Since 2002. Published Tuesdays and Fridays
Letters to the Editor with pictures
[Screwworm] The number of Key deer deaths from the New World screwworm infestation has remained stable at 132 for more than a week. The number of Key deer deaths has stabilized, Key deer population studies conducted during the infestation have put the estimated population at 875, compared to the previous estimate of between 800 and 1,000. |
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[“Rumor: Billy’s Crab Shack is gone already”] Not a rumor. His successful mainland model did not work here. Now we get to watch his trucks haul our seafood away. Yeah, that’s better than getting to eat it ourselves, uh-huh. I was never in there when I didn’t see staff messing-up. Trays of food dropped, orders being sent out two and three times; or worse, not sent out at all. I say we make it a local’s bar, a friggin bar full of people who smell like fish, sweat and sunblock. Forget frou-frou food, TV’s and sports, go back to fishing, diving and drinking which is what made the Keys work.
Fresh seafood closes in the Keys and a buck-toothed bird opens on Big Pine. Oh, the irony of it all |
[Complaining About yourself] “Us old timers weren’t whining in the old days. That all started when you Yankee’s showed up.” The reason you weren’t whining then is because you just moved here. You, unless you were born here, are the Yankees you are complaining about! |
[Fake News] A new report suggests a “sophisticated” Russian propaganda campaign helped flood social media with fake news stories leading up to the presidential election. |
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[Government Protecting Big Business] Is government crazy or what? The hotels told them they’re losing money from the missing tax from illegal rentals so they are paying a company $185,000–a year, to police the county for illegal rentals. This is to support the hotel industry, and nothing more! Big business runs the County, just try to do anything without a big checkbook and find out for yourself. They never say how much lost taxes are, but I doubt that it is much different than the $185,000 the County will be wasting on the rental detectives. The system is rigged. The ones complaining are the ones who made the silly laws that protect them. The common person doesn’t have a chance against the hotel lobby. Take back our county. |
The solar arrays at the new City Hall are up and running and expected to harness enough of the sun’s energy to power 10 average Florida homes annually. Each $343,300 array consists of 108 327-watt panels totaling approximately 1,900 square feet of surface area. The projected energy production of each structure is approximately 65,750 kilowatt hours annually. |
FKAA continues the Cisterns in Paradise Rebate Program also called Appease The Peasants Program to offset any reprisals brewing in the Lower Keys over the sewer fiasco. November 28, 2016 – The Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority is pleased (forced) to announce the continuation of its rebate program. The program provides a great opportunity for residential and commercial customers to receive up to $500 for eligible projects. Qualifying projects include new cistern installations, conversions of septic tanks into cisterns, and refurbishment of existing, non-functioning cisterns. Customers will be reimbursed at the rate of up to $1 per gallon of usable rainwater capacity, to a maximum of $500 for conversions and new installations. Rebates for refurbishment projects are calculated using slightly different criteria which take into account capacity and refurbishment expenses. One thing for sure, the FKAA sure has a great sense of humor! Now fix the f**king sewer and do it right! |
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[Right is Still Right] I loved the post about most mass murderers being violent right wing extremists. As with so much else, you obviously know so much that isn’t so. Hard to tell if the poster is lying or simply uninformed. Either way you look at it, the fact is that most mass murderers are extreme left wing. In fact, if the gun toting right was half as violent as you think they are, there would be no left wingers left. |
[Fidel Dead] In Miami, celebrations break out after Fidel Castro’s death. Video |
Truth is like the sun; you can shut it out for a time, but it ain’t going away. ~Elvis Presley |
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[FTR Zika Files] Your health and the health of your loved ones is at risk. Our economy is at risk. As this is written there are at least 1205 reported cases of Zika in Florida. The number is growing by about 30 cases a week. There is no question but that Federal, State, and local health authorities continue to identify Zika to be a real and present danger to public health. Miami-Dade has the lions share of the Zika. Most of our tourism comes from south Florida, especially Miami-Dade. Local businesses in Zika active transmission zones have lost millions.
