No Saturday Edition
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[Memorable Marine Corps Birthday] Attending the United States Marine Corp’s birthday celebration with my family was an enlightening experience. Never having been a member of the Armed Forces, I approached this decision with some trepidation. Upon our arrival at American Legion Post 333 in Key Largo, where the festivities took place, we were immediately put at ease with a friendly and warm reception by the Marines who had assembled there. We felt an enthusiasm and acceptance radiating from them and their guests. Their energy was electrifying and contagious. John Donnelly, the Marine who served as master of ceremonies, executed his duties with genius and precision. He delivered a brilliant keynote address that captured the minds and imaginations of those assembled. His passion and penetrating intellect were palpable. Mr. Donnelly then brought out Coral Shoes High School’s ‘fife and drum detail’, composed of Melissa Hutchinson, Jared Ott and Jesus Mora. They were categorically spectacular, as they were drilled through their sequences while playing the ‘Marine Corps Hymn’. Marine Norm Higgins read the Commandant of the Marine Corps’ birthday message. Mr. Higgins’ spirited rendition was magnificent. His steady and sure presence set a venerated and distinguished tone. Judge Mark Jones, State Representative Holly Raschein, Sherriff Rick Ramsay and Spencer Slate were acknowledged for their continuing commitment to the welfare of our veterans, particularly, those seriously wounded who are attempting to reintegrate themselves back into society. Publix Manager Paul Bean, VFW Post 10211 representative Gary Johnson and Chef Michael’s from Islamorada made generous donations to this 238th birthday celebration of the Marine Corps. Music, dancing and a variety of sumptuous cuisine followed the awe-inspiring ceremony. This eclectic evening was charged with excitement and fascination. I’ve acquired a better understanding of the Marine Corps’ motto “Semper Fidelis” (Always Faithful). I shall never forget the kindness they extended to my family. Their spirit and magnanimity are a force for good in the world. It’s troubling that we continue to settle for the insolence and incompetence within our government, when men and women of this worth and distinction are ready and willing to sacrifice all for America. |
[Grinder Pumps] When all those snowbirds return in future years, they can expect to find their grinder pump has seized up from sitting unused. Either the cutters are rusted into a solid mass or moisture has seeped past the seals into the motor and corroded or shorted it. Maybe both. Fortunately, FKAA can be called to awaken and send out a couple of on-call sewer service techs on overtime with a flashlight to replace the pump with one of their spares. That cost will be reflected in our sewer rates. Unfortunately, FKAA will soon run out of spares as they will stock tens, not several hundred. If the snowbird was not one of the lucky few to arrive early in season while FKAA still had spares, they might have to wait for a new order to be placed through Purchasing. No problem, the order will be placed in a week or two and the shipment will likely arrive in another week or two. You have got to love those camp buckets, but that is probably not what the snowbird expected to have in their second home. If FKAA was not insistent on individual grinder pumps in people’s yards, then perhaps a neighbor or two would have kept the collector manhole pump running while the snowbirds were up north. We need to stop this idiotic sewer design now. Don’t stop with just signing the petition ( ), call and write every official you can think of who might finally act to stop construction of LPS areas and order a redesign to get grinders off private property. FKAA is building a monster they cannot control. |
Oh, I missed Sunset! What time is the next one this evening? |
I am enjoying the Constitution questions poster. It’s like a mini-civics lesson. |
[Dearly loved leaving us] Lea Cabarra widely known as a bartender at PT’s Late Night for countless years and mangaged to raise a son here, has left the Keys for good yesterday to her parents home in Iowa to spend her remaining few months of life battling liver disease from alcohol abuse. Lea was always full of life and brought joy to many who knew her and would come to find her wherever she worked. She always gave so much, cared deeply about her customers and maintained a clean bar, even if it meant bringing bleach and soap from home and working off the clock. Crowned “Citizen of the day” many times by the local paper, her cheerful voice will be sorely missed by many who knew her in the lower Keys. Goodbye Lea, please get well. |
The newly paved US 1 through the Torches is so smooth – no more fillings rattling loose form my head. |
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[Crooks of the Day] American Express Secure Message. The security of your personal information is of the utmost importance to American Express, so we have sent the attached as a secure electronic file. Note: The attached file contains encrypted data. (Ed: Note note: If you click on the link your computer fizzles and all your info is stolen.) |
[Murg Donald’s] Meanwhile back in Pujab 10’s are sold. |
