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[Review of Everything] I just wanted to log in and thank Deer Ed for dropping the major political mud slinging. I drink my coffee and check on national and international news every morning. That includes politics not only here, but everywhere around the world. BBC is a good place to start, then branch out from there. I enjoy the tourists even though it increases traffic and lines at the grocery stores. I don’t make any money off of them. You’ll find a lot of people who have a license to rent short term to tourists don’t. It’s easier in the long run to keep tenants for years rather than days. Just because we enjoy life here in the Keys doesn’t mean we don’t have any interest in other things. I don’t know of anywhere else in the world that has as many involved in multiple charitable causes. Most of the locals I know fell in love with the Keys because the Keys fell in love with them. If you like the guy in your mirror it’s fairly easy to be happy everywhere. Keeping your septic tank is verboten unless you sterilize it and use it as water storage – and definitely not hooked up to your sewer lines. I believe Neugent has reached his term limit, but could be mistaken. I’d call and check, but no one is at the office yet. Being self-insured is a necessity in almost anything down here. The cost of insurance is prohibitive. Bank the money instead (although paying cash for anything may reduce the size of what you purchase). After a hurricane hits you can get everything fixed while the insurance companies are arguing about whether the damage to your neighbor was caused by wind or water – and they’ve had to pay for both, but can’t get anything done until the insurance company thrashes out which part of their insurance is liable. It’s beautiful outside this morning. Hope you enjoy it. |
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I just hate it when someone quotes the bible like it’s fact, matters or they even know what they’re talking about. |
[Viking Apocalypse] If you’re reading this, it didn’t happen or you are one of the two people who were supposed to survive. The ragnar will be röking yesterday, on Saturday, when, according to some, the Viking calendar predicts the end of the world. Link |
I had a great time Sunday at Ginger Snips event for the Southernmost Girls and Boys Club. The music was the best. The silent auction, food and beverages were well done. I hope you all will support this fine group. I am not affiliated in any way. |
[“Shriners wear silly hats and drive little cars”] Everyone should join or at the very least, make generous contributions to their charity. I have a special needs grandson that has orthopedic birth defects. Shriners took him into their care, provides him with prosthetic shoes, medical exams, and will, God willing, remedy his defect at age 13 or 14 depending on his leg growth. You sir, are a scoundrel and should be ashamed as you do not know of what you jest. You, and your hateful comment is not amusing – not! |
Anyone but George Neugent has my vote. |
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To the person that said all us locals want to do is get smashed and get rich off tourist, OK I’ll stop trying to get rich. |
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[Marathon Journal] God, family, country are the three most important things in life. It is sad that family can love you so much, but they can hurt you deeply too. The last two weeks I have been with parts of my family having fun and learning from each other. That is why the Journal has been inactive for two weeks. I will never give up on family and hope they will never give up on me. Life is too short to be estranged from a family member. My father and his sister did not talk to each other for 10 years; something they regretted to their dying days. Fortunately, they did start talking to each other later in their lives. Forgive and forget are wise words indeed. KTR or Keys to Recovery is a successful treatment plan for alcoholics and drug users ordered by the court. We used to have such a program here in Marathon until the budget ax killed it. The nearest program is now Miami. Judge Ruth Becker and Nadine Hood are ardent supporters of this program. One life changed forever pays dividends to all levels of society. That is why I again plead with Monroe County to reinstate this program. The money spent is small compared to the money generated from successful graduates. Invocations are defined as an act of asking for help from a god or a person who has power (Bing Dictionary). There are concerns about this process at the Marathon City Council. Terminating invocations is wrong headed and spiteful. Fixing them is the better solution. I suggest that invocations be no longer than a minute. Anyone who fit the above definitions should be allowed to be on the list. If invitations to provide this service has yielded only a few, then so be it. Sending out invitations via the city website might attract more viable people. This should not be an outlandish person that common sense shows unqualified to provide a valid invocation. Instead of the ax, city council should tweak the program to meet the needs of Marathon in general. Doc’s Tattooz has been around since before I came to the Keys over 20 years ago. Recently, the shop closed. Capitalism was the culprit, but that is not a bad thing. Our country was based on the best companies surviving competition. Still, I will miss the people at this shop both former and recent. |
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[Wife Beater] As a woman I think I can say the following with some authority. If it has been established that Peter Rosasco hits women, and his woman stays with him, then it is either because she loves him so much she can’t be without him; or because of his net worth or she doesn’t think much of herself. All poor reasons. |
[Mojito] Here’s a video on how to make a genuine mojito right from the inventor in Havana. Menu > Recipes > Mojito |
[Virus] Ten of my co-workers, this week alone, have been infected with computer viruses from fake Adobe update notices. These people are pretty computer savvy and they were still fooled so be on the lookout. The good news is it’s just an annoying ad based virus which can be easily removed in the add/delete program section. They have names like updater.exe and shoppinghelper or some variant which can be spotted fairly easily in the program files. |
