Letters to the editor with pictures since 2002. Published on Big Pine Key’s garbage days, Tuesdays and Fridays.
![]() Gov. DeSantis, then hypocritically, set up a check point on Interstate 10 to stop citizens from Louisiana and Alabama from entering the Florida panhandle and possibly infecting people there. He used all State employees to establish the panhandle checkpoint, though he refused to allow State Troopers and FWC help protect Monroe County, where they regularly serve and work. (All State personnel in Monroe were working their normal hours and shifts.) I have spoken with Sheriff Rick Ramsay at length. It will be difficult for the MCSO to sustain the checkpoint for the duration without assistance from the State of Florida. Please email, or call Gov. DeSantis and demand he commit State resources to the health and welfare of Monroe County residents, not just the panhandle where he and other politicians reside. |
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[Virus] I think this video is important and should be shared widely. It’s about 13 minutes long by an M.D. It has a wealth of information on safe shopping and especially important are procedures for safe grocery handling when you return home with your groceries. Video |
[Quarantined] If we get a hurricane, where the hell can we go? Most of the states are closing their borders for the virus. I doubt the Fed or anyone else will be shipping in food and stuff to us in the Keys once a storm hits. If I survive this, I’m going to build a roof top food garden. |
[Virus] I fear the internet will be interrupted because there aren’t enough people going to work to keep it running. Have you called tech support lately? I was caller 352 at Comcast and one hour on hold with Visa before I hung up. Amazon workers want protective gear or hazardous duty pay. Trying to file for unemployment on the phone is out of the question. What would happen if Amazon and UPS stopped because of too few workers?
We’re told that the virus lasts two hours on a surface, but a talking head today said they didn’t know if that was for sure. They also say that you can only get it by touch. I don’t think so. Are they telling us that if 4 people sat in a closed room, each separated by 6 feet, if one of them was sick the others wouldn’t catch it? I don’t think so. |
![]() [Virus] This pretty much sums it up. |
[Report Fish Kills] There were roughly 70 fish kill reports from Monroe County filed with FWC in the last year. We know there were many more that were not reported, partly because of frustration in the response to previous reports. But it is important that you call in fish kills, discolored water that is not just a “mullet mud” or prop dredge, and fish that are diseased with parasites and such. Get the description and general location listed in the database so that water quality problems are documented and harder to ignore by people who are being well paid to improve water quality and protect our natural resources. The FWC Fish Kill Hotline phone is 800-636-0511. Add it to your phone contacts now and have it readily available to call when you see disgusting evidence of pollution that some Authority would rather ignore. |
Social distancing. Peace. |
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Big Pine Key AARP April 2020 Calendar. Full Menu > Ongoing Events |
[Bad Neighbors] One of you a**holes in Eden Pines called the Monroe County Transient Rental Fraud Hotline accusing me of illegally renting my house. That was not the case. Get a f**king life and mind your own business. |
[Conspiracy] In the months prior to the most ferocious stock market crash in history and the eruption of the biggest public health crisis of our generation, we witnessed the biggest exodus of corporate CEOs that we have ever seen. And as you will see below, corporate insiders also sold off billions of dollars-worth of shares in their own companies just before the stock market imploded. In life, timing can be everything, and sometimes people simply get lucky. But it does seem odd that so many among the corporate elite would be so exceedingly “lucky” all at the same time.” NBC reported that more than 1,332 CEOs stepped aside in the period from January through the end of October. While it’s not unusual to see CEOs fleeing in the middle of a recession, it is noteworthy to see such a rash of executive exits amid robust corporate earnings and record stock market highs. Fortune magazine reported that by the end of 2019, an all-time record high 1,480 CEOs had left their posts. And in January 2020, a whopping 219 CEOs stepped down during that month alone. The Wall Street Journal reported that ” Top executives at U.S.-traded companies sold a total of roughly $9.2 billion in shares of their own companies” between the start of February and the beginning of the crash. “The selling saved the executives—including many in the financial industry—potential losses totaling $1.9 billion, according to the analysis, as the S&P 500 stock index plunged about 30% from its peak on Feb. 19 through the close of trading March 20.” In the stock market, you only make money if you get out in time, and many among the corporate elite seem to have impeccable timing. How was yours? |
April Fool’s Day is cancelled this year as no made up prank could match the unbelievable shit happening in the real world right now |
My wife just went to WD and said the place is almost empty. So much for taking care of us residents, eh! |
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I just went to Winn Dixie and it was pretty well stocked. Of course, there ware no paper product but plenty of produce, beer and dairy. I didn’t expect that much. |
[Prediction] In about nine months a lot of babies will be born, a lot of divorce lawyers will get richer and a ton of people will be fatter. |
How many corona virus patients who died, also had CVD? Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a class of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels. CVD includes coronary artery diseases (CAD) such as angina and myocardial infarction (commonly known as a heart attack).
