Published by Noon–No Saturday Edition
Classified Ads Events Business Directory Contact Us Menu | has an article George Neugent wrote. It is claiming how great the incinerator would be for Monroe County residents. Isn’t he the one that wants to cram the grinder pumps down our throats? Does he have a grinder pump? Maybe we should put the incinerator in his yard. When do we vote him out of office? |
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[Uber Fans of Macs] At last count there were only 4 or 5 Mac models available (there are more, but they deal mostly with the display options). Apple just stopped production of it’s 17” Mac laptop due to dwindling sales. On the other hand, Windows machines have hundreds of models for sale with every option known to man! Doesn’t that tell you something? |
Americans use 26 billion rolls of toilet paper a year. I thought you might like to know. |
“U.S. Ranks 29th in Mathematics Education.” Well, at least we’re in the top ten. |
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A 23 year old Cuban man windsurfed to Key West Tuesday from the north shore town of Jibacoa. Two other men with him didn’t make it. Six others made the same trip successfully in 1994. |
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[Crook] A judge sentenced a Michigan woman to a year behind bars Wednesday in an “almost mind-boggling scam that tricked an insurance company and swindled big-hearted people in small communities who believed she was dying of cancer. Authorities said it was all an extraordinary lie: No doctor has ever stepped forward to even suggest that Sara Ylen had cancer. Ylen, 38, already is serving a minimum five-year prison sentence in another case of deceit, and the one-year punishment for fraud will run at the same lime. The Lexington resident accepted thousands of dollars from supporters who for years regularly read of her plight in the Port Huron Times Herald. She repeatedly forged medical records. |
[Boys & Girls Club Benefit] Hey Folks! Just a friendly reminder that on Saturday, February 22nd from 12 to 5 P.M. Ginger Snips on Ships Way in BPK, will be hosting the annual Boys & Girls Club Benefit. With live local bands featuring, Gearl Band, Brian Roberts, Ray West & Shastina, Moose, Category 4 and many more. Silent auction 50/50. A delicious pig roast & fixings. Beer & Wine. Games & a Bounce House for kids. Bill Hoebe, Rick Lopez & Bill Bravo from 99.5 & 92.7 radio will be here live on the air. Most of all Ginger Snips girls will be cutting hair! 100% of the proceeds going to the Boys & Girls Club of Big Pine Key. For More Info Events |
[Shoot ’em Up Wednesdays] I’m sure there will be plenty of ‘expert’ gun nuts criticizing that picture of the woman shooting yesterday. Whenever anything is mentioned about guns the nuts have to comment to show how much more they know than anyone else. Only they know the ‘right’ way. |
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“Members and alternates of the sanctuary advisory council provide their knowledge and experience to inform a wide range of issues,” said Sean Morton, sanctuary superintendent. “Maintaining a close rapport between representatives and constituents is also vital to the success of the ongoing marine zoning and regulatory review.” The sanctuary is currently accepting applications for the member and alternate representing the following seat: citizen-at-large – Middle Keys. Candidates are selected based on their expertise and experience in relation to the seat for which they are applying, community and professional affiliations, and views regarding the protection and management of marine resources. Applicants who are chosen as members should expect to serve a three-year term, pursuant to the council’s charter. The advisory council consists of 40 primary and alternate members representing a variety of public interest groups. It also includes primary and alternate representatives from 11 government agencies. Applications are due March 31. To receive an application kit, or for further information, please contact council coordinator Beth Dieveney via email at or by phone at 305-809-4700 ext. 228, or by mail at Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, 33 East Quay Rd., Key West, FL 33040. Application kits may also be downloaded from the sanctuary’s website |
Please take note of how little trash there is on Key Deer Blvd. Thank you to the lady that does her walk with a trash bag and rubber gloves. |
[February is Black History Month] On this date in 1895 Frederick Douglass, abolitionist, author, and orator, died. |
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“Big John” Cassidy passed away Feb 17th after battling diabetes for decades. John owned Sunset Cab Co on Cudjoe Key. |
Beach House for sale in El Salvador. House is right on the Pacific Ocean with two bedrooms and three bathrooms. It also has a pool and large Tiki hut. No restrictions on foreign ownership. Currency is US Dollar. Only 20 minutes from international airport. Asking $115,000 or possible trade for house / land with clear title in South Florida. Serious buyers only please. Contact for more details and pictures. Classified Ads > Real Estate For Sale |
Have any gay athletes won a medal at the Olympics? I hope so, just to rub it in Putin’s homophobic face. |
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[Police] There are places in the U.S. where there isn’t a cop around for hundreds of miles, they are not needed. The small communities there police themselves and the only room available is upstairs at the pub. |
In other news this morning, two feet of snow fell this morning. |
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[Ed Castrated] Deer Ed, I hope that you were not “castrated” and thank you for the early morning coco-telly less the political noise. (Ed: Yes. My voice is now very high and squeaky.) |
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[Shoot ’em Up Wednesdays] “A twenty year resident exercising her 2nd Amendment to ensure her 1st and 4th Amendments are still intact.” Will someone please show this woman the proper way to hold and fire a shotgun. |
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Nira Tocco has a new listing at 1575 Lantana Lane in Eden Pines on Big Pine Key. See the new video |
[Fisheries Sarcasm] Of course I’ll believe that the groups fighting the fishery regulations are the ones who want to protect the fisheries and the health of the oceans, because they claim they are the ones who know what is best for them. Right after I believe the claim that developers are the ones who want to protect the environment as they build, so they don’t need those pesky unwarranted regulations either. |
[Diaper Drive] The Big Pine & Lower Keys Rotary & the Lower Keys Women’s Club are having a Diaper Drive to support the Healthy Start Coalition. During March and April you can be “Keeping Baby’s Healthy from the Bottom UP!” The goal is 3,000 diapers. For more info call Abby at 305-849-2722. Drop offs are at Centennial Bank, First State Bank and Coldwell Banker. |
