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Since 2002. Anonymous Letters to the Editor with pictures. Published Monday through Friday by Noon.
![]() [Back Pain Myth] Grandpa was wrong-stormy skies didn’t make his lower back ache. Australian researchers studied 993 primary care patients for a year, comparing the weather when patients noticed acute back pain with weather reports for a week and a month before the onset of pain. Patients commonly believe weather affects back pain, but the study showed that painful episodes were not associated with factors such as temperature and precipitation. |
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[The Old Days] This cold weather reminds me of when the garbage trucks in Key West had, painted on the sides, FREE SNOW REMOVAL. |
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![]() [“It was so cold last night the palms froze”] Not to mention my coconuts too. I hate winter in the Keys when it gets down to freezing –60º or less, brrrrrrrr! Ihad to put clothes on last night! |
One area of Buffalo NY just had 65 inches of snow at 0800 this morning! |
![]() Tesla assembly plant in Fremont, California is fascinating. Watch this and you’ll better understand why manufacturing jobs will never be what they once were. Once upon a time this was science fiction. Video |
Radio Shack‘s stock is in the toilet. It’s no wonder with the two words of their name ‘radio’ and ‘shack’. One symbolizes an obsolete technology and, two–a decaying building! (Ed: Please note that our BPK RadioShack is locally owned by Kevin and is doing well.) |
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[Spies Like US] Anyone now can pinpoint anyone else’s location if they have a smartphone–even what floor they are on in a high-rise! Phrase of Doom: “I don’t have anything to hide.” |
![]() [How Sweet Dept] Charles Manson Is Engaged. Manson didn’t carry out the Tate/LaBianca murders himself but just convinced a bunch of loyal semi-brainwashed followers to murder some people for him. Link |
[Website is watching your baby cam] The public is being warned about a website containing thousands of live feeds to baby monitors, stand-alone webcams and CCTV systems. Link |
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[Pipeline] Refineries will not see new jobs with the pipeline because the volume of oil they receive will still be the same. The pipeline will deliver the same amount of oil as is now delivered by rail. It will create only fifty new permanent jobs and will not lower gas prices at the tank any appreciable amount. Look who is behind the people that are pushing this pipeline and you’ll find big oil with it’s bottomless pockets and its massive propaganda machine in full swing. The sheeple are being led. |
![]() [Music Can Make You Mighty Strong] Researchers from Northwestern and Columbia Universities and France found that people who listened to ass-heavy music reported feeling more powerful than those who listened to the same tunes with a reduced bass level. They also generated more power-related words in a word completion task. Deep bass sounds re associated with dominance (think James Earl Jones as Darth Vader). |
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![]() Thanks to the poster for the Samantha Fish video. She is the total package; as for John Lee Hooker, I saw him two times in Alabama. Both shows were sold out. I have been a roadie most of my life, working many stages, but I always turned down working a stage when John Lee Hooker was playing–I needed to be in the crowd or back stage as that is where it all happens. I will be at a show when I can to see Samantha Fish, hopefully in the near future. Blues is where it’s at. Rock on! Musicians make it rock and we roadies make it roll. |
[“Obamacare help”] Someone was asking about assistance applying for the ACA coverage; Womankind at Truman & Eisenhower has “navigators” who are wonderful at assisting people. Give them a call to make an appointment if you need help with this. Womankind Spa and Health Care Center, Key West 305-294-4004. |
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[Interactive Workshop For Veterans And Families] Thursday, December 6-7:30pm The Long Walk Home Inc invites you to our free interactive workshops for veterans, their families and friends. The workshops are led by CHM of Baptist Health South Florida and community professionals offering skills helpful to veterans and their families make a smoother transition back into civilian life. The workshops are weekly, beginning Thurs Dec 4, 2014 Time: 6 PM – 7.30 PM Where: Garden Club of the Upper Keys MM 94 B/S The Long Walk Home Inc’s mission: Soldiers take a million steps to get back, let’s take the last steps with them to get home. For more information: call Ron Zaleski Events |
![]() [Bicycles] I hate reading the Keynoter and here is one of the reasons: The Op Ed page. Today there was a letter from some person in KL regarding the bike accident outside of Hawks Cay in Duck Key. Yes it was a shame, however, cyclists on US1 are the worst. Use the bike lane. Or at the very least, be respectful of the fact that a car weighs 10x the weight they do. I can’t stand bikers that won’t get out of the middle of the lane while going 15 mph like the own the road. It makes me rage so hard! |
[“Who is a conch”] I really don’t care if you have to be born in KW to be a conch. If you look a the Conch Republic flag, it has stars to represent the various islands, all part of the Conch Republic. Wouldn’t the people be conchs because they live in the Conch Republic? If you live in KW, but have to go to Kendal to give birth, is the baby a conch? |
