users or pets allowed. We supply water, internet and trash pickup. $1150 per month. $1250 if you want to park a boat at the dock. F/L/S. Call Classified Ads > For Rent |
[“Chico’s Cantina”] While I will not comment on taste, I can say that it was the most over-priced and smallest-portioned Mexican food that I have ever had. One taco an enchilada and a chimichanga was over $50 bucks for lunch–no drinks. And, no, I will never go back. |
[Boating Skills and Seamanship Class] The Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 13-3, Big Pine Key, is offering a Boating Skills and Seamanship class beginning January 12th thru January 29th. It is a three week program, two (2) nights per week from 7:00 to 9:30 P.M. It will be held at Venture Out Resort, 701 Spanish Main Drive, Cudjoe Key, Florida.The cost of the program is $55 per person (materials included) and $80 per couple with shared materials.
Topics include: Which Boat is for You, Required Boat Equipment, Operator Responsibilities, Rules of the Road, Handling Your Boat, Highway Signs, Orientation to Nautical Charts, Weather, A Look at the Coast Guard Auxiliary, Navigational Tools & Techniques, Navigational Exercises, Tailoring, Boating Safety, Your Boats Radio and a Search and Rescue (SAR) Exercise, Florida Law, Environmental Concerns in the Florida Keys and Hands on Knot Tying. For more information, visit Our Web Site at Link and select “Boating Safety Classes” Events |
To reach the goals of your life, you need discipline, you need luck and you need something as important as these two — Vacations! Come on down, we would love to see you in the Lower Keys of the Fabulous Florida Keys and have a blessed and very merry Christmas on your way down. For all you Keys kids, take a break, come home for a few days. We miss you. |
… in the Blue Paper! Its an easy read. We are in for a world of trouble if this system gets built. I wonder if Commissioner Neugent still says, “I trust our engineers.” Talk about misplaced trust! Link (Ed: I apologize to the poster for losing the begining of the post) |
FAVOR’s Free Films! Friends And Volunteers Of Refuges 6th season of outdoor films are shown at the National Wildlife Refuge Trails Parking lot located (1/4) mile north of Blue Hole on Key Deer Blvd, Big Pine Key. FAVOR’s outdoor films are shown on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays; starting in December and continuing until the end of January. Short films start at dusk with feature at 7pmBring your lawn-chairs & refreshments, FAVOR supplies free organic popcorn! Dec 17 Disruption. For more information Events |
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Santa was making a test flight and he accidentally travelled into ISIS air space and was shot down by a Stinger missile. There were no survivors. All the reindeer died on impact. Arrangements are being made to ship his body back to the North Pole at this time. Santa didnt die on impact, he was beheaded by his capturers. At least he wasnt tortured, I men enhanced interrogated, by water boarding. Rest in peace Santa. |
2001 Sea Doo 21 ft Islandia. This is a big 22-footer Deck-type boat has seating for twelve. Great Keys boat. Approx 38 hours on the Mercury 240 V6, New battery, throttle cables and linkage, Cobra Jet steering, CD, Stereo, Fixed head, Swim platform w/ retractable ladder, 50 gallon fresh water wash down, sink, Garmon GPS. Dual axle trailer. Priced to sell quickly at $8500 or first reasonable offer. Classified Ads > Boats |
This is Christmas: flat screen TVs, iPhones and 300 dollar tennis shoes. Maybe not. Maybe its the right time to give some thought to how we can fix the racial mess we are growing. If you dont care for, or know Bill OReilly, now would be a good time to meet him or give him another listen. In my mind he is on the money with his assessment of our race problem and we do have a problem. Give a listen, post your thoughts and have a blessed and very merry Christmas. Video |
[Muslim Strikes Again] Hands up, Aussie Style. The Shahada flag, or declaration of faith, the same as seen on ISIS banners, translates as “There is no deity of worship except for God (Allah), and Muhammad is the messenger of God.” Link |
StopTheShallowSewageWells campaign has been accepted for fiscal sponsorship by EcoEd, a 501(c)(3) not for profit environmental protection organization. EcoEd is also offering a 100% matching donation for any contributions received by StopTheShallowSewageWells campaign before February 1, 2015. All contributions are tax deductible. We now have a PayPal account so you can just click on the link below and make a contribution directly to our campaign account. LinkIf you prefer to write a check, please make checks payable to “Caron Balkany PA Trust Account – legal costs for the shallow well challenge,” and mail to Caron Balkany (our volunteer lawyer) Caron Balkany PA Trust Account, PO Box 420859, Summerland Key, FL 33042. If you’re willing to write to the County Commission to express your support for a deep well, that would be really helpful. |