[“How dare you disrespect the U.S. Coast Guard”] How dare anyone! As an SAR aviator, I watched the “Coasties” do some amazing stuff out on the water to save lives and there’s not a one of them (ladies included) that don’t have brass in their shorts. Coasties are courageous by nature and brave because they have to be. To the OP, thanks for your service! To the others maligned by the derogatory post, phuck them, they have no clue of the dangerous work you do. |
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[Flu Shots] The Big Pine Moose Lodge is hosting a flu shot clinic this Saturday, November 16, from 1-3 pm. This is open to the public. You do not need to be a member of the Moose Lodge to stop by and get your flu vaccination. Nurses from the County Health Dept will be at the Lodge to administer the shots. The cost is very reasonable and is on a sliding scale based on your ability pay. No insurance is needed. Remember that the flu can put you in bed for a week of misery. Don’t let the flu get you this winter. Get vaccinated and protect yourself. (You cannot get the flu from modern flu vaccinations) The Moose Lodge is located at 21st St. and Wilder Rd. just north of Winn-Dixie. Ample parking available. Families are welcome. Events |
In 1942, the minimum draft age for U.S. armed service was lowered from 21 to 18. Old enough to die but too young to drink beer. |
[Uber Mac Fans] Love those Mac-haters. Someone managed to turn a topic about personal bankruptcies into a tirade against Steve Jobs and the Apple company. Everyone has their operating system preferences. If you don’t like Mac, that’s fine. Get a Windows PC. But if you insist on freaking out about Macs when nobody is forcing you to buy one, clearly you have some unresolved issues that require either therapy or medication. |
1st Amendment Rally and Larry Murray Fundraiser tonight from 5:30-7:30 pm at Sippin’ Coffee Shop 424 Eaton St. Key West. For more info 305 872-3087. Link |
Grinder pump warranty is 2 years. Link |
[Citizen of the Day Says] she loves watching old Western movies. |
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[“How well do you know the US Constitution”] Answer to last question: D. None of the above. The constitution does not mention or authorize “Executive Orders”. The Founding Fathers surely would have seen these as the equivalent of “Royal decrees”. Congress is the only body authorized by the Constitution to “Declare War”. Since WWII Presidents have behaved like lawyers and claim that bombing , invading and killing people in foreign countries is not “war”. The only declared war since WWII have been the wars on drugs, poverty, etc. New question: The authority to negotiate and ratify treaties is vested in: A. The office of the President. |
[“Cop parked in front of no parking sign”] I am sure the person who posted this does not know that, the church instructed the Sheriffs Office to park in that location. You have to love people that do not know the facts before they run their mouth. |
[Ballsey Protester]On Sunday the protest artist Petr Pavlensky sat naked on Red Square and drove a nail through his scrotum and into the pavement. Ouch! Link |
[Apocalypse Now] The cacophony of grinder pump alarms going off en masse in a neighborhood at midnight after a power failure. Replace “I love the smell of napalm in the morning” with “I love the sound of grinder pump alarms at midnight.” To those who can’t appreciate such lovely noise, the brass [FKAA] replies: “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it. Besides, you can always move.” |
[Blame] “City takes full blame for cemetery chopping of big trees” I’m sick of people taking responsibility. Obama takes responsibility, Secretary Kathleen Sebelius takes full responsibility, FKAA takes full responsibility for any misinformation. Everyone takes full responsibility like it matters. No, it doesn’t matter unless they resign or do something about it, otherwise they are just words. I want heads to roll not just a simple mea culpa! |
[Key West Orchid Society] Next meeting of the Key West Orchid Society is Sunday, Nov. 17 at West Martello, 1pm, program starts at 1:30. Ruben in Orchids is the speaker, and he will have lots of wonderful plants for sale and raffle. Plans have been made for our annual Holiday Luncheon at Square One on Sunday, Dec. 8, noon to 3pm. You must reserve in advance.There is a reservation form in the attached Newsletter. Warning: Orchids can be habit forming. The November newsletter can be found at Menu > Ongoing Events |
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[“Old Geeks Unite”] We old geeks are old news, PC’s are for the nearly dead. The new thing is simplistic closed appliance-like devices that one doesn’t have to do anything but put in their personal information and credit card, to be milked and uploaded to the NSA thought police, tracked around like common farm animals. Then when two years are up, it’s time to get wallet raped again by the same tech companies who by then know so much about you that they can predict the next time you will take a dump. Forget clock speeds, upgrading RAM and all that intelligent open device business where users had a choice and control over their computing experience, hardware, software and personal data, those days are long gone now for cloud devices so idiotically simple that dumb gorillas in zoo’s can use them. Yes friends, welcome to the Planet of the Apps, where many humans adopt moronic poses hunched over their Big Brother created “smart” devices that’s making them dumber and more controlled by each passing day. Link
