2012 October

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

(Ed: Please note that only the Home and Contact Us links work in the navigation bar until this Friday when it should all work. Thank you for your patience while we switch to the Cloud.)


 [Pedophile Sentenced] Jerry Sandusky the defrocked coach of Penn State got sentenced to 30-60 years in prison. He will end his life in prison. The kid f**ker will now be the f**kee.

[Cop Gear] I feel like beating a dead horse, so here goes.  I come from a small City of about 40,000 people. The city is on a peninsula about 3 miles wide and 7 miles long, and that includes the suburbs. My buddy was the head of the Police Dept SWAT team. The police used a motor pool, and the team members kept a “SWAT pack” at home. My buddy’s was under his bed. He told me that the whole idea behind that was response time. If needed, they were to grab their gear, go to the station, get the cars, bus, or whatever they needed, and head to the incident. This made sense because they all lived nearby, most of them in the city. 

The Keys are a small town, but not geographically. Suppose that you were in a dangerous situation and needed the Sheriff’s SWAT team to get you out of it. Would you want a Deputy to, say, leave Little Torch, drive to the Cudjoe station to get a car and gear and maybe drive back to the incident on Big Torch? It makes sense for him to have a car and equipment at his home. Even if they are off duty, we are lucky to have Deputies stationed at home all over the Keys.

The Lower Keys Chamber of Commerce will host its second candidates forum for the November 6, 2012 General Election. The forum will be Tuesday, October 16th from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm at Boondocks Grille & Draft House, mile marker 27.5, Ramrod Key. If you did not take advantage of the Chamber’s earlier forum, please take the time to “meet and greet” the candidates running for this very important election on November 6, 2012. Featuring Candidates for:

Mosquito Control District 1, Mosquito Control District 3, State Representative District 120, Supervisor of Elections, State Senator District 39, US Representative District 26, Monroe County School Board District 2, Monroe County School Board District 3, Monroe County Sheriff Clerk of Court, and  State Attorney.

 Candidates will appear in race specific groups and will be allowed two minutes to introduce themselves to the audience. Each candidate will be asked the same three questions and will have two minutes to answer each. There will be no questions permitted from the floor. Candidates are urged to remain after the forum to meet attendees and address questions one-on-one.

For further information, contact the Lower Keys Chamber of Commerce at 872-2411 or email

Liens put on Marathon Dunkin Donuts property. Link

[Marathon Journal] 1. Meet Marathon City Council Candidate Larry Shaffer and get to know him. The meet and greet is October 13th 5:30pm through 7:30pm. The historic Methodist Church is off US1 at 41st Street after Jesse Hobbs Park and a few homes. The church is on the right. The church parking lot is in front of the Methodist Church. Meet Rock Coalition members. Rock Coalition is from 36th through 46th plus other areas in the city. Refreshments will be served.

2. When I was on the Marathon Planning Commission,San Pabloallowed fill to be staged on their field. I made the contractor promise that the field would look like what it was before.San Pablochurch field is a mess and not done as promised.

3. Sorry that I could not attend the October 22nd forum. I had appointments in South Floridathat I could not reschedule. In any case the newest digest link takes you to the September 2012 Digest.

4. Sewers done, now is the time to pursue dollars to reduce Operations and Maintenance [O&M] costs. You get that bill every month. Marathon City Council figured out long ago how to apply more dollars to reduce O&M charges.

5. Absentee ballot started mid-September until November 2nd. Early voting starts October 27. If you vote early by absentee ballot or early voting, you can fix whatever may be wrong with your voter registration. State Repubs are actively trying to suppress the vote. They are not hiding the fact that this is their strategy.

6. The ballot is going on 8 pages. The Marathon City Council election is on the second page.

7. The Journal joined the Greater Marathon Chamber of Commerce. Whoopee!

8. With respect to the Keynoter letter to the editor, the city has a problem. The Sheriff’s Office is ticketing tourists chasing dollars out of the town. Ryan Steele fromKey Largoexplained an encounter with the Sheriff’s Office. The Journal has received complaints about deputies exceeding their authority. Plus everyone including tourists will go somewhere else. Give a warning for a first offence, especially tourists who spend dollars here not to mention residents. The Sheriff’s Office is running dollars out of town.