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[“Rushing the Holidays“] I think we can all agree that xmas decorations go up to soon. It happens all over the country. Taking one holiday at a time makes sense, but don’t complain when you don’t find the xmas decorations that you want after Thanksgiving here in the Keys (attack of the snow birds). |
![]() The next meeting of the Big Pine Computer Club is coming up this Saturday, November 22 at 10 am at the Big Pine Senior Center. We hope to see you there! Events |
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![]() Everybody likes Christmas music except the lonely. |
[Security Cameras] If big stores like Home Depot are going to go through the trouble to install video cameras to identify crooks they should use better quality cameras. |
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Gee, lets see who will really benefit from the Keystone Pipeline. Could it be the would-be emperors of the United States the Oligarch Koch brothers? Link |
[“Fried Chicken”] Mostly I try to eat healthy but once in awhile you’ve got to go for it. I agree with the post that Dion’s has the best fried chicken in the Keys. Always crisp and juicy. Better than KFC and the counter service at the Marathon KFC is quite rude unless you habla espanol. |
![]() [“Rats under car hood”] Yes! I had rats chew a wiring harness that is exposed for about a foot under the car. I used moth balls under the car and in the engine compartment. It’s the only way to stop them. |
[This phish is to take advantage of old ladies whose sole comfort is the Lord] Dearest in Christ, I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ our Lord, I am Mrs Doris Hamson, from Kuwait I am married to Mr Robert Hamson who worked with Kuwait embassy in Ivory Coast for nine years before he died in the year 2010. We were married for eleven years without a child. He died after a brief illness that lasted for only four days. Before his death we were both born again Christian. Since his death I decided not to remarry or get a child outside my matrimonial home which the Bible is against. When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of US$5.2, Five Million, Two hundred Thousand United States Dollar in a Bank in Abidjan Cote d’Ivoire West Africa. Presently, this money is still in bank. Recently, my Doctor told me that I would not last for the next Eight months due to cancer problem. The one that disturbs me most is my stroke sickness. Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to a charity organization that will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct herein. I want an organization that will use this fund for orphanages, school and church ,widows, propagating the word of God and to endeavor that the house of God is maintained. The Bible made us to understand that “Blessed is the hand that giveth”. I took this decision because I don’t have any child that will inherit this money and my husband relatives are not Christians and I don’t want my husband’s efforts to be used by unbelievers. I don’t want a situation where this money will be used in an ungodly way. This is why I am taking this decision. I am not afraid of death hence I know where I am going. I know that I am going to be in the bosom of the Lord. Exodus 14 VS 14 says that “the lord will fight my case and I shall hold my peace”. I don’t need any telephone communication in this regard because of my health hence the presence of my husband’s relatives around me always. I don’t want them to know about this development. With God all things are possible. As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the Bank in Abidjan Cote d’Ivoire west Africa, I will also issue you an authority letter that will prove you the present beneficiary of this fund from Kuwait federal High Court of Justice. I want you and the church to always pray for me because the lord is my shepherd. My happiness is that I lived a life of a worthy Christian. Whoever that Wants to serve the Lord must serve him in spirit and Truth. Please always be prayerful all through your life. Any delay in your reply will give me room in sourcing another church for this same purpose. Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I Stated herein. Hoping to receive your reply. Remain blessed in the Lord Take care, In Christ’s Holy Love Yours Sister in Christ Mrs.Doris Hamson. |
![]() Black officer protecting KKK member from protesters in 1983. |
How petty to complain about Radio Shack’s Christmas music. Be happy that they are playing it, and not afraid of offending someone. Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas to all! And thank you Radio Shack Big Pine! |
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[Pipeline] The pipeline crude will be processed by gasoline refineries on the gulf coast – that means more permanent jobs. Everybody has an agenda these days and deal in “facts” that support them (aka Obamcare). The Democrats are perfectly happy to let oil fracking go on because it lowers gas prices and provides jobs in the states that do it. It would be refreshing to see those two political parties get together and do what’s right for America – but alas they both are chasing votes only. |
Johnny Nash “I Can See Clearly Now“ |
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![]() Here is what Raquel Welch, one of the hottest women of all time, has to say about pornography. Link |
Forests are the lungs of our land. ~FDR |
[Obamacare] Gubergate explained in 2 minutes. Video |
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So many of the posts and discussions on the Keystone Pipeline are so void of any thought process. They constantly end up with a comment only on the number of jobs associated with the building of the pipeline, and usually follow that with a zing against big oil, republicans, the oil will just be shipped to china……or some other entity with they do not like.
