No Saturday Edition
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Shoot ‘em up Wednesday sounded like Saturday night in Dodge City in parts of Big Pine. It looks like, or should I say, sounded like the festivities only lasted from 3 to 3:30 or so. That’s fine with me, I can duck and cover longer than that. |
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[KitTea Cafe] A tea cafe featuring a bevy of therapeutic, adorable cats is set to open in San Francisco this year. Christened KitTea, founders Courtney Hatt and David Braginsky describe their venture as “part gourmet tea house and part cat and human oasis.” Link |
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[So That’s What Happened In 2013!] If you’re curious what people around the world were searching the web for last year, or you just want a recap of major events, including a composite video of world happenings. you can get your fill of Google Zeitgeist 2013. The search giant recently posted its annual end-of-year compilation of search results, allowing users to see who was looking for whom (or what) during the year. There are top 10 lists for all kinds of topics, a “year in review” video, a pictorial composite of the top 100 searches, and more. You can get a global perspective by comparing results from different countries, and if you have a lot of time on your hands and want to stroll down memory lane, you can compare the events of this year with the contents from Zeitgeists past. Thanks for the memories, Google. Video or you can get the whole thing by logging in to your Google account. |
Eileen Sobeck named assistant administrator for NOAA Fisheries. This is the picture that was missing Wednesday. |
The Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall is coming to Key Largo. Link |
[Help Wanted] Calling all crocodile hunters. $25.00 an hour. Link |
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[“Difference between a gun nut and a gun enthusiast”] Finally some common sense. That was a very well written post. I wish the folks crying, Second Amendment, bla bla”, had the same enthusiasm for the rest of the amendments. Live fire does not belong in residential neighborhoods. That law must be repealed. |
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[Super Sunday Spectacular] Sunday, February 2 Noon-5 p.m. Big Pine and Lower Keys Rotary Club Music by Terry Cassidy and Friends, Ray West and Shastina, Adrienne, Voodu Sol, Rich and Stu. Roast pig dinners, fresh mahi dinners, cold beer, soft drinks, water, wine, rum punch, kids events, dunk tank, raffles, and 50/50 drawings. Events |
Is Gateway still in business? They were the leader in the PC revolution, but lost their way and their business. |
[Comedic juggler Redux] Michael Davis performs at the historic Ford’s Theater for the former President and Mrs. Ronald Reagan. Video |
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[“Difference between a gun nut and a gun enthusiast”] Hooray for an intelligent soul who told it as it is. Kudos, but get ready for the “gun nut” rhetoric you’re about to get! As a retired military member, I’m fully aware of the velocity and power of a single flying ‘bullet’. They do not belong in neighborhoods — period. Here comes the “you’re taking my second amendment away” BS! |
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Mossaiculture International of Montreal. Link |
[The Swarm] Two young women went on a canoe trip. what they caught on video will stun you. Video |
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[Shooting] Anyone who shoots at anything without knowing what is behind it is stupid, plain and simple. I have missed many a shot at deer because they were on a ridge where if I took a shot I could hit something out of my eyesight. |
[“Bigger deer up north”] Our deer in Virginia are the same size as key deer. |
[“Pot smokers drink alcohol”] I realized early on that alcohol was not my friend, a couple of drinks and I thought I was so cool. I also had no problem driving or doing other stupid things. I had an opportunity to see a recording of myself at a party and realized I was just being a rude asshole. A friend turned me onto pot 30 years ago and I have enjoyed it ever since. I don’t smoke if I’m going to be driving or working, but I do like it in my downtime. I even was able to reconnect with friends that didn’t like me when I was drinking. Bottom line — alcohol was a gateway for me to pot, thankfully I made the decision to quit alcohol or I’d probably be dead or have killed someone. |
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The Chalk Guy is back. Link |
[Flood Insurance] Please do not listen to your neighbor. The only homes I have seen rewritten are ground level homes purchased after a certain date in 2012. These home are required to get a new elevation certificate and be rewritten for renewal. Prefirm homes are being reexamined. I do not agree that they should be rated on the current rate maps, that is a true disadvantage to the home owner. |
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Our recent winter weather has not been conducive to boating for the past several days. The wind has been blowing 25 MPH with temperatures in the lower 50’s; it just seemed more prudent to stay on the dock. However, this day was different. The wind was gone and there was a flat calm over the water. The beautiful blue sky with highlighted patches of wispy clouds reflected onto the still water making the horizon seem almost nonexistent. |
Waning further, the dawn Moon now passes Saturn and Antares. (The Moon is shown three times actual size.) |
I remember a few years back on Craigs List a guy advertised for ‘Girlfriend wanted, will supply beer and cigarettes.’ I called and asked him what kind of beer and what kind of cigarettes am I going to get; and where he wanted me to dump her off at. That ad didn’t last long. |
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Over a million people in California lost their health care insurance due to ObamaCare. Many are so angry that they’re going back home to Mexico! Ha ha |
Co-curated by artist Kathleen Konicek-Moran and everglades botanist Jimi Sadle, the special exhibition features original portraits of plants discovered in the south Florida tropical wetlands now known as the Florida everglades by botanists in the 19th and 20th centuries, and given common and scientific names that reflect the identities of those intrepid explorers. Early botanists braved the biting insects, large reptiles, and poisonous plants that made this unique ecosystem one of the country’s last frontiers of botanical exploration in order to document these species, and discover how plants were used by the wetland’s native peoples. Tropical Botanic Artists is a collective of local watercolorists established in Miami, Florida, in 2006 to pursue the beauty of tropical plants through art. Its members come from all walks of life and each brings a unique viewpoint to the botanical subjects they portray. The Florida Keys Eco-Discovery Center is located at 35 E. Quay Rd., Key West. Open Tuesday–Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and admission to the Center and art exhibit is free. For more information … Events |