[Feminists] Columbia MBA students made a feminist parody of “All About That Bass” Video |
[Name That Bird] Would someone identify this bird for me? He was apparently hoping to find a meal in the marsh in the refuge surrounding the Cudjoe transfer station. He did not seem to be having much luck, just like I did not have much luck identifying him. There are still several varieties of hawk and falcon hanging around this refuge but most of the finches are gone. |
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[Unedited] German Plant Little doubt why they have 4 of the ‘Cars of the Year’…………..America should ‘take some lessons’ ………..First, let’s start ‘from the beginning’ as these technicians may or may not be college grads, but from when they entered their ‘basic education’ at 6 years old ‘or so’, they were probably ‘tracked’ accordingly to their talents and skills right up through high school. It seems Europe ‘in general’ seemed to be more concerned about their ‘basic labor forces/resources’ than the US, as we don’t seem to put a high priority on Youth/Entry Level Labor skills at all, with the exception of a ‘BOCES’ type specialty program. In addition and as a side note, it seems we’re no longer teaching ‘cursive’ handwriting as I understand to be part of the ‘Common Core’ concept………..true or false ?If so, why ? Will we have to print the Declaration of Independence and Constitution in ‘block print’ for those coming after us to read them or is it the plan to ‘burn them for lack of interest?………(For the first time this year I’ve had an entry level employee sign their paycheck in ‘block letters’……….’ya can’t make this stuff up ! Hmmmmmmm.
Frankly, the ‘stupidity’ of our Education System would ‘almost be funny’ if it weren’t soooooo sad as to the direction we’re going in and our youth/futures going with it………..apparently the PhD’s. have a ‘death wish’ for the ‘3 R’s and ‘for this’, I question their qualification of even being ‘in charge’ of things ‘they haven’t a clue about the real world out there on this level and what makes it tick’………..plain and simple) Without ‘dancing around’ the subject, many European Countries had/have a ‘constant’ conscious concern of being a productive/profitable part of Society………..it was ‘all important’ as most Countries weren’t ‘blessed’ with the vast ‘natural resources’ as the US was/is. For this ‘one’ reason, they had to make everything and everyone ‘count’ and Germany is one Country that’s been ‘on it’s knees’ twice in one Century and ‘like the ‘Timex Watch’, they ‘keep on ticking’…………a story for another time. However, my point is not as much about their GNP, but the way they ‘keep excelling’- being such a comparatively ‘small Country’ with a ‘large population’ and (again) with many fewer natural resources and less potential than the US. In conclusion, could it be that ‘from the beginning’, they start and continue the assessment of their people and ‘start’ Vocational Training and identify ‘specific skill potential’ at an early age to cultivate a ‘2 level Economic Culture’ to satisfy both ‘Higher Education’ and ‘a talented and eager labor force ‘in the ‘Trades’ by developing an ‘entry level labor force’ to start all this………….something the USA has been remiss for much of our present ‘adult lives’ and now our leadership continues to ‘go against reality’, now wanting ‘more pay’ for a less skilled labor force on not only this level, but others. Unfortunately, this ‘goes against our Capitalistic System and for one thing, will result in a severe unintended consequence as our ‘youth’ may be more ‘unemployable’ as fewer will have the skills for even the ‘Entry Level Labor Force’……….an ‘oxymoron’ for sure by more ‘basic flawed logic’ of our Bureaucrats, Politicians and PhD’s……….Aye ? This attitude in our Education and Political System seems to continue to put a ‘great potential on a shelf’ for lack of a common sense plan or ‘even caring’ ! It’s no secret ‘Food Stamps and Welfare’ is ‘over done’ and is being prostituted by ‘too many’……….I don’t think I’ll get an argument here……Aye ? I would ask, ‘could it be the biggest part or our ‘lack of jobs’ stem from our Country’s lack of this basic logic that has worked well for over 200 years………also where is our ‘leadership on a political and professional level’………….’WHY is this void’ in our Economic Plan, (or do we even have one) ? Is it ignorance, apathy, self serving or ‘plain stupidity’ disguised by ‘in empty suits’, which are becoming more transparent ? In addition, the Powers That Be on ‘all’ levels do not want a ‘dialogue’ on any of this……….their attitude is ‘just send your money and mind you own business……….’how do you like it so far’ ? What is different ‘about Germany’s/Europe’s basic human resources plan’ than ours is ‘quite obvious, I would say……..Do we wonder why we can’t ‘grow our communities’ and why people keep ‘movin on’…………The ‘biggest part’ is ‘right under your noses’………any questions?