I lost my keys at Winn Dixie Plaza on September 12. Several keys are on a breast cancer key chain. Nancy 863-465-5457 Classified Ads > Lost and Found |
I am a veteran and I am a drain, of course I wouldn’t be if the government would have left me alone. For the last 45 years I have suffered from my time in the service and I would gladly give up my disability if they would have just left me alone. |
lHas anyone else noticed Craigslist is acting weird? It used to be when you got to your area (Keys) and just clicked search on “all sales” and “wanted” you would get today’s postings all in a lump and then yesterdays and so on. Mine just gives me starting back in September and when you scroll down it gives you the Oct and Nov listings all over the place. I’m going to do a scan on this little laptop and clear my history to see if it gets better, but something is weird. It’s the same thing if I just search Big Pine Key or Little Torch. Something is really wrong with me or Craigslist. (Ed: You have to set what criteria you prefer. Chose from the options. See picture at left.) |
I wanted to email you the updated Senior Fitness class schedule. Let me know if you have any questions! We appreciate you spreading the word in any way that you can! Menu > Ongoing Events |
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The only things that really scare me are churches (organized religion), cops, the M.I.C., and bar maids having their periods! |
Deer Ed, I think your computer problems Tuesday morning are related to a cell tower being out (I had some problems also and tracked it down to that.) Hopefully, things will be back to normal again. Your loyal CT readers love your graphics! |
Participating in a gun buyback program because you think that criminals have too many guns is like having yourself castrated because you think your neighbors have too many kids. |
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The fact that jellyfish have survived for 650 million years despite not having brains is great news for some of us. |
[Freedom of Information Request Foiled] Superintendent Porter: Public records law makes it clear that the School District may charge “reasonable” fees for “clerical” services associated with compliance with Public Records Requests. No one disputes that. The questions are: What is “reasonable” and what is “clerical”? The District has decided that reasonable is $30/hr and clerical is Senior Administrative Aide to Executive Staff, Pay Grade 119, Step 23. That just happens to be the salary paid to Karen Hladik, the Administrative Aide to the Records Management Liaison Officer. I have raised questions before regarding the $30/hr. fee and I raise them again. I believe that the fee is unnecessarily excessive and intended to discourage Public Records Requests. I believe that what the legislature had in mind is that the District would assess the typical or average “clerical” salary or select a clerical pay grade to establish a fee for clerical services. It appears that the District did not do that. Rather than establish a fee and identify the clerk to perform the reviews, the District selected a high paid Administrative Aide to Executive Staff with 23 years’ experience to do the work, a relatively simple task, and created a fee identical to that person’s salary. I call that putting the cart before the horse. It is obvious that what the District did is to determine that Karen Hladik would perform the reviews and that the fee would be her salary of $25.82/hr. and presumably benefits. Unfortunately, Ms. Hladik is not part of the clerical staff. In an email to Ms. Hladik on November 1, 2013, I reminded her that “you are part of the clerical staff” and asked that I be permitted to communicate directly with the RMLO. Less than 1 ½ hours later, Ms. Hladik called me up short, informing me that she was not part of the clerical staff. She told me that “I report directly to and provide administrative services” to the RMLO. Further, she asserted that she is the “correct and authorized person to be responding to your public records request.” Those are her words, not mine. While she may not be the RMLO, she speaks for and acts on his behalf. That is a very responsible position, hardly clerical in nature. If the District intends to use Ms. Hladik and her salary as the basis for the $30/hr. fee, what will happen if Ms. Hladik is unavailable, if someone else actually performs the exemption review? Will the fee go up or down according to the salary of the reviewer? By contrast, the District could have chosen a true clerical employee with expertise in the subject, a Records Retention Specialist, Pay Grade 113 with a salary range of $14.49 to $21.73 after 25 years. In short, a competent $15/hr. clerk is available to perform the exemption review. I request that the District review what constitutes a “reasonable” fee for “clerical” services and base the fee on what, in fact, is “reasonable” rather than the salary of an admittedly inappropriate person to perform the reviews. ~Larry Murray |
You would think I would get tired staring at that ocean. One would think at some point it would become mundane or commonplace but that has never happened. It amazes me how each new day brings another not yet viewed scene from the back yard. It’s the same palm trees, the same pilings on the dock, the same marker in the bay and the same ocean. But somehow each new day brings magic and casts it’s own enchanted spell on me. |
