2025 January

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

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(Big Pine Key’s garbage pick-up days)

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[Miracles] In olden times it was easy to play with people’s heads because they were so superstitious and they expected miracles. They would believe anything as long as it was accompanied by a miracle. These days it’s a lot more difficult. Peasants today know way too much to be easily fooled. Miracles were common then because there was very little knowledge filling the air; it was mostly empty. Today there is too much knowledge clogging the airways and we peasants miss the fine and supernatural details or just overlook them.
You Sexy Thing — Hot Chocolate
[Death] If you’re wondering, death is being unconscious in a world of nothing.
[Wisdom] ​Some of the best advice I heard as a young man was never put off until tomorrow what can also be done the day after tomorrow and it has become one of my guiding principles.
Know how to read cursive? The National Archives wants you. Help transcribe over 200 years of historical documents. Link
[Diet Denial] People are bad at reporting what they eat. That’s a problem for dietary research. Is coffee good for you? What about wine or chocolate? Scientists trying to answer these questions often look for links between what people say they eat and drink and the health conditions they develop later in life. But a study published last week in Nature Food shows just how unreliable that approach may be. Link
[Sex-ed] How did women in 19th-century Europe learn about the birds and the bees? Link
Computer maintenance tasks you should do every month. Keep your desktop or laptop in good health. Link
These are from a book called Disorder in the American Courts and are things people actually said in court.

-ATTORNEY: What gear were you in at the moment of the impact?
WITNESS: Gucci sweats and Reeboks.
-ATTORNEY: Are you sexually active?
WITNESS: No, I just lie there.
-ATTORNEY: What is your date of birth?
WITNESS: July 18th.
-ATTORNEY: What year?
WITNESS: Every year.
-ATTORNEY: Now doctor, isn’t it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn’t know about it until the next morning?
WITNESS: Did you actually pass the bar exam?
-ATTORNEY: Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition notice which I sent to your attorney?
WITNESS: No, this is how I dress when I go to work.
-ATTORNEY: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?
WITNESS: The autopsy started around 8:30 PM
ATTORNEY: And Mr. Denton was dead at the time?
WITNESS: If not, he was by the time I finished.

[Router Sled] Build a DIY router sled to flatten wood slabs. This tool eliminates the need for a large planer—and is a fraction of the cost. Link
Monday was Martin Luther King Day, but few know it. Two of the most unpopular holidays are Martin Luther King Day and Kwanzaa. I’ll bet most folks couldn’t tell you the dates of either one.
[Movies] In this current period of filmmaking the frightened character is frequently shown peeing his pants. The girls aren’t peeing yet, maybe next season.
[1557 ‘Texas’ Natives] When daughters are born, they leave them for the dogs to eat, and they throw them out. The reason why they do this is — according to what they said – because everyone in the land is their enemy, and they are continually at war with them. If it should happen that they give their daughters in marriage their enemies could multiply so much that they might subjugate them and take them as slaves. For this reason, they prefer to kill them, rather than that they bear those who would be their enemy. Most of these [Indians] are great thieves, for although they are very liberal with each other, when one turns his head, his own son or father takes all that he can. They lie very much and are great drunks.
The greatest challenge to Democracy is millionaires and billionaires who can buy any political favor or position they want or have any regulation or tax they don’t want dismissed. It’s almost impossible to stop someone with ‘f**k you’ money.
[Immigration Attorney Free Advice] I’ll be here for the next 3 hours and then again at around 4 pm EST for another 3 hours. As usual, there are many possible topics and I’ll be guided by whatever you’re concerned with but as much as possible – because we’ve received so many questions about this the past few months – I’d like to focus on the impact of the new administration on U.S. immigration law and policy. Link
[Guitaraoke] One of my side projects at the moment is running a monthly karaoke night at my local brewery tap, but it’s karaoke with a twist. As well as singing, you can get up and play guitar or bass; instruments and backline are provided, and I’ve created 5-channel mixes of all the backing tracks so we can fade out specific instruments if somebody wants to play them live. Link
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[Byzantine-Sassanian War] The last great war of antiquity. After many years of conflict, the Sassanians and Byzantines fought one last great war that nearly destroyed both empires. (602-628 CE). Link
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[I am (not) a Failure] Lessons Learned From Six (and a half) Failed Startup Attempts. This is that post.  I’m writing it not as a lament, but rather because I’ve ended up in a good place in life despite my extraordinary track record of failing at just about everything I’ve ever tried.  If my younger self had heard these stories he might have had a less stressful life knowing that even a long string of failures in specific endeavors doesn’t necessarily translate to failure in life.  Maybe some version of my younger self is still out there and will get some similar value out of it. Link
The current Coconut Telegraph was published on 1/21/25 at 8:33 am.


[Antique Olea Sancta] Catholic Church holy oil tabernacle 10+ years-old. hand carves oak. $200 More pictures

Barber Shop business for sale. Marathon area. Well established with good following. 11K.  $2800/mo rent. Water and electric included. Serious inquiries only. Email:
[Adult Tricycle] Three-wheel trike bike. (Gray, 26″) Single speed. Hybrid cargo cruiser with removable wheeled basket for shopping or dogs. Exercise bike for men or women. Bicycle bell. Cable bike lock. (New $299.99 +tx = $320.99 Oct 2021). For sale now on Big Pine Key $150. Excellent condition, low milage. Only driven on Sundays.
[Steel Jack Stands] NEW. 6,000 lb or 3 Ton Capacity, 1 Pair, Black and Red. New $35.88. For sale $20 for both. Never used. Link
[Floor Jack] NEW. BIG RED T82002-BR Torin Hydraulic Trolley Service/Floor Jack, 2 Ton (4,000 lb) Capacity, Red $46.79. For sale price $25. (Big Pine Key) New, never used. Link   Contact: