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[I’ve got a bridge I’d like to sell you] Monroe County would have to spend as much as $62 million over the next 18 years on the Old Seven Mile Bridge if it took it over from the state. |
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[Expensive Piece] NJ man says Key West strip club overcharged him $2K. A New Jersey tourist who got a private lap dance at Teasers strip club Monday claimed nearly $2,000 was charged to his credit card without his approval, according to a police incident report. There were no arrests reported. |
[Sewer Rip-off] My biggest concern is that I’ll be charged for my sewer use based on my water use. We use a lot of water in our very large garden and landscaping, and it isn’t fair to charge us more for our sewer use based on our water use. If they want to charge us more for water I can understand that, but to tie our water use to our sewer fees is unfair and discriminatory. |
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Today in 2005, Category 3 storm Hurricane Katrina made landfall near New Orleans. |
[How to Maintain a Healthy Septic Tank until Sewers Arrive] Septic tank treatments are necessary because things like bleach, antibacterial soaps and excess water can deplete the beneficial bacteria that live in your septic tank. Bacteria break down organic waste matter, which is a crucial part of a properly functioning septic system. Using a yeast activator stimulates healthy bacteria and keeps foul septic odors at bay. Things You’ll Need 1 Medium saucepan/4 cups water/2 cups sugar/2 cups cornmeal/2 packages active dry yeast 1 Bring 4 cups of water to a rolling boil in a medium saucepan. Stir 2 cups of sugar into the boiling water, and continue stirring until all of the sugar is dissolved. Wait until the mixture has reached a lukewarm temperature before proceeding or you will kill the yeast. 2 Mix 2 cups of cornmeal into the sugar water solution. Wait approximately 10 minutes, and then stir in two packages of dry active yeast into the mixture. Stir the solution well to completely dissolve the yeast. Allow the yeast mixture to froth up, which should take approximately 20 minutes. (or you could add 4 cups of flour, knead 5 minutes and bake at 350 for 1 hour) 3 Pour the yeast mixture into the toilet bowl and flush it twice. Avoid using the toilet for at least eight hours to give the yeast enough time to work properly. It’s best to use the yeast solution at night so there is less chance of flushing the toilet. Use the yeast solution once a month for optimal results. |
Saturday Night Classic Rock with Don Chairs |
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[Cell Phones Service] I got rid of Sprint because of poor coverage. I couldn’t make or receive calls from anywhere near my home (Eden Pines on Big Pine) and trouble with dropped calls elsewhere even though Sprint kept telling me that I had excellent coverage in my area. I went to Consumer Cellular at the advice of a friend and couldn’t be happier. I get excellent coverage anywhere in the Keys and have used my phone statewide in Florida and parts of Texas, Louisiana and Arizona without problems. No contracts, excellent rates on caller plans you can change at anytime without penalty, a good variety of phones to choose from and I’m saving $50+ per month from my previous Sprint bill. Consumer Cellular also has outstanding US based customer service and their reps all speak English. All carriers have ‘dark’ areas somewhere but I haven’t found one with Consumer Cellular. I have recommended CC to three friends who switched and have had only positive feedback. |
The way I like country music! |
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The Good Health Clinic has announced four new additions to its board of directors: attorney Scott C. Black of Vernis & Bowling of the Florida Keys, real estate broker John D. El-Koury, Pastor Kerry Foote of Burton Memorial United Methodist Church, and Chris Vogt, principal of Vogt-Spear Construction. “We are excited to welcome new members to the Good Health Clinic board, each offering different perspectives,” said Board Chair Jill Miranda Baker, Mariners Hospital. “The clinic is strategically prepared for changes and growth expected with healthcare reform. We are focused on the health of the community and reaching those who need our assistance and care.” |
[There you go again, Hollywood] You’ve taken a great story about a real person and real events and twisted it into a bunch of lies. You took the true story of Eugene Allen, the White House butler who served eight presidents from 1952 to 1986, and turned it into a clichéd “message movie.” Link |
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[Breaking Up is Hard to Do] The ex-girlfriend of North Korean leader Kim-Jong-un was one of a dozen people reportedly executed by a firing squad last week. The South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo reports that singer Hyon Song-wol and 11 others had been arrested on August 17 for violating North Korea’s laws against pornography and was executed three days later. The paper reported that the condemned, all members of the performing groups Unhasu Orchestra and Wangjaesan Light Music Band, were accused of making videos of themselves having sex and selling the videos, which the paper reported were available in China. |