About 647,000 Americans die from heart disease each year. It was estimated to account for 7.1 million deaths worldwide in 2016.On average, someone dies of CVD every 38 seconds. On average, someone dies of a stroke every 3.70 minutes. |
I have been trying to stay healthy: I do 40 inclined sit ups, 40 reverse sit ups, ride my bike for 40 minutes each morning and then drink wine the rest of the day. Am I overdoing it? |
The real horrors of this virus plague. I have to let the kids use my remote I have to talk to my wife I have to get my own beer I have to eat cheep I have to close the bathroom door now I have to sit outside with a mask I can’t walk around the house naked I can’t go to my fav bars I can’t waste TP I can’t tell her not to waste TP too I can’t go on that nudie cruise I can’t watch porn when she goes shopping I can’t, I can’t, I can’t live like this! |
[Pins and Needles] My wife yelled from upstairs and asked, “Do you ever get a shooting pain across your body, like someone‘s got a voodoo doll of you and they’re stabbing it?” |
[“Selling pee for tanning leather”] Taking the “piss poor” analogy one step further brings you to another phrase. “Does not have a pot to piss in”, this was the ultimate level of poor. Having to sell your piss was one thing, not being able too was another! |
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[Social Distancing] My mother always told me I would never accomplish anything sitting on my ass. Look at me now, saving the neighborhood from disease. |
Florida Keys is shutdown to tourists during coronavirus outbreak. Video |
Cornell U. doctor video about Covid 19. Takes 1 hour but has lots info and answers. Video |
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[Conspiracy] Dr. Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty has been pushing for quite a while to get a bill passed to force an audit of the Federal Reserve. In case you didn’t know, the Federal Reserve is as Federal as Federal Express or McDonalds. It is a private bank with a great gig: creating money out of thin air to lend to the US government and other banks–with interest! This bill creates even more secrecy around a Federal Reserve that still refuses to be audited. It allows the Federal Reserve to make decisions about who gets what, how much money we’ll print. With no transparency. “This stimulus should go straight to the people rather than being funneled through banks and corporations like this bill is doing. 2 trillion divided by 150 million workers is about $13,333 per person. That’s much more than the $1,200 per person check authorized by this bill.” So much for “trickle-down effect”, huh? Somebody is cleaning up while displaced workers get a pittance of what they are losing due to layoffs. And our taxes will go up to pay the interest on a debt to the Federal Reserve that we cannot pay the principle on. Money they created out of thin air and just placed on a balance sheet so that the government can write more checks. |
I’m excited that the phrase “Get the f**k away from me!” Is no longer rude, but a public service announcement. |
Hello Keys residents. YouTube has some useful information on corona virus. Stay safe. Stay inside please, only out for food with mask on (homemade masks are better than nothing) The lives of all the first responders are at risk. The elderly and veterans need to be protected. It will not be easy; people may get bored inside. The best way to fight the virus is to stay home. We can get through this. Keep on the positive mindset. Thank you, radio guys, for the music |
I ran out of toilet paper and am now using lettuce leaves. Today was just the tip of the iceberg, tomorrow Romaine’s to be seen. |
My house got TP’d last night upping its value by ten thousand! |
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As of today, The total deaths linked to Covid 19 from all the countries in the world, totaled 26,827. In the US alone, 1,477. |
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Dear Winn‑Dixie Customers, starting today we have begun proactively implementing additional safety measures in all Winn‑Dixie stores. 1) Plexiglas Partitions. To protect against the spread of COVID-19, we will be installing Plexiglas partitions between customers and associates at store registers, customer service desks, pharmacies and liquor store counters. Installation is currently underway and will continue through Friday, April 3. 2) Social Distancing. All stores will also initiate a two-cart-length distance between customers at checkout by utilizing floor markers to encourage and maintain social distancing. In addition, we will adhere to stricter store occupancy regulations to further safeguard customers and associates. |
