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Our plight is drawing worldwide attention to the Keys, so perhaps we should apply for a TDC grant to help pay the legal fees to stop it! Besides, those tourists will also want to flush when the power goes out. We would not want stories about the primitive conditions in the Keys caused by grinder pumps to be carried all over the world. |
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[“A bad system”] I had drinks the other night with a sewer engineer who just got to the Keys for what he said was a three year project sewering this area. He said grinder pumps are a bad system. He said if they are used they should be placed in the right of way. He also said to follow the money, but I already knew that. |
[“Poison the well of Legislative comity“] You meant the well of Legislative comedy, right? We haven’t seen comity in Congress since about 30 years ago or so. |
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[Citizen of the Day Says] she enjoys spending time at the beach with her favorite person in the world, her son, Mason. |
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I heard that OZ died last weekend. Is that true? One of the more colorful Keys characters. OZ stories always made me laugh. RIP |
Another reason to put your toilet paper on properly. |
[No Plan No Hope] Did I hear the comment correctly from Roman G, the County Administrator, on the radio Thursday? When questioned about the business plan for the Rowell Marina, he said ‘you don’t do a business plan before you buy a property’. If so, I really have a problem with that. After being in the M&A[?] business and other business ventures, I would say you never buy anything until you’ve made a business plan. I think emotions got the better of the Commission. I wish there was a guarantee on that property being self funding. We’re already buying it at the top of the price range (Coldwell Banker just sent a quarterly report that says properties sell for an average 82% of the original list price, albeit that’s residential properties). |
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[Don’t Mess With Nature] There are now 20 million excess men in China due to their failed social engineering attempt. |
[I ordered the same item within 2 days and the price was $3 more and I complained to Amazon] I apologize if we had if we had given an opinion that price change is based on individuals buying pattern or preferences. |
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[“WD Beef”] We had the best burgers in years with the beef from WD last week. It didn’t seem to be priced badly either. I’m not sure what folks are complaining about. |
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[Customer Service] I bought the same item 2 days later and they changed the price. I think they are targeting repeat buyers and raisding the price because they know we really want the item. I complained and they sent this: I can confirm that Amazon does not change price for an individual based on his/her buying pattern or preferences. I can assure you that if there is a price change on our website, it is the same for all our customers and do not vary from individual to individual based on his/her buying pattern or preferences As a special case exception, I have issued a promotion of $3 to your account to help you buy the hard disk at the old price of $60.55. Please understand that this is a very special case and one time exception made for you as you were not satisfied with the price change. I request you to contact us for price match if you see that there is any sudden increase or decrease in the price. You are welcome to raise this issue in the forums and hope you provide us your valuable feedback with the findings from our forum as your valuable feedback is helping us build earth’s most customer centric company. With the exception of TVs and cell phones with service, Amazon doesn’t offer a price match guarantee. We do consistently work toward maintaining competitive prices on everything we carry. Because the marketplace is constantly changing and we strive to offer the lowest price, you’ll see some fluctuations in our prices over time. ~Amazon |
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There is no topping this headline: Canadians rescue shark choking on a moose. Link |
Springer’s Bar and Grill will be open for Thanksgiving and serving our home made dinner. Plenty of televisions to catch the game and great food to go along. There’s something to be thankful for so come join us! |
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As a Stock Isle resident I am really glad Stock Is pretty much unchanged. I will take coke whores, drunks, rednecks and loud neighbors over the crotchety fake smiles from you walk-away talk-crap people who have moved to the Keys the last 20 years and screwed up so much of what we called home. Hell, bring back the bubba cops and coke runners. At least everybody that lived here could make a buck. As for Roostica, it’s just another average Italian tourist trap in the Keys catering to the Coral Hammock Kingspoint crowd. Nothing special, nothing bad. Delivery would make them more money, but would require more labor and wages and tourist traps operate on the cheap, it’s just the nature of the beast. If you want truly great wood fired pizza, check out Just Wood in Key West. Or for great pizza with no wood, try Luigi’s on Fleming St. Luigi makes a great, inexpensive pie. |
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Sorry you people who will be stuck with grinder pumps in your yards, but we need a lot of cash, millions of dollars in fact, to fix the old Seven Mile Bridge out to Pigeon Key so a couple of people can drive their cars all the way out there. There isn’t enough money left after that to sewer your area the right way that will be best for you in the long run. But that’s the way the old cookie (or bridge) crumbles. |