[Global Warming] It’s official. The scare is over. The World Federation of Scientists, at its annual seminars on planetary emergencies, has been advised by its own climate monitoring panel that global warming is no longer a planetary emergency. President Klaus had said: “Current as well as realistically foreseeable global warming, and especially Man’s contribution to it, is not a planetary emergency which should bother us. … My reading both of the available data and of conflicting scientific arguments and theories allows me to argue that it is not global warming caused by human activity that is threatening us.” On behalf of the climate monitoring panel, Professor Essex also spoke up for scientists who have been bullied, threatened or even dismissed for having dared to question the Party Line on climate. He said: “Our greatest concern at present is that the intellectual climate for scientific investigation of these matters has become so hostile and politicized that the necessary research and debate cannot freely take place. |
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Homemade Butterfingers/1 lb. candy corn/16oz jar peanut butter/16oz pkg. chocolate candy coating/Melt candy corn in microwave on high 1 minute. Stir and continue cooking in 15-second intervals til melted, stirring after each interval. Stir in peanut butter. Spread mixture in an 8×8 pan lined with parchment. Cool completely. Cut into squares. Dip in melted chocolate candy coating. Lay on waxed paper to set. Enjoy, or go to Tom Thumb and buy a bar. |
[Toilet Paper] Three sheets are all that is needed by anyone, then bath. Remember the toilet in not a disposal. Your first bill for grinder pump repair should be nailed to your forehead. |
[‘Revenge porn’ should be a crime] Girl allowed her ex-boyfriend to take her naked photograph because, he assured her, it would be for his eyes only. After their breakup, the man betrayed her trust and posted it online. Video |
[Woman Behind Bars] I have had it with the women down here. I recently discovered a website that has lots of women that are attractive and a little edgy. Check it out, you can talk dirty. Link |
Is it true the Grinder Pumps will take DNA samples for ID’s? |
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[Obamacare Primer] Preventive And Wellness Services. Many experts believe this benefit could help rein in the nation’s rising medical costs. The idea is to get people to see doctors and make healthier choices before they get sick and run up medical bills. The law instructs insurers to provide all of the 50 preventive services recommended by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force at no extra cost. Under the law. Medicare beneficiaries may also be able to receive additional screenings free of deductibles and co-pays. |
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Blood worms, also known as red worms, are found in the southeastern United States, but not usually in Oklahoma. The environmental quality department has only recorded one other such infestation in the state in the town of Drumright, 108 miles away, more than 20 years ago. For the people of Colcord, about 75 miles east of Tulsa, the blood worm invasion that was first detected Monday can’t end soon enough. |
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[Texting] We’ve all heard the dictum: Don’t text and drive. Now, a state appeals court has an addendum: Don’t text someone you know is behind the wheel — or you could be held liable if he causes a crash. Video |
A melt of ice on Greenland and Antarctica is likely to be less severe than expected this century, an international study said on Tuesday. Ice2sea, a four-year project to narrow down uncertainties of how melting ice will pour water into the oceans, found that sea levels would rise by between 16.5 and 69 cm under a scenario of moderate warming this century. “This is good news” for those who have feared sharper rises, David Vaughan, of the British Antarctic Survey who led the ice2sea project said. |
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Fantasy Fest 2013 is about Monsters and Villains, so all you are going to see is a few thousand politicians running up and down Duval Street! Gee, doesn’t this happen every day? |
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[Sewers] Deer Ed., have you been talked to by the bubbas about not posting the sewer stuff like you used to |
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[Cell Service 10 cents a minute] Works out for me about a whole whopping $13 a month. I find pay as go and a $30 phone a good combination if one talks only about 4 minutes a day. Find sub-$15 phones to be not worth buying. Clearly talking more than 10 minutes a day is better on a $45 a month plan. Smartphones are an expensive trap as they almost require a new one every two years, are easily broken, have software issues and erased data really isn’t. 75% us age[?] is for games, 20% surfing, 5% using productivity apps really doesn’t make them worth paying their high monthly costs using sub-par processors that take minutes to render a web page when a $400 computer can do it in seconds on a larger screen. In fact I find Apple products with their closed hardware and software approach to be the absolute worse choices possible. As soon as one gets stabilized, a mere two years later the software changes and you’re forced to accept unwanted change costing more money or lost productivity. Windows 7 and a regular phone is best. |
