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Anonymous Letters to the Editor with Pictures. Published Daily by Noon Since 2002. No Saturday Edition
![]() Then we’re told not to worry because the disease is not very contagious and that it’s difficult to transmit. Yet, a nurse in the very same hospital, working with a single patient and outfitted with state-of-the-art full protective gear has been infected. I’m wondering what else they haven’t told us. One of the basic tenants of public health is to isolate a disease to prevent its spread, yet nothing of this nature has been seriously proposed. The idea of taking a few people’s temperatures as they get off the plane in certain airports as being effective is laughable. I’m afraid our government seems to be more concerned with political correctness than with the welfare of its citizens |
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![]() [Big Pine Ride of the Living Dead] Sunday, October 19 at 3:30 pm. The undead will bicycle from The Moose Lodge on Wilder Road to Coconuts and then on to Springer’s and through the streets of the island. Join the fun. Just show up in your worst undead clothes! Events |
[Deport Muslims] The lack of any Muslim countries fighting ISIS confirms my belief that all Muslims are not to be trusted and it’s okay to discriminate them from civilized society. I vote them off the island! |
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Kolhage seems like the only Commissioner consistently looking out for the average Keys taxpaying homeowner rather than special interest groups. |
![]() [Classic Rock in Bars] The reason that no bands play popular music down here is twofold: 1) They are over 40, and 2) they don’t have the talent or ability to play it. They just keep hammering away playing the same old tired music using pentatonic scales and 1-4-5 chord progressions. No female singer down here could ever come close to sounding like Lorde or Miley Cyrus, and no male singer could compete with Pitbull or Justin Timberlake. Unless you move to Nashville, just stay plugged in and avoid the old guy bands |
[Lower Taxes] Say no to the school tax extension that will last another ten years. We need less taxes not more! Where’s the Tea Party when they’re actually needed? I would agree to the sales tax if they could guarantee us that our property tax would decrease by that same half cent. I’d rather pay higher sales taxes than property taxes. |
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![]() The Big Pine Haunted House is having issues getting volunteers for construction of the asylum. Getting people who want to scare the heebie jeebies out of people the nights we’re open are proving to be relatively easy. But it takes work in advance. We could use the help being as this event is for all the people of the community. If you can help us put this together call 305-923-5370 or find us on Facebook at Big Pine Haunted House and sign up! |
[Navy Boots Mosquito Control] Mosquito control Commissioner Phil Goodman said the loss of the bid is “the first time we have evidence that we may not be competitive with the private sector.” “I have been saying this for a while, but now we have proof,” Goodman said. “But we don’t know what kind of job they will do. … We need to look into whether we are too labor intensive, and we have reached a point of diminishing returns.” |
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[Gay Marriage] Refusing the rights and responsibilities afforded by legal marriage sends the public a government-sponsored message that same-sex couples and their familial relationships do not warrant the status, benefits and dignity given to couples of the opposite sex. |
![]() [‘Tis the Season] Florida’s recreational and commercial stone crab claw harvest season opens tomorrow, Wednesday in state and federal waters. The season closes May 16. Fanci Seafood on Cudjoe Key will have them fresh off the boat tomorrow! |
The County Commission says they don’t have the money to do a better sewer system, businesses will have to buy their own sewer systems unlike homeowners, Balfour Beatty is still saying they don’t owe 11 million in property taxes for the Navy property they own, and the and the Navy is cutting Mosquito Control out and I guess we’ll be getting our tax bills in a couple weeks and soon a sewer bill for a system that seems to be poorly designed. Sure could use that 11 million now and hope the appeals court rules in our favor against Balfour Beatty soon. |
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![]() [“Who remembers the Cuban missile crisis“] Me. I was on weekend leave in New Jersey when ordered to return to clnc[?] within 24 hours. 48 hours later I was on a ship in or near Guantanamo Bay. We had no understanding of what was happening. The scuttlebutt was that WW3 was starting. A Cuban farmer remembers. Video |
[Revolt at the Polls] What is wrong with the current Governor’s administration that you have to spend several tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees to make the DEP do their job of enforcing minimum design standards and stopping public construction in environmentally sensitive areas that does not have valid permits?
What is wrong with the current Governor that you have to spend several tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees to make his appointed Board of Directors do their job of demanding honesty, public responsibility and due diligence from FKAA management? Fire the Governor at the polls. If you don’t like his Democratic opponent Crist, vote for the Libertarian or anyone else. Do not give him any sense of approval just because you think he’s not the worst candidate on the ballot. Frankly, I am fed up with voting for the least terrible candidate. If you have not researched the candidates, vote for the one with the fewest signs and fewest ads, and therefore the fewest favors to return. That goes for Mosquito Control and County Commissioner, too. Get rid of professional politicians that only misuse their power and abuse the voters while they hold office |
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There’s only 3 newses on all channels: Ebola, Ferguson, and ISIS |
![]() A Chinese investment firm has purchased the iconic Waldorf Astoria hotel in New York City for 2 billion dollars (this is where Paris Hilton grew up). |
Who’s the person who thinks there’s some argument to be made, that judging all Muslims by ISIS is the same as judging all Christians by the KKK? Stop that relativistic nonsense. It’s not debating, it’s surrendering. The reason most people think the KKK does not represent Christianity is that in a country of 300,000,000 people, there are, at most, 8,000 Klan members in the US. PEW Research reports that of Muslims that support Sharia, over 80% also support death for apostasy, homosexuality, and adultery in Pakistan. A composite of all countries polled suggest about 300,000,000 Muslims worldwide want to implement this type of Sharia. Now, we can discuss to what extent these Muslims support ISIS, but these Muslims and ISIS/share a common ideology. Case closed. If you don’t like it here try hanging out in Peshawar |
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![]() [“Overwriting Hard Drives”] It has it finally come to this, people on the CT are arguing about nothing, as in actual zeros? |
I’m glad someone had a good year in the stock market. Did you invest in E1 grinder pumps? Maybe Commissioner Neugent did, but he still has not answered the questions about his extra $150,000. I’d say he’s running out of time to explain this |
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[Eiskübel Herausforderung] Can any readers speak German? I watched this at least 20 times and I still don’t understand a word. Guess I’ll try again. Video |
![]() A truck containing 18 tons of Crisco headed to a grocery store chain distribution center was stolen in St Petersburg. |
[“Real vs. fake boobs”] Real boobs float. Just a tip from someone who knows. Now go to the pool nearest you and check it out! |
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Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is the story of a motorcycle journey across America, a meditation on values and the concept of Quality, and an allegorical tale of a man coming to terms with his past. Audio |
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![]() [Giant Crab Hoax] Be nice to me today. Please, Don’t make me release my pet crab. |
ISIS captured another town today on their way to Baghdad. Towns are falling one by one. |
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It’s too bad the Florida governor debate wasn’t televised this week. It was on radio, but no one listens to radio at night unless they’re in their car |
![]() Any comment on the canal restoration schedule for this year? Sounds like they are really going to do something. Link |
Wanted: Used rolling Baker Scaffold or 1 section of standard 8′ scaffold. Also a 16′ x 20″ aluminum walking platform. Call Mel Classified Ads > Wanted |
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![]() Ebola infections have now passed 8 thousand with over 4000 deaths. A recent report stated that the Ebola rate of infection MIGHT be spiraling out of control. No shit, really, what makes them think that? They predict that by January there will be over one million cases of Ebola. If they are predicting over a million cases then they know it is out of control. How long before the number of cases in the USA passes 50 or 500? I’m not trying to push the panic button but it will happen. Ebola is here and it will keep coming and it will spread. |
[“Attack of the Killer Iguana”] If people do things like this and call the police for frivolous reasons, should they be fined or charged a fee to off-set the cost of the police not being available for important things? I think they should arrest the idiot for 30 days of community service. Same goes for false fire company calls and 911. |
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I wonder what being “sentenced to hard labor” by today’s Coast Guard means? |
![]() Scientists have discovered Indonesian cave paintings that are 40,000 years old. To put that in perspective, the universe is 6,000 years old! |
[Man arrested for dancing nude by the Government Center in Marathon] Don’t you just love living in the Keys? Perhaps he was practicing for Fantasy Fest. |
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![]() [Condoms (formerly known as safety’s)] Just when you thought you’ve seen it all – new protection for Fantasy Fest. |
Man-o-man the shiite slinging politicos on CT are at it! First, on Roger for mosquito control. I didn’t know Roger had a life before coming to the Keys (read my sarcasm) and applaud him for his reply to those questioning his background. I know Roger as a realtor. He’s on time, diligent and actually cares about his clients. Judging him professionally, he’s got my vote, mainly because of our business interactions in the Keys! For clarity, I don’t work with him in his office nor are we friendly outside of the real estate biz. Eloquent reply Mr. C!
