2015 March

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

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The-Coconut-Telegraph-w-CoconutsSince 2002. Anonymous Letters to the Editor with pictures. Published Monday through Friday by Noon.

marijuana leaves
Pot is now legal in Washington DC
, which threatens to make our Congress lethargic and unproductive.
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band4[“Jam Sessions”] They can be very clickish. Good players are, as a rule, humble & won’t bully there way into the Jam.  Some very good living-room players can be shy & won’t bully there way into the Jam. So you are often exposed to the same folks that take a lot of selfies, the Me & Mine bunch. Not we, ours and us. Music in a group setting is sharing, then the magic can happen.
[Rag Tops] When I have to drive back and forth from Big Pine to Key West I amuse myself by counting convertibles with the top down. Today I lost count. You know it’s high season (busy with visitors) when every fourth vehicle is either a motorcycle or a convertible with the top down. I love our winters. And so do all of our visitors.
[Seeing] We pass through the present with our eyes blindfolded. We are permitted merely to sense and guess at what we are actually experiencing. Only later when the cloth is untied can we glance at the past and find out what we have experienced and what meaning it has.

One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful. No matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.

doubting thomas hand[Doubting Thomas’s] Evolution actually hap­pened. Biology is incomprehensible without it. There aren’t really two sides to all these issues. Climate change is happening. Vaccines really do save lives. Being right does matter—and the science tribe has a long track record of getting things right in the end. Modern society is built on things it got right.

Doubting science also has consequences. The people who believe vaccines cause autism—often well educated and affluent, by the way—are un­dermining “herd immunity” to such diseases as whooping cough and measles. The anti-vaccine movement has been going strong since the pres­tigious British medicl journal the Lancet pub­lished a study in 1998 linking a common vaccine to autism. The journal later retracted the study, which was thoroughly discredited. But the no­tion of a vaccine-autism connection has been endorsed by celebrities and reinforced through the usual Internet filters. (Anti-vaccine activ­ist and actress Jenny McCarthy famously said on the Oprah Winfrey Show, “The University of Google is where I got my degree from.” McCarthy’s also the blonde who asked if Chicken of the Sea was really chicken.)

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Deer carcass story:
That was not an iguana it was in fact a monitor lizard. And, yes, monitors are known carrion eaters. The monitors are more closely related to the Kimono Dragons. I have seen three here in the Lower Keys. Two on Little Torch and one on Big Pine.
I want to say thanks to Jon at All-Rite AC Refrigeration Services for helping out a new homeowner with a broken air conditioner. I recommend them if you have ac problems. He was a big help and very nice.
Actually iguanas are omnivores, meaning they eat everything.
sail3fiat3[Yard Sale] CGPOA’s annual community-wide yard sales will start at 8am Saturday, March 7 at all 3 entrances to Cudjoe Gardens, Drost Drive, Sawyer Drive & Colson Drive (MM21). Treasures include a dining set, tools, household, fishing gear, a rowing machine, 1979 Oday Javelin Sailboat, 2012 Fiat 500 Abarth (8,000 miles), and so much more! Sailboat & Fiat are pictured here.
Need to find house by April. Our house we’ve been renting has just sold and landlord gave us till April to move. Husband works for MCSO and I am manager of local store. Have 2 children, 13 &16, and 2 well behaved dogs. Excellent rental reference…never late. Seeking 3 bedroom under $1700. Please contact Karen. Classified Ads > Situation Wanted
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Chicken fried bacon
FDEP response to significant issues re DOAH case is attached. Contrast this with the Dump the Pumps  Exceptions to the judge’s order, and the judge’s order which is on the FKAA website. It’s a bit of work. We expected this, but it’s a shame they will not address the issues raised.  How can we trust them?  How can you “trust your engineers”? These are the same guys who wanted to do the Little Palm Island permit and a multitude of other sneaky things. Coordination with other agencies?  After the fact, if at all, I think. DEP’sResponsestoPetitioner,DumpthePumps,Inc’s,Exceptions
[“Deer carcass story”] The video showed a spiny-tailed iguana eating on the carcass. Yes, that particular kind of iguana is primarily herbivorous, but they will opportunistically eat smaller animals or eggs. We do have these guys around, but not as many as the green iguana, which is more plentiful in the Keys. The green iguana is a folivore, but if an insect is on the leaf or flower, they will probably consume it along with the plant, but that is not what it is targeting. Can you have exceptions to the rule? Yes, certainly.

Why don’t you talk to Dr. Doug Mader in Marathon and get the real scoop on the habits of these different kinds of iguanas?

I have always found jam night at the Little Tiki a lot of fun. The jam band does it’s best getting new people on stage to play. It is not an easy job keeping track of who wants to play after the jam starts. They do a great job and the popularity of the event shows it. Keep up the good work.
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paddleboard4Lost or stolen paddleboard. Last seen on Summerland key. Board is 12 feet long blue bottom white top fiberglass with the word YOLO written in nlack across the top. Any info please call Classified Ads > Lost and Found
First day of April everyone in the Lower Keys is going to spend April Fools Day at Boondocks for the Lower Keys Chamber’s Business WalkAbout and auctions.  The Chamber is putting together an Australian-themed business expo that includes a huge Silent Auction, Radio Auction and some Live Auctions from 1-7 pm.  Free admission – vendor spaces still available.  Call the Chamber for more info:  305-872-2411.
[Policy] Deer Ed: I believe the general policy of the CT is to publish anonymous posts unless the poster refers to another person (or business) by name with derogatory comments, is that correct?
If so, I’m not seeing the difference between the negative reviews recently about the food served at No Name Pub (which were tagged with email addresses) and the posts about Square Grouper and the Looe Key Tiki Bar (which remained anonymous). How about some clarification and some consistency for us posters? (Ed: You have the policy correct, but I don’t remember the posts you write about so I can’t defend our policy.)
anger management4[Anger Management] March 5th at the site of the TLWH Gym mm 97.671 ocean side by Denny’s at 6pm to 7:30pm Diane Gardner a PhD in physiologic, a licensed mental health therapist, a neural feed back provider, been a clinical supervisor at a children shelter and is still in private practice here in the Keys where she has lived since 1984 will be talking about anger management; what it is, define where it is in the body and techniques to control it.

The LongWalkHome is a not for profit organization devoted to helping Veterans and their families make the transition back to civilian life through workshops and a gym we are now in the process of opening.  These workshops are open to the public because we are all part of the healing process.

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Anybody heard from Sloan? Last I heard he was dating a crazy broad that takes shots at ex boyfriends and frogs?
Great Aprils fools joke. Copy a menu or two exactly with 1970 prices and slip them inside the real menus. The poor server will melt down.
shingles4CheapShots will not be in the Keys this weekend due to the fact Dr. Corbridge has shingles. We will be back down April 3-6. We will continue to honor the dental special price. Hope to see you then!
I stay away from No Name Pub during tourist season. They just can’t handle the crowds and the food can be iffy at best.
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I am looking to rent a pop-up camper for one week the 27th Mar. to the 4th of Apr. at a long time local price. it will be on my property in Big Pine Key and used by responsible adults as extra sleeping space. Richard. I will pick up and return. Classified Ads > Wanted
This morning Imus said that the Arabs are waiting for our troops to come over and fight ISIS for them because all they care about doing is sitting around all day smoking American cigarettes and watching porn.
hareens 12.2.14
[Bicycle Highways] While new innovations in automobile technology may grab the headlines, it’s easy to forget that the bicycle, which predates the motor car by decades and assumed its basic design by the 1880s, is one form of transport that just refuses to go away.

At one stage, it was even thought to be the transport of the future. An elevated cycleway connecting Los Angeles and Pasadena was mooted as early as 1896 by Pasadena’s far-sighted mayor Horace Dobbins, but only one mile of the white-elephant structure was ever built.

By the time its truncated route was completed, the motor car and the street car had begun to eclipse the bicycle. By 1900, even its chief investor had lost faith in its future. Link

atomic bomb clown
How to build an atomic bomb.
Christmas tree worms are easily-spotted. Tiny wonders of the ocean. Link
Conservatives are only interested in keeping what they got. They only want to keep brown people away and continuing to live their lives of privilege. Tea Partiers are just terrified of losing their advantage. (I know, I ran for office and went to their meetings.)

