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Since 2002. Anonymous Letters to the Editor with pictures. Published Monday through Friday by Noon.
![]() We would like to invite the community to Big Pine Academy’s Veterans Day Assembly. Today, Monday, November 10 at 1pm at the Big Pine Academy, 30220 Overseas Hwy next to the flea market. Thank you veterans! |
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[Marathon Journal] Marathon Home Depot abuses its employees. Basically, long-term employees are not paid for their extra work and responsibility. There is so much turnover that each week you can see a different face. Experience is not rewarded. What happened to the two most important items to Home Depot? Customers and employees are undervalued. Instead, the bottom line has taken over basic operations. That would not be so bad if that worked. What does the future hold for Home Depot? If it returns to customers and employees coming first, Home Depot will flourish. Sadly, the current trend works against them.
-Vacation rentals are supposed to be regulated to a certain amount and no more. Vacation rentals intensities are supposed to be well distributed throughout Marathon. More vacation rentals exist than is allowed. In places in Marathon over 50% of a street is vacation rentals. The city should investigate and correct the situation to code. -With a shake up on the Marathon City Council, there is one councilmember to be elected mayor. That is Chris Bull. You need to be on the council for at least two years before considering yourself for mayor. |
![]() When, in the history of this country, have we ever given rights to a group of people and–once we’ve had time to adjust to the change–regretted that decision later? Never. Not once. |
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![]() [Tycoon] Jim Figuerado paid $3.5million on Friday for Stock Island’s Hurricane Hole Marina. The purchase was finalized exactly one week after Figuerado bought The Wharf Bar and Grill at MM 25 on Summerland. Figuerado is also a co-owner of Looe Key Reef Resort. Figuerado and his wife, Deborah, divide their time between homes in Marathon an Fort Myers Beach. |
[The Wharf Sold] It’s official if you saw the front page of the Citizen Saturday. The same owner from Looe Key Tiki has bought the Hurricane Hole and The Wharf. Yet another stake in the heart to the Florida Keys. The gentrification of these restaurants are just one more step in the homogenization process. Gone are the days of uniqueness that made this place great!
Pat Croce and few of the others in Key West, along with the new conglomerate owners outside KW must have fat accounts with SYSCO, Cheny Brothers and GFS. No matter how you slice it, we’re eating the same old overpriced packaged crap no matter where we eat. Fresh fish? ha ha ha “Conch” Republic? It’s all imported conch in your fritters and ceviche. Stone crab season? A bust again. Dare I say anything about the condition of the reefs? Thanks NOAA, you’ve done a bang up job at saving nothing except your jobs! We will have Walmart, Subway, Popeye’s and Bojangles Chicken soon. Add to this a suggestion we cancel Fantasy Fest for three years to try and figure out how to stop the old fat and uglies from exposing their titties. All that’s left of the Keys are the fantasies of the aging, white-bread tourists who still come here. Just pass an ordinance that titties over 40 years old have to be covered up, fake or not. Time to head out for breakfast, tilapia (fake fish) and grits. To think I’d ever ask for grunts and grits was a joke 20 years ago, today not so much. |
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Veterans Day free meals, discounts, sales and deals. Link |
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[“Wal-Mart Coming to Rockland Key”] Americans spend $36,000,000 at Wal-Mart Every hour of every day. 2. This works out to $20,928 profit every minute! 3. Wal-Mart will sell more from January 1 to St. Patrick’s Day (March 17th) than Target sells all year. 4. Wal-Mart is bigger than Home Depot + Kroger + Target +Sears + Costco + K-Mart combined. 5. Wal-Mart employs 1.6 million people, is the world’s largest private employer, and most speak English. 6. Wal-Mart is the largest company in the history of the world. 7. Wal-Mart now sells more food than Kroger and Safeway combined, and keep in mind they did this in only fifteen years. 8. During this same period, 31 big supermarket chains sought bankruptcy. 9. Wal-Mart now sells more food than any other store in the world. 10. Wal-Mart has approx 3,900 stores in the USA of which 1,906 are Super Centers; this is 1,000 more than it had five years ago. 11. This year 7.2 billion different purchasing experiences will occur at Wal-Mart stores. (Earth’s population is approximately 6.5 Billion.) 12. 90% of all Americans live within fifteen miles of a Wal-Mart |