Research health plans and subsidies easily and quickly without the registration, confusion and headaches. Plan your choices before giving any information that could lock one into higher rates. Contrary to the name, it isn’t really affordable healthcare in the sense if more people paid into the system it would then lower rates for everyone. The rates remain the same, it’s the subsidy that changes based upon ones income. So it’s a means to put insurance companies on welfare and attempt to get people to pay something when they can, instead of nothing then filing bankruptcy if a major health crises occurs. Link |
Anyone know of a reliable handyman who can do a variety of small tasks: such as replace light fixtures, build a closet for a garage, replace screens, replace and seal old grout in a shower stall and other minor tasks. |
If I received $18,782.75 in donations for electricity, do I have to pay taxes on it? |
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Today in 1940 Walt Disney’s Fantasia debuted. |
Our fellow veteran says he is not proud in any way of his service and the people he says he has killed, he said he was under the assumption that it was his obligation to defend his family, he evidently has a different opinion now. One can only surmise then, that when countries wreak havoc on our citizens, then retreat to their countries of origin to plan and construct their next assault it would be stupid to attempt to dissuade them, at least by the use of physical force! |
[I’m Rich! No Scam] I am sending you this email on behalf of Mrs. Jenny Bishop and in regards to her wish. She has decided to will $12,000,000.00 to you for Humanitarian work and your personal use. For more information contact her attorney, Gilbert Rogers on email address: |
[Captain Doom and Gloom] DEF: Racism; n, The political incorrectness of having feelings about something you do not like or that attacks you and yours, but you cannot do anything about because they are a minority and have the US Army on their side, or so they think! DEF: Self-Defense; n, The hysterically historical idea of protecting one’s self through any means to sustain one’s life until the cops get there and beat you to death! DEF: Liver Disease; n, The dysfunctional gland that filters joy juice and creates sicknesses that will deplete the bank accounts of the local Happy Hour Bartenders in the Keys! DEF: Insurance; n, The Art of the Con: gambling and investing with free funds from fools who cannot take responsibility for their own actions! DEF: Booze; n, Flavorful embalming fluid designed to deplete your gross income and sponsor piracy in places called bars! DEF: Blogs; n, Web sites designed to vent mental frustrations without any shred of logic or facts. |
Obamacare isn’t Socialism, it’s just the opposite. Obama turned the entire health care industry over to the insurance companies. Socialized healthcare is like Canada’s where the government owns everything and pays everyone. There’s a very big difference. The Right should try to understand that difference. |
Letterman’s Top 10 Reasons to Vote Democrat 1. I voted Democrat because I love the fact that I can now marry whatever I want. I’ve decided to marry my German Shepherd. |
Does the US still have a Presidential Yacht; and if so, is Obama afraid to use if for fear the Regressives will criticize that too? I know they get mad if he takes a morning off to play golf. |
[“People who wanted to destroy the government at all costs were called anarchists. Now they’re called the Tea Party”] Let’s not also forget that ‘back in the day’, people who wanted to turn this country into a lazy welfare dependent nation, that relied on Big Government for their every-day needs, were called communists/socialists. Now they’re called Liberal/Progressive/Obama voters. |
[Republicans dominate America’s Top State for Business list] If so, maybe that’s a sign they’re doing more things right and you should learn from the example? |
[Regressive Hypocrisy #3] No socialism. No socialized healthcare except for mine. Don’t touch my socialized Medicare and Social Security! |
Former President Bill Clinton says President Barack Obama should find a way to let people keep their health coverage, even if it means changing the new insurance law. Clinton says Obama should “honor the commitment that the federal government made to those people and let them keep what they got.” Obama has come under pressure in recent weeks as millions of Americans started receiving insurance cancellation letters. The president had repeatedly said people would not be forced to change their insurance under the new law. The White House says it is working on changes that would ease the impact of the cancellations for some people. But the fixes under consideration are administrative actions, not congressional changes to the law. |
[Cheaper TVs] President Nicolás Maduro ordered managers of electronics chain Daka to lower prices or face prosecution. Did you know Citgo was one of the companies seized? You buy their gas you’re supporting the economic chaos being caused by these village idiots in charge of Venezuela. Link |
[“Objective thought site’] Sorry pal, but that site is rife with issues. The author is, well lets just say, tacking to the Right. “Objective” is skewed and that’s a ‘fact’. |
[“57% of all personal bankruptcies are due to debt caused by health issues”] A Conservative wrote: I found nowhere the reason for bankruptcies, just the number and type of bankruptcies. You need to realize that conservatives think the ends justifies the means and they have no problem using scare tactics or false information to achieve that end. Medical bills are the biggest cause of us bankruptcies Link |
