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[Sewers] Dear Christian and Governor Scott, I do not know who else to turn to or write, but you once were very responsive to us on another issue. I hope you can bring this to Governor Scott’s attention since it concerns an appointed board, The Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA ). You may already know some of this , and I will try to keep it brief. This issue concerns the one cent infrastructure sales tax we passed some time ago here in Monroe County. This sales tax was sold to us as a way to pay for the new mandated sewer system, but our County Commission (BOCC ) has decided to use some of these funds to buy properties and erect other infrastructure, including a firehouse with a stained glass window. This leaves thousands of homes with a second class system. The problem we have is that the FKAA has proposed a sewer system using a Low Pressure System (LPS) for several thousand homes. They have, in the opinion of some experts, missed the mark in attempting to save money, by believing this system to be superior to the normal gravity system being used elsewhere in Monroe County. Our research seems to show much higher long term maintenance costs and higher probability of leakage into Florida Outstanding Waters and the National Wildlife Refuge on Big Pine Key. There are other objections to this system (including a likelihood that DEP issued the permits without a proper review), and all concerned, FKAA and BOCC, say they would prefer gravity system wherever possible. However they have other plans for the money it seems and on Friday the BOCC may vote to purchase a marina without a credible business plan and at a price ABOVE its appraisal using those funds. At that same meeting they may ignore the pleas of hundreds of resident opposed to the LPS, “grinder pump” plan, so time is of the essence if you can bring this to the attention of the Governor, DEP, and the FKAA. I am afraid there is a significant mistake about to be made here. I hope you can take a look at it before it’s too late. |
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[Homeless Count] A small cadre of volunteers will hit the streets and back-ways of the Keys to identify and count the homeless. It would be a lot faster, not to mention the savings in time, fuel for transportation, etc. if word was passed among the homeless population that they would receive a free 1/2 pint of cheap vodka if they would come forward and register. Every bum this side of Alabama Jacks would show up to sign up and get their free jug. Also interesting was the mention in the article in the Citizen that some of the volunteers would be watching the various docks for the derelict liveaboard denizens to come to shore in the mornings on their way to work. Does that not imply that they have a job, earn a wage, have shelter (such as it might be of their choosing), can buy food and just choose to live like bilge rats. And the result of the count? More grant money (taxpayer paid for of course) to give away more benefits. |
It takes about four inches of ice to hold a man’s weight. |
[Historic Preservation] I agree that allowing modern materials into the historic district will only degrade the district to where it will be a replica of old houses and that is not what an historic district should be. There’s nothing historic about white coating and aluminum and plastic gingerbread. Disneyland comes to mind. |
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My son finally got a degree after starting at FKCC and moving to other schools. Transferring the FKCC credits were always very tedious and took a long time, thanks to the 25 year old school administration worker he had dated and dumped. She somehow manipulated the release of his records–delaying their transfer. I just wanted to let her know that he is a college graduate despite her malicious intentions. |
[No Wake] When you’re going down the canal and someone tells you to slow down, don’t look down at your knot meter, look behind you at the size of the waves you’re creating. That’s what’s got him upset. |
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[Redux] Gun Barrels from the Arizona and the Missouri. See the staggering size of two gun barrels. One from the Battleship Arizona (sunk at Pearl Harbor) and one from the Battleship Missouri (where the Japanese surrendered). If you are in phoenix, this would be worth the trip downtown. Video |
I have a collection of Longaberger baskets, too good for a rummage sale! We either love them, or don’t know much about them. Call me if you’d like to take a peak. 262-894-2344 |
The FTR Guy fan club sure got their panties in a knot! |
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On this day in 1845 Edgar Allan Poe’s The Raven was published. Caw! Caw! |
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Here’s another little Super Bowl food fact to lock away in the bean: Did you know 8 million pounds of guacamole is consumed on Super Bowl Sunday. Don’t forget the chips, that would be 14,500 tons of them to be exact, eaten along with that guacamole. You can get the guacamole, chips and homemade salsa right here at Springers. So make a plan to join us for all the fun and action on Super Bowl Sunday starting at 2pm. |
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Ok, what is it? |
Gov. Bobby Jindal said he might be open to the idea of legalizing medical marijuana use in Louisiana. Link |
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Florida court OK’s medical marijuana for November ballot. Link |
[“If I had a hammer”] Pete Seeger. Friend of Ho Chi Minh and Stalin. You want a hammer comrade? They’re about 2 bucks at the hardware store. |
[Historic Preservation] Key West’s old houses. What’s next? How about electricity, or indoor plumbing, or smoke detectors, or deadbolt locks, or insecticide for cockroaches and termites, or telephones, or 911. Gimme a break. |
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My friend thinks he’s smart, he said onions are the only food that makes you cry. So I threw a coconut at his face. |
Cat vs Mailman. Video |
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[‘Minimum wage increase”] Food for thought on this, and it’s generic. A business owner prices his goods to sell a certain percentage over what it costs to produce, creating profit. He is mandated to increase his employee’s wages by say, $2.00 an hour times his 5 employees. The hourly increase is only a part of what shows. He also has to increase his portion of the social security tax – the employee only pays half, the employer pays the other half. His bookkeeping costs and supplies just increases as those businesses must make the same adjustments created by the wage mandate. All this adds another 50 to 52% to the employee’s cost. To keep his same profit percentage he must increase his selling price quite a bit more than the hourly wage increase. So the price we pay for his goods goes up accordingly. If you just received a wage increase than that covers part of the price increase at the checkout line. If you already made more than minimum wage, the prices went up without a boost in pay for you. |
Fireworks are seen over New York city from New Jersey as part of a kick off event for the NFL Super Bowl XLVIII football game. The Seattle Seahawks and the Denver Broncos are scheduled to play on Sunday, February 2. |
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[Uninstall iTunes from Windows 7] Apple’s software is “bloatware” and almost impossible to uninstall. The Control Panel uninstaller doesn’t remove everything, unfortunately other parts remain which will slow down your machine, can be used to spy or may be compromised. Download and install Revo Uninstaller Pro, it gives a free 30 day trial then you can uninstall that later. The free Revo version doesn’t uninstall iTunes completely either. If Win iTunes was previously uninstalled, reinstall it again from Apple. Next follow these uninstall directions in Revo Pro as it will launch the associated control panel uninstaller for you. Uninstall in this order: iTunes, Apple Software Update, Apple Mobile Device Support, Bonjour, Apple Application Support. Each time Revo uninstalls it gives some additional options to uninstall the remains, chose them and delete. Next do Quicktime, it’s still on your system despite it not showing up anywhere, so head to Apple and install the Windows version of Quicktime 7, then launch Revo Uninstaller Pro again and select Quicktime to uninstall as well as the new Apple Application Support, also delete the extras Revo finds. That should do it. To check, reboot and type MSCONFIG in the Start Menu and check Startup Items, anything from Apple should be gone. You will notice stuff like APDeamon and Quicktime is now finally removed. Use the free CCleaner to repair your Registry. Install the free MusicBee and enjoy a slimmer, faster, doesn’t-bloat-your-machine music manager and player. |
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Regarding shooting range in backyards (insane). Aren’t there homeowner associations that could curtail this unsafe practice? |
Beans, an astronaut’s worst nightmare. Video |
[Iguana Control] “A pellet to the head.” Provided it’s a guaranteed kill shot to avoid anti-animal cruelty laws, is why trapping then culling is advised instead. However like sitting in one’s yard slapping mosquitoes until their arms are streaked with blood, eventually one realizes more effective solutions (like keeping them out) is required despite the effort required. Iguanas already rule all of the South Florida area topographically, shooting some arguing one is saving the environment is a lost cause, the environment is already lost. Tip: Young, reasonably large and active dogs left in the yard all day are pretty effective iguana chasers. Pick a breed that doesn’t bark much, else iguanas out of range but still visible by the dog could cause an endless barking cycle. |
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[Historic Preservation] Old Town plastic siding? Actually a semi-flexible fiber cement product called HardiePlank® or otherwise known locally as Hardi Board. It’s already being used in historical areas because like aluminum shutters and windows, it looks better longer and requires less costly and risky maintenance without seriously distracting from the design. Most people can’t tell the difference between Hardi Board and the real thing once it’s covered by paint. It also provides better protection against sideways driven rain from hurricanes. We all have seen Old Town houses where the owners can’t afford their upkeep. More durable products that look exactly the same is a smart solution to keeping the town looking good. |
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[?] Biathlon cancelled for the Olympics due to homophobic laws. |
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Do you recall that it was just a short time ago when Team Obama declared Assad to be the new Hitler, suggested that the UN was irrelevant to action in Syria, and demanded immediate response to human rights violations in Damascus. Kerry shrilly declared that “Bashar Assad now joins the list of Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein [who] have used these weapons in time of war,” “Assad has to go”. That’s pretty strong rhetoric, let’s check on how it played out.
“Assad has got to go”. Deer friends, he is still in power, growing ever more powerful under the comforting wing of Putin. Do you remember that in March of ’13 we had plans to place a missile shield in Eastern Europe to protect our NATO allies from missile attack from Iran? Russia/Putin objected because it would have shielded eastern Europe from Russia’s missiles. Perhaps you will also remember that Obama caved on that issue to Putin as well. Obama’s decision to scrap the shield is obviously what he was talking about at a meeting last March in South Korea, Obama told then-Russia President Dmitri Medvedev in remarks picked up by a live microphone asking Medvedev to tell “Vladimir” that he (Obama) would have “more flexibility” on the missile shield issue following his expected election victory. Obama got elected, and now he is demonstrating remarkable flexibility in grabbing his ankles to please Russia/Putin. The missile shield is now where the sun doesn’t shine. Now we are faced the horrible fact that Iran may be only weeks away from having “da bomb”. It goes without saying that our allies are really pissed at us. Then there is the sad fact that Ed Snowden remains tucked firmly under the protective wing of Putin, but we make no demands to get him back. Yet another single digit salute and America from Putin. Putin has outperformed Obama time and time again on the world stage. But we can’t blame it all on Obama. It is the Democrat mindset that leads to Obama’s pandering. Polling clearly shows that voters are convinced that Republicans are far more trustworthy on national defense issues than Democrats. Please send me your comments at |