In Monroe, a small, but hard core group of activists have resisted the use of the Oxitec process. They claim to be environmentalists. I don’t believe it. At the heart of the resistance is a non-profit that calls Ed Russo, Chairman of the Florida Keys Environmental Coalition today, and an Anti Oxitec activist, on Facebook admitted that he worries that the Oxitec process will harm property values. He joins others I placed a call to the FKEC Executive Director, Barry Wray, a real estate sales person, to ask him to share with all the story of the FKEC’s environmental endeavors. He has not returned the call. I suggest that you check out Ed Russo’s Facebook page. If you do you will see that he put forward a video of one Jeff Smith. In the vid Smith excoriates Oxitec. Smith’s bona fides are limited to being a dance instructor, a failed political candidate for the Maharishi cult’s natural-law party a transcendental meditation guru, and a Yogi instructor who taught avid Yogi students how to self levitate. It’s worth checking him out for yourself on the web. I suggest the search term “Jeff Smith yogi instructor.” It is astonishing that the FKEC has put a Yogi levitation instructor and a failed politico of Maharishi cult forward as an expert on genetic engineering. Pure snake oil huckstering. One must wonder if the FKEC is misleading its contributors. Genetic engineering is not science fiction. Right now, it is part of your everyday life. It is vital our Now the FKEC, and Smith’s own group, and other anti GMO activists are filling suit to block the Oxitec project. They are putting property values and fantastical theories before your health. Don’t believe me, check it out for yourself. |
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[Castro Dead] Cuba was run by the elites for the elites and Castro put an end to that with his revolution against colonial rule. A similar thing exists in the USA today. A government run by elites for elites. The elites make the laws for other elites and let the middle and lower classed be damned. |
Well we survived Thanksgiving, now the nightmare before Christmas officially begins. |
[“Right wing extremists”] The right-winger was wrong in his assumption that lefties are the killers. With few exceptions (Stalin, Castro), Lefties are the party of peace. The killers and those that take away freedoms are right-wing extremists, Pol Pot, Adolph Hitler, All Chinese leaders, ISIS, Religious fundamentalists, Alt Right, White supremacist, White separatists, American militia, Anti-abortion nuts, Anti-gay nuts, gun nuts. There’s a bunch of right-wing nuts with guns all over the country protesting government regulations while wasting time trying to regulate woman’s bodies where they have no business at all. |
I bought an expensive pair of jeans at the Gap and when I got them home I realized that the wrinkles at the tops of the legs were permanent. They were placed there intentionally. I though they got there from the way they were placed in the shelves and would come out when washed. How can it be fashion to have wrinkly pants? Am I that out of touch? I guess it’s back to cheap jeans for me. Why would anyone want to have pants with wrinkles in them? |
[Stages of Grief] 1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Complaining online 4. Complaining online 5. Complaining online 6. Complaining online 7. Complaining o |
![]() I used to love the convenience of shopping local for fishing tackle. Last time I tried to buy terminal tackle in a local tackle shop I laughed at their prices and walked out. I hate shopping online but I’ll be damned if I’ll pay 3-4 times in town what I can get items online for. |
[Citizen of the Day] Says “she enjoys exploring the island on her bicycle.” You can tell she just got here because Key West is only a little 2×4 island and it doesn’t take very long to explore its every bit. |
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Come to the Big Pine Flea Market this weekend. Saturday and Sunday 8 am till 2 pm. We have the best fresh produce on the island and so much more. It’s time to get your fishing gear in order, we have it all. Tropical dresses, reading glasses, sunscreen, housewares, tools and tarps. We have the coolest selection of Bali wood furniture, wind chimes and sea shells all for low prices. Come see us. Support your local businesses and they support you. See you this weekend! |
[“My favorite ocean treasure”] I have seen a cousin of one of these things growing out of the commode at a watering hole on Ramrod. It sort of looked like that plant in Little Shop of Horrors. And no, I didn’t feed it. |
To the AT&T CEO (if anyone knows the address), I am 75 years old. I have had cable TV and Direct TV for many years, but lately I’d rather sit in a bar killing my liver than watch the junk and commercials you people are shoving down our throats and brainwashing the pubic public with. If I could find a way to get the Weather Channel free, I would drop all pay-up-the-giggie TV instantly! |
R.I.P. Fidel. He brought free education and free healthcare to the Island. Sadly, he was never able to bring prosperity with it. |
Is it my imagination or are cool cups getting bigger or are beer bottles and cans getting skinnier? Bottles are too lose in the cool cups. |
Sandpiper Welding & Canvass, Ramrod Key Business Directory > Boats and Needs |
Today in 1947, the United Nations approved the partition of Palestine between Arabs and Jews, but that didn’t work out too well. |