On George Neugent. I’ve met him many times professionally. He’s never been anything other than cordial, a listener and always shared his opinion, even when it differs from mine. I don’t care if he plays the stock market (He’s not buying stolen phones or iPads that I know of). I don’t care if he does or does not use his BPK office. (I didn’t know he had one) That’s because every time he’s spoken with me, he’s been in Home Depot, at a luncheon, on his way somewhere–yet he’s always stopped to hear me out. Folks of Monroe County, this is a small community, probably smaller than where you moved here from. I’ve been down here since the new bridges were built, after living here and driving the original ones. The Keys used to be so different until you all got here. I know you’re not leaving, so is there any chance you can try a different approach? If you don’t like those who are running for office, start a campaign. Let the community look up your butt for issues and lets see you manage the attacks. You have a right to opinion, you also have a right to run for office. Not me. I am not that dedicated to politics, but I am dedicated to the Keys. It saddens me to hear and read the rhetoric, knowing we are safer here than on the mainland and whatever dump factory town you slaved your life away in so you could retire here and complain. Thanks to all who are running for office. To do so shows you care, regardless of the insinuations many of the public make. At least we have the right to vote, and I urge all to exercise their rights in the upcoming election. The fate of the nation and the Florida Keys are at stake. |
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[“Let’s talk Turkey”] What do you expect from a NATO member that’s also a member of the 55 Muslim country strong OIC (Organization of Islamic Congress)? Link |
![]() In addition to Publix, the top five company donors in 2013–14 were Mariners Hospital ($24,221), Monroe County Schools ($19,470), Hawks Cay Resort ($16,003), and the Florida Keys Electric Cooperative ($14,758). Also honored at the United Way Annual Meeting was Iberiabank, which had the highest participation in its workplace campaign. 100% of Iberia Bank employees in the Florida Keys donated to United Way in 2013–14. Board Chair Leah Maki welcomed the 60 donors, prospective donors and agency representatives who attended the United Way Annual Meeting. She had special words of thanks for the five sponsors of the annual event—Publix, Hawks Cay, Centennial Bank, Florida Keys Electric Cooperative and Mariners Hospital. Raffle donors included Hawks Cay and Key Largo Chocolates. |
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![]() Which island is Ballast Key? |
Can somebody please explain how to tell an ISIS sympathizing Muslim delivery driver from a non ISIS sympathizing one? There must be a very reliable method since the military lets Muslim drivers for various Key West food delivery companies ride freely on base right to the door of military families. I swear I heard that ISIS is encouraging followers and sympathizers to harm those very families. So just why are they allowed on base? |
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[Bums] Why are there so many bums on Big Pine right now? I was born and raised on this island, moved away for a few years returning last week, and am astonished by the amount of creepy bums that have relocated here. These are not your normal mangrove men that I have grown up with, these are younger ominous guys, usually in a group, that put their creepy eye on you and watch.
One of the things I was very excited to do on returning to BPK was to be able to ride my bike through the unpaved roads and trails I took as a kid. I will not do that anymore due to fear of running into these guys. How sad is that? This is a problem that needs to be addressed. I know I am not the only female that has felt uneasy by their presence. |
![]() [Every domestic cat is one day away from going feral] Wednesday Oct 8th leading post fails to recognize that the greater issue of educating the public about the reality of letting house cats run wild is not that “four” were caught but that in promoting the reality of cats as predators on Refuge lands that responsible pet cat owners may indeed keep their precious pets inside and reduce the incidental predation. That “only” four were caught may indeed reflect that the education outreach effort of a cat trapping program has successfully influenced responsible pet owners to keep their pets inside! Link |
[Ebola] Who else is not being mentioned having been exposed to these people in Texas? If my son were to be ordered to Africa I would tell him to resign and move to Canada! |
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![]() Blondie – Rapture |
When a retail store starts to have their ‘sales’ and you realize they put the same item you purchased for $100 on ‘sale’ for $50 , then marked it down to a “clearance sale price’ of $19.95, you start to wonder how much they paid for that item in the first place. Then reality hits your anis and it hurts! Yes, you got screwed, because the item manufacturer probably made that item for under $10 including the packaging, shipping and storage. Let’s not forget the Middle Man’s Wholesale Mark-up too. So a $100 item, was maybe $5 before the freaking greedie’s started handling it. Now look at that computer in front of you. It probably cost the mfg less than $10 for the whole thing. Their is not that much material there. How much did you pay those thieving gonifs? Have a nice day, they are! |
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[“I apologize to Ms McAdams and Democrats for my foolish error”] Now we know the editor is a Democrat and why he never knocks any business in the Keys. Shame, shame! |
![]() Neither wind or rain or snow will stop the mail, but a dead Italian can. Repeal Columbus Day! |
[Captain Doom and Gloom] When are you local idiots going to realize that all this over taxing, over spending for ego projects, the zealous trivial pursuits of our junta is being done for one reason, to drive us off these islands for the incoming redevelopment? They want the dirt and will get it because you people do not have the brain power to fight back and keep your homes. You deserve what is coming! Fools!
“Increase building heights” Why, you ask, because if these islands are laid waste to rampant development of mansions and hotels, they are worth billions. Look at the Bahamas, the Caribbean, Tahiti, etc., all taken over by greed and corruption. Those types do not care for the environment, the locals, the nature, all they care for is money and self! There is no way to fight these mutants because they have the governments, the military and police to back them up. Live for today because our days are numbered |
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No FTR today. |