2014 April

Thursday, April 24, 2014

The-Coconut-Telegraph-w-CoconutsThe Original Unsocial Media
Anonymous Letters to the Editor with Pictures
Published Daily by Noon Since 2002
No Saturday Edition

an_mosquito-girl[Screens and No-see-ums] Before they banned the substance we used to coat our screens. We used to put it on the screens about once a year, usually when the no-see-ums were so bad we’d have to get off our asses and do something about it. We’d apply the thin liquid with a paint roller and tray. It was messy, but the no-see-ums were pretty bad in those days so we did it. That was before the 20X20 no-see-um screens were available.

One time a cruise ship docked at Mallory Pier was stripped before it was stolen (another story) and they gave away everything on board. My friend got a roll of fine mesh tropical mosquito net, about a six hundred mesh. (It seems everyone else got those restaurant size cans of escargot. For years when you went to someone’s house for dinner there was escargot.)  He gave me the roll and I screened my place with it. It was free and I couldn’t complain, but it stopped all air flow and kept in the sub-tropical heat like if I had the windows closed. It was unbearable so I had to redo the whole place in regular screen at great time and expense.

[Development] In response to the poster about “Save whatever beauty is left, by not allowing developers and investors to trash out your homelands with junk instant houses, garbage hotels, and low rent businesses.” We couldn’t agree more! We have a house on BPK that we only get to once a year and we drive 900 miles to get there. We chose BPK because it reminds us of paradise lost that we now live in and run from like hell every summer.

You see, the newest locals allowed our once small, beautiful fishing village with a drinking problem to be turned into a drinking resort town with a wanna be problem. Condos, high rises, marinas, and stacking A-holes 30 stories high is the new theme. Big Pine is/was/and we hope will remain like the town we once knew. It’s small, it’s quaint, it’s clean, and yes, it’s stuck back in time, but that’s how we want it and like it. Simple. Don’t sell out permanent residents, it’s the true gem you have and if you do, you will not like the end result. I’ve seen it first hand.t] In response to the poster about “Save whatever beauty is left, by not allowing developers and investors to trash out your homelands with junk instant houses, garbage hotels, and low rent businesses.” We couldn’t agree more! We have a house on BPK that we only get to once a year and we drive 900 miles to get there. We chose BPK because it reminds us of paradise lost that we now live in and run from like hell every summer.

You see, the newest locals allowed our once small, beautiful fishing village with a drinking problem to be turned into a drinking resort town with a wanna be problem. Condos, high rises, marinas, and stacking A-holes 30 stories high is the new theme. Big Pine is/was/and we hope will remain like the town we once knew. It’s small, it’s quaint, it’s clean, and yes, it’s stuck back in time, but that’s how we want it and like it. Simple. Don’t sell out permanent residents, it’s the true gem you have and if you do, you will not like the end result. I’ve seen it first hand.

Big Yellow Taxi — Joni Mitchell

The beautiful pictures you sometimes show of the tranquil waters around Big Pine Key fill me with longing. We spent many a wonderful vacation in the Keys in our younger days. Especially Big Pine Key. If you are fortunate enough to live in the Keys, count your blessings, not your troubles!
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[Important information for Keys residents] Termite poop is called frass.
The evil called Comcast said, after raising my monthly fee,evil-comcast “Customer service is something else in this day in age”. I disagreed.
For some reason I am starting to view Sloan as a viable candidate for public office down here.  Maybe it’s because of what’s been allowed to happen recently on the watch of the folks now in office.  Things like people being allowed to fire deadly weapons in residential neighborhoods [State law] and now carry those weapons during a hurricane evacuation. Are we all going nuts spending a ton of public money on the Pigeon Key’s driveway on the old 7 Mile Bridge?  the pie in the sky marina purchase? and sticking some homeowners with those grinder pump gizmos

because there’s no money left to treat them like everybody else.