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[“Federal spending declined by about $2 billion since the Republicans and Republicans of Tea Party inclination got control of Congress in 2010”] FTR must have forgotten to mention that spending decline happened because Obama was elected. If it’s good it’s because Republicans are in control. If it’s bad it’s because Obama’s the President. Do you think FTR is rational? naw! |
[“Iraq deja vu”] A more compelling example of left-wing nonsense has seldom been seen on these posts. It was not Sen. John “Bomb Everyone” McCain who sent 30,000 surge troops into Afganistan. It ws not Sen. McCain who sent a drone to murder Al Awaki’s 16 year old little boy. It was not Sen. McCain who ordered bombing in Libya. “McCain couldn’t offer proof that Syria used the gas and not al Qaeda”. Neither, apparently, can President “Bomb Everyone” Obomba, but this is not stopping him from preparing to bomb Syria. |
Why is it so important for the Right to try to slander environmentalists and global warming? It appears that their solution to the rape of the planet is to hide their heads in the sand and continue the willful destruction in the name of profit. |
When I read this I couldn’t help but think of our President Obama. |
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[Syria] You know, the Persian regions way before Christ were warring nations and killing each other was a way of life. Nothing has changed in two thousand years and every time the good old USA inserts itself into these war zones in the name of humanity we end up staying and fighting for years. Our lives are lost and our money is spent trying to right their natural way of life. And as always we are hated more and more because we perceive ourselves as the good guys. Stop. |
US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel said the American military was already prepared to act if Obama gave the order — though White House aides said no final decision had been taken. If you read the entire article, it states that the UN will decide whether or not to take military action in Syria. So, we have Hagel saying that they’re ready when Obama gives the order and Obama is waiting for the UN to say OK. No wonder liberals think this is the Republican’s fault. Link |
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Not too long ago the Miami Herald reported that they had conducted an investigation that found that the more than 2,500 absentee-ballot requests flagged by the Miami-Dade elections department last year as suspect were not random: They targeted Democratic voters in Garcia’s 26th Congressional District and Republican voters in two Florida House of Representatives districts. The Herald revealed that the Dade State Attorney had conducted an investigation, and that investigation revealed that fraudulent ballot requests targeting voters in the congressional race had come from domestic Internet Protocol addresses that could be traced. The Dade States Attorney Office soon determined that Garcia’s Communications Chief, Giancarlo Sopo, was deeply involved. Then it was determined that Garcia’s Chief of Staff and top political advisor, Jeffery Garcia (no relation), was also deeply involved.. But wait, there’s more. Even Garcia’s 2012 Campaign Manager was, John Estes’s home and computer were searched by the Dade SAO. Deer Friends, that’s 3 high ranking operatives in the Garcia camp that are involved in voter fraud. The investigation continues, it involves at least 2500 potentially fraudulent ballots. Jeffery Garcia and Sopo have admitted involvement. Whoops, I almost forgot to mention that Garcia and his corrupt team are Democrats. So, now we know that yet another group of the core of the support group of a Democrat member of Congress are up to their eyeballs in a huge absentee voter fraud scheme — but, we don’t need voter ID because we can just trust everyone to be honest. Those Democrats are so cute.
The mention of Obama’s taste in custom foot wear simply highlights his hypocrisy when he claims concern for the poor. Then you have to consider the fact that Obama was a middle class earner when he was elected to the Senate just a few years ago. Today after those few years of relatively low paying public service, he is very, very wealthy. How does one do that on the public payroll? Then we have to wonder why the critic chose only the shoe mention to bitch about. Can it be that s/he agrees with me on theme of my posting? It was all about the abysmal failure of Obama’s foreign policy. That must be so because the critic did not even attempt to defend Obama’s failed foreign policy. Ooops I almost forgot that the critic characterized Republican values as being “regressive.” Well, if low unemployment, low taxes, really affordable health care, respect for the Constitution, honest elected officials, smaller less intrusive government, prosperity, self pride, privacy, and national pride are “regressive”, then I guess that defines Republicans. Part 3 ) State Senator Elbert Guillory of Louisiana recently gave a very interesting speech that is worth your attention, I commend it to all: Link |