![]() Led Zeppelin turned down Richard Branson’s £500million offer to reform for 35-night tour. Robert Plant, 66, ripped up the 35-date contract in front of promoters. Money men tried to talk front man around but he is adamant. Link |
[“Round house–freedom of choice”] Whose choice? The choice of the misfit deep pocket who runs roughshod over his newly selected play ground? That’s basically saying money/might makes right. The less heeled among us simply have to pack up and leave paradise to those who can exert more influence on local officialdom? |
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No one has a lock on concern for the environment and clean water. I, like any Lower Keys resident who is watching this from the side lines, feel the tax money we voted for should fund a deep well on Cudjoe. No one person has the only answer and everyone has a right (I would say obligation) to work toward whatever avenue can be made available to secure a deep well. Two paths seem to have emerged – one is the legal path which depends on what we all believe is a correct reading of the law and assessment of treatment plant volume, but this path depends on one state employee (the judge) to agree with us. The other path depends on science to confirm what we all believe will happen.
I don’t speak for any group, association, or petitioner, but I hold this belief. If a compromise were to start the design and permitting of a deep well immediately (a one year process) and a well designed and controlled study was started immediately, then I believe what we all believe will be confirmed and a deep well will become mandatory within the time required to design and permit it. If I’m right, this is the fastest path to a deep well. No offense to attorneys everywhere, but I see more risk in the legal challenge receiving a fair and impartial hearing (and decision) than I see in the ability to craft a study that will prove what we all believe. Of course this assumes a fair, open, well designed and controlled study. |
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![]() Shallow injection wells would only serve to speed the delivery of leachate to the bay, while adding its own nutrient load. The fact that the plant is undersized for the true quantity of wastewater that will be pumped there, and that FKAA is lying about average daily flow being under 1 million gallons per day, is immaterial to all the other laws that prohibit adding anything more to already impaired waters. FKAA and the County could not have botched this project any more than they have, but like true politicians they boast about what a great job they are doing. FKAA’s own consulting engineers told them in 2008 that two deep wells would be essential, but FKAA ignored the facts in favor of expediency. And when very highly qualified people bring these sewer issues to his attention Commissioner Neugent keeps telling us “I trust our engineers”. Why? Why doesn’t he trust the qualified engineers the BOCC paid to advise his engineers instead? So he can spend more millions to repair a bridge to Pigeon Key so more tourists can crap in the cesspit there? |
Mogul buys 2 marinas in a week in the Keys! Who is this guy? Link |
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[Sewers] Dear Mayor Murphy & Fellow Commissioners, There has been a great deal of discussion and concern regarding design, development and implementation of shallow waste water injection wells in the Cudjoe Bay area to accommodate sewage effluent as part of the wastewater management plan for the islands. As all of you know, water quality is a top priority in protecting our fragile benthic habitat and the economically important species harvested in both the commercial and recreational fisheries, responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars generated in the local economy.
