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The Original Unsocial Media. Anonymous Letters to the Editor with Pictures. Published Daily by Noon Since 2002. No Saturday Edition
![]() [Big Pine Realtor, Nira Tocco, a Reality Star!] I’m making my official TV debut this coming Monday evening, June 2 at 9:30 pm on the Destination America channel in a show called “BUYING THE BEACH”. I play a real life Realtor (imagine that!) showing 3 Big Pine Key properties to a wonderful young couple. Filming was a blast and I can’t wait to see the final cut. At 9pm Howard Livingston and his gorgeous wife, Cyndy, will be on the first episode along with my co-worker, Dave Wiley. The following week, June 9 will follow Lanny Garner (Boondocks Grille and Draft House) and ‘Keys Kelly’ Kline as they search for their dream home in Paradise. (there was a link to the promo for this show but I can’t find it.) |
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[Crook] The neighborhood thief is on the prowl again on Little Torch bayside. Not sure I can include his name. But most folks in Coral Shores know who I mean. My boyfriend witnessed him entering his neighbor’s place, heard him inside going thru the place, saw him leave, called the sheriffs dept. They couldn’t find anything on his body (because he ditched it in mangroves) and did not arrest him. He said he was just on their porch. Hmmm, but he left the doors opened. And they let him walk. He has a history of arrests as long as my arm. Residents of Lil’ Torch band together and have him banished from the area. |
![]() [Tax Free] This Weekend through June 8th all Hurricane Preparedness Items will be Tax Free at RadioShack. All flashlights, battery lanterns, weather radios, all battery powered AM/FM radios and even Two-way Radios. Also all our Batteries will be on sale and tax free. Stock up on all your Hurricane season supplies while they are on sale and free of Florida Sales Tax. Open Sunday 10 to 4 and everyday from 9 to 7PM. We are located right next to Winn Dixie on Big Pine Key. 305-872-4267 |
[Snowden] Were I President Obama, on learning what Eric Snowden had done and his stated reasons for doing it, I would have convened a media conference and told the journalists to broadcast in any and all ways at their disposal that I will conditionally pardon Snowden, if he comes back to the States and works for me, as my watchdog snoop over NSA, FBI and CIA. He will be paid the same salary and benefits he received when he worked for NSA. He will work directly for me for so long as I am US President, and upon my leaving office his pardon will become permanent. |
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The dump trucks are speeding on Summerland West Shore drive because they are trying to stay ahead of the locals. |
Contact Us. Send us your comments and attach any stuff you want published to this email. All emails go to the Editor and all emails get read. |
![]() Southernmost Beach employees and patrons observed Key West Police Officers kneeling or sitting on Mr. Eimers’ back with Mr. Eimers’ head pressed into the sand. Unable to take a breath, Mr. Eimers tried to raise his head out of the sand. When some of the officers realized Mr. Eimers could not breathe, he was transported to the hospital and put on life support. Mr. Eimers passed away six days later. The autopsy found ten (10) of Mr. Eimers’ ribs had been broken and that he had been asphyxiated. Mr. Eimers’ four children are requesting help from those who witnessed their father’s arrest. If you have any information that could assist in documenting what actually occurred on Thanksgiving morning that resulted in Mr. Eimers’ death, please contact attorney Darren Horan, (305) 294-4585 (darren@horan-wallace. com) or Investigator Julie Barish, (305) 797-2111. The Eimers’ children need your help. |
![]() Throw a fried egg or two on that big bacon sandwich and it will be adios to Mr. Hangover. |
[“VA”] Why is everyone acting all shocked and surprised by the latest revelations about the VA? It is a grand tradition in this Country to screw our hero soldiers when they come home. We all knew about it but none of us did anything, so don’t act all outraged now. You’re way too late. I am sure you don’t remember way back when “Dugout” Doug MacArthur led the Army Infantry assault on the WW1 vets in DC, gunning down a bunch of them, while they were marching and protesting being denied the bonus they had been promised by us. |
