No Saturday Edition
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How do you report an illegal rental property or do you have to sue the owner to stop screwing up the area? |
[Mangroves on the move] Much of the Florida shoreline was once too cold for the tropical trees called mangroves, but the plants are now spreading northward at a rapid clip, scientists reported Monday. That finding is the latest indication that global warming, though still in its early stages, is already leading to ecological changes so large they can be seen from space. |
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[New Montessori School] My friend and I, both certified teachers, are interested in opening a Montessori school to service students 18 months to 6 years old living in Big Pine Key, Marathon, and the lower Keys. We are wondering what the interest level of the community would be. Are any parents in the community interested in the Montessori program for their children? |
The U.S. has never, repeat, never, devalued the dollar. Link In addition to that, if we wanted to pay back the foreign debt with dollars that are “worth less” we would encourage inflation. Your link says nothing about baby boomers driving more, and the link is to a car talk website, not a real study. Deer Ed, This is what happens when you shut down the politics section. They sneak the same baseless assertions in another way. |
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Great CT on Sunday. I’d love to hear more about what’s up with the sharks, and lots of laughs in the posts (loved the ‘doughnuts’ billboard and Comcast customer support). |
It was cold last night so I traded my blanket for a nice quilt, but in the middle of the night I had to get up and get another quilt, then about four AM I had to get up again in order to add a third quilt. I was finally warm and toasty. The only problem was that the three quilts were so heavy I couldn’t turn over. I woke in the exact same position as when I added the third quilt. |
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[Graphics on a Windows machine] Windows 7 is excellent and on par with OS X, not so for previous Win versions. Adobe’s software is all there. Apple’s secret sauce is they only use high pixel per linear inch (ppi) screens on their overpriced hardware. Many artists agree the 220 ppi Retinas are overkill, 130+ ppi is very nice (17″ Full HD), under 100 ppi looks rather poor. Most PC’s are sold for office use or budget minded consumers, thus come with shoddy performance and low ppi monitors designed for more frequent hardware turnover rates or to keep up with the cheap, underpowered, soon to be expired processors. A decent looking or graphics PC: Quad core i7, 4GB RAM expandable to 16GB, 500GB+ SSD removable for privacy, 130+ ppi monitor, decent dedicated graphics (upgradable preferable, means a desktop tower) in addition to the default CPU graphics. About $1500 or so, so take care of it. Windows 7 lasts until 2020, unlike OS X which upgrades almost annually now, each version more bloated, more chaotic and more restrictive than the previous one. Link |
[Funny Monday, Friday’s a given!] King of the jungle. It’s good to be king! |
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Conchs clamoring in shallow sea impossible to be. |
Headline in an English newspaper: ‘Missing Girl Remains Found’. I thought they had better English than that. |
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[Cops] You can’t just look at the population of the Keys and the number of deputies to decide if there are too many. We are stretched out over a 100 mile line, not in a circle like a city. If we want the police to respond in a short time, we need more per capita than in most other places because of the distance. |
UN Report to issued this morning: North Korea has committed crimes against humanity. Probably will call for war crimes tribunal. The commission investigated issues regarding the right to food, prison camps, torture and inhuman treatment, arbitrary detention, discrimination, freedom of expression, the right to life, freedom of movement, and enforced disappearances, including abductions of other citizens. North Korea says U.N. rights report based on ‘faked’ material. |
[Lucky’s Landing or on Little Torch] Are there going to be 4 units to a block or two units? It looks like they have a partition between the balconies on the upper and lower levels and it might be 4 units to a block. Sardines anyone? That is a new look for trailers up on stilts and I cannot believe something that came in 4 pieces and then got “stuck” together right on the water could stand up to 180 mph winds. What are they going to do? Put a stainless steel band around them to hold them together? |
Other than that, how was your fishing trip? |
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[“Captain Doom and Gloom”] Based on his world view from yesterday, I’d say the unhappy Captain has only seen the world form a cruise ship. Lose the ship, Capt, take a plane and a local tour when you get there. Don’t go on a packaged tour, they’re like cruise ships without the water and all-you-can-eat meals. |
Hug a python today! |
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[“Remember the Maine“] The truth is their Grinder Pump failed! |
10 good reasons to oppose the Keystone XL Pipeline that is costly and brings Canadian oil through pristine U.S. land for export to other foreigners. Link |
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[Keys Only For Vacations] We took the advice two years ago about renting in Paradise for a year or more to see what it is really like. We will not move here from Ohio because we have seen the real Keys and that has cured us of any dreams of beauty and tranquility. With all the corruption, absurd pricing, insurance costs, lack of decent medical facilities, low grade schooling, and a sub-human culture, we will find someplace else to live! |
Happy President’s Day! |
[Survey] Florida Keys State Representative, Holly Raschein: Stormwater, wind & flood insurance top prioirity. Take her survey to gather feedback. Link |
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Genetically modified foods are killing bees, butterflies, birds, and …? Link |
[“Macs only for graphics”] I didn’t buy that guy’s explanation of why Macs were better at graphics than Windows machines. He made some good points, but I see the same excellence with graphics in Windows 7 machines. His claim that Macs handle fonts better is confusing because both machines use Adobe Photoshop and it’s sister programs and that’s what handles the fonts. I’d like to get a better idea what he means by that. Fonts have little to do with the operating system and Windows boxes have better hardware. That’s something Apple copied from Windows. It’s not all one sided imitation as the writer claimed. |