The Florida Keys have been fortunate, experiencing a rapid recovery from the recent recession and unprecedented increases in tourism, while experiencing continued population increases of full-time residents. Our fisheries are sustainable, corals and sea-grasses are showing remarkable signs of recovery from natural disasters such as hurricanes and sea-borne viruses and the future bodes well for all of us. It is vitally important for all of us to continue on a successful track of protecting our marine resources and especially estuarine and near-shore areas vital to the growth and development of the multitude of species that inhabit our waters both inshore and offshore. We strongly encourage you to plan for the long-haul and future generations with your consideration and approval of a deep injection well for the Cudjoe Bay area. While the cost is significantly higher than shallow wells, in the long term the implementation of a deep injection well provides a significant margin of safety and affords substantial protections to our marine environment and our economy. |
![]() [Sad] I can’t remember what my mother looked like. When I need to see what she looked like I have to look at her photograph. That makes me sad. |
[Boat Licenses] The Big Pine Key Coast Guard Auxiliary is offering a limited number of scholarships to our Boating Skills and Seamanship (BS&S) Course starting December 1st thru December 17th, at Habitat for Humanity (2nd floor conference room – outside stairs), 30320 Overseas Hwy, Big Pine Key, Florida. Classes run for three weeks on Monday and Wednesday from 7:00 to 9:30 P.M. Students, ages 14-18 years old may apply. Graduating students will receive the Florida Boating Education I.D. Card, Coast Guard Auxiliary Diploma and I.D. Card. Florida law requires that persons born on or after January 1, 1988, complete an approved boater education course prior to operating a vessel powered by a motor of 10 horsepower or more. For more information: Go to our website for our online Scholarship application and select: Boating Safety Scholarship. Link |
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[Sewers] There is a lot of energy out there and many good people want to help. This is not a one persons issue – we all own it. Why not collaborate and work together to assure a study is well designed and controlled? |
![]() I missed another chance at riches by not opening a highway sign company. At an average cost of about $500 per sign, I would have become a millionaire just doing Route 1 in the Keys. With all the signs along this stretch the average driver has his eyes off the road most of the time trying to read all the stupid redundant signage, not to mention the ugly bill boards and business signs. Save the Keys, cut down the signs and see the view! |
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![]() Call Paul at Classified Ads > Boats |
[Pot Calling Kettle Black] Your means your. You’re means you are. At least get that straight, CT posters. They are not interchangeable. Anything you wright that includes these mistakes comes across as foolish. |
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Bureau of Engraving and Printing money facts. Link |
![]() Yes: Eden Pines is a good neighborhood, but keep your stuff locked up, car included. There’s a few crumbs in every loaf. For fun things to do, start checking out the island. There are a lot of back roads with interesting stuff to see including some very old homestead sites. Buy a bicycle. There are nice places to sun or take a swim if you just look for them. Stop by the Blue Hole every once in awhile and look for the gator but don’t feed it or try to get a selfie with it. Learn to fish. Learn to snorkel and/or scuba dive and check out our nearshore reefs. Learn to live on “island time.” Join the local Moose Lodge. Shop local as much as possible and support our local business folks. They’re here for you and will remember you with good service and fair prices. Please don’t tell us how you did it up north, we don’t care. And, last but not least, find a local watering hole to slake your thirst in the afternoons whilst bending elbows with your new neighbors. Welcome! |
![]() I had a yard sale last month and sold lots of junk to one very friendly, but very cheap guy. Yesterday I went to some yard sales and happened to hit the same guy having his yard sale. All my stuff was there, but marked twice as high or more. He did not recognize me, so I pretended to haggle for items. He never budged from his over-priced junk. I guess some people just live like the trash they sell. |
[Wanted] Deck boat (no pontoons) 21-24 ft. w/trailer. No projects, junk or rat nests on the water. Good to very good condition only, well maintained and with decent power. Sea trial, engine, mechanical and systems inspection required. Seller and buyer to split cost of inspection. Classified Ads > Wanted |
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I imagine it will be Hillary vs Jeb. And I imagine Jeb will win. |
Contact Us. Click this link to post any opinion, ads, changes to an ad, complaint, kudos, or anything else. One link fits all. We read them all. Contact Us |
![]() [Monster Energy Drink connected to Devil] This is what happens when you have way too much free time. Watch the church lady make a fool of herself. Video |
Commissioner Neugent wrote a letter to DEP praising them and himself and casting scorn and misrepresenting problems with the Lower Keys Sewer project.
