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Published on Big Pine Key’s garbage pick-up days:
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![]() [Mystery Solved] The penis disconnects from the brain during ejaculations. |
[Arab Reef Grant] In February 2020, UWCK announced a transformative $3.5 million grant from the United Arab Emirates to fund cutting-edge and innovative projects in reef restoration and education. It includes the UWCK-UAE Marine Science Educational Advancement Scholarship, supporting Monroe County residents in pursuing higher education in a marine science and/or marine technology related field. A Scholarship Committee reviewed the applicants, considering educational achievement, career objectives, school activities, references, and financial need. Scholarships may be used for tuition, books and materials, and/or room and board expenses, and are paid directly to the institution. |
![]() Perhaps most notable is that some of the information revealed appears to contradict claims that the company has made publicly. For instance, Google Search apparently tracks when and where users click on any page that is accessed within Google’s Chrome browser, even though the company has repeatedly denied factoring that data into its search algorithm. It reinforces an already long-held belief that Google’s public representatives regularly lie, mislead and omit key information. This is important because choices Google makes on Search have a profound impact on anyone relying on the web for business. |
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[Social Media] Like cigarettes and alcohol, Surgeon General says social media needs warning labels. The country’s top public health official says Facebook and TikTok ‘prey on developing brains.’ Link |
![]() By honoring my father, I also want to highlight the diverse ways in which fatherhood can be expressed, whether through traditional roles, father figures, grandfathers, mentors, or nurturing caregivers. I am thankful for having the best father I could ask for, and I extend my heartfelt congratulations to all fathers today. |
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[“Southern Baptists”] Well, I guess I will never become a Southern Baptist because I firmly believe women can decide on any position they wish Any position she wants is ok with me. |
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How to share your ETA in Google Maps or Apple Maps. Let other people know when you’re going to show up while traveling. Link |
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[How Fatherhood Changes the Brain] Women’s brains get rewired during pregnancy, and new research “shows that new fathers go through similar changes,” Yes, “dad brain is real,” Darby Saxbe, a University of Southern California psychology professor, wrote in a New York Times Father’s Day column. And all things considered, “it’s a good thing.” Parenting requires unique skill sets, so it makes sense new parents would need to adapt. Saxbe and colleagues in Spain found through brain imaging that, like new mothers, “men experienced a reduction in gray matter before and after they became fathers,” especially in the high-level cerebral cortex. A shrinking brain sounds like bad news, but less can be more. Purging gray matter might fine-tune the brain to work more efficiently, and the more the shrinkage, the closer the bonding between father and child — though downsides may include worse sleep and more symptoms of depression and anxiety. Depression may be exacerbated by a drop in testosterone. |
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[Father’s Day] 8 animal fathers that take care of their eggs. For some species, the safest place for eggs is tucked in a dad’s bod. Link |
![]() Scold’s Bridles were fitted iron masks that were strapped onto a person’s head. The mask came with a gag and prevented the person from speaking. Women who were accused of gossiping, arguing, or sinning were forced to wear the device. They were then paraded around town so people could mock them and throw objects at them. The Scold’s Bridle was originally invented as a punishment for people who were “scolds.” A scold was a term used to describe women who gossiped, nagged, quarreled loudly, slandered others, or spoke out of turn in any way. It was rarely ever used to refer to men. Link |
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[Sleeping Apart] Many couples are opting for a sleep divorce or using “snore rooms” instead of sleeping in the same bed, a choice that appears to be more prominent among younger people. A March 2023 survey by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine found that 35% of Americans sleep in separate rooms occasionally or consistently. Millennial couples were most likely to sleep apart, at 43%, compared with just 22% of baby boomers sleeping separately. Link |
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[Cyber Scarecrow] Software that runs in the background of your computer, which makes it look ‘scary’ to viruses and malware. When hackers install malicious software on a compromised victim, they first check to make sure its safe for them to run. They don’t want to get caught and avoid computers that have security analysis or anti-malware tools on them. Scarecrow takes advantage of this, by running in the background of your computer and ‘faking’ these indicators. It’s super lightweight and tricks malware into thinking your computer is not the place for them to be. Link |
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[Beer & Boats] Can you have beer on a boat in Florida? What the law says about drinking on the water. You can’t drink in a vehicle, or even carry an open bottle of alcohol. Boating in Florida is a different story. Not only is it OK to have beer aboard a boat, everyone can chug, even the captain. The only restriction on the operator of the boat: Don’t exceed the blood-alcohol level considered to be legally drunk. Link |
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The current Coconut Telegraph was published on 6/14/24 at 9:37 am. |