2024 January

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The un-social media since 2002 with 60,000 followers.
Published on Big Pine Key’s garbage pick-up days,
Tuesdays and Fridays.

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[Trash Talkers] The Florida Keys Trash Talkers picked up 14+ bags of litter plus other trash in conjunction with Pascal’s Way Day of Service as proclaimed by the Florida Keys Mayor.  We challenge everyone to go outside & pick up a bag of roadside litter. Here’s what you can do to help the trash situation on BPK: Don’t throw litter out your window, Secure your home trash cans from the wind/animals, Empty your shopping cart cause no one wants your trash except the wind (receipts, ads, wipes, produce bags), Can your butts & homeless trash. If you see active dumping in progress call MCSO.
[Such A Mess] Our US troops are getting killed.
Our Mexican border is a mess.
We are funding wars abroad (surprise?)
Our workers (great number of) can’t read or speak English.
But the economy is great.
God bless America.
Friday’s look-alike picture of Mitch McConnell is actually titled “Smirk” and has been hanging in the Green Parrot for forty years. The artist was Saul Paul one of the truly outrageous characters of the 70’s in old town Key West. His escapades are legendary. I met him at a party on Center Street where he showed up naked and acted as though it was normal. There were about fifty people there. Paul was a performance artist before it was a thing.
[Oily Drink] Starbucks olive oil-infused Oleato drinks. Starbucks’ constipation cure. Link
[Captain Doom and Gloom] Has anyone else noticed that all the financial institutions, the banks, stock markets, credit card companies, and whoever else has their fingers around your wealth, control you by electronic means now, completely? All they have to do is click off the switch and we are all instant beggars.  That goes for food suppliers and medical institutions also. Then what happens if the power is shut off? No electricity = no lights, heat, water, sewage, fuels, communications, etc. Happy smoke signaling!
Road rage—and parking spot envy—can reveal a lot about how humans tick. Link
[Borders] “Immigration Bill” The reason it won’t get passed is because a certain group wants to continue to use it as a political football as well as the “main player’s” order not to do it. Why do anything that helps America during the current admin?  Therefore, all this talk about the “Crisis at the Border” is just BS.  (The President said if they pass the bill he’d shut down the border that day)They also forget that on January 20th, 2021, a Comprehensive Immigration Plan was presented but some refused to even read it.  So this means that all the near future illegals, fentanyl, rapists, terrorists, etc., are all here due to an agenda as well as a lack of a spine, is on them.  They care more about a Party and fear of a bully than America.  Why do some bother to wear that flag pin or carry a mini copy of the Constitution in their pocket, when obviously, neither means a thing to them!
The February AARP calendar of activities is here. Full Menu > Ongoing Events > AARP
[Communism] In China, people who openly discuss what happened during the Tienanmen protests can face jail time or see their children prohibited from attending universities.
[Screen Time] One-year -olds exposed to more than four hours of screen time a day experienced development delays in communication and problem-solving skills at ages 2 and 4.
[Jail Birds] The USA has the largest population of jailed people in the world.
There are two blood drives on Big Pine in the next week.  Donors receive a One Blood t-shirt and $20 gift card. Thank you to those who donate.
February 1 Thursday – Bealls in BPK Shopping Center 12 – 5 pm
February 4 Sunday – Keys Vineyard 8:30 – 12:30 pm
Unless you want to be a doctor or lawyer, I don’t think a college education is worth the money or the 4 years of your life. A plumber makes $100 an hour, a college grad makes far less.
Yeah, Key West “mayor to call it quits.” What has she done?
Restaurant tables out on Duval Street?
Electric stealth bikes still running rampant.
Perhaps now we can bring back the real FantasyFests, out with the prudes!
Perhaps now our gem, Harris school at 812 Southard, can be cleaned up from an overnight flophouse parking lot.
Get our watchdog Margaret Romero back.

Amaryllis greet the morning light with a smile.

About 2/3’s of tollbooths in America no longer accept cash.
Sunday sunrise heralded the first full mating call of the Cardinal. Oh Joy!
[Eat Your Vegetables] About 4% of Americans identify as vegetarian and another 1% as vegan.
Each year in Japan, thousands of people deliberately disappear without a trace, a phenomenon so common that there’s a word for it: jouhatsu, or “evaporated people.” Link
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These little freezer pops from the Chinese place are freaking awful. Do not recommend them.
Members of a prominent dissident Russian rock band critical of the war in Ukraine are facing possible deportation home from Thailand after they were arrested while touring on the resort island of Phuket. Link
The owner of two South Florida radio stations has agreed to purchase six Florida Keys radio stations in a deal that could put the new ownership in place in March. Joe Fiorini, of Fiorini Broadcasting, will purchase the six stations in the Florida Keys market for $1.6 million, Fiorini told The Keys Citizen on Wednesday. Fiorini will acquire 92.7 WEOW Key West, Sports “97.7 The Zone” WAVK Cudjoe Key, Classic Rock 99.5 WAIL Key West and “U.S. 1” 104.1 WWUS of Summerland Key in the Key West market, as well as “Thunder Country” 100.3 WCTH Plantation Key and Classic Rock “Sun 103.1” WFKZ Plantation Key.
[Up or Down?[Gas] Florida gas prices have shot up 16 cents a gallon. Will they go higher? How things look. Link
Average price for gas in Florida is now below $3 a gallon. Will it keep going down? Link
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[Fallen Tree] ‘It’s like a family bereavement’: Devon village mourns loss of beloved oak tree. On a calm, sunny day, Silverton’s Broad Oak fell after standing for hundreds of years, leaving many grappling with grief. Video used to be informative. I think they are just a shell of their former self. It looks as though they let their reporters go because all the news is snatched from the internet and the same stories stay on the site for weeks at a time. Boring…
The current Coconut Telegraph was published on 1/30/24 at 9:14 am.