-“This group has not made any effort to use the local platform(s) of the BOCC or FKAA to civilly discuss the facts of the issue but rather gin up the uneducated…..while refusing to be distracted by those that would debase our accomplishment(s) and cause.” In other words we’re not listening and several hundred people attending the county commission meeting don’t count. Spending their own time and money trying to show you what a “ginned up” system you are giving people. Meetings with FKAA and other agencies by well educated people who do want a good sewer system are ignored or stonewalled. -“We all have always openly solicited and taken positive/negative/indifferent public input, respectfully, and still do.” No you don’t. You said the discussion was over – period. No “Losers” and the “uneducated”. -“A transparent ruse to interrupt progress on the Cudjoe Regional Project.” -Totally BS. They want sewers and a good project. Blah Blah Blah. I am wonderful public servant and been here 16 years and I don’t have to listen to facts and engineers who disagree. |
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![]() Do they really think the earth is flat? You say you don’t believe in Global Warming? Have at it, after all these guys are still around and going strong. Link |
Veterans and their families can get a free National Parks & Recreational Lands pass. Link |
![]() Rich and Vicki, welcome back to the island! |
[Afghanistan: What We’re Leaving Behind] As foreign forces withdraw from Afghanistan, violence is increasing. Fighting between the Afghan security forces and the Taliban is chaotic and often indiscriminate, and civilian casualties are rising, as Afghans pay the price for the West’s failures. Video |
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[Bad Government] We have agencies, bureaus, commissions, councils, committees, departments, services, organizations and lord knows what else. What dose all this tell you? It tells me we have way too many governmental bodies. Or simply too much government. Do you think Washington is looking out for your interests? Think again. They are looking out for themselves and don’t give a monkey’s ass about you. I know a lot of theses people and they know they can’t be fired. A good portion of them take pleasure in knowing you are f**ked. The worst thing about all of this is we pay them to stick it to us every day. |
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![]() For every Christmas light lit before Thanksgiving an Elf kills a baby reindeer. |
Good ole George Neugent. He won. His experience posters must have swayed voters his way. Will good ole George continue with closed county business sessions ahead of public ones now that he’s back in the saddle again? I would not bet on it. Democracy only counts at ballot box time for him and his ilk. |
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[Masturbating bad for eyes] The father said, “Son, if you don’t stop that masturbating, you will go blind.” The son said, “Dad. Dad, I’m over here, to your left!” |
![]() Holiday Dinner Party. Video |
It’s not you’re imagination America is finally seeing red. |
![]() [Charles Eimers] Someone called me this morning to say word had it that someone wants to hold a candle light ceremony Thanksgiving night at South Beach, where Charles Eimers was killed last Thanksgiving Day by Key West police officers, after being profiled by the police as living in his vehicle (homeless) – I remain convinced Eimers died because he was profiled as being homeless. I said a candle ceremony would be a calm but powerful statement. Then I said, the number of people who participated would indicate how disturbed the people of Key West really are about what their police did to Charles Eimers. |
[“Round house”] People who do not care about what happens to neighbors when a newbie builds a monstrosity like that round house should move to the middle east and build their abode out of camel dung. It suits them better! |
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[“Round house”] A man works all his life to get to the Keys and build his home, then some guy buys the lot next to him and builds a ‘Mosque’. A round ‘Mosque’, and you tell me there is nothing anyone can do about it? Stay tuned! |
![]() Every Sunday I check BPK.com just in case the editor changed his mind. There must be a pile of emails at his place by Monday. |
Contact Us. Click this link to post any opinion, ads, changes to an ad, complaint, kudos, or anything else. One link fits all. We read them all. Contact Us |
![]() Little boxes made of ticky tacky, Little boxes on the hillside, And they all look just the same. Video |
[“More Floridians voted for medical pot than for triumphant Gov. Rick Scott”] That’s why they call it dope. |
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[“New house folks”] You should not swim in Big Pine water because there is a Moray eel in there that is 14 feet long and eats large lizards. It also eats cats and will one day take a chunk out of someone’s butt. |