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I’m sorry, I must have missed it. Where is FTR’s real name? I know where he proclaimed he didn’t hide behind organizations and that everyone knew his name. It might be a lot of fun making up names. Can we, can we please? I think everyone would rather know of what real name he is so proud. Obviously, reprisals are not a concern. Let me be clear, nothing, anything, FTR has ever printed justifies that. I just feel that if one is to criticize another for not giving their name, they should give theirs. For some odd reason people that have lived here for decades, like myself, don’t know it. For that I (we) apologize! |
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[Restaurant Succumbs to Keys Disease] Sorry to see that Billy’s Stone Crab’s is closed. Yes, he was only open for about a month. I ate there numerous times and found the food to be excellent. Billy told me that the reason he closed was that he couldn’t hire any good help. He paid a good salary. He went through numerous employees and found most, not all of them to be unreliable. If, and when, they showed up for work, they were either hung over, stoned, or drunk and were in no condition to work. They had no true work ethic. The labor pool in the Keys sucks. As to a locals’ discount, why do you think you deserve one? A business like Billy’s cannot survive catering to the cheap, locals that expect a discount that they don’t deserve. Billy certainly did have the finances to keep the business open, but with no good help what did you expect him to do? I have seen numerous businesses come and go for the same reason — lousy, unreliable help |
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We’re looking for an out of the way, cool place to park our 40-foot bus, preferably on BPK. 305 395 8372, leave message. |
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Nothing saves money like being antisocial. |
Rearrange these letters and see what comes of it. |
[Handouts] I read somewhere that 45% of Americans are getting free stuff for doing nothing. I hope Trump starts cutting out all this crap and makes the freeloaders work for their living. Skip the grants, free housing, chow, education, medical, and anything else I pay for through my taxes. If you cannot earn it, you should not get it! |
![]() Is there a company that sets up the old roof top TV antennas so I can drop this stinking cable? |
[“The never-ending lost key saga”] To the person who found car keys in Ramrod: Can you post a picture of the keys you found on Ramrod Key? I can’t help but feel that since I lost my keys and you found keys that they may be the same. Can you at least do me the favor of posting a picture then I can at least see for myself? The coincidence is too much not to want to see if they are the same keys. My husband says the picture I used doesn’t look like my keys. Also, I had other keys on the fob. |
[Freeze Your Kid For Christmas] Here is a Christmas gift idea for the person who has everything. Chill out & read on: British teen, first frozen child is now among the 145 corpses and 125 dead pets at the Cryonics Institute. Video |
[Kaput Eatery] Billy’s no more. I passed by Billy’s Stone Crab on Summerland Key and I see for rent signs already. That was fast! I didn’t even make it there yet, but I heard I didn’t miss much. Maybe they should’ve read the reviews and corrected the problems. I’ve never heard of a restaurant up-charging for blackened seasoning and then only telling the guests when the bill arrives. Bye-bye Billy. |
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When the Keys real estate market failure occurs, an intervention is necessary to provide what the market does not provide. Pay attention you leaders of the community: Sheriff’s Dept., NOAA, Board of Education, Utility companies, Home Depot, Walgreens, etc. In the context of a housing market failure, an intervention is necessary to provide the housing not provided by the market. Do something for your community or the Middle/Lower Keys will be a chain of snowbird homes. |
![]() In the 1970s in California there was a company called Man Power where any person could show up in the morning and they’d get you a temporary job and even arrange transportation for you. It might be for just a few hours, but you got paid in cash. I don’t know what happened to them, probably over regulation, but that’s what these street urchins need–cash today. That would go a long way to protect these immature and vulnerable children. All the support being offered right now contains so much red tape and conditions that the kids won’t even consider it. They don’t want to jump through societies bureaucratic hoops. They’re run-aways and are running from authority and abuse. |
Before the internet, I just assumed that we all had a basic grasp of science. |
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[Mystery Beer] I wish all beers had the alcohol content and ingredients printed on the label. |
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I have to chuckle at the lemming-like recitation of the liberal talking points about the dangers posed by the political right. As I recall, the leaders of the hit parade of mass murderers in history is topped by two leaders of far left regimes, Josef Stalin of the Soviet Union and Chairman Mao of the People’s Republic of China. (Ed: Let me add Fidel Castro of Cuba to your list.) |
Fonts matter. |
[School Board] In today’s Keynoter, you are quoted with regard to the proposed Collegiate Middle School: “How can we be sure that this will not result in one more white-flight school?” Very interesting comment that is likely to have the community talking and then some.