[“Democrats will be in power for the next 50 years because of all the freebies”] Sure, and Democrats will have full responsibility for paying off the National Debt they accumulate. |
[“Panic about Obama’s birth and silence about Cruz’s birth”] Cruz is not the president, nor has he said he plans to run for President. The US born citizen only applies to the office of president. |
[Socialized medicine is not a good idea] Please wake up and do some research. Once you have you will realize that you can freely exchange the world’s social, socialized, socialism, with Ponzi Scheme and the definition fits perfectly. I will continue to go without insurance by choice. I can afford it and it is provided thru my employer. I opt out due to principle. I will also be filing a IRS form 4029 (with a blank religion portion — I’m firmly atheist ) out of principle. Why? Because I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself and planning for the future. So are you. To advocate such asinine policies as Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and obamacare is to loudly proclaim that you are neither self sufficient nor self reliant. i.e. future burden to society. If allowed to opt out and gain full use of my own money from now (I’m under 30 and so far right you can’t see me) until retirement age I will have way more than I would ever need for retirement and health care. Should I grow old and fail I will have only myself to blame. In the unlikely event that I become an old unfunded, unproductive, burden to society I would only wish to be publicly euthanized as an example to the next generation. |
A public university in President Abraham Lincoln’s home state of Illinois is adorned with a plaque that states Lincoln – arguably the most famous and influential president in American history – was a Democrat. Lincoln was a Republican! The plaque, located on a historic building that’s part of Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago and installed in 1905, states: “This building is dedicated to public service honoring the memory of Abraham Lincoln Democrat.” The university stands by the inscription. “According to building archives, the word democrat was used because Lincoln was an advocate for democracy—the political or social equality of all people,” campus officials stated in a press release. “The word was not chosen to reflect a political affiliation. Northeastern Illinois University recognizes the context that this plaque was created and intends to uphold its integrity.” Democrats have no shame. Link |
[“Our President is moving us into socialism”] How so, he didn’t start Medicare and Medicaid? Let me guess that government healthcare is somehow not run by the government and miraculously different? Republicans sure do have a lot of missing pages in their history books. |
When the Dems took control of Congress in 2007 unemployment for blacks was 8.0%. When Obama took office only 2 years later it had grown to 12.6%. Today, 7 years later, it is at a record high of 13.1%. Then please think about the fact that the food-stamp program has grown like wildfire under Democrat governance— to $80 billion last year, with more than a 70 percent increase in recipients just since 2008. Thank you Democrat governance. While you think about that, please think about the fact that the stock market has jumped 108% since Obama took office. Yep, the Democrats spent billions in bailing out the banks, the auto industry, big business, especially the unions, and spent huge amounts of money on green energy projects that are the darlings of Democrats. But the poor get poorer. And still the Democrat propaganda machine portrays Republicans as being the evil “fat cats”. During the last 7 years of Democrat governance, the rich have gotten richer and poor have gotten poorer. The Democrats have abandoned the people they pledged to help, their base. They promised to lift up the poor, it was that pledge that garnered them millions of votes. The D/L/P’s, (Democrats/Liberals/Progressives) in keeping with their failure to live up to their promises, reneged on that promise. The Democrats and Obama have failed to produce jobs, but, the Democrats have managed to boost welfare spending to all-time highs. Under the D/L/P scheme of government, more people than ever are dependent on government for food, shelter, medical care, and amusement. How many people do you know have a free “Obamaphone?” The D/L/P’s have intentionally refused to construct an environment that is business friendly. Only such an environment will grow jobs and provide a path away from welfare. The D/L/P’s are depriving millions of self-pride and a pathway to prosperity. Part 2) The other day a poster claimed that “NJites” hate Chris Cristie. That is so fundamentally wrong that it beggars belief. Christie is absolutely the popular hero of New Jersey voters. He won the governor’s race in an incredible landslide. He won with 61% of the vote. He wiped the floor with his opponent, Democrat Barbara Buono, who had been in public office since 1994. Part 3) “If you like your health care insurance, you can keep it. Period!” Well maybe not so much in obscenely liberal California. According to CBS: “More than 1 million cancellation notices have been sent to Californians as the Affordable Care Act begins allowing individuals to buy insurance through exchanges.” Read it and weep. Link |