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I read the report of dump trucks and problems with rock dust in neighborhoods from the sewer project. Not good for the lungs, that’s for sure. Even the aggregate business admits that (see link). For some reason, daily exposure to dust from dump trucks and the dangers to residents in neighborhoods is ignored in Monroe County. For years, I haven’t been able to open my windows because a dump truck, over filled with fine particle rock (dusty) and no cover over the load (mandated by law), drives multiple times a day down my residential neighborhood’s narrow streets Monday-Friday, spewing rock dust as it goes by homes. If I leave a window open, the dust gets on my drapes, clothes, bed, walls and floors. If I’m outside, the dust gets in my lungs. The truck’s owner operates with impunity. The county says call DEP, to which DEP said to call the Dept. of Transportation to which DOT said … Yes, I should have moved years ago — just kept trying cope and hope for a better day and better finances to make the move. It shouldn’t have to be that way. Link |
![]() This is far from the truth and the following is direct from the Rolling Thunder rollingthunderrun.com website. It should be noted that there no charge to participate in this rally of any kind (meaning no one got rich from this) and while there were charities there to collect donations, I was never hounded by anyone for a donation, however I gave to the family of a lost solder on my own accord and had to search the grounds to find someone to accept my gift. Rolling Thunder’s mission is to educate, facilitate, and never forget by means of a demonstration for service members that were abandoned after the Vietnam War. Rolling Thunder has also evolved into a display of patriotism and respect for all who defend our country. The Rolling Thunder First Amendment Demonstration Run is an annual ride and gathering that first started in 1988. Riders from around the nation, and even around the world rally in the Pentagon parking lots and begin the run through the streets of Washington, D.C. Afterward, it is an opportunity to meet old and new friends, pay respect at the memorials and participate in the Memorial Day events. Our mission also includes legislative efforts. Rolling Thunder strives to affect national policy in a way that will assist POW/MIA’s. We wrote, got introduced and passed, the Missing Service Personnel Act of 1993. I just want to let everyone understand that it is my feeling that the media is suppressing the data and stories to slant a particular viewpoint and there does not seem to be a true news station anymore that give the true facts so that we as the people and citizens of the United States can make up our own mind based on the facts. I also tend to spend some time at the Nut and will gladly buy Chico a drink the next time I see him. Some of you may also know me and if you would like to discuss what really happened in DC on this run feel free to start up a conversation with me next time you see me. I am in the picture by the flag at the Rolling Thunder Run this year. ~Sandman |
![]() [Chinese Food] Smithfield Farms, the largest pork producing farm in the USA was sold in September to China with the unanimous support of its stockholders. The hogs will still be raised here, but slaughtered and packaged for sale there before being sent back here. This includes labels of Morrell, Eckrich , Krakus , Cudahy, Premium Hams, Cook’s, and Gwaltney. The same with many chickens. They can now be shipped there, but when they come back all that needs to be labeled is that they were raised in the USA . Not that they were processed in China. Our great FDA at work again. The chickens will be all processed and most sold to fast food restaurants for sandwiches, along with schools and supermarkets. The China slaughter and processing are not nearly equal to the requirements here. Buy USA or Canada only. |
Once the nothingness becomes tangible, it ceases to exist, so there is hope for Big Pine Key after all! |
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As Marine Corps Gen. S. Butler who wrote “War Is a Racket” in the 1930’s implied is just for the money and for the rich to get richer. Today all wars are essentially the same. One must realize that Since WW 2 this country has not won a war that it has been involved in, yet the arms industry here and elsewhere has made tremendous fortunes. This country cannot even defeat an agrarian backward nation like Afghanistan. Why? One reason is that unless you kill off all the population of a conquered area, as did the Khans in the past you never know who is going to kill you if you look the other way. No large area and population country has ever been totally conquered in modern times. The conquer never has enough military personnel to police it. The only two counties in the world that have the wherewithal in manpower are China and India neither of which is an aggressor. China for all its present power is being called an aggressor as it attempts to reclaim what was once its own as does Russia in the Crimea. When a government begins to arm itself against its own citizens it says it is no longer governed by them and is essentially a dictatorship of some type. |