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[“All you one trick ponies need to get a life because nothing you’ve ever said or done has changed anything one bit”] Why sure we have, it made you vent your stupidity didn’t it? |
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[Circadian Rhythm: The Sleep Clock] The body’s clock runs on a roughly 24-hour cycle, known as circadian rhythm. It’s influenced by the amount of light entering the eyes, which triggers cells in the brain to produce more or less of the hormone melatonin (which causes drowsiness). Clock genes are found in nearly every cell type in the body. In 2009, researchers at Harvard University demonstrated that a 12-hour circadian shift common in nighttime workers may boost blood sugar, alter hormones related to appetite, and increase blood pressure. |
I was glad to read that Former State Attorney, Dennis Ward, recently represented two commercial fishermen accused of having a buoy that was illegible. Ward challenged the regulation and the charges were dropped. Good for the fishermen! |
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[Walmart China] Not all Walmarts carry the same items. some sell crocodile. Link |
[Admission Fee] Yes, the Seafood Festival is coming to Marathon. Yes, it gives the Chamber a shot in the arm. But I resent giving them $5 to walk in and see if there’s anything I want to eat or purchase or listen to. If I have to hear John Bartus sing his same repertoire for another year, I’ll shoot myself, no less shoot an iguana. The Key Colony Beach Day has a free fun day of browsing and munching and no stale music repertoire. |
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[“Two Americas – One rich, One poor”] 21 ways rich people think differently. Example: Average people think money is the root of all evil. Rich people believe poverty is the root of all evil. Link |
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[New Old Photographs Found] These pictures were taken from color slides found at the Library of Congress. They are dated between 1939-1943. The pictures are so clear and the color is so vibrant, it looks as though they were taken just yesterday. Link |
Every time one of you coolcat hipsters around here fire up a joint your are helping to get someone murdered in Mexico. |
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[Upcoming Sanctuary advisory council meeting] I’ll definitely be an active part of this discussion. One of the biggest complaints from users now is that NOAA and the FKNMS can’t take care of what that have now, so why change anything or add new areas for protection? I think it would go a long way if ONMS[?] proactively committed to more resources for law enforcement down here, now! The shrinking overall budget of the FKNMS is already stretched and that we need Dan Basta to live up to what he told the SAC 2-3 years ago in Ocean Reef, that if we needed resources down here for this process then let him know and he’d get them. Well this is our chance to do that and I hope that the SAC will push hard for that with this motion at this meeting. |
Another fantasy story from the bible is the great flood. Where did the water come from and where did it go? Don’t tell me a rainstorm flooded the entire planet. How come believers never ask the simple questions? Am I really supposed to believe that Noah put two of every animal on his boat? What happened to the plants and insects that were left to drown? |
[Tacky] Dickens Cider the double entendre drink. Video |
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The Nut’s new sign, some folks will like it, some won’t, some won’t know the difference. Change is difficult on most folks. All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves. I would suggest you think about this. When you are through changing, you are through. Stop by and say Hi. Above all have a blessed day. Video |
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[Minimum Wage] We keep hearing that if the minimum wage is raised it will destroy businesses and put people out of work. Then how come states like Washington, Oregon and Vermont for example that have higher minimum wages some into the over $9.00 an hour rate are not the highest rated states for unemployment? The highest ranking states by unemployment rates mostly have the lower federal minimum wages. Interesting. Reality bites again. |
Bimini top. Starr Brand white vinyl 3-bow, 6’x6’x54″ high. Includes matching storage boot. Good shape. $100. Classified Ads > Boats |
Let’s be honest: Sunday evening isn’t Sunday evening. It’s early onset Monday. |
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[Comcast Interfering] Netflix provides inexpensive streaming of a huge collection of mostly outdated or underrated TV shows and movies for a low monthly price. They also provide Netflix for Kids which is media content popular with families with young children. Comcast and Verizon have issues with Netflix because they also provide content (for a lot more money) and thus have begun dropping portions of Netflix’s information while in transit. This has caused problems like incomplete list images or more often reloads of content. Call your Congressman. Link |
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[Marijuana] The only people killed by marijuana are people running from cops. Vote for medical marijuana in November and stop them from having to run. Just say Yes. Link |
[Wealth Inequity Explained] The following link takes 6.5 minutes to view. However, it will give you an idea of what the US income distribution actually is. You can decide if it is a good paradigm for you, BPK and our nation’s long term future. Video |
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[Eviction Notice or Phishing] “We hereby give you a notice that due to multiple violations your tenancy of the premises you occupy will be terminated on March 05, 2014. Detailed description of the violations and adjudication are attached herewith. Unless you vacate the property until March 28, 2014, the Court will provide an order to evict you and require you to pay all the costs incurred in bringing this action. Court bailiff, There’s an attached .zip file claiming to be the eviction notice, too. O, yah, I’ll jump all over this, sure. Opening the zip file dooms your computer. |
