Since 2002. Published Wednesdays and Saturdays
Submit anything of a positive nature, unless it’s breakthrough stuff to
(Ed: Although all advertisers’ contracts have expired I’m still going to display their ads for free until they get used to the new CT. Hopefully they will all want to keep advertising.)
![]() [Rumor Has It] I hear there is an offer being made on the BPK restaurant – hopefully we’ll get that local institution open and flourishing again. |
[What is the best years for home building] Other era-specific gotchas include corrosion-prone galvanized plumbing used in the 1950s, aluminum wiring-a potential fire hazard-popular in the late sixties and early seventies, interior moisture problems (think rot and mold) that came with increased insulation and insufficient ventilation in the 1980s, problems with furnace venting in the nineties, and toxic Chinese drywall in the 2000s. Not every home will have these particular problems, of course, and many fine dwellings have been built every year since man discovered fire and his wife discovered draperies. |
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[Obamacare] Victory for the little guy. The Supreme Court confirmed the legality of Obamacare! |
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PBS ran it’s documentary “In the footsteps of Marco Polo” so I watched it for the 5th or 6th time and I still enjoyed it. Then, I looked on YouTube and found the full video |
![]() What do I do now? |
I just finished a book written a hundred years ago by a Muslim extolling the virtues of Mohammed. The frightening thing that stood out was that the Prophet founded Islam to get rid of idolaters (Christians, etc, whereas Christianity was founded on loving one another [although they did botch it badly]). The first thing Mohammed did was found and army to kill those who disagreed with him. So their killing is nothing new. |
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I’m off to the V.A. clinic this morning for lab work. That means I will get one doctor’s appointment for calendar year 2015. I would be better off as an illegal alien! |
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[The Fall of the Berlin Wall] This is the madcap and improbable true story of how. Audio |
![]() Yea, Barney, in your dreams! I don’t think so. |
[B.B.’s fortune] B.B. King’s longtime business manager was named executor of his estate Thursday, despite objections from four of the late blues icon’s daughters.Clark County District Court Judge Gloria Sturman told Karen Williams, Patty King, Rita Washington and Barbara Winfree that their father’s January 2007 will is valid. The document puts LaVerne Toney solely in charge of administering King’s trust, his assets and his property.
King died May 14 in Las Vegas at age 89, with 11 surviving adult children. A lawyer for the daughters accused Toney of misusing her position as power-of-attorney to loot bank accounts and prevent relatives from visiting him in his dying days. Attorney Brent Bryson, representing the estate and Toney, says B.B. King put Toney in charge because he expected a family feud after he died. Link |
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In general, people who ‘tell it like it is‘ like to hear it as it isn’t. |
![]() [Name That Poop] Can you identify this scat? Raccoon? Iguana? (Pretty sure it’s not key deer.) It keeps showing up in my potted plants on the 2nd story porch. |
Projects like CERN make me wonder why they are built because the scientists cannot give a real world answer to: ‘What good is it?’ What comes to mind is the Jody Foster movie ‘Contact’ where we built a ‘transporter to another world’. Scary thought, but very probable knowing our fearless friends in government. Link |
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Did Gov. Rick Scott downplay the significance of global climate change and global flooding to save the real estate racket in the Keys and Florida coastline? |
![]() I dare you to try walking down these stairs while loaded! |
[“Stupid Crosswalk“] I would love to see an accurate price list of what it has cost us taxpayers for all these road Improvements and add-on’s. The price for the Bike Path’s road signs has to be over a $1000 per, and the sprinkling of road reflectors everywhere must cost $100 each, at least. Crosswalks probably cost as much as my house. Where can a paying citizen see how much this unnecessary crap has cost us and who got the profits from the work? |
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Google has more data on you than the government and replicates that data in nine different places at all times. |
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[Homeless Sloan] I’ve been writing at about me being homeless again, and how that came about. Am sleeping nights at KOTS, storing a few belongings in a KW friend’s apartment in Porter Place. I do not fit FKOC’s program, for lots of reasons. However, I have skills counseling people with problems – mental, emotional, addiction, spiritual, business, life – which are different from mainstream methods. That once was my line of work, with individuals and groups. People who actually want to work on themselves have experiences unlike anything they had before, inside of themselves in a variety of ways, and externally. It can be likened to meeting their Higher Power, in the 12 Steps sense. It is very different, it is a road seldom traveled, and it gets results if they stick with it. After their Higher Power takes over and I am no longer needed, which doesn’t take very long, if their Higher Power is inclined to get involved, it’s then between them and their Higher Power, which you and I call God, or angels of the Lord. I can do that work for FKOC’s clients in exchange for a room in one of its buildings. I am on Social Security retirement, $745 a month, after cost of Medicare is deducted; I’m not on Medicaid. I use no alcohol, tobacco or other legal or illegal drugs. Occasionally, I take a couple of aspirin when I feel really bunged up inside. |
