2024 October

Friday, October 11, 2024

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(Big Pine Key’s garbage pick-up days)

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[FEMA] WASHINGTON (AP) — The rumors surrounding Hurricane Helene are many. There are false claims that people taking federal relief money could see their land seized. Or that $750 is the most they will ever get to rebuild. Or that the agency’s director — on the ground since the storm hit — was beaten up and hospitalized. Link
[Boom] Watch 2,200 pounds of explosives implode the Tropicana Las Vegas. The 67-year-old hotel and casino was demolished to make way for a new MLB stadium. Video
[Computer Club] Sat, Oct. 9, 10:30 a.m. at the Community Center, BPK Plaza.
[Trans] Remember, you can pretend to be a girl all you want, but you’re still going to need a prostate exam at 40.
[Friday Joke] ME: ‘Hello. ls this the helpline for alcoholics?
AA: ‘Yes, it is
ME: ‘How do I make a Mojito?‘
[Submarines Cost Billions] (Tanks $1.2 billion) The defense industry makes big bucks, especially in the modern era. High-tech weapons platforms are vital to the United States’ current missions. As such, these weapons platforms are essentially given a blank check. Let’s look at the weapons the United States is spending massive amounts on. Link
[Hurricane Rumor Response] But there are no responses to FEMA spending $1 billion on noncitizen migrant resettlement and other services over the past two years. Link
[Stock Market] Do you have a limit buy order on Piedmont Lithium (PLL) considering all that is happening in the mines of North Carolina after Hurricane Helene? Link
[Full Moon Kayak Excursion] The Florida Keys Wildlife Society invites you to our first Full Moon Kayak Excursion of the season October 16th.  To sign up for this event, please visit our website: and click on the event link and call our sponsor, Bill at Big Pine Kayak Adventures, for questions, information and let him know whether you’ll be needing a single or tandem kayak.  305-872-7474.  Arrive at the Old Wooden Bridge Marina 1791 Bogie Drive on Big Pine Key at 4:45 to get signed in and set up with gear.  We’ll depart about 5:15 p.m.  Cost is $30 per person and 100% of the proceeds benefit the refuges of the Florida Keys.  If there is a small craft advisory or a lightning storm, you will get a full refund or you may opt for a future trip.
[Gardening in the Keys] Does anyone have luck with Alyssum: Carpet of Snow here in the Middle Keys?  Is our heat too much for them?
The World’s weather in real-time by NOAA. Video
Have you noticed how red Elon Musk’s nose is lately? Just in time for Christmas. My father’s nose was just as red, but he drank like a fish.
[Friday Joke] “Me: I want you to donate my body when I die.
Wife: To who? Goodwill?”
Geckos have a ‘sixth sense’. The sticky-toed reptiles have a pretty sophisticated auditory system. Link
[DOW 42,512] Wednesday saw the DOW reach the highest its ever climbed. If this continues, we’ll all be rich!
[Crooks] It’s hard to trust any charity when time and time again we see the theft of those monies by the greedy folks controlling those dollars. The latest asshole is supermodel Niaomi Campbell whose charity only used 6% of the money donated to do good. The other 94% of the donated money she uses for her lavish lifestyle including five-star hotels and spa treatments. Link
$100,000 donation match for the United Way of Collier and the Keys’ Disaster Resiliency Fund. In response to Hurricane Milton, we are honored to announce that Mrs. Ellen Vanderburg has generously pledged to match donations up to $100,000 to our Disaster Resiliency Fund. This vital fund ensures immediate relief and long-term support for our most vulnerable residents in the wake of disaster. Your contribution, matched dollar for dollar, will help build a stronger, more resilient community and ensure we can quickly provide critical resources to our neighbors in need when it matters most. Donate Here
The world’s tiniest Rubik’s cube is as wide as 3 grains of rice. The new Guinness World Record holder’s logo is nearly invisible to the naked eye. Video
[Politics] Hi Deer Ed, Please put the following information on the Coconut Telegraph so folks know about the Politics & Religion page.
There’s are important political discussions & comments on the Coconut Telegraph’s “Politics, Religion & Conspiracy 2024” page.  Go to the bottom of the main page and select it from the menu or use this web link:  Politics, Religion & Conspiracy 2024 –
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[Dirty Politics] The $20K contribution to candidate Hodies was done properly following FL law. The endorsement required a 60% vote per RPOF rules. The contribution funding required a majority vote, not a 60% vote, per REC rules. It’s all in FL law 103.121 paragraphs 2, 3 & 4, RPOF rule 8B (not a law) and REC rule (not a law) for candidate contributions.
The state attorney knew or should have known this as he accepted $8K in 2016 and $8K in 2020 using the same RPOF and REC rules. Sending this to the Governor and publicizing it is just a big political smear action by the opponent.
Archaeologists found an ancient Egyptian observatory. Expedition leader: “Everything we found shattered our expectations.” Link
[Spending on Immigrants] Americans were rightly angered by the announcement by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Wednesday that the Federal Emergency Management Agency “[does] not have the funds” to make it through the hurricane season, particularly in light of the over $600 million it spent on “migrant services” this past fiscal year. In fact, the Shelter and Services Program administered by FEMA in partnership with the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol has spent more than $1 billion on noncitizen migrant resettlement and other services over the past two years, according to FEMA’s website.
[Vote For Me] I am Sherri Hodies and I am excited to announce my candidacy for Monroe County Supervisor of Elections. My husband, Perry, and I married on the Western Union, off the coast of Key West. We were regular visitors to the Keys since the early 90’s and then purchased our home and became residents over a decade ago. I am not a career politician. I take pride in my attention to detail which will ensure that all of your votes are counted and secured. I have raised four children and have worked in the private sector for the majority of my life while also obtaining two Master’s degrees in Business Administration (MBA), as well as two Bachelor’s degrees in Business and Human Resources. I also have my Certificate in Paralegal Studies from the University of Miami, Florida. Let me emphasize, ‘My primary focus is to guarantee the fairness, security, and efficiency of our elections. With my extensive experience and background, I am confident that I am well-suited to be our county’s supervisor of elections. I look forward to meeting the voters and listening to their thoughts and ideas. Together, let’s continue to make Monroe County a leader in election integrity. Link
[Rumor] Is FEMA confiscating supplies and halting relief efforts for hurricane Helene victims?
FALSE: There is no evidence to support the claim that FEMA has halted operations or confiscated supplies. FEMA continues to provide extensive disaster relief, including increased assistance in states like Georgia and Tennessee. Link
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[Friday Joke] Three old ladies are sitting around a table playing bridge and bragging about their sons. “My Freddie,” said Margaret, “Everyone should be so lucky to have a son like my Freddie. Once a week he brings me a huge bouquet of flowers, he’s constantly bringing me out to restaurants to eat, if I so much as hint that I want something the next morning it’s on my doorstep.” “That’s very nice about your Freddie”, says Gertrude. “But with all due respect, when I think about the way my Sammy takes care of me, it just can’t compare. Every morning as soon as I wake up he greets me with bacon and freshly brewed coffee. Every lunch he comes over and cooks me a gourmet lunch, and every supper he brings me to his house for supper, he truly treats me like a queen.” “WELL!” Says Barbara “I don’t want to make any of you feel bad or anything, but wait until you hear about my Harry, twice a week he pays someone $200 an hour just so he can lie on their couch and talk to them, and who do you think he speaks about at those prices? asks Barbara with a big excited double chin smile? “I’ll tell you who he speaks about! All he speaks about is me!”
The current Coconut Telegraph was published on 10/11/24 at 8:08 am.