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February 17, 1600 Italian philosopher, alchemist, and Copernican theory advocate Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake for heresy by the Inquisition. The practice has since fallen out of favor. |
[Citizen Of The Day Says] He likes the personalities of the people in Key West and their attitude towards life. |
Nira Tocco has a new listing at 1575 Lantana Lane in Eden Pines on Big Pine Key. Watch the new video. |
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FTR finally posted a fact that is 100% correct. He stated that the ignorance of some posters is stunning. I agree. The truly amazing thing is they do it day after day after day. |
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[Travel] It’s sad that Captain Doom got nothing good from his travels around the world. I’m not surprised because negativity breeds negativity. I’ve been to 25-30 countries by myself and wouldn’t trade it for the world (pardon the pun). I’ve been to fascinating places, many times standing next to the ‘ugly American’. While I stood breathless and in awe the ugly American did nothing but complain about trivial things. As far as complainers go the French, Israelis and Texans are at the top of my list. Whenever there is an unpleasant incidence it is usually caused by one of those three groups. Some travelers should stay in the comfort of their homes. It’s not for everyone. |
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[Wind] My aluminum shed came with an official looking sticker inside that states it will withstand 155mph winds. It’s also a lot cozier than some of the mammoth mansions I have been in around here. |
I loved the old Zorro shows and would really like to see them on DVD. This is a very easy-to-sign petition requesting Disney make that happen. Here’s something we can all agree on, if there is such a thing. Link |
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[“Macs only for graphics”] It’s over for Mac’s, history lessons have no reflection on current events and recent trends. Apple is first and foremost a consumer hardware tech company. 2/3 of their revenue is from the iPhone, without it they would be dead or another Dell. They simply don’t sell enough Macs. They make little profit from software, it’s only used to help them sell hardware. They care less about their minority of professional users’ needs. Consumers are opting for smaller, portable devices on the Internet, print media is nearly dead. DTP (Adobe) and video (Avid) is moving to Win 7 PC hardware because it’s come up, Thunderbolt is available. Consumer desktop PC and laptops sales are in decline. Being a consumer company, Apple has stopped selling the 17″ laptop. Only the top end 15″ has the additional dedicated graphics processor that mobile professionals need for speedy graphics. Anti-glare screens, exchangeable batteries and after sale upgrade options are all gone from Apple’s hardware. OS X gets annual disturbing upgrades and changes as they morph it into iOS. This throws established workflows into chaos, slowing down or crippling hardware and causing third party software headaches. If you don’t upgrade you’re denied security updates. Windows versions get a decade or more of security updates and are a lot more stable. Viruses on Windows 7 is nowhere as common as it was on Windows XP, rather easier to restore too. OS X now gets malware and there is XProtect for it. Windows 7 is on par with OS X in nearly everything, it even runs just as hot as OS X on the same hardware. Windows 7 bonuses are support and no changes until 2020, large choice of hardware and software vendors, plenty of free software and plenty of users familiar with using it. Only scared-of-change Mac users can’t seem to jump ship, they rather continue suffering with Apple’s expensive Stockholm Syndrome Effect instead. |
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I’m impressed with the advice for the newbies, it’s well thought out and spot on. ‘Try before you buy’ is sage advice. |
Irony. |
[“Exercise Solid Curtain-Citadel Shield 2014”] Does anyone know why the military makes up these silly names? |
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[Wind] 180 mph windload rated town homes? Yeah right, like they are made of stainless steel and have landing gear. No way is any structure on stilts 180 MPH proof. |
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Happy Mexican Monday from Springers Bar and Grill. Today’s special, tamales with a side of Spanish rice. It’s sure to be a party for the palate. Bring some friends, add margaritas and make it a real fiesta. |
R.I.P Brian Burgess |
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Lots of people will be going to Portugal once they find out that all drugs are legal there (I couldn’t resist). |
Today in 1904 Puccini’s opera Madame Butterfly premiered in Milan. |
[“Online Dating”] Sure, it works as long as you’re hot! |
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[Gun Nuts] My old friend moved to Cincinnati and now carries three 9mm hollow point guns to beat the maximum clip load laws. It is getting bad everywhere! |
[Racist] A similar commentary can and should be made about our leadership that is selling us short. The FTR of Britain. Video |
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[Captain Doom and Gloom] If humans start colonizing other worlds what makes you think they will not screw them up just as they did earth? Look around and see what we have done to this planet, to our air, water, dirt, and lives. If I was an alien and had the power to stop humanity from coming to a planet near me, I sure as hell would push the big red button without hesitating! |
I noticed low renters moved into the house next to me. Dogs, cats, kids and relatives all over the place. My property value just crashed to zero. My home was worth $500 K, but no more. Can I shoot the renting agent and the owner or just sell out to more garbage and get out of the Keys while there is still time to recoup some value? |
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Like so many liberal initiatives, Democare will stifle ambition and will enhance the governments control over your lives. It will be poison to the American work ethic. If you’re into reading government speak, you can read the CBO report for yourself at Link Part 2) Another poster wrote: “FTR made a big thing of Obama’s crooked associates, but defend’s Crist’s.” Just for the record, this Olde Fart has never heard of Peter ‘Big Boy’ Schorsch or his alleged criminal history. Nor have I ever defended a damn thing that Crist has done. I have been and will continue to be a staunch critic of Crist and his malfeasance. I encourage the poster to further explore the relationship between Crist and Schorsch, and then post his/her findings. I suggest that you start with the search term: “Peter ‘Big Boy’ Schorsch”. Part 3) Charlie “The Changeling” Crist was politicking in Key West the other day. I came across this image. Please send me your comments at |