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The Original Unsocial Media. Anonymous Letters to the Editor with Pictures. Published Daily by Noon Since 2002. No Saturday Edition
![]() Wetstock 10. A good time was had by all. A day of peace and music. I love the Keys! |
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![]() Don’t look now but The Beach Police are on patrol and they’re handing out tickets to sunbathers whose time has expired. I love the looks of astonishment on the sunbathers faces as they try to process exactly what is going on here. Not to be outdone by anyone’s swimsuit the beach police have a fashion statement of their own to make at the end. I told you not to look. Video |
The thing that has FKAA employees most concerned about FKAA management putting a convicted felon into the Information Technology position is that he will have easy access to their personal information. A few years back, their information was being sold to identity thieves, as were customers’ information. Maybe you remember when you opened an FKAA water account that they copied your drivers license and took your social security number? No wonder Acevedo kept applying for the job– it’s a gold mine waiting for the nuggets to be picked.It appears to me that FKAA management has become blatantly anti-social in general and even criminal in its sewer dealings. Now they put a convict in charge of safeguarding your personal information. What else would you expect after the FKAA Board replaced an engineer with an ex-State Attorney in the position of Executive Director. An ex-State Attorney who was thrown out of office due to public disgust with his dirty dealings and abuse of a position of public trust. Remember during elections that Governor Scott and Representative Holly Raschien have allowed the criminality and public abuse of FKAA to continue, while ignoring the loud public outcry of countless letters and the formation of two new organizations of concerned citizens (Dump the Pumps and Dig Deep Cudjoe) who have drawn attention to the reckless and abusive design of FKAA and the highly irresponsible permitting of DEP. Remember too that Senator Bullard did not even present the referendum demanding an elected FKAA Board to the Senate. FKAA answers only to the Governor- not to the Public Service Commission like other utilities. If the existing Governor refuses to restore public trust, then you know what you have to do to the Governor’s job. Now watch as the convicted thief sells your identity, thanks to the enabling of FKAA, violating their own written personnel policies. Government corruption is alive and thriving in the banana republic Florida Keys. ~rocketscienceeh@gmail.com |
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It appears we will now have a convicted felon in charge of our sensitive electronic identity information and financial records at the FKAA. The FKAA Board really needs to be elected! |
![]() The Florida Keys National Wildlife Refuge Complex, 28950 Watson Blvd., Big Pine Key will give a presentation at 12:30 p.m. followed by an open house at 2 p.m. on Wednesday. It will provide updates on efforts to conserve federally protected species including the endangered Lower Keys marsh rabbit and answer questions about its Integrated Pest Management Plan as part of that recovery effort. For information on the Florida Keys National Wildlife Refuge Complex, go to Link |
The Dig Deep Cudjoe group is continuing to lobby the County Commission, FKAA and the FDEP to utilize deep injection wells for the treated effluent rather than the currently planned shallow wells. Although county officials agree that the money is available to switch to a deep well they have so far been resistant to doing so. FKAA claims that they are not required to do so and Dig Deep Cudjoe has filed an appeal with FDEP in hopes that the state agency will direct the use of the deep well. More to come. |
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![]() Not serving on jury duty is just one more nail in the coffin to our American way of life. Move to Detroit, they have Sharia Law in place there. Thank the lord that if I’m ever charged with a crime you won’t be there to serve. |
[“FKAA Hires Felon”] The Rotary 4 way test is to be applied by all Rotarians in life and business dealings. It says “In the things we think, say and do: 1. Is it the truth? 2. Is it fair to all concerned? 3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships? 4. Is it beneficial to all concerned? “Obviously his Bubba Buddies have forgiven him his felonious deeds when he abetted and tried to cover up his wife’s nefarious theft of hundreds of thousands of dollars from our children and our school system. The FKAA management seems to think that it’s O.K. to hire a convicted felon in a position of trust in a public utility. I wonder if Randy Acevedo is still a member of the Key West Rotary Club? |
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I have never cast a Democratic vote in my Republican life, but for you Eleanor I will vote Democrat. ~A P.O.’d Piner |
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![]() Perky’s bat tower has been called that for the 30+ years that I have been a resident. I have read in more than one place that the bats imported to fill the tower simply flew away. By the way, I did see a bat a few weeks ago near Pine Channel at dusk. I was surprised. |
[Review: Butterfly Cafe Marathon] Just like everyone to know that the taste-bud orgasmic dinners and deserts at the Butterfly Cafe at Tranquility Bay in Marathon are a wonderfully 25% off adjusted for locals only for the month of September only. Reservations, a haircut and your Sunday best casuals are recommended, expect about $50-$100 a head easy. In my opinion they serve the best, most consistently delicious food and awesome service found anywhere in the Keys. If you want a really great meal, this is the place. |
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System (CRWS). At least the felon won’t be polluting nearshore waters, unlike the monster CRWS’ sewage treatment plant situated at the base of leaky landfill. Not a peep from NOAA or other agencies about the known problems of using shallow sewage injection wells at the site. Environmental hypocrites. |
![]() Came to the Keys and didn’t go back. She’s gladly trade ya big bootie, If you’re a study blond cutie.Or any poor dude with a pulse and some food And buckets of crispy fried chicken. Burgers and pies and super sized fries, And booze and anything not kickin’. And go out on your boat, as your first mate |
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![]() This is what happens when you ignore the check engine light. |
Gross photos show sewer workers battling a ‘fatberg’ the size of a Boeing 747 under London. This could happen in the Keys after the sewers start operation! Link |
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Will FKAA hire Monica Acevedo when she gets out of jail too? |
![]() Joan Rivers is out of coma. They had to scalp her to let the blood back into her head from all the face lifts and skin tightening! The doctor said, “The snap of her skin almost took my fingers off!” |
[Obamacare] Health spending has slowed sharply, and it’s already well below projections made just a few years ago. The falloff has been especially pronounced in Medicare, which is spending $1,000 less per beneficiary than the Congressional Budget Office projected just four years ago. |
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Does anyone know who resurfaces bathtubs in the Keys? Mine was refinished a while back but the horrible pink is coming through. |
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[Stinky Sewer] Many years ago while living in a large southwestern city, people who lived downwind from the sewage treatment plant began to complain about the smell. (they of course knew of the plant location when they bought their homes). After much complaining by the offended citizens, the city in its wisdom hired a consulting company to study the situation. After a year and an expenditure of nearly $500,000 the consultant study determined that the cause of the odor was undetermined! It probably never occurred to anyone that the cause just might be good old fashioned shit. One must wonder how much the FKAA will filch from the taxpayers when the Cudjoe treatment plant fouls the air and they have to study the situation. |
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![]() [Perky’s Bat Tower] Here is the real history as researched by local historian Jerry Wilkerson. The Bat Tower was indeed built by a man named Perky, and is correctly known as Perky’s Bat Tower. So learn your Keys history before you diss people and call BS. Here is the link to Keys History.org’s page on Sugarloaf Key and everything you ever wanted to know about it. And by the way, that is not an abandoned air strip. There are homes in the area with small plane parking beneath their home and they fly in and out of there regularly. Anyway, here is the link. This is a fabulous site with a wealth of Keys historical information. Link |
I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. ~D.H. Lawrence |
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[“You no longer have to serve on jury duty if you don’t want to”] Jury duty is a right, a privilege to serve as part of our American way of life. By not supporting our American way of justice you give way to other ways of delivering justice. |
![]() 1/2 cup shea butter 2 or 3 tablespoons beeswax granules (helps adhere the lotion to your skin) 20 drops red raspberry seed oil 20 drops carrot-seed oil 2 to 3 tablespoons non-nano zinc oxide. Link |
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![]() Contact the Monroe County Extension Service to help you with your Sea Grape problems. Link |
Fifty villains thrive in the year 2112 and people eat canned chicken legs. ~The Twilight Zone – “Two Opposite Sides” |
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I lost a medium sized (10′) seagrape. In 35 years down here, 22 of which I was a nurseryman, I’ve never seen a seagrape decline and die as this one did. Now I read someone else has noticed similar horticultural issues. Let the search begin. |
