No Saturday Edition
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[Greed] Contractor Rudy Krause wants to burn the County’s trash on Ramrod Key and pollute our clean air. He wants to use a burn box that spews pollutants. The box has no air scrubbers to remove the crap before it goes up. I think it’s a very bad idea for our air. Money isn’t everything, Mr Krause! |
[“Hatemonger in Key West”] I lean more towards the ‘hatemonger’s view of the whole un-Godly mess that is Islam. |
[Bravo!] CVS, the pharmacy giant, announced today that they will no longer sell cigarettes and that the chain will lose about two billion dollars a year in lost sales. The chain said they were in the business of selling health not death and sickness (they didn’t say death and sickness, I did). |
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[Scandal in 3 Branches of Armed Forces] It looks like a bunch of our military “heroes” have come down from the pedestal we have put them on long enough to scam us taxpayers out of millions of dollars in some kind of recruiting scam. |
[Montessori Program] My friend and I, both certified teachers, are interested in opening a Montessori school to service students 18 months to 6 years old living in Big Pine Key, Marathon, and the lower Keys. We are wondering what the interest level of the community would be. Are any parents in the community interested in the Montessori program for their children? |
[Creationist Debate] Bill Nye debates Ken Ham. Watch the YouTube video, but skip to the 13 minute mark to start. Open your mind. Video |
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[Science Department] Beer tapping is the classic jerk party move and is now scientifically explained. Video |
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Hi there and happy comfort food Wednesday from Springers Bar and Grill. Today’s special is a favorite and back by request, Chicken and Dumplings. Its a big bowl of love for your belly, and definitely a favorite so come on in and get it before its gone. Thank you to all the footfall fans who watched the Super Bowl at Springer’s. It was truly a ruckus event! |
[February 5, 1811] After George III was declared insane, the Prince of Wales became Prince Regent of England, and later George IV. |
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What will they think of next? A paid politics section for Sikhs on the coco tele? |
Solar Airplane. Video |
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[Landscape and Lawn Design Services] 2nd Nature, Inc. Big Pine Key, FL 305-923-5768 Link |
[Flashfake Flashback] Less than two years ago a massive botnet controlled many Mac computers in the world, as high as 750,000 infected machines, including those at Apple’s Cupertino headquarters. Apple was responsible because they don’t issue security updates in a timely manner, preferring to roll out hundreds of patches at a time many months later instead of more frequently like everyone else learned to do. They still practice the same bad behavior today. Link |
[Cakes in Ass] Russian menu translation fail. |
Missing iPhone 4 in a camo case. Monday Feb 3rd around 4pm in Winn Dixie or Walgreens. We will give a reward for the phone. We had a baby December 10th and have lots of meaningful photos on the phone. Phone was not backed up correctly. Service provider has been notified that the phone was stolen. Classified Ads > Lost and Found |
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Just because someone asks how you are doesn’t mean you actually have to go into details! |
The Key Deer Refuge Visitor Center is located in the Winn Dixie Shopping Center on Big Pine Key. FAVOR, the Refuges’ Friends Group is a non-profit organization that supports the Refuge through education, outreach, volunteerism and fundraising. Join us! For more information, contact Nancy Chatelaine, Key Deer Bookstore 305-872-0645 or 305-731-6362 Events |
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Congratulations, Big Pine Key made it into the The Week! |
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[“Lucky’s Landing”] Perhaps we have already forgotten about the cheap affordable housing that existed on that property before they were forced to move out of their homes of many years. Wasn’t it about forty families that were uprooted? Does anyone know who the current owner or developer is? What are the prices? I doubt if it is as affordable as it used to be. |
[“3D Printers”] By the way Big Pine Key just happens to be the home of the inventor of the original 3D printer. One of his models was used in one the Jurassic Park movies. He’s a neat guy. |
Ed. You are the best editor ever. You fix what I thought was right already. (Ed: Thanks Mom) |
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This meeting features an update on the sanctuary’s marine zoning and regulatory review and several presentations on the sanctuary’s enforcement program. At 9:15 a.m., enforcement representatives from the sanctuary, NOAA Office of Law Enforcement, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, U.S. Coast Guard, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will discuss their organization’s role in protecting sanctuary resources, followed at 2:00 p.m. by a presentation on the civil penalty process by NOAA Office of General Counsel and panel discussion on enforcement opportunities, needs and challenges. The Advisory Council may take action in offering advice and recommendations for enforcement priorities. Nominations for the Sanctuary Advisory Council Chair and Vice-Chair Elections to be held in April 2014 will take place at 3:45 p.m. Events |