The frightened whites could care less about the deficit, welfare, or any of that–their only goal is to keep ‘opportunity’ for themselves and their progeny as a white upper-class privilege. Income in infinite, wealth is infinite, prosperity, too–but opportunity is finite, and if you keep the underclass out of the equation, then white, below average, wealthy Americans (talking about you, GWB), have the distinct advantage.

American’s are not weak, just the administration.
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How any Jew in America could support the Democrats is beyond believe. The Democrats have shown that they could care less about Israel. Not showing up to hear the Prime Minister of Israel speak will show it’s self to be on the wrong side of history.
 Fox News is all confused over the middle east lately.  They don’t know which way to jump but will back anybody against President Obama.
from the right
A POSTER WROTE: “The Israeli election falls exactly two weeks after Netanyahu’s visit to Washington. How then can we avoid interpreting his speech to Congress as an attempt to merge the interests of the Republican Party and Benjamin Netanyahu? The Republican Party carries a banner that reads “United States” and Netanyahu carries a banner that reads “Israel.” His acceptance of the invitation is thus several things at once. It is an attempt to disrupt a process of international negotiations in which the US and Europe have been deeply involved. It is an exercise of brazen electioneering to promote his continued leadership of Israel itself. And it is a calculated insult to the sovereignty of the United States.”

invite4FTR’S RESPONSE: The notion that any political linkage exists concerning Netanyahu’s speech to Congress as charged by the poster is fundamentally flawed. N did not ask to speak to Congress, he was invited. I do agree with the posters statement that the Republicans carry a banner that says “United States”, and that N carries a banner that says “Israel.” That is as it should be. The banner of Obama, the Democrats and the left is muddied and unreadable.

We can choose to disagree on Boehner’s motivation for inviting N, but personally I’m convinced that it was motivated by a deep and growing concern that Obama is in the process of again becoming a butt boy for Iran. There is growing evidence that Obama intends to sign an agreement that has a “sunset” date, and would not materially degrade Iran’s ability to enrich uranium. Such an agreement would present Iran with a golden opportunity to “break out” and produce a nuke on short notice. A similar agreement led to the North Koreans becoming a nuclear power. Iran’s ability to enrich uranium has exploded during the Obama presidency.

During the Obama presidency, Iran has very nearly established primacy in the mid east. That is their goal. During the Obama presidency at least 3  nations have fallen into the rule of terrorists. That fact presents a severe, clear and present threat to the very existence of the state of Israel. N would be abrogating his sworn duty if he failed to pursue every avenue to hold Iran in check.

Each and every one of us should be aghast at the notion of Iran having any ability whatsoever of producing a nuke. If they were to so do, it would set off a nuke arms race in the mid east and would make us entirely vulnerable to nuke attack any where on our coast line.

Obama’s push back against N’s speech is puerile nonsense. The Democrat hissy fit is shameful. Obama should have displayed strength and embraced N. That would have sent a strong message that the US is resolute. Instead he displayed juvenile, even brattish behavior, by throwing a presidential tantrum. Obama has forgotten or simply despises the Constitutional imperative that our three branches of government are co-equal.

israel flagIsrael is the only Democracy in the mid east region and has been a major ally of the US for many decades. N was absolutely correct when he declared that the US and Israel are “family.” Yet Obama and his minions seem to be doing all in their power to terminate that relationship in favor of Iran.  Obama and the Democrats have driven yet another wedge between Israel and the US. Their acts have given comfort and hope to our enemies and have again shown the world that we not a reliable ally.

The blame for the hot mess in the mid east lies squarely on the shoulders of Obama. None of this would now be happening if Obama had not refused to negotiate a status of forces agreement with Iraq so as to permit an American military force to remain in country at the conclusion of the war. We won that war. Now we see that Iraq has called upon Iran for military assistance and leadership. Obama has lost the peace and may well have led us into World War lll.


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