Congratulations to a very special Big Piner, Jeff Bennett. We’re celebrating PNP (Pilots n Paws) Pilot Jeff Bennett’s remarkable accomplishment. Congratulations PNP Pilot Jeff Bennett on flying your 2,000th animal to safety. We’re so proud of you and have loved watching you fly so many critters to their new homes over the years. When asked about the flight, Jeff said, “I never expected that I would ever transport this many animals. From the first dog to the last, they have all been special.” |
Thank You to the JFK Video poster. I was 11 and devastated the day JFK was killed and very much gave up hope on politics since then. I have been watching every documentary/movie on the subject this past week and had just watched The Smoking Gun, convinced that it was a tragic SS[?] accident. Your posted video shattered that particular thought. |
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I think people mindlessly believing everything they read on the internet is a major factor in the mess this country is in. Your brain is your friend. Use it before it atrophies. |
Go ahead just add one more damn comma. Yeah, I’m talkin’ to you. |
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myspacebarsticksanditpissesmeoff |
Email Harvesting] is the process of obtaining lists of email addresses using various methods for use in bulk email or other purposes usually grouped as spam. Spam can also be used to send trojans, malicious programs to infect one’s computer, etc. Also emails can be faked to appear to come from a legitimate source, sending one to a malicous site The simplest method involves spammers purchasing or trading lists of email addresses from other spammers. Another common method is the use of special software known as “harvesting bots” or “harvesters”, which spider Web pages, postings on Usenet, mailing list archives, internet forums and other online sources to obtain email addresses from public data. Why one should never post their email addy publically, and unless specifically asked to do so by the verified owner, forum operators, moderators etc., should edit out any email addys posted unaware or by accident, with the poster being informed of said risks. Link |
One person says Roostica has been there for over two years. No they haven’t. Another says it is a new restaurant. Maybe to you it is, but not me. They opened this summer. Now, we have two more people that want to change it with their opinions. Let me tell you something, if it wasn’t for us locals they never would have made it through the summer. |
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[Keys Disease] Because we live in the Keys we have the highest insurance rates under Obamacare. A 63 year old woman pays $600 with a $6000 deductible. In Pennsylvania that same woman would pay under $200 with a $1000 deductible. Our Keys lifestyle has finally caught up with our wallets. |
Wanted: Schwinn Airdyne Exercycle. Will pay $75 for my (or any) old Schwinn Airdyne Exercycle. Other exercycles considered. 872-1201 leave message Classified Ads > Wanted |
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[Affordable Housing] I finally figured out the answer to working class rent and the homeless problems in expensive Key West. Why not have a developer build a large apartment complex (nothing classy just simple and plain) on Big Pine and then behind that build a homeless complex. Now have this developer contract with the city of Key West for funds to support a free bus that would run from Big Pine in the morning to Key West and then in the afternoon back to Big Pine and then for the waiters and cooks the bus would go back to Key West, say at 5pm, and have the last bus leave at 11pm to Big Pine. |
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There is still a lot of BP money left, but the time left to score some is running out. So get busy and dream up some cockamamie story that you think they might buy. It’s worth a shot. |
Little Rooster is the alarm clock that wakes up the ladies with pleasure. Link |
Bobby Mongelli is a visionary in the restaurant biz. Anyone doubting his prowess probably never spent a night in his old Key West establishments. The Stock Island waterfront is what the Key West Bight was, but on a much smaller scale, but it’s coming! With the new hotels going in at the Triangle, there will be plenty of business for Hog Fish and Roostica. I think he should open a third venue, an island grill and jerk shack type thing. Link |
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[Kennedy Still Dead] If you think about it, what JFK accomplished was to authorize the Bay of Pigs fiasco, which led to Castro inviting the Ruskies into Cuba [the enemy of my enemy is my friend] which in turn led to the Cuban Missile Crisis, which came close to ending the World as we know it. That was avoided when we agreed to remove our missiles from Turkey that were overhanging Russia. On top of all that, in his spare time, he operated as an outstanding cocksman along the way, impacting the secret lives of a lot of females. Also, in tribute to his social class, as kind of an understood obligation, he reduced the tax rate on the wealthiest among us even further then it was at the end of WW2. Sorry about all the comas, hope you didn’t break out or anything. |
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50 million dollars for a bridge to nowhere (Pigeon Key) are we nuts? |
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Check out the General Membership Meeting of the “Friends of Old Seven” special guest list. It reads like the Who’s Who of grinder pump supporters. Link |
I will survive Turkey Day. Music Video |
[JFK is Dead] It is said that people in Mississippi celebrated at the news that Kennedy was shot dead. We have people like that around here and I have heard them. |
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[“Phony seaplane pilot”] That’s nothing, you’ve got to wonder how many phony doctors there are down here in these outlands. |