There is no car wash this Saturday at the Vineyard Community Church as has been reported somewhere. Events
[Survey Hidden] Does anyone know how I can see any public record where I can look at the survey of my land in Monroe County. I want to see the size of my lot. The guy in the planning department said I had to file a freedom of information request. What are they trying to hide or protect? In Key West I used to go to the old Courthouse, upstairs and look at the property record. All I needed was the page and book number of any property.
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[Deep Wells] If the trench dewatering wells go in as permitted by the DEP as part of the sewer construction on Big Pine there may be no Blue Hole to worry about. The pumps typically run 24/7 and are capable of removing 780,000 gallons a day of the freshwater lens to disposal below. In 37 days of construction, the entire freshwater lens could be gone, but FKAA, DEP and USFWS don’t seem to give a damn. Just rush to put in central sewers because somebody may have a cesspit. Sadly, so few seem to care enough to be heard. Dump the Pumps has been trying at least, and spending the money to be heard by a judge. Thanks to those of you that sent them donations.
Grinder Pump Martini

1 Part Jagermeister
2 Parts 120 proof well gin
1 part grinder pump juice
1 Olive
Serve in a Mason Jar or tempered Martini glass
Florida is “Ground Zero’ for sea level rise. This is great news and I want to buy up all the low lying properties and when the water rises, turn South Florida and the Keys into an American Venice and make a fortune from the yacht crowd! Now, where can I buy more stackable shacks for the workers, house boys and gardeners?
Irony is when someone writes, “Your an idiot”.
Welcome to Havana
.  Landing at Jose Marti under dark stormy skies. Cuban Customs Officers were helpful and friendly.  The storm passed to reveal beautiful tropical weather.
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A better link for ‘Anzio Annie’ the big ass gun. The Krupp K5 was 283 mm heavy railway gun used by Germany during WW2. “Anzio Annie” and “Anzio Express” were the Allied names for a pair of German K5(E) railroad guns that shelled the Anzio beachhead. Video
In celebration of the upcoming Kentucky Derby, The Art Studio in Marathon is inviting you to customize and create your own Derby Hat.  Hats are $35.00 and headbands are $18.00 with all the proceeds benefiting Fishermen’s Community Hospital.  For more information, call 289-9013
True Line Remodeling.  Business Directory > Home Improvement
Bagels may be traditionally associated with New York Jews, but in the Jewish homeland the boiled-and-baked staple as we know it is nearly impossible to find. Instead, Israel is awash in Jerusalem Bagels, which have a ring-shape reminiscent of their American cousins but are larger, thinner, more oblong, nearly always covered in sesame seeds and never boiled.
Tournament Tune-Up seminar with Captain Jim Sharpe Sr. & Captain Mike Weinhofer on May 14th at 6 pm held at Sea Center on Big Pine Key.  Get tips on fishing, tournament tactics, and more.  Free to attend. Events
If all the insects on earth disappeared, within 50 years all life on earth would end. If all human beings disappeared from the earth, within 50 years all forms of life would flourish.  ~Jonas Salk
computer monitor drops smile
The next meeting of our Big Pine Computer Club is coming up this Saturday, April 26, 10 am at the senior center. Hope to see you there. Events
[Screens] An old trick to ‘close up’ the screen holes a little is to paint the screens with very thinned-out, like water,  clear coating. It will coat the strands and build up after several coats, if needed, and still let light in. Use a very fine hair type roller and very little pressure. Do the edges with a fine soft brush. This can be done to tent flies too. Lots of work, but cheaper than replacing all the screens. Remember just a very thin clear costing mix. You can use a spray can, but it will go all over the place.
[Attack of the Nazi Talking Dogs
] Were the Nazis, as some accounts claimed, really building an army of intelligent, talking dogs to defend the Third Reich? Where did this story come from and how much of it is actually true? Link
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lady lays easter egg
Performance artist Milo Moiré
creates abstract paintings by pushing eggs filled with paint and ink out of her vaginal canal. She does this while standing naked in front of an audience.

This reminds me of the gif you used to post every Easter. Maybe she stole the idea from you? Link

