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The Original Unsocial Media. Anonymous Letters to the Editor with Pictures. Published Daily by Noon Since 2002. No Saturday Edition
![]() I agree with everything said about GMOs. We have a huge problem in this country with chemical corporations masking as food producers. The science is essentially incomplete, and we should not be blocked from having foods labeled if they’re genetically modified or not, which is exactly what is going on. Companies genetically modify crops, then spend millions of dollars lobbying against having them labeled as such to insure their huge profits while keeping consumers in the dark. If you look up the relationships between our government, food regulatory agencies, and even the Supreme Court, there are huge ties to Monsanto (one of the big six chemical companies involved with GMOs). I own and operate an organic bed and breakfast. I put my money where my mouth is and support organics and organic farmers. I do not limit this to food. Things like cotton and potatoes are being genetically modified for various things like paper, clothing, sheets, linens and so much more. Many people cannot afford organics because organic farmers do not receive subsidies as conventional farmers do from our government. Organic farmers are at a huge disadvantage. The price of organic food is the true cost of food without subsidies. If our government would offer the same subsidies to organic farmers, then we would have a level playing field to consumers with our pricing. Look around at school cafeterias and inner cities to see what horrible food they have to choose from. Some cities do not have any fresh produce unless someone has the time and money to find space for a community garden to help. I encourage you to come to the next March which I intend to be involved with as well. It is up to us to become an informed and educated public. Support organics as much as you are able to, become informed, helped educate others, and join the next March Against Monsanto (date to be announced). |
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[Corruption] KW City Manager Vitas should be fired for his underhanded draft of a new position at a price of $114,000 for a friend who is retiring from the City of Key West, and going to collect a pension, atop his new job as utilities director. You could be on the west coast of the United States and still tell it doesn’t pass the smell test. Key West and the County needs independent oversight. I suggest the old J Edgar Hoover administration, and yes, each administration was subject to Hoover when he was Director (King and Queen) of the FBI. |
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[Mosquito Control] What’s with low flying aircraft as of 6am lately? A fixed wing airplane flew so low over Cudjoe Bay that I thought he’d snag lobster pots along the way. |
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City Attorney Shawn Smith on Tuesday accused City Manager Bob Vitas of making a “bald-faced false statement” in explaining last week’s decision to create a $114,000 deal for a new utilities director without first consulting the legal department. While Vitas said he followed the city charter’s directive that gives him the authority to hire and fire staff members, Smith said local law requires all contracts to go before him for a review. “It’s common sense,” Smith said.
Vitas last Wednesday named Assistant City Manager David Fernandez, a 28-year city employee, the city’s utilities director. This was Vitas’ solution to losing Utilities Manager Jay Gewin, who is leaving July 3 and earned $61,000 a year. Fernandez agreed to retire, start drawing his pension, and then take the six-figure job, which Vitas had upgraded from Gewin’s manager title to a director. Under scrutiny by city commissioners Tuesday night over the hire, Vitas said Key West policies are a jumble of inconsistencies. Then Smith told him off. “To hear [you say] it’s vague and ambiguous — that is a bald-faced, false statement to this committee,” Smith said. “It is crystal clear all agreements come through the city attorney’s office.” Smith, the Key West-bred, business suit-clad attorney who city commissioners can’t say enough good things about, broke from his typical soft-spoken and old city hall demeanor when Vitas defended his right to broker any personnel contract. No vote was taken Tuesday, but four commissioners agreed with the city attorney, saying they want the Fernandez contract killed. Commissioner Tony Yaniz went further. “We now have the ammunition in our hands to terminate Mr. Vitas’ contract,” Yaniz said at the meeting’s end. Vitas’ contract is up next July. |
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![]() Iraq loses 2 Army Divisions to ISIS. A division is a large military unit, usually consisting of between10,000 and 30,000 soldiers. The country is falling apart and there’s nothing we can do about it. It looks as though no amount of American training can work if the trainees don’t want it or us. |
