Letters to the editor with pictures since 2002. Published on Big Pine Key’s garbage days, Tuesdays and Fridays.
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Can you get a suntan when you’re dead? |
[Used Trees] Six creative ways to recycle your Christmas tree. Link |
Eggs Benedict served on a hubcap because there’s no plate like chrome for the hollandaise. |
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[Pain] Here is a very interesting article about pain related issues. The places you feel pain may actually reveal what emotions you’re experiencing. Link |
Deer Ed, Christmas Eve is Dec. 24th, not Dec. 25th. Best regards and Merry Christmas! (Ed: Thanks. I think I started on the eggnog a little too early. Merry Christmas to all of you too!) |
[Fired Detective] Rick Ramsay, Monroe County Sheriff removed the head of his detective group following the release of an audio recording of her telling one of her men to pull over a black man suspected in a Key West murder and act like a ‘white supremacist cop.’ Audio Recording Link |
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[“Sloan Bashinsky”] What happened to Sloan? His blog is no longer running, his law practice is no longer running and in politics, he’s no longer running as he usually does. His Alabama mother’s worth $200 million, and he’s living on the street in Key West. Sounds odd to me. Sounds like a book or at least a mini-series. Sadly, his brother killed himself. That must be one strange family. Does everyone have mommy issues. Rich people and poor people all have the same problems, but money isn’t one of them, but mommy might be. Link |
Remember that having sex on a regular basis helps keep your memory alive. I wish you all a great 2010! |
[Documentary] Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers – Runnin’ Down a Dream. Full Movie |
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The next meeting of the Big Pine Computer Club is coming up this Saturday, December 28, 10 am at the senior center. Bring your electronic device(s) and join us. Open to all. Full Menu > Ongoing Events |
[Bible or Opinion] Is abortion against the teachings of Christ, therefore a sin? Why? You may say it’s killing. Is aborting a fetus killing? Is this your opinion or is it found in the Bible? Is it “Christian” to abort in cases of rape and/or incest? Isn’t that still killing? What about very severe birth defects? Is that your opinion? If you answer that any/all abortion is killing and therefore a sin, when does a fetus become a baby? Is that your opinion or in the Bible? Is there an answer? or just opinion? Do you use science when it works for your argument and not when it doesn’t? Are you really a Christian or an American capitalistic revision of one? |
Wife texts husband on a cold winter morning: “Windows frozen, won’t open.” Husband texts back: “Pour some lukewarm water over it and then gently tap the edges with a hammer.” Wife texts back 10 minutes later: “Computer really messed up now.” |
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HO, HO, HO … HO ~Santa in Detroit |
[National Healthcare] My spouse just spent one overnight in the ICU, plus one operation. That total is $110,000. Thank Lyndon Johnson for Medicare. Without which we’d have to mortgage our home (and have to buy expensive flood insurance). Those who are against National Health Insurance for all already have someone else paying for theirs or are just lousy bastards! |
[Sensitive Millennials] I read an article today about a study which indicated that millennials think “Secret Santa” gift exchanges ought to be outlawed because it makes them feel “anxious”. I’m thinking that the age group is ripe for an authoritarian take over since they seem to be afraid of everything. |
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There are no Christmas movies without children in them. |
[Shiny Hair] With all the cosmetics available you would think they would have come up with a product to restore the shine in hair that has been dyed. I can usually tell dyed hair by the lackluster and flat look. Many products say they restore the shine but they don’t, or are greasy. Woman need a product that will make their dyed hair as shiny as a nineteen year old Asian girl’s. |
Text: What’s an orgasm? |
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[Deceptive Pricing] This is Tom Thumb’s gas sign in BP. Don’t fall for the gimmick and think you will get gas that is already overpriced at $2.79. Read the fine print. Otherwise, you will be shocked when you pull in and start filling and notice you are paying $2.84. I wonder if they are a member of the Chamber of Commerce? |
[Christmas Past] At least I don’t have to listen to another recording of the Hallelujah Chorus until next year. |
[Y2K] Remember what we were doing 20 years ago? |
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A Christmas morning fight in Tavernier where a machete (Cubans) was likely used left four people injured and two under arrest, according to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office. Deputies were called to a trailer home in Tavernier just after 4 a.m. Wednesday and arrived to find a confusing situation. A man and a woman had suffered critical injuries, including cuts to the woman’s neck. Link |
Never under-estimate the power of peace. |
Peace on Earth in 2020. Maybe? |
I’ll bet a shiny new penny, we have a new Sheriff this time next year. |