…………if so, ‘Common Sense is here to help’…………..’Hello out there’……………’Anybody home’ ? With the Packard plant in mind, how long do you think this VW plant would last in Detroit? Junk inside of a month! What is the difference in the labor force? Want to see why the Germans have a positive trade balance, in spite of paying workers some of the highest wages in the world? |
Bait freezer for sale. 4 ft chest model, used 2 seasons, good condition, BPK Classified Ads > Appliances |
[The Law] Realtors who advertise in the classifieds must adhere to the Florida Department of Professional & Business Regulations. If you advertise property – some of the ads in the classifieds are a little shy on the info 61J2-10.025 Advertising. (1) All advertising must be in a manner in which reasonable persons would know they are dealing with a real estate licensee. All real estate advertisements must include the licensed name of the brokerage firm. No real estate advertisement placed or caused to be placed by a licensee shall be fraudulent, false, deceptive or misleading. (2) When the licensees personal name appears in the advertisement, at the very least the licensees last name must be used in the manner in which it is registered with the Commission. (3)(a) When advertising on a site on the Internet, the brokerage firm name as required in subsection (1) above shall be placed adjacent to or immediately above or below the point of contact information. “Point of contact information” refers to any means by which to contact the brokerage firm or individual licensee including mailing address(es), physical street address(es), e-mail address(es), telephone number(s) or facsimile telephone number(s). (b) The remaining requirements of subsections (1) and (2) apply to advertising on a site on the Internet. Specific Authority 120.53, 475.05, 475.25(1)(c) FS. Law Implemented 475.01, 475.25, 475.42, 475.421, 475.4511 FS. History–New 1-1-80, Amended 2-17-81, 3-14-85, Formerly 21V-10.25, Amended 12-29-91, 7-20-93, Formerly 21V-10.025, Amended 4-18-99, 7-4-06, 2-5-07. |
A new report reveals that the “floating cities” dump a billion gallons of sewage a year—and its all perfectly legal. |
To those posters that think there’s good Mexican food in the Keys, you wouldn’t know good Mexican food if it bit you in the butt. The last authentic Mexican restaurant with real Mexicans cooking the food was Chongo Loco on Bertha St. just south of Flagler (the old Bs restaurant). It closed after about a year when one of the partners grabbed the cash and split. I was married to a Mexican and visited the old country every year for 18 yrs. There’s no authentic Mexican food south of Palm Dr (the 1st traffic light) In Florida city. If you think local Mexican food is good don’t forget Taco Bell in Marathon. They sell Mexican food too. |
[Torture] The patty cake methods used by the CIA in their quest for information on the authors of those responsible for the deaths of nearly three thousand innocent souls in comparison to the horrendous reality of being roasted alive or getting it all over by ending it with a leap from hundreds of feet to the concrete below seem silly in even attempting a comparison of reality, yet as sure as the sun rises in the east we are inundated by leftists as being nothing but a bunch of savages, their ideology warped as it is is all that matters to these poor naïve souls who having spent most of their lives inside the cradle to the grave mentality of the radical left seem unable to fathom any other type of human behavior , indeed their delusional concept of the real world is just that delusional. |
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[Captain Doom and Gloom] DEF: Ancestry n, The fascination with the past, especially when the present sucks! DEF: Evolution n, 99% of humanity came out of the Back Door and those that came out of the Front Door are those on the top of the pile. DEF: Symbolism n, A system of communication on tablets developed by those who would have humanity as cavers again! DEF: Doctor n, A non-productive human who hides his feathers and tambourine in order to gain profit from fools. DEF: Suit n, A costume symbolizing a false authority wanting to use you for their gain. DEF: Resort n, A compound designed for profit that hires the surrounding peasantry for labor. SEE: Castle. DEF: Cruise n, A useless transportation mode to escape reality with others you would never talk to in the first place. DEF: Home n, A place on Earth you think is yours until your Bank or Local Politico want it! |