9. Have you seen the length of a Winn-Dixie receipt? I bought one item and the tape was 14”. If you buy a lot of stuff, the register tape might stretch around the store. ~Publisher@MarathonJournal.US

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 [Apple’s new iPhone5] You people should have waited a few before you made your purchase until all the new apps were added. Haste makes waste!

[Spam Filtering] Regardless how much you change, some things never change. We’re only as protected as our last spam filter. Cloud, no cloud, they (the crooks) are out there, waiting for us to screw up our protections.



Ramrod is the place to be Saturday night. Howard Livingston at Boondocks. A great night for music! 

More FWC officer’s heading down to nab trap robbers. Link


I  accidentally put an HP 8GB thumb drive in the washing machine. It still works fine.

[Vote No] An independent voter’s quest to understand the 12 constitutional amendments Amendment 4
Look at the size of this thing, four paragraphs. Take them one at a time and don’t scan ahead.
(1). This says that it changes lots of laws dealing with property tax.
(2). This says that even if the value of your property goes down, the assessment can go up, and this amendment fixes that. Yeah, but the way it gets fixed is for the legislature to pass a law fixing it, all the amendment does is say that the Legislature CAN fix it. Good luck with that.
(3). It looks like you need a calculator for this one. OK, but use nice round numbers.
So, suppose the County needs to collect 100 m dollars, and 80 m of that is going to come from homesteaded property, and 20 m from the additional tax on non- homesteaded property and that this can only happen by increasing the cap, which is what this paragraph deals with.
This amendment changes the cap from 20 m to 10 m ? Not quite, but that’s the idea.
But the County still needs 100 m right ? And now they only get 10 m from the non- homesteaded property. That’s a total of 90 m, so where does the other 10 m come from ?
There’s only one other place, from your homesteaded property. You mean that this amendment cuts the tax on non- homesteaded property at the expense of those of us who are homesteaded?
You got it. Vote NO on this one.
What about paragraph 4? That looks like the small print on the bottom of a phone bill, and who cares, this was a NO after paragraph 3.

[Peary Court] State sides with developer on military housing tax. Link




The Coconut Telegraph is limping, so the Piners are going to Winn Dixie to socialize and network.

I just read the 2 page fee schedule Monroe County’s proposing in the backup to this county agenda item Q8 and I nearly fell off my chair! Click on the pdf link below and read for yourself the fees the County will be charging the public for growth management services.

BOCC Public hearing scheduled for 3:00; October 17th, Key West. Agenda Item Q8. A public hearing to consider a resolution by the BOCC to amend Resolution #172-2012, the Planning and Environmental Resources Fee Schedule. Link

Visit Detroit at your own risk, police union warns. Link   




The BPK Botanical Society meets the 3rd Thursday of every month at the Lord of the Seas Church,1250 Key Deer Blvd

.On Oct. 18th they will be showing the movie ” The Vanishing Bees ” with refreshments, plant raffle, and presentation by David Lewis of Florida Keys Honey & Bees; Honey tasting & sale of local honey available. Call Deb for more info 305 849-2986; Yappy hour / K.W.

Americans lust for oil is destroying an area the size of Florida. Link

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Will the voters in Nov be allowed to take notes into the booths? Are we really supposed to remember all those people and amendments?

Can anyone swear that Stephen’s 3 tricks were not Photoshopped? I am a fan and wondering. Link

 New early voting hours adopted. Link

Key West Show presents the one and only Real Roy Boy Show with our formerly from Key West host Roy Strawn from an undisclosed location cause that’s how he rolls.Key West legend, former radio show host from Sloppy Joes, X-ISLE Radio, and Dear Friend to myself, and so many others.

Some long lost cassettes from some early Outlaw Radio & X-ISLE Radio shows have been found and thanks to Rev Gwecko, I acquired a little old style portable player. This vintage-appearing machine has a USB plug to play the cassette and goes direct to iTunes as MP3. Also goes to W7 media player. Starting this Thursday, 9pm eastern (6pm pacific), the Real Roy Boy Show will proudly share those tapes, a bit at a time. Warning, it might get a little misty hearing Cadillac Jack again. R.I.P. old friend, you will be in cyberspace forever.