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![]() Here is a nice shot of a very, very big Cero Mackerel. He or she is over 32″ inside fork and it’s weight is in the teens. Have a blessed day & take a kid fishing. ~Joe Coconuts Bar & Liquors Store. |
[“400 murders in Chicago with toughest gun laws”] Gun control only works when there is a national standard to be enforced, otherwise people just bring gun from someplace else with laxer gun control. It has to be all through the land or it won’t ever work. |
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Do you know how you can tell hippies have been at your house? They’re still there. |
![]() [“Iguana control”] This is my version. |
[Snowden] Were I President Obama, on learning what Eric Snowden had done and his stated reasons for doing it, I would have convened a media conference and told the journalists to broadcast in any and all ways at their disposal that I will conditionally pardon Snowden, if he comes back to the States and works for me, as my watchdog snoop over NSA, FBI and CIA. He will be paid the same salary and benefits he received when he worked for NSA. He will work directly for me for so long as I am US President, and upon my leaving office his pardon will become permanent. Maybe I should have added that I probably would be bumped off before Snowden could take me up on my offer. |
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[Emergency Landing Because of Dog Shit] In “honor” of all those who falsely declare their “service dogs”. Link |
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Always chose God over truth. ~Woody Allen |
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![]() Watch the crescent Moon pass between Jupiter and Procyon. (These scenes are always drawn for the middle of North America. European observers: move each Moon symbol a quarter of the way toward the one for the previous date. For clarity, the Moon is shown three times actual size.) Sky & Telescope diagram. See more at Link |
Medicare in all it’s “wisdom” is okaying sex change surgery but will not cover my chiropractic adjustments which I need to keep mobile. I wonder which Congressman’s kid wanted the surgery? Maybe a picture of Chaz[?] might discourage this. |
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[How the VA scandal is being politicized] Politicians say problems at VA hospitals shouldn’t be used for political gain, yet both parties are seemingly doing just that. |
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[“VA Mess”] I cannot understand why the Vets put up with all this VA crap and what the government is doing to its warriors. It seems to me if I was younger and a Vet with something hurting because I gave my all to defend this country, I would introduce the junta to Mr. Spalding and fix things. There is no reason for this slap in the face the Vets are getting. Maybe in the next war the junta should do the fighting and the soldiers should sit and watch! |
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This is a great ad for an air show. Video |
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[Miami VA Hospital] I too was infected with Hepatitis C while undergoing a colonoscopy back in August 2008 at the Miami VA Hospital, but was told they did not do it. I tried to join a class action suit, but couldn’t find one. No lawyer would take the case. They said big government is too expensive to sue. |
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[Killer Cops] Could someone please submit the names of the 6 cops (suspected of murder) that allowed Mr Eimers to die? Since public records are free I am not in the Keys to knock on doors to ask. Are they on suspension?Dear FDLE, do not cover this up. Chief Lee should resign right now for gross mismanagement of his employees. |
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[Gun Nut Marine] I don’t understand why the Mexicans don’t just throw that goofball ex marine back over the fence and cut their losses. I am losing some respect for them. |
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If you’re really, really quiet, you can hear yourself doing the world a favor. |
Contact Us. Send us your comments and attach any stuff you want published to this email. All emails go to the Editor and all emails get read. |
![]() My father, a decorated World War II veteran, died in Hines Hospital in Illinois (one of the facilities at the center of the recent revelations) in 1957. He was in a bed in the hallway, since the hospital was so crowded that no rooms were available. He was dead for more than four hours before the patient in another bed in the hall could even get anyone’s attention to come take a look at him. If you want to see what our healthcare system will look like if the government takes it over completely, you need look no further than the VA. |
Here’s a good song about the glory of war. Joan Baez – The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down |
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[“Handling Tarpon”] Friday’s post looked to me like it was one “uhh…’experts'” criticizing other “uhh…’experts'”. |
![]() With all the lack of medical care for veterans in the news lately, I’ve heard it mentioned several times that one out of five returning vets have post traumatic stress disorder. This kind of branding can become as bad as a felony on your record when trying to get a job. I wouldn’t be surprised if employers are wary about hiring someone who has a 1 out of 5 chance of having a meltdown in the workplace. I wonder what the statistics are for these vets returning to the workplace? |
[Veterans] We are looking forward to seeing you at our first workshop helping families and friends of veterans make a smoother transition into the civilian world. Just to remind you it will be at the Garden Club of the Upper Keys (mm94) June 3rd Tuesday night at 6pm. Thank you for helping us make a difference. |
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Earthrise: The 45th anniversary. Video |
![]() Found Keys. I found a set of keys at the corner of 1st Street and Ave H. I will have them at the flea market Sunday until 2pm, or call me at 305-923-5666. It looks like someone’s favorite Mickey Mouse bottle opener and a Lifenet clip. Classified Ads > Lost and Found |
[“VA Mess”] The current scandal centered around the Veterans’ Administration should come as no surprise to anyone. The VA healthcare delivery system has been a nightmare for decades. |
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![]() Note to self: never be the last to leave a party and never get drunker than the host. |
Happy Sunday. Be the reef. |
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For those of you not in the health care field, Let me assure you the mess in the VA hospitals has been going on for years. There are simply not enough trained doctors and nurses to take care of the load. It’s not right, and has never been right, but it’s the truth. Making it a “new” political mud-slinging tool does not fix the problem, although broader recognition may help. Veterans are entitled to get care from outside agencies, but even then the waiting time is typically two months because the entire medical system is overloaded. |
![]() Is it true that we have to stop eating Mexican foods if we get a grinder pump? I understand a taco dump is the worst for the pumps! |
[Driver Training] Will there be a driver training course for Stoners in the Keys, man? Like wow, how can I control 4000 pounds of metal at 60 MPH when I’m stoned, man? Like I don’t smoke the shit, yet, but I do drink in our bars where others smoke shit, man! |
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[“400 murders in Chicago last year”] Chicago has some of the strictest gun control in the nation. So does California. I see by the news how much good it has done them. |
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National politics is back. Click on this link to send your national political post anonymously. No one will know your name or email address, [Well, maybe the NSA will] not even me. FTR is going to be the new national politics editor. Do not fear, FTR promised to post everything, even if he hates it, he’s that kind of guy. Your name and email address are not required. Please be civil. I Have Something To Say About National Politics–Click Here |
I’m sick of FTR guy telling us what a rotten government this is and how bad we are doing. Maybe he should leave if he hates it so much. Him and his ilk are trying everything they can to bring down this country. Yeah, right, he’s a “patriot’, the kind we’re all afraid of. I hope he doesn’t have a gun. |
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I was wrong, flat wrong, the other day when I wrote that that our Gross Domestic Product had increased by only one tenth of one percent. I labeled that as bad news. Just the other day Team Obama released an updated report. The news got worse, much worse.
Not only did the GDP actually go negative, the real gross domestic income fell 2.3 percent in the quarter, the worst performance since the recession. But that’s not the end of it: nominal personal spending fell 0.1 percent in April, well below the consensus expectations of a 0.2 percent gain. For far too many people, those numbers are nothing more than boring stats, but the fact is that those stats tell us the health, or lack thereof of our economy. Those stats tell us that we are not recovering from the recession. Democrat governance is screwing us again.