[Gun Nut Wednesday] The guy with the gun range is a snowbird and has been gone for several weeks now. |
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Bill Clinton’s voice sounds like a parody of itself. He’s probably the easiest public figure to imitate. |
![]() You don’t see faith healers working in hospitals for the same reason you don’t see psychics winning the lottery. |
[“How to knock someone out”] You all must remember Sun Tzu, the Chinaman who wrote that well known classic The Art Of War, in which he wrote that, perhaps, the best battle is the one that is never fought. |
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[“Dr Oz’s phony advice”] If you’re going to bash Dr. Oz, at least share the whole article. Link |
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![]() Moving sale 6 /21, Summerland Key. Wicker furniture, 2 dining room tables, chairs, dressers, kids furniture, plants, washer, dryer, bikes, bicycle built for 2, props, tools, futon, ceiling fans (some new in box), desks and office chairs, refrigerators, bbq grill, women and girls clothing, call or text dar @ 305-797-9092 between 9 to 5 (she has bankers hours) for early bird on Thur and Fri. |
Be modest and be damn proud of it! |
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[Redskins] Here is an email sent to Clarence Page of the Chicago Tribune after an article he published concerning a name change for the Washington Redskins. Link |
![]() [Losing Your Wallet] I keep misplacing my wallet a lot and realized how important the things I keep in there are to me. Literally I can’t function in society without them: drivers license, credit cards, cash, business cards, etc. I wished I could make a phone call to find it like you can with a misplaced cellphone from your landline (or a friends cellphone). Then I found this iPhone case online which has a hinged compartment for the essentials like drivers license and credit cards, and now I’ve stopped carrying my wallet and just carry my iPhone. If I can’t find my “wallet” I just dial my cellphone and there it is all in one–two birds with one stone. I freakin’ love this thing! |
[Add-ons for privacy] I found this very helpful guide to making your web browsing a peaceful and safe endeavor, much like reading a book at a Library. Although it’s something not to do or take in all at once. Take your time. Install the Firefox browser from Mozilla first, then employ these add-ons. Link |
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Acid seas threaten creatures that supply half the world’s oxygen. Link |
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![]() Ilsa is an evil Nazi warden at a death camp that conducts medical experiments. Ilsa’s goal is to prove that women can withstand more pain and suffering than men. This movie borders on terrible. |
[Hair] I saw some really old porn and it is obvious that females have evolved to have a lot less pubic hair than they used to. |
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Wanted electric treadmill. Classified Ads > Wanted |
![]() Now to 2014. Young viewers are avoiding Fox like the plague, but they still rule with the geriatrics crowd. Fox News’ attempt to stop the flood of young viewers from fleeing the network failed as FNC lost the most young viewers of any cable news network in 2013. TVNewser reported on the big drop in young people tuning into Fox News, “Compared to 2012, Fox News was down -5% in total viewers and -19% in the A25-54 demographic in total day. In primetime, the network was down -14% in total viewers and -30% in the demo, the steepest decline among younger viewers of all the cable news networks.” Fox knows that this is a serious problem. It’s the reason why they shook up their primetime schedule. The reality is that Fox News has the oldest audience in all television. The average age of a Fox News viewer is 65 years old. FNC can remain the ratings leader in the short term future as long as the senior set keeps tuning in, but what happens when there aren’t enough young people tuning in to replace the elderly audience? |
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The history of us in 2 minutes! Video |
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![]() Pool table for sale. Big Pine. Smaller than regulation. Good condition. Got balls, $75. You move. Call Dr Paul Classified Ads > Miscellaneous |
Man trapped in plane toilet during 15-hour flight. At least only his finger was caught, and not his Johnson. Link |
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[Samsung Loses Music Wars] Samsung Hub Music will no longer be available as of July 1, 2014. After that date, the music in your Samsung Music library will no longer be available for download. Please be sure to download all purchased music from Samsung Hub and to use any remaining vouchers for Samsung Music before July 1, 2014. The music you download from Samsung Music is DRM-free, which means you will be able to play, store, and transfer these files even after that date. |