I apologize for angering you about your punctuation and understand-ability regarding your post about the proposed Amendment 8. I was frustrated & meant no harm.




As far as BPK Winn Dixie goes, I will trade the hip hop music for some fresh milk. And no, I am not going to move back up North.

I am a candidate running against the Chicago Machine for State Senate in the Illinois18th District and I could use your help! With the national attention I am receiving from this video you know that the Chicago Machine will be even more motivated to defeat me. Link 

Thanks to MKRC Members Jim and Bettye Chaplin and the Republican Party of Florida, the Florida Keys GOP has a campaign headquarters in Marathon-5190 Overseas Highway Gulfside. We plan a Grand Opening Sunday, October 7th at 5PM (until 7PM) with an open house. A press release is being sent out to invite the public to drop by. We welcome all of you to join us. Candidates will drop-off their campaign signs and handouts at the office over next few days. We expect several of our Keys candidates to attend the open house; hope to see you there. Following the grand opening, HQ will be open from 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., 7 days a week right up to the election. We need volunteers to help man the office, help display signs, make telephone calls, and get out the vote to take back our country. Please call me at 305.304.7982, or drop by HQ to see how you can help.

Reminder: Next MKRC Meeting is Thursday, Oct 11, Marathon Yacht Club, 6:00 p.m.

[The Movies] I was looking for a movie to watch on Netflix and came upon one with Nicolas Cage so I watched it just because he was in it. It reminded me of what the low budget director, Ed Wood, from the 1950’s said about movies. He said you can have a rotten script and no budget, but you have to have one good actor to carry the movie.

In the movie I selected the tension builds as Mr Cage has to purchase two Forever Bars from the hospital vending machine where his wife is dying after being brutally raped. The machine won’t deliver the second Forever Bar. Oh no! He needs two bars as a signal to the secret organization who are watching him that he agrees to let them kill the rapist.

It’s the same thing in any other mover when the escaping hero tries to start the car–it never starts. Or they trip when running.

State Constitutional AmendmentsLink  


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Skydiver eyes record-breaking jump over NM today. Live broadcast of his 15 minute fall. Link

[Patrol Car Use] This is a very costly perk that is given at the taxpayer’s expense. Hundreds of thousands could be saved if the powers-to-be took savings seriously. Do we really need three times the number of specially equipped cars in this dire economy? This could be that penny tax they so desperately want. Oh, and are all the officers claiming that perk as income on their Federal income tax as they should be. Thing that make you go hmm.

Let’s not stop at taking the patrol cars off the street that are currently being used for personal transportation, let’s get all county owned vehicles off the street that are not being used for work.  Look how many less cars would be necessary for taxpayers to own and maintain? We are talking about saving significant tax dollars and eliminating the liability of having all these cars on the road. 


[Red Neck skydiving] A rendneck’s answer to today’s record breaking jump from space. Keep watching because when it happens, it happens quickly at about the 20 second mark. RedneckSkydiver1

Sewer refund requests could mount. Former Marathon Building Official Ron Wampler overcharged numerous applicants for permits to connect to the central sewer system. Link  




Florida Keys Democrats website.  Link   

The Big Pine Flea Market is now open every Saturday and Sunday from 8 am till 2 pm.

Thanks for not stopping the CT during the transition to the new format – I would have gone into withdrawal. I played with the “refresh and get a new banner” feature – cool! Keep up the great work.

The Citizen reports the lionfish population is exploding.   It isn’t any wonder since NOAA has a rule that they can breed freely in the SPAs(?) with no chance of being speared on sight.  Only those with a special permit and training are allowed to net them and kill them “humanely”.     I heard you have to lay them on ice facing towards Mecca and you must say a prayer for each one you kill.  (That part’s probably not true.)  Fanci seafood is selling lionfish fillets.  Rumor has it that it’s on the menu at the Square Grouper.   We may as well eat it, since NOAA has yet to impose a season and minimal catch limits on them; yet I suspect that will change too, as soon as they find out fishermen are profiting from them .