——————————————– A POSTER WROTE: “President Obama doesn’t know if he found a rope or lost a pony. It will take years of strong Conservative leadership to reclaim America’s place in the world. You may ask, what’s our place. Leader. America has never been a second place anything. It doesn’t fit us well. I think American conservatives are uniquely equipped to present to the world this vision of the future—a vision worthy of the American past. I’ve always had a great affection for the words of John Winthrop, delivered to a small band of Pilgrims on the tiny ship Arabella off the coast of Massachusetts in 1630: ‘We shall be a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us, so that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken and so cause Him to withdraw His present help from us, we shall be made a story and a byword throughout the world.’ Well, America has not been a story or a byword. That small community of Pilgrims prospered and, driven by the dreams and, yes, by the ideas of the Founding Fathers, went on to become a beacon to all the oppressed and poor of the world.” President Ronald Reagan FTR’S RESPONSE: None needed, well said. ——————————————— A POSTER WROTE: “disapproved of GWB ? Seriously…. are there people out there who think he did a good job of being president ? I once read that 25-35% of Bush supporters would walk off the edge of the cliff with him if he said it was the thing to do. But then, who would publish the CT ?” FTR’S RESPONSE: The foregoing is an unedited, verbatim, posting. It is a sterling example of a great mind at work. Well……..maybe not so much. ————————————————– A POSTER WROTE: “Once again FTR is 100% incorrect. (as usual) I do not support Obama, I absolutely don’t care what his race is and do not support many things he has done. He was the only reasonable choice -Obama vs. Romney- in our two party system that locks out other other viable candidates. Obama is just more of the same “corporatism capitalism ” that has ruined our government. His major accomplishment, ACA, is so hacked up by the republicans, that it is certainly not perfect, but at least millions will now get some healthcare. And…maybe it will open the door to eventual single-payer, medicare for all. If and when both houses on congress are taken over by republicans, the people will finally realize who is for the commons and who is for the special interests.” FTR’S RESPONSE: The poster is in favor of a single payer health care system. We must assume that the poster thinks that the VA system of health care delivery is working just dandy. It is a single payer system. —————————————- A POSTER WROTE: “This is Chico again Bozo. I don’t need to blow my own horn, I was there for brothers that I lost. I’m retired military meet me at COCONUTS SOMETIME ILL BE HAPPY TO STRAIGHTEN YOUR ASS OUT.” FTR’S RESPONSE: Hey Chico, thanks for your service and I applaud you for honoring your brothers and sisters in DC. But, while a dust up at Coconut’s might be fun, it wouldn’t solve a thing. It wouldn’t change a mind. Being a damned insulting fool is a right guaranteed by our Constitution. It is a right that millions of Americans have died for. There are many readers of the CT who really don’t think about a damned thing, they post just to piss someone off, it’s anonymous, so it doesn’t take any cojones, that’s why they do it. Chill… ————————————————- A POSTER WROTE: “ Hopefully you can explain something to me that confuses me. People of the Tea Party and Conservatives are always saying they want government out of our lives and want citizens to be able to financially do well by their own means and labors. My confusion is why if they want the government out of our lives do they want oil and gas wells to be drilled on Government property when as it is now the Lions share of the land earnings are going to those very same private citizens. I work in the gas wells and every well pad has certain restrictions on different parts of the land put there by the landowners. That’s the way free enterprise is meant to be. In this case its your lands so you dictate what happens on that land. if government takes over and controls the use of the land and its uses it will lead to restrictions and demands made by the government in the very same way private citizens do now. That’s reasonable. I don’t understand why on 1 side of the coin the right wants government to stay away from citizens earnings yet they also want the Government to control the much needed lands gas fracking would require. Whats wrong with American landowners making huge profits with their land much the same as a farmer does? Why cut into private citizens profits by replacing it with government lands and the restrictions they will pit in place. Doesn’t add up. I say let the private owners make the profits let the government stay out.” FTR’S RESPONSE: I must confess that the letter confused me. I think that the author was faulting conservatives for demanding more access for petro exploration and drilling on public land. The poster was right, most petro production now is coming from private lands. The permits for public lands were mostly issued during GWB’s watch. Getting permits for public land has been made very expensive and very time consuming by Obama. But under public lands there are oceans of oil that Obama is dead set against us getting to. Getting to it can take years. The oil and gas on private lands is finite, when it’s gone, it’s gone. Never-ever forget that Obama is fully committed to continually increasing the price of energy. Gas is now more than twice as much as when he took office. |
National Politics. Your name and email address are not required. Please be civil. I Have Something To Say About National Politics–Click Here |