![]() Replacing 15” rims with 13” rims will lower you trailer one inch, not two. Rims are measured by diameter, not radius. |
I was watching a self defense class and the instructor told the lady to stomp on the attacker’s foot. I wanted to ask him what happens if the attacker just gets mad? The only effect that little lady stomping on my foot would have would be to piss me off and knock her out! |
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The sci-fi writer must devise a story and a setting people will find interesting-assuming he wishes to avoid a second career answering questions in magazines. Here he faces a catch-22. If the imagined world is too similar to contemporary reality, it may be insufficiently exotic to capture a reader’s interest. On the other hand, if the story is set too far in the future-2,000 years, say-it risks feeling too remote to care about. These twin imperatives dictate that writers pack the maximum social and/or scientific change into the minimum plausible time span. The inevitable result is the almost universal tendency for “predictions” made in science fiction to fail to come true on time, if at all. Remember, though: Sci-fi writers are seldom attempting to predict the future so much as they’re trying to provoke thought by asking, What if? So cut ’em a break. You want Nostradamus, read Nostradamus. |
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Intentions are just poor excuses for not doing something. Don’t tell me you “wanted to” or “meant to”. |
![]() [Privateer] Sir Francis Drake 1579 Used his letters of reprisal to plunder 70 Spanish ships. |
[Movies] It’s hard to suspend reality without dope, but I’m learning to by watching 1 and 2 star rated horror and sifi movies (two star movies used to be called B movies). |
![]() Docking is an art form that is impossible to do while drunk. Video |
Some people can have all the lights on and still be in the dark. |
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[Religion of Intolerance] A young man pulled a Kalashnikov from a beach umbrella and sprayed gunfire at European sunbathers at a Tunisian resort, killing at least 37 people — one of three deadly attacks Friday from Europe to North Africa to the Middle East that followed a call to violence by Islamic State extremists. The shootings in the Tunisian resort of Sousse happened at about the same time as a bombing at a Shiite mosque in Kuwait and an attack on a U.S.- owned factory in France that included a beheading. It was unclear if the violence was linked but it came days after the IS militants urged their followers “to make Ramadan a month of calamities for the nonbelievers.” In all, the assailants killed at least 65 people. Muslim: 65, Non-believers: 0. |
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Fifty-five Cuban migrants were repatriated last week. You rock Coasties ( Coast Guard). Keep up the good work. Thank you for keeping our coast safe. |
![]() [UFO Sightings in Indian Country] Ancient Indigenous Peoples around the globe have reported unidentified lights in the sky, and even contact with star beings, for millennia. Link |
[Muslims] I didn’t even know they had a precision rifle drill team, but this guy is good until he shoots himself! Video |
[Lighthouse Keepers]I’m delighted that you are interested in my award-winning novel, “The Woman at the Light.” It was inspired by Key West’s colorful history, and by the courageous female lighthouse keepers in the Florida Keys in the 19th century. Pick up my book, put your feet up with a Pina Colada, imagine yourself in Key West. Link |
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Your Coconut Telegraph is first class. Would you be alright if I repeat/use some of your funny stuff? I wouldn’t do it without your permission and I would link out to the Telegraph gladly. I have 500 +/- readers. Great piece of work. (Ed: Sure, help yourself and good luck.) |
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[It’s Time to Legalize Polygamy] Why group marriage is the next horizon of social liberalism. Link |
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[Captain Doom and Gloom] I have pity on the poor souls that think that this rock has a chance. History has been repeating itself for as long as man can comprehend, I laugh at the idiots that think were destroying this planet, the truth is, when this planet ,along with all the fools that want to dominate it with their worthless money and weapons, gets tired of us, it will simply hiccup wipe the slate clean for another group of morons to start over, “Hey Mo, look I discovered fire!” “Oh yeah, big deal, I just discovered pussy.” and the game begins again. We are not destroying this planet, just simply laying out the rules for our own annihilation.Part 2. In all bluntness, we need a tough customer with hutzba [chutzpa] to confront the wolves at large but that won’t happen. Why? Because our sheep won’t vote for somebody like that and the current list of candidates isn’t encouraging. Intellect and integrity are fine in peace but was is needed now is a realist with balls. On the one hand, we are incrementally losing our sovereignty as the old Euro money is reining us in and on the other we are being deluded in believing that a nice face will save us from the savage world we face. Watch Greece getting bailed out again tomorrow. That’ll tell you how the game is played at the covert level. |
![]() Don’t forget to visit The From The Right Guy at our National Politics page where you can post a comment after signing in. |
Submit anything of a positive nature, unless it’s breakthrough stuff to |