Try opening your eyes, the benefit of the pipeline is not in the building of it, it’s the backside with thousands of permanent jobs at American refineries, manufacturing, and industries due to the lower fuel prices. So many jobs went overseas over the past 30 years due to many different reasons, but read any trade association publication and you will see that they are starting to return. Lower energy costs will spur that transition even further Too many readers seem to want to come up with a boogie man, usually a successful business as to why we have problems here at home. The time is now, to start looking at things as to what will put us on the road to success, and the pipeline is one of them. |
![]() [The London Beer Flood] An unlimited, free supply of beer – it sounds wonderful doesn’t it? But when it is over one million litres in volume and in a tidal wave at least 15 feet high, as it was in the London Beer Flood on 17 October 1814, the prospect seems less appealing. Link |
[Website Security] The Electronic Frontier Foundation just announced that they’re collaborating with Cisco, Akamai, Mozilla and several other organizations to create a non-profit organization who’s purpose is to make SSL free and easy to implement. Their goal is to create a completely encrypted Web and the net result is that starting next year, SSL will be free! Link |
![]() St. Francis Church, 1600 Key Deer Boulevard, Big Pine Key will be holding a huge indoor-outdoor rummage sale this Friday and Saturday, November 21 and 22, from 8 am until noon. Something for everyone. See you there! |
That wasn’t a free ad for Dion’s. I wrote it because I’m hooked. I swear they put crack in the batter. It’s good stuff and even better on the boat! |
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Why do they (DOT) call it a bike lane if bike riding on the US1 roadway is permitted? There will be more accidents. |
![]() CheapShots is already getting calls asking when we will be back in the Keys. We are coming back Dec 12-15 which will be the last weekend for the holiday-priced dental work so book early. Call 305-390-0325 or go to CheapShots.us for more info. Thanks for all of your support. It’s been an awesome year. |
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![]() Corporate America retail wants it Christmas music played as early as possible to get people in the spending spirit of the holidays. Or at least remind them that Christmas is getting close and they have to buy a gift for someone. |
[“People at Fantasy Fest have been hurt by nudity”] Lady, you need help. You have to be as frustrated as a dirty old man to write that post. I’ll bet you’re religious too, right? Leave Fantasy Fest alone or just go move someplace near the Vatican. |
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[Conch Train Noise] Residents of Key West are complaining about the noise from sightseeing tours like the Conch Train. How many of these residents moved there after years of listening to Jimmy Buffett, then visiting Key Weird and riding Ed Swift’s train before they bought into the carnival ride. |
![]() Home Depot and K-mart stopped selling seeds until spring. I asked them if they knew when our growing season was. They said yes, but decisions are made up north. I told them if they bring them out in spring they might as well throw them out |
Interesting observations
1. The sport of choice for the urban poor is basketball. |
![]() Go be fat somewhere else! |
[Paper Is Not Dead] A 30 second spot that makes it very clear that paper is not dead. Video |
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Charles Manson, 80, is getting married to a girl named Star, isn’t that special. |
![]() After a few too many Rum Runners the poor fool kissed the Jersey Woman sitting next to him at the bar resulting in permanent deformity. |
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![]() Tom‘s family receives the bad news. |
[“Conchs-Locals”] Who gives a damn. To be proud of being born here, there or wherever is childish. Did you have a choice of places to be born? Get a life. Whenever I hear someone going on about being a conch I laugh and just tune them out. |
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To the person who posted the nonsense about the Fantasy Fest nudity leading to arousal and rape: Did you forget to take your pill again? |