No texting while driving in Gov. Link  


Political advertisement paid for and approved by Rick Ramsay Republican for Sheriff



A special thank you to all the people who made this years Votes For Notes such a success we raised more money then ever and had a lot of great musicians help us to hew heights in our second year. Congrats to the Billy Brown Band who took this years title and Shastina Chiles who came in a close second. We look forward to next year and we hope we can all be there.

Billy Brown ShastinaChiles the Moondogs Pheonix Adrienne Popeye and Debbie Robert Jameson, Rob Oconnel, Art Humphries Paul Shanty. Mary Spears. Jesse Jet the Jess Atkins Band Captain Spyder. Ed Ballinger, Stuart, Jean Dowdle, and Jason Steve Clark.

Hogfish Bar & Grill named as one of the best seafood restaurants in the U.S.  Link  

I emailed Holly Raschein about her opinion of the proposed constitutional amendments. Here is her reply: “In general I’m not in favor of changing the constitution period, regardless of the subject matter, especially when changes can be made statutorily. The reason being, once a change is made and later on down the road we realize that the change is not accomplishing its original goal, it’s hard to change back.”

She just got my vote.



Ed, as you convert to the cloud you are going to lose a lot of readers and posters. Seems lots of Pros hate the Cloud System and will not connect that way. Why, I do not know yet, but if a long time professional in the comm. business tells me to stay away from it, I know he is fearing something! (Ed: Just by fixing the email problem I’ve picked up new contributors in just the last few days. The Cloud has nothing to do with viewing a site, nothing at all. All sites are in the cloud, it’s the editing and storing of them that is usually on the editor’s computer.

The trouble with political jokes is that very often they get elected.  ~Will Rogers

[Republicanthink]”The earth is about 9,000 years old, according to U.S. House Representative Paul Broun, who is also a physician and member of the Committee on Science, Space and Technology of the House of Representatives.” And we pay people like this to run our country? There has to be a law to test people mentally before they get into power, but of courseWashingtonDCwould be a barren hood! Link


I watched the wacko right wing moron on the link to YouTube regarding the price of gas in California. Blame it on Obama Not only is it directly attributed to supply issues( picture of Obama lighting fire to refinery in California to destroy America’s infrastructure [sigh] ) it is hard to reinvigorate their supply because of emission standards. Jerry brown is trying to ok through executive order the early release of winter blends which requires the state legislatures stamp. But look at it. Because of the repression of alternative forms of fuel we have to lower emission standards in the most environmental progressive state. It is cost prohibitive to truck it in from other states because of the oil companies strangle on the American people. It is called oroboros or a snake that devours itself. One day our kids will ask ” when you had the opportunity why did you put greed and capitalists in charge of the future of the environment when consequential environmental change was eminent and completely obvious. Why were you so fooled by people with their own interests at heart and not those of the world, mother earth and future generations ? Why did you ruin for everyone?” Rep mantra: F**k the environment. Tax breaks for the rich. Link   

This crap about Obama being a Muslim is an example of how stupid Karl Rove and the Romney camp thinks the general electorate is. Its like being paranoid enough to think your wife is secretly working for the Black Panther Party and is carrying Hughie Long’s black Rosemary’s Baby to take over the New York Stock Exchange.


The new book Medicare & You that the government sent to every American on Medicare is too costly to print and mail. I weighed it at about 11.55 ounces. That’s almost three quarters of a pound to mail a bazillian old people. How much did that cost? The same information is online and every old person has someone who can go online for them for that information. I looked through it and thought it was a waste of paper and postage. I’ll vote for anyone who has enough sense that that waste of money was just that.

Number of Americans on food stamps hits another all-time high: 46.68 million costing taxpayers a staggering $6.26 billion a month

The story of the Mormon girl registering republicans on Coloradogets stinky. It turns out that they were working for a group hired by the GOP and the Romney campaign. They have a history of voter fraud and are suspected of committing registration fraud in 10 Floridacounties. This thing stinks of Rove. Working with Mormon youth. Throwing away democratic voter registration forms. Link  



State Sovereignty is a bad thing and another step backward. We need unified services not letting each state make their own rules. Take education for example. Should we let Tennessee have lower education standards than, say,New York? We call it the United States for a reason.