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[Atheists Don’t Have No Songs] A tribute to the posters who complain when they read a CT religious post. Video |
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If the horse racing tracks are closing down due to online betting, what will there be left for the online horse race bettors to bet on? Don’t they like horsies? |
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![]() [“If space is a vacuum where is it being sucked to”] A vacuum cleaner works by creating a low pressure using a fan to blow air out very quickly, so at the hose end high pressure can draw in dirt along with air to be filtered. On Earth there is gravity and it’s holding us and everything down on it’s surface. It’s also holding down our air we breath so it’s in a concentrated amount under pressure. Out in open Space, there is little or no gravity to concentrate anything, so the air molecules are spread out very far and wide. Because of this Space is considered a vacuum, or an area of low pressure being the opposite of high pressure, like it is here on Earth. For more questions (and better answers) subscribe to Reddit and this forum. Link |
[Gimme Peace] The world continues it’s 7 year tumble downwards towards less Peace. Let there be peace, and let it begin with me! Link |
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Facebook users worldwide were unable to access the social network for 20-30 minutes as it suffered its longest outage within recent memory. |
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[Redskins] The US Patent Office stripped the Washington Redskins of six trademarks saying they were based on skin color (and race) that cannot be trademarked. The team owners are Neanderthals who place money in front of morality. It’s just a matter of time before the team wakes up to the inevitable. |
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Two entire Divisions of the Iraqi Army have collapsed. America trained them. Workers for American oil interests are leaving Iraq in fear. I hope we learned to keep our noses out of other’s business. |
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[What We’ve Lost Since 9/11] Taking down the First Amendment in post-constitutional America. Are you still proud to be an American? Link |
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Hilary compares gun owners to terrorists. Link |
In view of who and what he is up against, mostly his enemies inside the Government of this Country who chomped down onto him and thwarted him as soon as he took office and have not let up for a minute without regard for the damage they are inflecting on the rest of us, I would say that Obama has done a heroic job on America’s behalf in spite of the relentless Republican war against him. I guess the old term “the loyal opposition” is out the window. I don’t know how he does it. He is truly a courageous man, bless him. |
Ex VP Dick Cheney on Iraq : “Rarely has a president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many.”
– Dick and Liz Cheney on Obama, June 18, 2014 “Once you got to Iraq and took it over, and took down Saddam Hussein’s government, then what are you going to put in its place? If you take down the central government of Iraq you can easily end up seeing pieces of Iraq fly off. It’s a quagmire if you go that far and try to take over Iraq.” “We will, in fact, be greeted as liberators.” |
Why do you phony ‘patriots’ only care about the 2d Amendment which is in no trouble of change, but care nothing except token lip service for the 1st Amendment which has been trashed and will never recover because of you ‘patriots’ paranoia after 9/11? |
As we should have guessed, Fox News and even the mainstream media have brought out most of the “old Bushies” to advise the American public about what to do with Iraq. Among them, Paul Wolfowitz, Andy Card, John Sununu, with cheerleaders McCain and Graham have covered the airwaves continuing to attempt to rewrite history (kinda like Ed likes to do.) Most of these guys have severe conflict of interest because they are receivers of big money from the military industrial complex and naturally they’ve newer seen a war they didn’t like. And ALL of these guys were 100% totally wrong about Iraq the first time, so why would we listen to them now? |
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A Poster wrote: “Bush figured out how to get the budget under control. Simply leave off the wars when doing the calculations. You know this is absolutely true if you were paying attention.” AND ANOTHER POSTER WROTE: “Bush and his Neocon associates lied to the people of the United States to send them off on a war of conquest in Iraq. All the talk about “Intelligence failure” is just another lie. There was no failure. Indeed the Army agents who erroneously claimed that missile tubes were parts for a uranium centrifuge received bonuses, while the Pentagon smeared Hans Blix, and John Bolton orchestrated the firing of Jose Bustani, the director of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, because Bustani was trying to send chemical weapons inspectors to Baghdad.”