![]() When you’re a candidate for everything, you’re a candidate for nothing. So says Syndrome! |
Advice to “just moved to BPK“. Try to get out of your real estate contract ASAP. You are correct on the crappy shopping area. All the cool people shop at Publix. My advice is get out now. Go south, Go north, all is better than this island |
![]() If Jesus were to show up in Key West today, living as he did 2,000 or so years ago, he would be treated just like any other street person here is treated by city police and their bosses in city hall. He would not feel like he is part of Key West’s alleged “all people are created equal members of One Human Family”, which is the city’s official philosophy, adopted years ago by its city commission. He’d have about the same experience with most Christians in Key West, as he had with their counterparts in the Jewish community during his ministry in Palestine. It’s one thing to claim to be a Christian; it’s quite something else to follow Jesus. The six-sided star is Melchizedek’s symbol, actually. It’s very, very old. |
What will happen to the Keys? Forget the Big Guys developing these islands between Marathon and Key West because there is little deep water for yachts. More likely Paradise will turn into a low rent house boat and house trailer parking lot with thousands of tourists flocking to see what is left of the Paradise that once was. If Cuba opens up we are history and no big money will want to do anything here, just the mid to low level investors who trash everything they touch by turning these islands into Playland Inc. and a Carnival Straight Show Inc. I am getting out ASAP! |
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So what kind of sanctions did the Obama administration attempt to impose on Mexico for having mistreated our Marine for months on dubious charges? If we the people allow Mexican goons to torture our hero with impunity, we deserve the wrath that’s ahead of us to be sure. There should be hell to pay for such official conduct on the part of an alleged ally and economic partner. Prices having dropped astronomically for Mexican resorts, I’m encouraged to see that American people still do vote with their wallets. http://www.military.com/daily-news/2014/11/01/tahmooressi-freed-from-mexican-jail.html?ESRC=marine-a.nl |
Understanding the modern left: 1. There is no truth, only competing agendas. 2. All Western (and especially American) claims to moral superiority over Communism/Fascism/Islam are vitiated by the West’s history of racism and colonialism. 3. There are no objective standards by which we may judge one culture to be better than another. Anyone who claims that there are such standards is an evil oppressor. 4. The prosperity of the West is built on ruthless exploitation of the Third World; therefore Westerners actually deserve to be impoverished and miserable. 5. Crime is the fault of society, not the individual criminal. Poor criminals are entitled to what they take. Submitting to criminal predation is more virtuous than resisting it. 6. The poor are victims. Criminals are victims. And only victims are virtuous. Therefore only the poor and criminals are virtuous. (Rich people can borrow some virtue by identifying with poor people and criminals.) 7. For a virtuous person, violence and war are never justified. It is always better to be a victim than to fight, or even to defend oneself. But ‘oppressed’ people are allowed to use violence anyway; they are merely reflecting the evil of their oppressors. 8. When confronted with terror, the only moral course for a Westerner is to apologize for past sins, understand the terrorist’s point of view, and make concessions. |
[Party of the Rich] Show me one piece of legislation that the right has passed that benefits the middle class. For every one you can show, I can show you three that they passed that benefits the rich and corporations. |
“I didn’t have time to prepare and post”
Definition : My FOX talking points were not recieved yet which means My opinions have not been received yet. |
Republicans are now talking about re-working our health care system. But wait a minute, were they not saying it was fine the way it was just a while ago? But who is going to remember that? |
Contact Us. Click this link to post any opinion, ad, changes to an ad, complaint, kudos, or anything else. One link fits all. We read them all. Contact Us |
Here is further proof that the Republicans are merrily leading us into a new Dark Age. http://www.newrepublic.com/article/120202/james-inhofes-greatest-hits-his-last-time-senate-environment-chair |
Here it comes, it’s starting. I heard on Fox News that some Republicans want to make it so that every home and building has a Flag hanging on it. |
Republicans don’t want immigration reform they want revenge. |