[Play The Legal Game And Win] How about this for great American justice; and people wonder why crime is so high. Imagine your loved one beat and stomped to death. Penalty for the murder 18 months. But they’re only kids have some compassion for them. Bullsh*t! In May in Syracuse, a group of teenagers attempting to knock Michael Daniels out with a single punch wound up beating and stomping him to death, according to police. A 16-year-old was found guilty of manslaughter, and his 13-year-old co-defendant pleaded guilty to assault. Both were sentenced to 18 months behind bars. And earlier in May, Elex Murphy, now 20, was sentenced to life in prison plus 25 years in St. Louis for killing a Vietnamese immigrant as part of the game in 2011. Read what a psychologist specializing in juvenile delinquency says about hitting someone for the sheer thrill of seeing if you can knock someone out is Link |
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Constitutional Question Answer to #9: D, Of limited and enumerated powers. The Constitution list the powers given to the Federal Government and clearly states all other powers shall remain with the People or the States. The Federal Government has used the interstate commerce clause and reasoning worthy of the most unscrupulous lawyers to regulate every aspect of our lives in defiance of the intentions of the Founding Fathers. Question #10 Article I of the Constitution establishes as one of the powers of Congress: Copies of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence are now available for free at Jigs, Coconuts and Molly’s Pawn on Big Pine. Another good resource is the Constitution Club at |
Wanted: Sunfish sailboat--complete is better. Paying up to $350. 872-1201 Classified Ads > Wanted |
The snowbirds and tourists are driving me crazy with their driving. Twice this week I had to stop because a tourist was stopped in the middle of Key Deer Blvd to look at the deer. Last week a tourist was stopped in the middle of the road and waved me down as I was coming from the other direction. He want me to stop because there was a deer on the side of the road. I yelled at him. |
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Beware property owners. Your local government wants to turn control of property use over to unelected entities. They make it sound all warm and fuzzy, and green. Do your homework or suffer the consequences. Research online Seven 50 which is a product of the United Nations Agenda 21 program. To give an idea of the principles and concepts at work here just read the UN’s Agenda 21 report on their own website which identifies “private property ownership” as the most significant obstacle to achieving their goals. Check with your County Commissioners and find out where they stand. UN Website Link |
[Spam] Enjoy smooth words with Slavic babes who speak fluent English on RussianBrides. Meet plenty of international beauties who know the language inside out. Loosen your tongue in LIVE CHAT with the most gorgeous mistresses of the English language they certainly teach you a thing or two about the lingo! Tell her your feelings loud and clear. Da Alla! |
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[Iran Deal] With the historic announcement out of Geneva on Saturday that Iran has agreed to curb its nuclear program in exchange for an easing of sanctions, President Obama scored one of the most unlikely — and potentially most meaningful — foreign policy victories of his time in office. Link |
As a person who thinks all government is too big, too costly, too much of everything wrong. Local, state and federal governments could and should be greatly reduced in size by sub-contracting out most of their services. We know the cost and criteria now, bid the jobs out. Let the private sector handle most everything. They will have to hire many of the folks that the government would lose. We have just seen how the Federal Government has wasted 600 million dollars and a web site, just the site and it doesn’t work! This should be a teachable moment for Americans. Let the private sector do it. Government doesn’t do well on running anything. When you’re in a hole, stop digging. This dog just won’t hunt, my friends. |
Joe the plumber is probably one of the best analogies about the philosophy behind Obamacare that you will see and lays it out perfectly: Barack Obama discovers a leak under his sink, so he calls Joe the Plumber to come and fix it… Link
Syrian rebels took control of the major oil field yesterday. Aren’t you glad the Republicans weren’t able to pressure Obama into bombing Syria? We’d really look foolish. They were calling him weak, but Obama had the last laugh because he knew that what Republicans wanted to replace Assad with was far worse than him. It’s just what we don’t need, more jihadists running a country based on their guns and zealot fantasies. |
[NewsBusted] Topics: American Poverty, Democrats, President Obama, Obamacare, Astronaut Robot, Facebook, NSA, Mexican Tunnel, Farm Bill and Bill Maher. Video Time 2:20 |
[Obamacare Failure] A person over 30 working minimum wage job full time for a full year will have to give up a entire weekly paycheck once a month for 90/10 copay healthcare coverage. And that includes the subsidy. 90/10 is not catastrophic like those under 30 can get. So a complicated health issue or lengthy hospital stay racking up several surgeries will most likely cause many minimal wage workers to file bankruptcy anyway because they won’t be able to pay large sums. Since the other copay plans are not any better and minimum wage workers are already to the bone paying for essentials, it doesn’t make sense for many to bother. The more I play with it, the more it seems insane. Link |
If we elect a majority of Republicans to office you won’t hear any more talk about global warming and the sea level rising, alternate energy, or for that matter, the environment. You know they would like to make it a crime to even mention it, or even think about it. |