The Bush bashers really should give lots of thought to the failed Presidency of Obama. Even with short term memory we will all remember Obama crowing that he ended the war in Iraq. He told us Iraq was pacified, that AQI was decimated, that the threat of terrorism was gone because “he” had killed Obama. Now all of that is seen as empty boasting totally devoid of truth. During just the last 4.5 years Iraq has gone from a pacified functioning democracy to being in the throes of breaking up into three countries. All of which are hostile to the US. Probably by the time you read this Iraq’s vast oil fields will be in the hands of terrorists. Just imagine the expansion of terrorism when they get their hands on that wealth. Iran is grown exponentially in power, its fighters are now in Iraq forging an alliance with that nation. In Syria, the infamous “red line” drawn by Obama has been ground into the sand. Obama’s threat has been proven toothless. The AQI and its surrogate, the ISI, have become a huge and brutally terrifying presence throughout the mid-east and northern Africa. Obama blustered to the world that “Assad must go”. Assad is now stronger than ever. China’s military is growing at a furious pace, its relationship with our ally, Japan, is becoming more confrontational. There is even whispers that Japan may seek nukes from the US. Russia is back in the saber rattling business. They correctly see Obama as a weak, feckless, incompetent. It’s worth noting that while the mid-east is caving in around us, Obama sees fit to increase his fundraising, and to attend Indian Pow Wows. There is so much more, Obama promised us a robust recovery. He failed, his Democrat fiscal policies just don’t work. Our southern border is being overrun with illegal immigrants, especially children. Obama’s response is to cut back on staffing of Border Patrol. Illegal refugee children are being bussed away from Arizona and Texas because the facilities are over whelmed. On the streets in Central and South America the word is that if you can manage to get into the US, Obama will permit you to stay. It is no surprise that Obamas approval numbers have plummeted. Only 23% of Americans approve of the way things are going in the US. We are in deep trouble.
Part 1) Let’s think a little more about Charlie Crist and losing. Ooops, yesterday I left out one of Charlie’s jobs. Before he was able to get elected as a Florida State Republican Senator in a solidly Republican brand new district, Republican Charlie had, in 2000, been elected Florida’s Commissioner of Education, but there was a Constitutional Amendment that changed that job from an elected post to an appointed post. Charlie was bounced, Charlie was not appointed. Sorry Charlie. Charlie, then, ever hot to be on the public payroll, in 2002, ran for and was elected as Florida’s Republican Attorney General Crist. Way to go Charlie. But big troubles and scandals plagued Republican AG Charlie. One was named Lou Pearlman. He is now a felon, but when Charlie was AG, he was a real tight pal of Pearlman. Pearlman was a whale donor to Charlie. Pearlman was a huge music promoter, very wealthy, and a massive Ponzi schemer that ripped off thousands of retirees of millions of dollars. The AG’s office, Charlie’s office, had received a raft of complaints and had begun a case, what was supposed to be a very intensive investigation with thousands of complaints. The case was making progress, but it went nowhere, it died on Charlie’s desk. The Assistant Attorney General responsible for the investigation left the office. Subsequently the Pearlman case was investigated by the Feds. Pearlman and his crew were arrested, convicted and sent to prison by the Feds not Charlie. Charlie’s handling of the Pearlman case resulted in Charlie and the state being sued. The suit alleged that Charlie received many thousands of dollars in contributions from Pearlman. That Pearlman often provided Charlie with free rides in Pearlman’s jets, and expensive skyboxes in sports venues. It was alleged that Pearlman used all of these emoluments to successfully influence Charlie and to keep the case from going forward. That case never went to trial. It was dismissed, but not on the facts, not on the allegations, but simply because of something called “sovereign immunity”. That’s a legal concept that protects the state from certain lawsuits. Charlie’s alleged ties with Ponzi schemer/thief/corruptor Pearlman were only a forecast of things to come. Charley got lucky, and not a lot of the mess stuck to him, but his rep was a big loser. It’s understandable that Charlie got tired of being AG, and wanted a higher paying job, so he decided to run for the Governor’s Office in the 2006 election. Then Charlie grabbed the brass ring again: he was elected Florida’s Republican Governor. He took office in 2007. Way to go Charlie. His term was a mess, worse than a mess, really screwed our state. He fully embraced Obama’s fiscal policies, and Florida’s economy tanked even worse than the national economy tanked. He raised taxes and fees and he raised college tuition. Our state debt and deficits went through the roof. Our unemployment rate was much higher than the national average. Our housing market tanked. Tourism tanked. Lousy job Charlie. It’s hard to believe that even while Charlie was so busy screwing up Florida’s economy, he managed to forge strong ties and a very close personal relationship with yet another big time felon to be: Scott Rothstein of Broward County. Scum bag extraordinaire! Tomorrow we’ll think more about Scott Rothstein….just for fun do your own research and find out for yourself. It’s fascinating. Thanks for stopping by. Respectfully submitted: FTR |