The Eden Pines Canal Restoration meeting scheduled for April 28, 2014 at the Moose Lodge on Big Pine Key has been postponed. Updated information will be forthcoming as matters progress.
chic salad24
Hi there from Springers Bar and Grill
. Today’s special is chicken salad with dried cranberries and pecans on a kaiser roll. Great for lunch or a light dinner. So join us for a bite on our patio.
Friday’s Special: crab cake appetizer, mahi with a pineapple salsa
There’s Always Something Special at Springers.
Today in 1995 the Dow Jones Index hits a record 4303.98
[Gun Nuts] If I promise to be really careful can I fire “Anzio Annie” outside next to my house?
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easter bunny monster
I don’t know where that photo of the scary Easter Bunny holding the two scared-for-their-lives little children came from but I’ve got a lot of mileage out of sharing that. It’s so freakin creepy I love it
I’m surprised that Duracell and Eveready aren’t in the cellphone or laptop battery business.
For Sale. Closet door set. 6 foot mirrored bypass doors, white, great shape, $75, call  Classified Ads > Furniture
How can I protest to my ISP to get them to make it more adult without all the junk they shove down our tubes? It is getting so I think Kmart owns AT&T, MSN, and definitely AOL!
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cave girl computer
Today in 1981 IBM introduced the first PC computer.
[Litter] Those little blue canisters you found at Blue Hole I think are whip-its and are used illegally to get high. I found a bunch of them in another area on Big Pine where I run. I had no idea what they were, but another person found some more and told me what they are. Perhaps take them to the Sheriff’s Office for proper disposal?
[Litter] Those blue little canisters are whippets! Hippy crack! They either decorated a cake with whipped cream or had some seriously good oral sex! But you’re right, they should have took the empties with them!
[Litter] Those canisters appear to be containers for a gas under pressure. My first thought is gas-powered rifles. The blue color may be a clue.
[Litter] They look like CO2 cartridges used in air guns among other things.
[Litter] That Big Pine Blue Hole litter must be from some sorry SOB from Miami who came down to drink there.  I can’t picture a Big Pine Local doing something like that.  Anybody get any prints or DNA off those bottles?  Keep it on computer file because whoever it belongs to will most likely be in the court system sooner or later, sooner probably,  or already has been in it.  Would that ever send a message if they were caught.
[“Blue Hole Litter”] They look like whip-its. They’re nitrous oxide canisters sold by restaurant supply houses for bakeries and restaurants to make whip cream (I believe). Folks use them for the high they can get from the gas. I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest these aren’t members of the BPK Mensa Society

Devo — Whippit

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airgun24[“Litter at the Blue Hole”] Those look like empty CO2 cylinders as are used on some airguns (pellet or airsoft). The 3/8 USF thread fits the low pressure port of a Scuba regulator and makes a good handle during servicing. Otherwise, I don’t know of a use outside of art. Flower petals? Sunshine rays? There are a number of possibilities why they were left there. They may have been discarded by kids having a paintball war, they may have been discarded by someone shooting wildlife with a pellet gun, or they may have been carried there and discarded by someone wanting to get people excited about somebody maybe shooting wildlife at the Blue Hole. My guess is the kids with paint ball guns.
[Litter] To answer the question those look-alike CO2 cartridges. A younger coworker told me they use them to do a thing called whippets. I am not sure of the spelling . Hope it helps.
FOX News says smoking pot joints is no good for your brain or your body.  Must be true.
[Captain Doom and Gloom] “We now have 3 classes” How about the 1% Rich Rulers, the Military to protect them, and the rest of us?
National politics is back. Click on this link to send your national political post anonymously. No one will know your name or email address, [Well, maybe the NSA will] not even me. FTR is going to be the new national politics editor. Do not fear, FTR promised to post everything, even if he hates it, he’s that kind of guy.
Your name and email address are not required. Please be civil. I Have Something To Say About National Politics–Click Here
from the right
As we well know, California is a bastion of liberality. Its populace was largely strongly in favor of Obamacare/Democare. Now, not so much. To paraphrase Mr. Obama’s mentor, the Reverend Wright, “the healthcare chickens have come home to roost.”

Open enrollment for coverage under the Affordable Care Act is closed, but many of the newly insured are finding they can’t find doctors, landing them into a state described as “medical homelessness.” That’s according to San Francisco’s TV 5 station: Link

They report that Rotacare, a free clinic for the uninsured in Mountain View, Ca., is dealing with the problem firsthand. The clinic helped many clients sign up for Democare so that they would no longer need the free clinic. But now the clinics previous fee free patients are returning saying that they can’t find Docs to care for them. The Docs don’t take Democare.

Patients are terrified that even though they were delighted to get subsidized health care insurance, health care providers simply won’t accept it.  The newly insured patients checked the physicians’ lists they were provided but when they checked they were told that the health care providers weren’t accepting new patients or that they did not participate in the plan.

Fortunately for the victims of Democare, while the free clinic isn’t technically supposed to be treating former patents that they helped sign up for insurance, they can’t in good faith turn them away. So they again treat them for free. The problem actually has a name: “medical homelessness.”  It’s appropriate because patients are caught adrift in a system woefully short of primary care doctors. The sick and insured can’t get appointments.