[Keys Shut Down] Are there any plans to help the hard working captains, first, second and other mates in the fishing business in the Keys? |
[Pass a Law] I wish they would pass a law that no one under 25 or over 65 can be in any government position; and have to take a yearly mental stability test along with a complete physical. Enough of these dementia old farts and untrained newbies ruining my life and my country. Also they can only be in office for no more than four years. We don’t need no stinkin’ lawyers, we need a good solid working-class maintenance department and military. |
![]() Now there is something to look forward to! |
![]() [Toilet Paper] I have found a solution to the shortage of toilet paper. My dog showed me what to do: Butt scooting, but you have to have carpet. |
Faron Young — Live Fast, Love Hard, Die Young |
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Coronavirus comparisons to World War II. Are we ready to be greatest generation? Video |
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[Everything Should Be Free] What shows the real mentality of America now is the greed displayed by the media, entertainment industry, politicians, merchants, and phony charities. People are dying from a world plague and spreading it more daily, but the money mongers won’t quit their relentless wallet grabbing. The advertisers are one of the worst offenders. While you are watching the news with people in emergency rooms and the story is interrupted by junk commercials. These low renters have no respect or morals for anything but their profiteering. |
![]() [Absentee Ballot] 43 times more people have applied for absentee ballots on Vote.org than usual. No American should have to risk their health to vote. As more people are following government recommendations to stay home and avoid gatherings of people, the option to vote absentee is more important than ever. Vote.org has always worked to make applying for an absentee ballot easy, and we’re encouraged to see more voters taking steps to vote in a way that’s safe for them and their community. Ballot |
To rove this world has gone nuts, look at who is in the news mostly and who isn’t. Entertainers, politicos, mobsters and criminals, and useless eaters are and farmers, doctors, water workers and very essential people are never. It is one sick society when the junk people have taken over like the media moguls and the illegals! |
Mental age evaluation. |
[Concentration Camps] It is hard to believe how immature people are when a traumatic event occurs that can inflate into a mass disaster because these people will not stay put to control a deadly virus. No matter their age, they act like crazed children. I hope the government does lock up the infected in health camps. |
[Social Distancing] We ordered Pizza last night. They only deliver and place the box on your steps. You have to call in your order and pay by credit card because they will not let you in the pizza shop. I think this is a smart move and all food stores should do the same as long as their employees are not infected and checked every shift. |
[Conspiracy] The Covid-19 panic is irrational- fueled by mass media and promoted by politicians and their owners. You had better reason out what this is really about. Your attention is diverted, and somebody is cashing in or gaining even more power. When this panic is over, another will be incited. Look for even greater restrictions with the next induced panic. What concerns me most with this one is that people have been trained to fear and be suspicious of even their closest friends- while they look to the authorities to save them from an overblown threat. |
[Conspiracy] At least the skies have been clear of chemtrails since the virus panic began. Enjoy the clear sky while you can. Which lame excuse for the spraying went away? Global warming protection? Interference with hostile military activities? Enhancement of anti-missile radar? |
[How Stay Sane While Being Self-Quarantined] Read something from a book, something you’ve always wanted to learn or get involved with. Download and read eBooks that are free. Any topic; stories, tech books, images, whatever. Search the world via the internet’s Google Maps. Visit countries you will never physically go to. Search the US Government for free stuff; money, food tickets, fuel cards, anything. Look up famous people throughout history including scientists, actors, politicians, chefs, adventurers. Fix your home, paint, repair, modify. Clean everything with disinfectant and lots of hot water. Reorganize your bar and lock up your favorite booze. Service your vehicle, gas, oil, clean, wax, etc. Above all, have fun. |