Flail chest is a serious problem that happens when three or more ribs are broken in more than one place. If you have flail chest, the broken area can’t hold its shape when you take a breath. This leaves less space in your chest for your lungs to open and air to flow in. It also makes it harder for the muscles to work well, so it’s harder to take a breath. |
[“The Shriner car”] I want one! I don’t remember that guy’s name, but the fez looks familiar |
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[Bike Path] For the people concerned with the Spandex type biker. The bike path in some places is not finished and they have you crossing the highway too many times which is more dangerous than the shoulder. Also in some places the sewer guys are using the bike path as their own personal road and storage area. I will be glad when the construction is over and the bike path is finished. Nothing you can do about the road crossings. When the snowbirds are gone we can cross the road again. |
Let’s have a plan. Do some Florida Keys house cleaning. So far we all agree to get rid of George Neugent and any other elected official that isn’t for making the Keys a better place. It is Paradise after all. |
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[Redneck Medical Definitions] Artery: The study of paintings |
[Fooling the Mind] The vessel is just as important as its contents. Forty-eight percent of participants thought soda in a blue glass was more thirst-quenching than in other colors, likely because they associated blue with cold. After sampling, French sommeliers liked wine poured from a high-priced bottle over the same wine poured from a cheap one. |
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The Marathon Seafood Festival is March 8 and 9 |
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The Democrats and the Obama administrations hunger for control and power seems to have no bounds. Recently a scandal erupted when we learned that the Obama administration was using the IRS as a political weapon. The IRS targeted Tea Party friendly non profit organizations by demanding that they fill out comprehensive questionnaires so that the government would determine everything from tea-party donor and member lists to the actions and activities of family members and even identifying “persons or entities with which you maintain a close relationship. It’s no surprise that the Democrats and the Obama administration have stonewalled an investigation into the matter, it remains unresolved. Now the Obama administration’s insatiable lust for control is manifesting itself in yet another attempt to influence radio and TV content and philosophy.
Very quietly last year the FCC started a program called “Multi-Market Study of Critical Information Needs.” The program was designed to have FCC “monitors”, i.e. minders present at the various stations so as to determine what the news philosophy of the station is. Who is the target audience? How the station defines critical information that the community needs? How does the station ensure the community gets this critical information? How much does community input influence news coverage decisions? What are the demographics of the news management staff (HR)? What are the demographics of the on air staff (HR)?• What are the demographics of the news production staff (HR)? When the Team Obama minders are done with the station owners, managers, and HR staff, they then were to focus on the on air staff. They were tasked to question that staff as follows. What is the news philosophy of the station? How much news does your station air every day? Who decides which stories are covered? How much influence do you have in deciding which stories to cover? Have you ever suggested coverage of what you consider a story with critical information for your customers (viewers, listeners, readers) that was rejected by management? If so, can you give an example? What was the reason given for the decision? Why do you disagree? Under no circumstance does the government have the right to query a station’s “philosophy” or its inter-office disputes. The government is not qualified to determine what a citizen “needs” to know. Are citizens not qualified to make that determination themselves? The Obama and Democrat governing philosophy combines the regulatory state with an intolerance of dissent. Taken together, this means an extreme level of government intrusion into private activity. Any entity whose business touches the federal government (and given the vast scope of the government, it touches and regulates virtually every entity) is deemed an open book for bureaucratic inquiry. The chilling effect is obvious and broadcasters decline to participate at their own risk. Remember the FCC grants broadcasting licenses. It’s a national disgrace that our nation which has a Constitutional guarantee of freedom of the press is ranked 46th in the world for press freedom, by the group “Reporters Without Borders. They cite Team Obamas investigations into various newsrooms in national security cases, and Democrat obstruction into inquiries into apparent government overreach. “The trial and conviction of Private Bradley Manning and the pursuit of NSA analyst Edward Snowden were warnings to all those thinking of assisting in the disclosure of sensitive information that would clearly be in the public interest,” the international journalists report stated. “U.S. journalists were stunned by the Department of Justice’s seizure of Associated Press phone records without warning in order to identify the source of a CIA leak,” the report continued. “It served as a reminder of the urgent need for a ‘shield law’ to protect the confidentiality of journalists’ sources at the federal level.” Never forget that now Team Obama literally has a record of every telephone call you’ve made, every email you’ve sent, every monetary transaction you’ve made, the TV stations that you watch, and reams of other personal information. It is deeply disconcerting that the Obama government and the Democrats are eager to even further expand their control of the information you need. Please send me your comments at |