The person who lost the orange cat might want to give the Marathon Animal Shelter a call. The Refuge has started trapping cats (without the required announcement) and by all accounts, most of what they’ve gotten are people’s pets. They’re supposed to be taking them to Marathon. |
Boat ramps in the Keys. Link |
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Lucky’s Landing is not affordable housing. |
[Free Movies] Friends And Volunteers Of Refuges 5th season of outdoor films. Films are shown at the National Wildlife Refuge Trails Parking lot located 1/4 mile north of Blue Hole on Key Deer Blvd, Big Pine Key. FAVOR’s outdoor films are shown on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays and continuing until the end of March. Short films start at dusk with feature at 7pm. Bring your lawn-chairs & refreshments, FAVOR supplies free popcorn! today, Feb 5 Otter 501 Preview Menu > Continuing Events |
Mr FTR’s opinion does not count as fact. |
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[Boy Scout All You Can Eat Spaghetti Dinner] What, no angry beehive with blue glasses? Did it retire? |
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[“Shoot ‘em Up Wednesdays”] Why would anyone call the sheriff’s office before legally shooting on their own property? Do they call them when they drive sober? |
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[Lousy Tech Support] My desktop icons disappeared and the online suggestions are far too daunting for me to follow. Do you have a simpler way to restore them? When I reboot they sometimes return. (Sure, 1. Right click the desktop, 2. Select View > Show Desktop Icon, 3. Make sure the option is checked.) |
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I took a look at that “huge antenna” on Winfried Street (fancy fence and gate). It looks like a vertical ham radio antenna. It is not all that big, maybe 30′ tall. Mine at home is 65′ and if you drive north on County road from US1 and look to your right there is a 95′ ham radio tower with a directional antenna on top pointing towards Cuba. I have spoken with the owner and he is able to talk to friends over there on VHF ham radio repeaters. |
RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman. I’m sure he felt it was his patriotic duty to help support one of our newest allies, Afghanistan. After all of the blood, sweat and tears America has invested in Afghanistan’s rulers and their poppy fields, buying and using their product is the least we can do, as patriotic Americans. |
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Part 2) Most people are absolutely convinced that Hillary Clinton will be the Democrat nominee for the President of the United States. In left wing circles she is considered a genius and her service as Secretary of State is regarded as being exemplary. But what is the truth. One would expect that our foreign policy would have gone forward during Clinton’s service. One would expect that her leadership and skill would have made the world a safer place. But it is not, she failed, she was a spectacular failure. John Clapper is Obama’s Director of National Intelligence. What follows is a portion of his testimony at a Senate hearing last week. “ Looking back over my more than half a century in intelligence, I have not experienced a time when we have been beset by more crises and threats around the globe. My list is long. It includes the scourge and diversification of terrorism loosely connected and now globally dispersed, to include here at home, as exemplified by the Boston Marathon bombing; the sectarian war in Syria, its attraction as a growing center of radical extremism, and the potential threat this poses to the homeland; the spillover of conflict into neighboring Lebanon and Iraq; the destabilizing flood of refugees in Jordan and Turkey and Lebanon; the implications of the drawdown in Afghanistan; the deteriorating internal security posture in Iraq; the growth of foreign cybercapabilities; the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; aggressive nation-state intelligence efforts against us; an assertive Russia, a competitive China; a dangerous, unpredictable North Korea, a challenging Iran, lingering ethnic divisions in the Balkans, perpetual conflict and extremism in Africa; violent political struggles in, among others, the Ukraine, Burma, Thailand and Bangladesh; the specter of mass atrocities; the increasing stress of burgeoning populations; the urgent demands for energy, water and food; the increasing sophistication of transnational crime; the tragedy and magnitude of human trafficking; the insidious rot of inventive synthetic drugs; the potential for pandemic disease occasioned by the growth of drug-resistant bacteria.” Ms. Clinton has left our foreign policy in the toilet. Our reputation in the rest of the world has tanked. We have lost the respect of most of the world. Our friends no longer trust us, and even worse, many of our enemies no longer fear us. Part 3) Did you know that just since Obama took office only 5 years ago and under Democrat governance the U.S. has accumulated as much new debt as it did in its first 227 years . As a part of that abysmal record, you should know that Team Obama is giving out $62.5 million in bonuses to IRS employees. That’s the same IRS that was used as a weapon by Obama in his political wars. Please send me your comments at |