[Unemployment Rate Down Conspiracy] Well, isn’t that convenient? The Obama campaign desperately needed the last employment report to be released before the election to show that the unemployment rate had fallen below 8 percent, and somehow it magically happened.

Attached is the factcheck on the Winston Churchill bust. Obama did not send it back. The video posted yesterday was loaded with a lot a paranoid, misdirected anger. The president has nothing to do with the price of fuel at the pump. In fact the inflation inCaliforniais due to a supply problem due to a major power outage at a refinery inTorrence,CAand a refinery explosion in northern CA.

The price of gold has been escalating for years and is a worldwide commodity which the president has just about as much power over as a frozen turd from an airplane crashing through a little old lady’s roof inMinneapolisand landing in her self flushing toilet and blaming Obama for having an insurance deductible.

The only thing he was right about is the point about former colonies like Kenyabeing used up by former world powers like Great Britainand then cast into third world poverty. We should take a long look at a man of east African decent who grew up fatherless, eventually became a public servant and president. Romney like Bush 41 and 43 before him grew up in privilege and went to all of the best schools money could buy. In 43’s case, “buy” is definitely the word. But Obama is an example of what is right with Americaand its possibilities. Link

Yes, yes in Gov the people surely do come first. Marvelous deduction figuring out that the people that are in charge of running the Gov always come first. W e get a stark reminder of this fact just by looking at the health care that every day workers provide for the geniuses that show us how to run our lives, they make it all so easy for us. God bless Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Barney Frank and Co for helping us make it through the day without their guidance, Dems are so smart when it comes to figuring out these complex issues, one is truly thankful for the left wing servants available on these sites, as they truly provide us all an insight into the lofty ideology of our faithful Gov servants.

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The Arab world wasted hundreds of billions of dollars and lost tens of thousands of innocent lives fightingIsrael, which they considered is their sworn enemy, an enemy whose existence they never recognized. The Arab world has many enemies andIsraelshould have been at the bottom of the list. The real enemies of the Arab world are corruption, lack of good education, lack of good health care, lack of freedom, lack of respect for the human lives and finally, the Arab world had many dictators who used the Arab-Israeli conflict to suppress their own people.

[Chavez got reelected because he shares Venezuela’s oil revenue with his people. He cares about them”] No, that’s called buying votes. Here, it’s called Obamaphones, among other things.

The former Libertarian Party vice presidential candidate who has claimed Barack Obama was unknown to him and his fellow Columbia University classmates charges the president is using the Internal Revenue Service to punish and silence him. Wayne Allyn Root, a pre-law and political science major in the class of 1983, like the president , said, that despite a spotless tax record, he became the target of an audit in January 2011 when he received an “unsettling” call from an IRS agent who called himself a fan of his and considered it “an honor” to audit him.

Root won a complete victory three months ago in tax court, which found no taxes owed in his 2007 and 2008 filings. But then, he said, something shocking happened – something his tax attorney has never heard of in his entire career. Root was hit with a new audit just five days later, for 2009 and 2010. “That order had to come from the highest levels of government,” he asserted. “Obama is using the power of the IRS and other government agencies to punish his political opposition and intimidate and silence his critics,” Root charged.

Root has been a relentless critic of Obama in more than 4,000 appearances on political talk shows on TV and radio over the past four years, focusing on what he calls the president’s anti-business and anti-capitalist policies. He also writes columns and commentaries for many of the most popular conservative websites. Root is now calling for congressional hearings “to determine if the Obama administration is misusing its power to damage or ruin the lives, drain the finances, or just distract Obama’s critics and political opposition.”

[Captain Gloom and Doom] The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living.

Watching the two socially inept, totally immature, egomaniacs running for the most powerful commode on earth, one has to wonder why and how we let such bottom line cartoons get where they can run our lives and destroy the world by accident. No wonder the rest on the world is laughing at us as we fall into oblivion and turn into another third world disaster area. Where is Mr. Wonderful with that big S on is underwear, to save us? There isn’t one, bet one it!