[National Politics] This blog by Dear Ed was meant for locals about locals. There are plenty blogs out there about world politics. Feel free to join them. We locals want to know what is happening right here in our own neighborhood. |
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[Shoot ’em Up Wednesdays] If yesterday’s picture represents the quality of the backstops used in the Key’s then I can see why everyone is up in arms about the shooting down there. |
The United States of Two Americas in just 2 pictures. |
[Traffic] The Founder’s Park nautical flea market in Islamorada this coming weekend is destined to create one of the biggest traffic jams ever seen in the Keys judging by the massive flow of traffic up and down US1 during a routine weekday during these halcyon days. This situation has always been acerbated by the event organizers insisting on letting attendees park across the highway from the park, necessitating the local police halting traffic on a major Federal highway at a time of peak weekend traffic flow so some disengaged attendees can straggle across the road. One can only hope that our new sheriff, who has enacted admirable and innovative programs up to now, steps up and stops this so obviously flawed practice. If I lived north of the Keys I would stay there and do something else this weekend, robbing the businesses south of Islamorada of potential income. |
Irony. |
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[“chocolate” prison] You not cute or funny – just a racist. Accept it – and get help. (Ed: Sorry, about that, It slipped by me. I didn’t know what it meant.) |
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[“Backyard Gun Range“] I love the picture of the woman exercising her 2nd amendment. And I adore a Remington 870 |
[History] I found every one of my relatives who came over from Germany in the early 1900’s and a few in the late 1800’s and it was all free. Found the original ships’ manifests describing their age, origin, profession, and a few surprises. All it has cost me was the occasional, not often, email attempting to sell souvenirs or solicit donations. Link |
For posters to have different opinions is certainly a fact of life. It would be a very humdrum globe if this were not so. However, having said that, it is one thing to have a different tack on certain subjects, it is something else to proclaim that because one differs in opinions the person he is criticizing doesn’t have any idea about what he is responding to. Without any factual evidence to back up claims such as this, anyone can call another a fool without any criteria to back up such a claim. Words such as these are just that — words. Now if such a person cares to produce a few facts to back up such a claim then civilized people can have a civilized discussion, not a bar room discussion, which seldom does anything constructive for anyone. Another point I would like to bring up is the fact that words carry meaning, but often different meaning for different people. |
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[Computer Wars] One thing PC users can do that Mac users can’t. [Caution: foul language] Link |
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[Sarcasm] “Shoot ’em Up Wednesdays” That plywood backstop looks really safe! |
[Green Tea?] If Florida legalizes Marijuana will the restaurants and food markets sell it for cooking and a salad item? |
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[“Ed Castrated on National Politics”] Not at all. The opinions on national politics on the CT were nothing more than the rants of frustrated and uneducated posters. The vast majority of the readers (ok, I’m taking poetic license – not sure about the ‘vast’ part) don’t want to get their political education from some armchair old geezer in the Florida Keys. We really appreciate that hate and stupidity not being posted anymore. If you have so much wisdom to share – move to DC and get a job on cable channel #98345 as a talking head with the rest of them. |
I like yesterday’s post about seeing the world. I strive to be one of those ‘beach’ people. |
[“Only 2 grinder pump post Wednesday”] What happened to Mr. Drabinski and the Grinder Pump war? Seems the locals forgot all about it lately or is it just this blog? |
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[Lucky’s Landing] So what is it exactly– Vacation rentals? Low income rentals? Townhomes for sale? |
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Deer Ed, On the classifieds, when you click on your left side listings they come up immediately. But nothing happens on the right side? I thought I put an ad up for an air conditioner Friedrich and sold it yesterday so I wanted to get you to take it off. But it is off? Could be me muddling something on the computer but you must have some listings on the right side and they do not show up even if I scroll down the whole list. I thought I’d better mention it because it might not just be me. Thanks for all your hard work! (Ed: Thank you for taking the time to let me know about this new problem. I must have deleted a whole section of the ads when I updated them yesterday They’re all gone! Oops. I’ll get right on it.) |
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Not printing national politics? How are you or I going to change national politics” Hell, we can’t even change the down slide of our own local politics! The politicos just keep getting meaner and more insane. The whole world has been at war since the dawn of so-called civilization! |
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FTR “100 of Hispanics regretted voting for Obama”. Methinks 100% of that comment is pure pachyderm poop. Talk about your above average snakeoil salesman. Good thing Ed didn’t ban far out, looney and downright crazy and made up political comments. |
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It really doesn’t matter what your beliefs and principals are concerning abortion, to Crist it makes not a whit. You see Crist is pro life and pro choice. All at the same time. Charlie brings his remarkable ability to change his principles and beliefs to this issue as well as well as all other issues.
Translation; Crist plops his boney butt on whatever side of an issue that he thinks will benefit his political goals. If he thinks that it is in his best interest to straddle an issue, he spreads his legs. He has no character. Actually calling Crist a “weasel” is an insult to that beautiful small predator. Crist is devious and his appetite for relationships with corruptors should preclude him from every holding any public office. Just because he now claims to be a Democrat, you Democrats can be rock solid sure that if the going gets rough, Charlie will toss you and your personal principles and beliefs out of the boat. Please send me your comments at |