[Regressive Hypocrisy # 12] In the history of our Republic, 230 years, there have been 168 filibusters of executive and judicial nominees. Half of them, 80, have occurred in the last 4 1/2 years under President Obama! On May 19, 2005 Minority Leader Republican Mitch McConnell said, “regardless of Party, any Presidential judicial nominees deserve a simple majority up and down vote”. Today, when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid changed the voting to the simple 51 up and down vote, McConnell shouted, “you will regret this decision”. |
The seemingly inexorable march towards economic socialism and political statism has been accomplished through legislative and judicial ratchets which, once established, were all but impossible to reverse in part because the filibuster helped lock in the agenda and those supporting the agenda. Because of the ratchet, the nation moved only in one direction: Towards redistribution of wealth, and bigger government. Because of the ratchet, there was little or no hope of fundamental reversals. |
Kudos to John Boehner the leading Republican in office. He signed up for Obamacare himself. Yeah it was a bit frustrating he said but hes signed up. Theres times I place and order at McDonalds and it comes out wrong so dealing with something as serious as Healthcare Im sure can be frustrating also. The ACA plan is coming along and 4 states that are acting in a bipartisan manner are crowing about the plans. Kentucky, Connecticut, Washington and California who set up there own exchanges are reaping the benefits. They are reporting 10s of thousands of signups with many that are getting healthcare for the first time. Its amazing what can be accomplished when you work together which the party of “NO” usually refuses to do. These states are working in a bipartisan manner and are reaping the benefits. Kentucky is a red state yet their Democratic Governer is getting huge support from Republicans and Conservatives alike. They are signing up a thousand new insured every day. Im sure this posting will be nitpicked with a fine tooth comb but check it out for yourself because as usual the party of “NO”s computer wont get this positive information. |
[High Tech Alloys] Obama has OK’d funding and the use of Government supercomputers for speeding the development of high tech alloys and composites to be used to make advanced turbines for power plants that burn coal. This will make them more efficient and reduce emissions. He snuck this one past the Republicans while they were busy thrashing around over Benghazi. |
Talk about lying to the American people? Research the Iraq war and the Republican sitting President at the time. Talk about a bait and switch scheme. |
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On Friday a poster challenged my posting that stated that the average family that has members who receive minimum wage is $65,900. Perhaps I should have made the point more clearly. Minimum-wage workers under 25 are typically not their family’s sole breadwinners. Rather, they tend to live in middle-class households that do not rely on their earnings. Generally, they have not finished their schooling and are working part-time jobs. Over three-fifths of them (62 percent) are currently enrolled in school. More than half of the 2.9% of American workers who a minimum wage earners fall into that category. You can read it for yourself at Link
Last month, the D/L/P controlled national economy saw another increase in the unemployment rate. We saw an increase in the number of people who have just quit even trying to find a job. We saw increases in welfare and food stamps. And still we have fewer people with jobs than we did prior to D/L/P governance that began 7 years ago That, Deer Friends is the national picture. During the D/L/P style of governance under Charlie Crist, we lost 832,000 jobs, our unemployment rate blew up to 11.5% and we mirrored the national picture as we piled on $5 billion in debt. It’s hard to believe, but the employment picture in Florida under Crist was much worse than it was nationally. Crist claimed to be a Republican, but his style of governance and the fact that he has changed parties twice since he was Governor prove to the contrary. Less than three years ago, at the end of the Crist tenure, all that began to change. Now we enjoy Republican Governance. Our Governor, Rick Scott and a Republican controlled legislature Florida have made Florida more attractive to businesses. Because of that we’ve added 44,600 jobs in October alone and our unemployment rate dropped to 6.7 percent. Republican governance accomplished that while nationally, there were 735,000 fewer Americans with jobs than there were in September. Link In Florida, we now have the lowest unemployment rate for the state in five years. That’s substantially lower than the national rate, and nearly half of the rate during Charlie Crist’s D/L/P/ tenure, (11.5% in 2011, substantially higher than the national average). Our job growth rate in just the last year, nearly doubled the national average. Now our unemployment rate is 40% lower than the national average. It is the Republican commitment to sound governance and creating a business friendly environment that makes the difference. Governor Scott eliminated the tax on manufacturing equipment and machines, making Florida companies more competitive with other states and other nations. He cut over 2,800 regulations, cut property & business taxes, and streamlined the permitting process. He cut taxes five times in three legislative sessions for families & job creators. He recently announced plans to cut $500 million in taxes and fees for Florida’s families this next fiscal year. And, he’s paid down $3.6 billion of the state’s Crist debt, and paid back $3.5 billion Florida owed to the federal government for unemployment insurance. Republican governance works by encouraging job growth. |