 “Unemployment rate drops to 7.8% ~U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics” This is the same BS they use every year, and happens to be in September as the kids on vacation go back to school from the summer jobs. It is all propaganda!

Here is the list of all executive orders by all Presidents.   Suggest reading from George Bush Senior on through to Barak Obama. Especially Obama’s eo’s.   Click on the EO Number to read the full document.  Also, the EO Numbers without a Title do have the full documents attached.    This is your President, your country, and your money, not to mention your freedoms and prosperity. Read them!  Link  

More information about the Universal Service Fee on the telephone bills. Program to aid the poor lining the pockets of the wealthy. Link   

A wireless company profiting from the so-called Obama phone giveaway program! is run by a prominent Democratic donor whose wife has raised more than $1.5 million for the president since 2007.


 From the Right

Some are overjoyed at the unemployment report from Mr. Obama’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. That report claimed that our September unemployment rate had declined by three tenths of one percent to 7.8%. It is nearly certain that the BOLS report is in error. While many are ecstatic about the report, they desperately want you to ignore the fact that in the last 6 years of Democrat control of our economy, there are about 11,377,000 more Americans who have quit even looking for work. These Americans are labeled as being “Not in labor force.”

Today, after only 4 years of the Obama administration, there are nearly 90 million able bodied Americans who have given up even trying to find work. Because they have given up even trying to work, vast numbers of them now rely on the government for their support. We feed them, house them, amuse them, educate them, clothe them, provide them with transportation, provide them with communication, provide them with health care, chill them in the summer and heat them in the winter. We nurture and succor them.

Today, while some are ecstatic about 7.8% unemployment, there are 100,798,000 able bodied Americans who are either unemployed or have quit even trying to work. All of this is the new Obama norm. I urge all Americans to read the September BOLS report.

Without question, Mr. Obama and the Democrats have tried to improve our economy. Tragically, they have failed. America deserves better.

Part 2) recently there was some chatter here about Obamaphones. At least one poster was incensed by any suggestion that the program was not in the broad public interest. He/she was upset, even though we tax payers and land line phone users spend about $1.5 billion a year on it. We gather that the poster is of the view that everyone has a right to a phone. The program is largely funded by the “universal service fee” that every cell phone and land line phone subscriber must pay. The only folks who do not have to pay that fee are the folks who get the free phones.

The program only came to include cell phones in 2008. In 2008 the program cost you and I about $772 million. Then, the Democrat controlled government decided that cell phones must be included in the program. By 2011, the cost to you and I had jumped to about 1.6 billion in 2011, up from $772 million in 2008. The number of Lifeline beneficiaries rose from 7.1 million in ’08 to 12.5 million by ‘11 period; cell phones account for roughly half of that 12.5 million.

3.8 million LifeFhone recipients and subscribers, as of late 2011 are provided service by Miami-based TracFone Wireless. TracFone’s president and CEO,Frederick“F.J.” Pollak, is a whale donor to Democrats and Obama. In this cycle alone he has donated at least $156,500 to Democratic candidates and committees, including at least $50,000 to the Obama campaign.

Pollak’s wife, Abigail, is a whale campaign bundler for Obama. She has raised more than $632,000 for Obama in just this cycle, and more than $1.5 million since 2007. She has personally contributed more than $200,000 to Democratic candidates and committees since 2008.

The Pollaks hosted Obama at their Miami Beach home in June for a $40,000-per-plate fundraising dinner, and hosted a similar event with Michelle Obama in July 2008. The couple personally donated a combined $66,200 to Obama’s reelection effort that year.

Visitor logs indicate that Frederick and Abigail Pollak have visited the White House seven times. In 2009, the president appointed Abigail to serve on the “Commission to Study the Potential Creation of aNationalMuseumof the American Latino.”

TracFone, is a direct financial beneficiary of the Lifeline program. TracFone, receives $10 a month for each subscriber in the form of federal subsidies. The company can make an additional profit selling extra minutes to Lifeline subscribers who exceed their monthly allowance of 250 prepaid minutes.

So, Deer Friends, who do you think is profiting most from this federally mandated program and managed program? Is it the public, or is it Democrat contributors who are also vendors such as TracFone. What do you think about that folks?