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Yeah that’s what you need, them jumping out at you. |
[“New York Governor Mario Cuomo said Conservative Republicans should leave New York”] It appears to have worked. The FTR Guy from N.Y.? and didn’t he leave? |
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[Spies like US] Verizon publishes U.S. transparency report of government requests for subscribers information. With so much information, including incoming phone calls, you would think they would do something about telemarketers violating the “Do Not Call” lists? Alas they are likely the culprits to confirm your voice pattern. “Hello NSA?” “Can you hear me now?” Link |
The next meeting of our Big Pine Computer Club is coming up this Saturday, January 25, 10 am at the senior center. Hope to see you there. Events |
Non-denominational does not me they do not believe in Jesus it means they teach the bible and don’t answer to any one governing body like the Baptist or Catholic Churches. When the government officials understand that the statement: Separation of Church and state does not mean that the government can not endorse religion, it means the government can not dictate what and how we worship. Go Jesus! At your next meeting have a Rabbi do your pray, I am not offended |
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Was FTR really bitching about how the Left used to do nothing but bitch? Classic. The C.T. is a true pleasure to read again. |
Hey baby, it’s cold outside so why not come in to Springers Bar and Grill to warm up. You are sure to find something on our awesome menu to take the chill off. We have burgers, wings and pizza, just to name a few. So come on by and say hi and get all warm and toasty with a great meal. Ready for another Superbowl fun fact? People will consume over 1.23 billion chicken wings on Superbowl Sunday. That adds up to over 100 million pounds of chicken. Make sure to get some extra bleu cheese dressing to go with that. Better yet, why worry, join us at Springers on Superbowl Sunday and we have the wings and bleu for you, and so much more. Don’t forget our Superbowl pig roast. The fun begins at 3pm, game time 6:30. |
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How to Copy and Paste. One of the most important computer skills you can learn. Video |
Dear Captain Doom and Gloom, Nobody wants your wife because you drove her hard and put her away wet. I feel sorry for her. Women need to understand that we do not need men, as much as men need us. Genesis: Adams was found a helper. |
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[More Bar Wisdom] You can lead a redneck to happy hour, but you cannot make him buy a round. |
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Multi-family yard and bake sale at Royal Palm RV Park 163 Cunningham Lane, BPK, on Saturday, January 25th from 8-12. Turn at the Cracked Egg / Big Pine Motel and go 3 blocks. You can walk up Pilots Court to the clubhouse. You can also come up Palmetto Dr alongside the Vineyard Church and park on that street. This is a huge yard sale reasonably priced, plus lots of good baked goods. Classified Ads > Yard Sale |
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[“Why can’t I copy/paste other sites’ articles here”] Copyright infringement, the original site exerted effort and/or funds to create and publish the content for the public to see, thus drives hit traffic to their site which advertising or in some cases user fees to pay for it. If another site merely copies/pastes and publishes the original sites’ content without paying, that is jeopardizing the original sites business model. It is an acceptable practice however to basically describe or partially quote (a small portion) of the original content from another site as long as a link to the original full article is provided. This is how Google News works as a news aggregation site. As a blogger though, note that each site owner/editor always has the final say what gets published on their site. |
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What is the law on shooting roosters? They are becoming a problem in my neighborhood. Are you being bothered by roosters? Please post your stories on CT. |
Benefit for Salty’s (Marathon) employees. Video |
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A record 20% of American households, one in five, were on food stamps in 2013, according to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). That is a shameful record. And the cost of the program, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), was at an all-time high. That’s nearly twice as many recipients as there were when this administration took office. Shameful!
A recent poll has revealed that only a small minority of voters (13 percent) believe that the government should do something about the fact some people make a lot more money than others. A 62-percent majority is okay with disparities in income “because that’s just how the economy works.” Another 21 percent say income inequality “stinks,” but still think the government “shouldn’t get involved.” One reason there’s an apparent lack of enthusiasm for the government to address income inequality may be that most voters don’t see success as a zero-sum game: only 12 percent believe that if someone makes a lot of money it means someone else has to make less, but 84 percent don’t think it works that way. Fully 83 percent of voters with incomes below $50,000 say it doesn’t work that way, compared to 84 percent of those with incomes $50,000 or more. According to polling, voters think government involvement can make things worse: for example, 55 percent think giving unemployment benefits to people who have been out of work for a long time discourages them from looking for a job. More voters than not in both higher and lower income groups say the benefits keep people from trying to find work. 75% of those polled feel that the federal government should provide unemployment benefits for no more than a year and a half. 36% say a year, and 26% say less than a year. Think about it … few voters, only 12 percent, say income inequality is the top economic issue facing the country. Far more say jobs/unemployment (40 percent) and government spending (36 percent) are the most important issues facing our nation. They are right! Please send me your comments at |