More than 3 million Californians have signed up for insurance. Only the Lord knows how many of them have actually paid for their insurance. No pay, no insurance. At the same time, a third of California’s primary care doctors are set to retire. This is not unique to California, it’s nationwide

In a March ’14 report, CNN related: “many Americans who’ve enrolled on the Obamacare exchanges are realizing they have access to a limited set of doctors and hospitals. In many areas, the largest hospitals are not participating and many doctors are not accepting the coverage.”

In New Hampshire, 10 of the 26 hospitals are shut out of Democare.

Forbes Magazine reported: “A new survey of physicians has found that 30 percent of doctors in Florida intend to place new or additional limits on accepting Medicare patients, with 27 percent altogether refusing to accept new Medicare patients because of Obamacare’s impact on the fees that Medicare pays to providers of health-care services. In addition, Obamacare will deeply cut Medicare Advantage for 1.2 million Florida seniors who are enrolled in the program, and drive up the cost of private health coverage, especially for those who buy insurance on their own.” If you have an interest in Democare’s impact on your health care, I urge you to read the following: Link

It’s hard to believe, but Charlie Crist claims to believe  that Democare is the best thing since … (you fill in the blanks).



In time, scientific controversies get resolved, often by the emergence of new kinds of evidence that no one originally imagined. Views that are maintained, to some degree, by a wall of artificial “consensus” die hard. That, of course, was one of the lessons of Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962), which inaugurated the long vogue for the word “paradigm” to describe a broadly accepted theory. Kuhn’s work has often served as a warrant for those who see science as a social project amenable to political manipulation rather than an intellectual endeavor with strict standards of evidence and built-in mechanisms for correcting mistakes.

Thus when the “anthropogenic global warming” (AGW) folks insist that they command a “consensus” of climate scientists, they fully understand that they are engaged in a political act. They intend to summon the social and political dynamics that will create a “consensus,” by defining the skeptics as a disreputable minority that need not even be counted. It is a big gamble since a substantial number of the skeptics are themselves well-established and highly respected scientists, such as MIT’s Richard Lindzen, Princeton’s Will Happer, and Institute of Advanced Studies’ Freeman Dyson. But conjuring a new “paradigm” out of highly ambiguous data run through simulation computer models is tricky business and isn’t likely to produce a “consensus” all on its own.  What’s needed is the stamp of authority. And if that doesn’t work, just keep stamping. Or stomping.

If the foregoing sparks your interest, and it should, check out: Link

It’s a little heavy, but well worth your time.


A POSTER WROTE:  The UN has released its latest report into global warming or, as we’re now meant to call it, climate change.

And, like all UN reports, it should be treated with the same kind of skepticism and contempt that greets every utterance that emanates from the bowels of that corrupt, counterproductive, bloated and profoundly dangerous organization.

if you want to stop climate change, you must automatically be happy to see black babies die. Or you are happy to let brown and yellow babies live in misery, squalor and fear. And are you happy with that?

I’m going to be a bit presumptuous here and suggest that, maybe, you’re not all that happy with starving children. If anything, they end up on the news and make you feel guilty when you’re eating your dinner.

But where do you think the massive increase in CO2 emissions is coming from? America-No. Europe-Are you mad?

No, the biggest polluters and biggest emissions are coming from emerging countries and superpowers such as India, Russia and China who have spent the last decade engaged in a process of massive industrialization, hence the spike in emissions.

Someone like Obama and his followers can change as many crap light bulbs, or buy as many bad cars, as they want. And Al Gore can continue to fly around the world and further engorge his carbon footprint wagging his fingers at gullible, guilt ridden Westerners all he wants. But one uncomfortable fact remains – the countries who matter in all this couldn’t give a toss what Obama or Al Gore or The NYT have to say.

Because the only way to drag your people out of poverty and starvation is industrialization – of food, of the economy, of the way they live their lives.

Increased living standards and life expectancy comes through industrialization and with that comes carbon dioxide…period.

FTR’S RESPONSE:  If this caught your interest, you may want to read: Link


A POSTER WROTE: Hey envirotards pipelines are infra-structure. Why, why FTR does democracy require us to treat them equally?

FTR’S RESPONSE:  Huh?  Say What?


National Politics. Your name and email address are not required. Please be civil.  I Have Something To Say About National Politics–Click Here