Republicans in power means that the environment will suffer. The pipeline will be built even though we no longer need it. Air quality will suffer and the worst thing is that they will repeal national healthcare for the middle and lower classes. |
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![]() It is true that mid-term elections tend to go against the party of the President in power, but the results of this election were clearly a solid rejection of Obama and left field ideology. Republicans took control of the Senate and a surprising number of governorships. But they also won a record number of state legislature seats. Republicans now control state government outright in at least 24 states, one more than they did before the election. They control at least 66 of 99 state legislative chambers nationwide. And they cut the number of states with total Democratic control from 14 to seven — the lowest number since the Civil War. Many of the precepts of Democrat dogma have been shown to be utterly false. For example, the leftist canard that the Republicans are at war with women and are the party of old white men, has been exploded. Please consider that 3 of the 5 Republican female US Senatorial candidates won. One of the Democrat female US Senatorial candidates was able to barely eke out a win. Our Congress now has its first Haitian American female Congressperson, Mia Love. At 30, Elise Stefanik of upstate New York is the youngest woman ever elected to Congress. Republicans have just elected their first Senator who is an American of African ancestry. In addition to electing its first female Senator, Republican Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia just elected the youngest person ever elected to their state legislature, an 18 year old Republican woman. Democrat pollsters and campaign managers made a dire prediction: they warned of crushing Democratic losses across the country if the party did not do more to get black voters to the polls. The Democrats bragged of their “ground game” and spent tens of millions of dollars and even more man hours spent by paid campaign workers courting the black vote. Nonetheless, generally, Black turnout was minimal. But in a few areas the number of Blacks who did vote was not substantially less that the 2012 election. But to the horror of the leftists, of those that did vote, a surprising number of them voted for Republican candidates. For example NBC News has revealed that in North Carolina, a closely-watched race between Democrat Kay Hagan and Republican Thom Tillis, black voters made up 21 percent of the electorate, just 2 percentage points less than in 2012. Yet, Hagen still lost. That suggest that between 25 and 50% of the black vote went to Republican Tillis. C-SPAN’s Washington Journal Live reported that they had interviewed an 82 y/o Black woman who said that she voted straight Republican for the first time in her life. Many Americans of African ancestry are coming to realize that the Democrats and especially Obama, have done nothing to break their bonds of poverty. They are coming to realize that leftist beliefs and practices has savaged America’s middle class. Middle class Americans of all ethnicities are suffering. The Black community is coming to realize that the Democrat hierarchy has been using them as a reliable voting block for decades. They are coming to realize that the Democrats disrespect them. The statement “Obama and the Democrats love the poor so much that they have created millions more” shamefully now rings true. In addition to the Democrat’s problems with Black voters, Latino voters are realizing that they are being “played” by Obama and the Democrats. Latino voters either stayed home or voted for Republican candidates. An excellent example is our own Republican Curbelo vs Democrat incumbent Garcia race for Congress. Both are Latin, both are from Miami Dade county. Republican Curbelo won the race by a comfortable margin. Much of the “mainstream media” reported that the most recent BOLS unemployment numbers were good news. They reported that the new u/e rate is 5.8%. But, they did not report that that black u/e rate was nearly double that of whites at 10.9%. The unemployment rate of black youths is nearly twice that of white youths. Nor did they report that there are now 2.2 million persons who are marginally attached to the labor force, that’s nearly unchanged from last year. Among that number there are 770k “discouraged” workers, that too unchanged from last year. They are labeled “discouraged” because they are not currently looking for work because they believe no jobs are available for them.
Deer Friends, under Democrat governance, we have endured the slowest and worst recovery from recession, ever! That recession was over in July of 2009. Until last Tuesday, the Democrats have been in total or near total control of our governance. Americans realize that the foregoing is but a part of the reason that the Democrats were routed in last Tuesday’s election. |