![]() Enact the local noise ordnance (by cop) It should be a No Wake Zone for the shoreline, plants, etc. Check the shoreline for a Sanctioned Animal Refuse[?] area (by cop) Ask them if you can try the thing then fall off as it heads for the concrete dock! Call them over then give them a knuckle sandwich! |
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![]() [The death of humanity] It will be in a plush temperature controlled, sensitive feeling lounge chair in a dark room with the 3D Smell-a-Vision headset hooked into Google Earth showing multi-channels of drone images with sound, of any place you wish to go to. Or is that what TV does to us now? |
[Road work] The contractors are close to finishing their work in Cudjoe Gardens and we expect to see new pavement very soon. Well done to our neighborhood dynamo, board member Cindy Dresow, for acting as soon as she saw the contractors violating their earlier promises to stop using the bristle brush sweeper. As work has continued on Drost and great quantities of mud and dust have been generated the contractors started using the sweeper brush again rather than the vacuum street sweeper and there were clouds of dust everywhere. Cindy immediately contacted the FKAA liaison and demanded that the contractors live up to the earlier promises to stop using the brush. When told the dirt and mud were too deep to use the vacuum Cindy had a ready answer and recommended they use the front end loader to scoop the deep stuff and put in trucks for removal and then use the vacuum! |
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What, if anything, can be done about young punks making near shore noise with their jet skis–and usually during siesta time? Is there an ordnance against jet skis doing figure eights close to shore and near residential areas? |
![]() Tuesday special: $10.00 2 topping pizza Wednesday special: hamburger steak with mushroom onion gravy Thursday special: French dip Friday special: fish and chips. Happy Hour 2-7 daily with great drink specials and happy hour menu. There’s always something special at Springer’s |
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With countries like North Korea cyber hacking and cyber flooding the web, just take that E Satellite and zap them off. A few hours of off and the country folds. Done. |
![]() I have a legal duplex and I am being charged $4500 for both sides to hook up, but they only put in one sewer line, but are still trying to charge me for 2! |
I found it quite appropriate that FTR would attack laborers on Labor Day. Real class with utmost insensitivity. |
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![]() The sewer scam is so obviously a joke, that it is hard not to laugh out loud when some local politico says the FKAA’ S crews are almost done and the dust and dirt will be gone soon then new paving will be laid shortly. Why the hell did they not synchronize the hook-ups with the pipe laying? or is it the obvious way to dig up the streets again and make more money from the inept thinking tax payers? and a lot of overtime for the hook-up contractors? The one posting earlier said all you have to do in Moron County is have a shill business and a brother-in-law in office to make millions off these fools |
Most memorable chant from Wetstock 10: “Where’s George? Where’s George? Where’s George?” [the drummer] |
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To the guy who told me to write something I know about. I know math. Did you and FTR have the same math teacher? You are right about one thing, I should never disagree with FTR. I promise never to again. My father told me, “You can’t argue with a sick mind.” |
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If all the sea grapes really are dying there really are such things as miracles. |
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![]() A group picture of all the republican presidents who have reduced the deficit in the last 50 years. |
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Now that the primaries are history, it’s time to really get serious about thinking who to vote for in November.We’re fortunate that in our Governor’s race we have the records of both candidates to compare.
Then a check of Crist’s record reveals that even though he promised he would not raise taxes, he did raise taxes and he hiked fees. Further, he won’t rule out raising taxes again. Governor Scott has cut taxes and fees at least 41 times. Further, given that the prosperity that Scott’s policies have brought to Florida, state tax revenues are high. So, Governor Scott proposes to cut taxes again next year. Under Crist Florida education suffered, teachers were laid off and per capita student spending was stagnant, even declining. Governor Scott is proposing the biggest education budget in Florida’s history, he promises to raise per capita student spending to an all time high. Florida is on the ascent, let’s not drag it back down to the time when Crist was Governor. |