![]() Who has the best Hot Dogs in the Keys? Not just some cheap, cereal filled junk but a real, gourmet dog like Pink’s in LA, Nathan’s in Atlantic City, or my favorite, Mutt’s Gourmet Hot Dogs in Phoenix or the Hot dog Show in Long Beach, CA. (Mutt’s being the best) Of course I often make my own at home. Hebrew National or Nathan’s All Beef dogs, charcoal grilled, soft toasted bun and dressed just the way I like them. But it would be nice to get a great dog when out and about too. |
[Captain Doom and Gloom] I always wondered if the Phone Company Linemen repair things just enough so they get future work and over time, just like most products today that crash and burn one day after their warrantee expires! “No one was ever hurt by nudity” Unless the fat chicks from NJ run around naked then my stomach flips. There are limits to manhood, you know! . “Christmas music before turkey day — I hope we did not offend anyone” Be a man not a pussy and tell anyone who doesn’t like it to stick it in their ear. This is America not some shiite hole in the ground Remember that! . DEF: Trash Can, n, A metal container on wheels to store refuge until it is picked up by waste management personal or moved into by a redneck! DEF: Snow n, A precipitation that turns into a white fluffy play thing which can be snorted in Key West. DEF: Money n, An object with pictures of dead Presidents that replaced the Gold that the banks hide in Switzerland. DEF: Book n, A container of knowledge owned by everyone until they were replaced by computers owned by Big Brother! DEF: Pen n, A writing instrument more powerful than a sword that some nut signs an order with to push the Big Red Button! |
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[Local] I hope everyone reading this now has a clarification as to what constitutes a local. I see it every day that people think that just because they own a house and come for the winter here think they are local. I tell them that a local has a Monroe County drivers license and lives here 24/7. They get mad, but, oh well. |
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The Democrats have long ago settled on a propaganda mantra that claims that the Republicans wage a “war on women.” Another propaganda talking point of the Democrats is that the Republicans lack empathy, humanity, even common decency, in our dealings concerning the disadvantaged or disabled.
In the real world, the truth is completely to the contrary.
Ms. Duckworth is pregnant, and because of her disability is unable to travel. Rep. Duckworth asked Nancy Pelosi, soon to be Democrat Minority Leader of our House of Representatives, for the authority to vote by proxy in upcoming interparty elections to appoint Democrat leaders to the various committees in the upcoming shakeup of the House of Representatives. Pelosi refused stating that granting an exception to their “rules” would establish a dangerous precedent, a “slippery slope.” Do you believe Pelosi? Or do you suppose that her decision to rob a female American military hero of her vote for leadership in the Democrat party is because Pelosi is supporting her closest friend and fellow Californian, Rep. Anna G. Eshoo. Rep. Duckworth is supporting a different candidate! This episode is yet another sad example of Democrat hypocrisy. If you are a Democrat, I urge you to e-mail Pelosi and protest. It is fitting that Rep Duckworth’s candidate won the seat and Pelosi’s pal, Rep. Eshoo, lost. PART (2) Perhaps you are aware of Winston Churchill’s famous quote: “If you’re not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you’re not a conservative at forty you have no brain.” Personally I agree with that quote, it perfectly mirrors the growth of my personal convictions. That core of that quote must be giving our left field dwellers some sleepless nights.
AARP did an age demographic survey of likely voters in Florida for the 2014 election. That survey revealed that 39% self identified as Democrats while 46% self identified as Republican. That survey also revealed that the overwhelming majority of those surveyed identified economic matters as the most important factor in their voting decision. In the most recent election, according to the US Census, nearly 70% of persons over 65 voted. 63.4% of person’s 45-64 yoa voted. But of those 25-44 only 49.5% voted. Even worse, of those persons between 18 and 24 yoa, only 38% voted. Given the terrible mess our nation and our world is now in, and given that Democrats have been the prime mover of our governance since 2007, and given that our President’s approval rating is abysmally low, there is hope that we will outgrow liberalism. |