There would be plenty of tax money for immediately slapping up a new and modern fire station on Sugarloaf if the County Commissioners hadn’t capitulated to the Pigeon Key/Old Seven Mile Bridge cabal. Fire stations and sewers come way ahead of marinas and old bridges to nowhere. |
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Anyone who doesn’t pay attention to national politics is missing one helluva show, its got more intrigue than any TV who-done-it, and more bloodletting than “24” or “Justified.” An excellent example is the current dust up over the spending bill which has passed the House and has just now passed in the Senate. It boggles the mind that Obama is partnering with Boehner to get the bill passed. One has to reel when they consider that Obama himself made personal telephone calls to Dem legislators to try to convince them to pass the bill. Even more jaw dropping is how many of them gave him the single digit salute. And then to further venture into the realm of the unbelievable, Nancy Pelosi had urged her caucus to ignore Obama and defeat the bill. Pelosi actually speechified that she was “enormously disappointed” that Obama was supporting the spending bill. Even Maxine Waters, normally an Obama sycophant, took to the air and told her colleagues not to be intimidated by Obamas lobbying for the bill.They failed, the spending bill passed in the House and the Senate. Remember that if Waters and Pelosi had succeeded the bill would have failed, the government would have shut down. Again.
The Democrats are in full hair on fire mode. They seem to have given up attacking Republicans, and instead have started a circular firing squad, they are sending volley after volley at each other. Elizabeth Warren is just a few foot steps away from becoming the queen of the hill of the far left. So, she is taking shots at Obama, the budget bill, and Hillary. The core of her message is her claim that only the Democrats can be the friends of the middle class. That belief and message is about as fantastical as Alice in Wonderland. Warren denies presidential aspirations, but it is certain that she lusts for control of the Democrat agenda. The Democrats/liberal/progressives have had functional control of our governance for the past 7 or so years. During that time the rich have gotten much richer, the poor have gotten much poorer. And the middle class is hardest hit with shrinking incomes and shrinking numbers. The middle class is getting screwed by the Democrats….big time. Back in 2007, median household income was $55,438. Thats declined to $51,404 in February 2013 (the most recent stats I could find). Contrary to Democrat belief, the middle class, the largest segment of voters, are not stupid. That is evidenced by the solid butt kicking the Democrats got in the last election. Yep, Obama and his restive crowd could now do lame duck commercials for AFLAC. Part 2) Our Democrat friends are hot wired to believe that we all are dunderheads. That must be true because now the Democrat opposition to the House spending bill centered on their false claim that the minor revisions in Dodd Frank called for in the new spending bill are a bit wet kiss for big banking. Certainly you have not forgotten that under Democrat governance it was Dodd and Frank who had the responsibility of Congressional oversight of Freddie and Fannie Mae. It was the avalanche of subprime loans and the bundling of loans guaranteed by Fanny and Freddy that was permitted by Dodd and Frank that spawned the recession. Then the Democrats led the charge to bail out the banks. The bankers received millions in bonuses paid by tax dollars. Big banks such as Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan have been among the very top donors to Obama and other Democrat politicos. Its astonishing how the Dems can morph the banks to villainy, then back to good guy status, and then back to villainy again in mere months. Have no doubt about it, big banking loves Democrats, Democrats love big banking. Want proof? The Washington Post just reported that Democrats who voted for the house budget bill on Thursday night received, on average, twice the campaign contributions from the finance/insurance/real estate industry as their colleagues who voted against it. To be sure, not all is sweetness and light on the right. Several right of right Reps and Senators opposed the bill. They are convinced that it gives too much to the Dems. I think that the Republican leadership chose to take the compromise so as to avoid shut down. I suspect that Republican leadership will make a hard right turn beginning on 1/1/15. It will be the right thing to do for our nation. Finally. |