2017 October

Friday, October 6, 2017 (it’s really Saturday October 7)

The-Coconut-Telegraph-w-CoconutsSince 2002
Published Tuesdays and Fridays. Letters to the editor with pictures.​

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(Tuesday, October 10, 2017 There’s still no internet at headquarters so I’m at the library and my new laptop keeps dropping the internet so I’m unable to publish today’s CT. Bummer.

I wish things would get back to normal, or what passes as normal around here. I’ll try again to publish tomorrow. Let’s hope the gods of wifi are pleased and bless my laptop.)

(Ed: I’m sorry for being more than a day late publishing the CT, but hurricane matters have been overwhelming and yesterday was the worst and I still don’t have internet and have to go to the library for wifi. And the National Guard came to help and knocked over a small tree and crushed the stone retaining wall at the entrance to corporate headquarters and they didn’t do a damned thing to help me, but say they’re sorry. Enough of my whining, let the show begin!)


[“$50 book telling you where to live”] Before you try to pass yourself off as a writer of your $50 pamphlets, maybe you learn the difference between your and you’re. Maybe there, their and they’re while you’re at it.

The Cuban trash pickers are all over the place grabbing aluminum and other garbage they can sell. Enough of them and I fear for my home and children because these pickers “no hablo engrish” and don’t give a damn about any laws or trespassing. Lock your doors if you still have them!
[“Missing kitty”] The missing kitty from Parmer’s Resort is back home. Yeah!
I would like to thank the Baptists for the food they have been handing out. It is hot food and fast. They keep the line moving and usually say something comforting like “we are sorry for what you are dealing with right now.” When my husband and I returned to Big Pine after the storm to a big mess and big repairs, it was nice to just pick up a hot meal. There was no electricity or potable water when we returned. So you worked from sun up until sundown and went to bed exhausted. How nice it was to not have to think about a meal and how to cook it. These men and women left their homes to come here and stand out in the heat to do what they could to offer some relief to us. I would like to say Thank you! You were not obligated to come here. My neighbors and I are grateful for what you have done for us. We were exhausted from the heat and hard work and a lot of us would have just gone to bed without a meal because it was such an effort to think about in the dark. There are many organizations that are here helping, and I would like to say Thank you!
Citizens Insurance has representatives in the area that are able to advance payments for claims if you are displaced from your primary home, if you have the coverage available on your policy. Not a rental. They are located in different offices in the Keys between Marathon and Key West and will be moving around. They do not have to be in your agency’s office for them to service you. Please call your local agent and ask if they are assigned to that office. If not call another agency to find out where they are. They will do what they can to help you. No other company is providing that service.
If you never imagined that a hurricane like Irma could happen to you then you don’t belong here. It happens. It’s how we live. It takes more than perceived wealth and a sense of superiority to understand why most of us are willing to risk everything we have to cling to these precious rocks in the sea every single year. Our souls are bound to these islands and our hearts that ache, ache for nothing seemingly replaceable. If you can’t understand that or find that irresponsible you should go. You are bothering people who have a lot of work to do mending what we are fortunate to have left, including ourselves. The Keys are not here to serve you. We are caretakers with love and yes, many of us who could do “better” someplace else will choose to face the hardship of staying simply because of who we are and how we love. Life is a series of corrections, maybe this is yours. Live deeper. Life Love Ocean Rock
I don’t know how much longer they’ll be here but the Samaritan’s Purse crew (orange t shirts) are an amazing lot clearing crew. I’ve watched them help several neighbors here on bayside Ramrod. They work crazy hard and achieve fast results.
I salute the Southern Baptist Disaster Relief Teams. These folks are loving Christian volunteers. The Red Cross supplies the food, the Baptist volunteers prepare and serve the meals. Many people are thankful for the free meals and smiles given by the volunteers. If you do not like the food, please do not take it. Let someone else have the meal. Thank you, Southern Baptist Disaster Relief Team.
God Bless Y’all
[Character] It was miraculous. It was almost no trick at all, he saw, to turn vice into virtue and slander into truth, impotence into abstinence, arrogance into humility, plunder into philanthropy, thievery into honor, blasphemy into wisdom, brutality into patriotism, and sadism into justice. Anybody could do it; it required no brains at all. It merely required no character.  ~Joseph Heller, Catch 22
Here we are on Big Pine Key, the epicenter of Hurricane Irma. And in Palm Villa, our streets lined with debris, support is offered–even on Sunday–by the North Carolina Baptist Men, the National Guard, Billy Graham Disaster Relief, and miscellaneous volunteers from Miami.

It’s now Tuesday, and we have yet to see any County vehicles. With one highly notable exception. On Sunday–Sunday, mind you–in front of Billy Graham!–contractors from FKAA worked on grinder pumps! The devil himself must do their P.R


Is the U.S. Postal Service operating in Big Pine Key at this time? How can the Post office be contacted?

Here’s a good one. North Koreans prepping seafood for U.S. stores, restaurants. Besides seafood, AP found North Korean laborers making wood flooring and sewing garments in Chinese factories.



Hey Baptists, good job feeding us!

Make sure you get a big box of condoms and a big tube of lube if you’re planning on buying or selling suicide real estate in the Keys! You will also need these items to deal with Code Enforcement should you decide to walk away from your destroyed & uninsured home wreckage
Would you believe Australia wants to help America with our gun problem. That’s all we need is a bunch of unarmed sissies and thousands of armed criminals running around like the Ru’s have. They will take my gun from my cold dead hand before I give up! Can’t you tell when you are being had by the Commies and other invaders? Maybe you Americans deserve to be conquered and enslaved!
[Hurricane Damage] I have been getting prices for work on my home from local contractors and wonder why the Keys are called the brothel islands. Are these f**king whores for real or just pirates in drag? I will burn my dump before I let one of these blood sucks work for me!


[Xenophobe] We just went shopping I Key West and go a rude awakening seeing all the Muslims and other foreigners working in all the stores. Have we been taken over already?

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