When you say “ONE MORE white-flight school” (emphasis added), I assume you are referencing Poinciana School, Montessori Charter School and Sigsbee Charter School as existing “white-flight” schools. Correct? Or, are you referencing other schools? You cannot be identifying HOB or Gerald Adams when you address “white-flight”. Has a dirty little secret come to the surface? It is most unfortunate that this issue was not discussed during the recent campaigns for seats on the School Board. You learned at your Board meeting that Superintendent Porter was aware of the proposal for a charter middle school at FKCC sponsored by Academica. However, Superintendent Porter did not inform the Board of the proposal prior to the expiration of the 60-day comment period. I assume that the Board has properly chastised Superintendent Porter for that oversight and will include that in any decision to extend his contract. Having failed to comment timely and appropriately, it appears that you are now using incendiary language to address an issue that presumably concerns you deeply. I hope that you are able to calm the rhetoric before we have a local version of what transpired recently on a national level. The new Collegiate Middle School is a done deal. The Board needs to learn to deal with it, not lash out. |
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[Crooks] FKAA is going to start charging us for sewers even if we are not connected. They only gave us 30 days to connect. I can’t get a plumber to connect until March or April, they said. How can FKAA do that? Isn’t that theft? |
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Did Billy’s on Summerland close already? I hope not, I enjoyed the fresh seafood and even skipped the imported oyster fest at the Ramrod tiki and ate a bucket of “lights” for $10 last week at Billy’s. If he has closed, that means all his seafood will be taken north and will reduce our local seafood availability. All because of northerners paying more on the mainland. I’d move but I don’t see myself retiring in Michigan’s U.P, eating lake perch and pickled pike |
“Anne’s Beach” by Luis Nunez in oil. |
[“Whining”] It’s odd how “y’all” helped put a “Yankee” as the main boss man for us all. “Y’all” hippocrits! |
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Put me in charge of food stamps. I’d get rid of Lone Star cards; no cash for Ding Dongs or Ho Ho’s, just money for 50-pound bags of rice and beans, blocks of cheese and all the powdered milk you can haul away. If you want steak and frozen pizza, then get a job.
Put me in charge of Medicaid. The first thing I’d do is to get women Norplant birth control implants or tubal ligations. Then, we’ll test recipients for drugs, alcohol, and nicotine. If you want to reproduce or use drugs, alcohol, or smoke, then get a job. Put me in charge of government housing. Ever live in a military barracks? You will maintain the property in a clean and good state of repair. Your “home” will be subject to inspections anytime and possessions will be inventoried. If you want a plasma TV or Xbox 360, then get a job and your own place. In addition, you will either present a check stub from a job each week or you will report to a government job. It may be cleaning the roadways of trash, painting and repairing public housing, whatever we find for you. We will sell your 22-inch rims and low profile tires and your blasting stereo and speakers and put that money toward the common good. Before you write that I’ve violated someone’s rights, realize that all of the above is voluntary. If you want our money, accept our rules. Before you say that this would be demeaning and ruin your self-esteem, consider that it wasn’t that long ago that taking someone else’s money for doing absolutely nothing was demeaning and lowered self-esteem. If we are expected to pay for other people’s mistakes we should at least attempt to make them learn from their bad choices. The current system rewards them for continuing to make bad choices. While you are on Gov’t subsistence, you no longer can vote! Yes, that is correct. For you to vote would be a conflict of interest. You will voluntarily remove yourself from voting while you are receiving a Gov’t welfare check. If you want to vote, then get a job. |
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It only takes one slow moving person in the grocery store to destroy the illusion that I’m a nice person. |
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With Sloan constantly advocating mercy killing homeless people, with that guy dead on Smathers Beach and another in the woods of Big Pine Key. Did anybody have eyes on Sloan around that time? He would be my first person of interest. I trust nobody that hears voices if they refuse treatment. That’s some serious mental ailment. |
Do you know where I can get this sailfish mounted? I don’t have room in my apartment for a big one. |
Only the FDOT could think that reducing the number of lanes and adding bike paths would increase traffic efficiency. They seem to excel at inefficiency and incompetence. |
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[Fake News] Is the guy who said Billy’s Crab Shack is gone, the same guy who said they were all Russians working there? |
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[Genealogy] Why bother? We are all related to the same monkey in the tree, so why waste your time trying to see if you are important? |
A war within myself; One veteran’s struggle for a life after combat. “Being home, walking down the street, going shopping, staying at my house — that was well outside my comfort zone. I missed the battlefield more and more, and that consumed my mind.” Support the troops; they keep America great. Video |
[“Noisy late night boat”] Well at least you realize it wasn’t at Dolphin Marina. Maybe Dolphin Marina didn’t want them there for the same reason you don’t want him there. I know they have the room if they did want to allow them to be there. How much noise does a blown engine make? Dolphin Marina, and Little Palm Island employ over 140 people. You know the people in our community that buy locally, and live here. They pay taxes. If you buy all Dolphin Marina’s assets then you can close it down, or do it your way. Until that happens maybe try moving. They have been there long before you, and deserve to do it their way. |
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What happened at Billy’s Bar and Grill on Summerland Key? Are they still open or shut down? Seems people are saying the place is not per what the Keys Locals want to spend their money in. Why? |
During this Thanksgiving season I think of all my relations, and my favorite one–sex! |
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