(Ed: Yes, I know I’m late publishing today but there was so much to do.) |
“Hidden in Plain View” accomplishes all of these and more; I have never experienced such depth of theme and meaning in an art exhibition before. The portraits set the stage for the viewer to get a naked, uncompromised look at the faces of homelessness in Key West; the poems pulls you deeper into their stories, the “art-heart connection book” in the center of the exhibition colors dark situations and the collection of local homeless 5th graders soul-wrenching poems brought tears to my eyes. I had to slowly walk away from the book of children’s poems before I broke down in tears. Later, I was able to hold my 2 year old daughter’s hand and lead her back to the children’s poems, show her their drawings and be thankful for the opportunity to be enlightened about the serious social situations the Key West community, and all communities around the world, deal with everyday; and ponder on ways we can strengthen our “one human family” through awareness and compassion for our neighbors. |
Captain Conch’s Not-So-Famous Holiday Pumpkin Pancakes are the best in the world. Link |
If you are going to plant milkweed, plant our native milkweed. It is feared that the exotics will hybridize our native into extinction- much like blue porterweed. |
[If You win the Lottery] Someone wrote they’d help the helpless or something like that. The homeless are like that because of the choices they made. No amount of money will help their situation. Remember when Sloan Bashinsky gave the residents of the trailer park on Big Pine Key a large amount of money for them to use to fight the impending sale? The money just sat there and did no good. No one in the trailer park would lift a finger to help themselves, all they did was continue to complain. That’s what would happen if you gave some of your lottery money to them, except they would just piss it away not knowing any other course. |
[Dazzling Fall Color at the Dallas Arboretum] This is incredible and beautiful. Pumpkins everywhere! If you are in Dallas between now and Thanksgiving, you should visit the Dallas Arboretum. This seasonal displays are simply outstanding. There are 50,000 pumpkins in their displays again this year. |
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The Friends of the Library are holding a giant book sale on Saturday, November 24, 2012 from 9AM to 2PM in front of the Big Pine Library inWinnDixiePlaza. Bargain prices starting at 25 cents. Hard backs, paper backs, children’s books, etc. — all priced to sell! Bulletin Board |
[“I wish we could give the sugar industry back to some deserving Third World country‘] Your wish has been granted. Cuba is in the process of clearing large areas that had gone fallow since the price of sugar dropped some years ago. They will soon be replanting sugar cane. We’ll probably smell the smoke when the wind blows from that direction. |
[Key Deer Alliance] That’s a good group. The Refuge people don’t have a lock on the key deer. The Alliance is a nice way for the Refuge to get another opinion on the welfare of the deer. Plus the meetings are a good time. They get to eat, drink, and be merry with other link-minded folks for a couple of hours. |
Noise ordinance is in Big Pine. Link |
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[Say No to Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Release in the Florida Keys] This may be why are Mosquito Control Board makes more then other similar boards. Link |
[Noise Ordinance] The condensed version is that you may never be louder than 60 decibels at your property line, and you must be silent after 10 pm Sunday through Thursday and 11 pm Friday and Saturday nights. The code enforcer who is responsible for enforcing the ordinance is off duty after 5pm, then the responsibility reverts to the MCSD from 5pm to 8 pm. Better luck to you getting them involved in your problem than I did mine. It took almost two years of complaining at least weekly before they finally took action. |
[Turkey Trot] Pre-Thanksgiving, wayward turkey’s trot to freedom inKey Largo. Link |
Interesting update on Malala, the young girl shot by the Taliban. Link |
[Straight Shooters] After visiting the Big Coppitt Gun Club several times I noticed that the female shooters seem to always shoot at the crotch of the male silhouette targets, and that they didn’t appear to be, or act like, lesbians. Each time one of the shooters shot the target’s crotch the other female shooters started whooping and hollering as if enjoying some type of sexual fantasy. Strange don’t you think. |
All the political posters on CT need to go volunteer in a hospital. |
Thanksgiving is like sex. Preparation takes hours and the actual event can be over in minutes, then you argue about who cleans up. |
Front page of today’s paper: Hostess talking with strikers. So maybe the whole think was a giant hoax to empty store shelves just so production and shipping could increase. Or else Hostess CEO is talking because of the feds looking at his recent mega bonus. |
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Wasn’t the real Bum Farto the police chief of Key West back about 30+ years ago? (Ed: Fire Chief) |
Fake lobster trap tags have far reaching impact. Link |
Single joint leads to 10 pound pot seizure. Link |
[Bingo Benefit] Coldwell Banker Schmitt Charitable Foundation and Boondocks are coming together to hold a Bingo Benefit on Tuesday, November 27th starting at 6PM for Jack and Lisa Sauder, who recently lost their home, business, and all their belongings to the recent house fire on Ramrod Key. Terry Cassidy will be playing in the bar, we will have Bingo on the patio, 50/50 raffles, special raffle baskets, and bingo starts at 7. If you could please share this information with everyone we would be grateful! If anyone would like more information Bulletin Board |
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The world will end in 31 days on December 21, the Winter Solstice. |
[Double Prominence Eruptions] The Sun erupted with two prominence eruptions, one after the other over a four-hour period on Nov. 16, 2012. The action was captured in the 304 Angstrom wavelength of extreme ultraviolet light. It seems possible that the disruption to the Sun’s magnetic field might have triggered the second event since they were in relatively close proximity to each other. The expanding particle clouds heading into space do not appear to be Earth-directed. |
And why should the Hostess CEO try to keep the company running, keeping approx 18,000 workers working when – once he gets rid of the unions – he can sell off individual product recipes and make a fortune for himself ? And approx 18,000 new unemployment applications will be filed. And who knows how many public assistance cases will be opened? And rightfully so. Those 18,000 will need some sort of stabilizing. I wonder if Hostess would be going down the same road if Mittens had been elected. If yes, it’s certain that all those soon to be unemployed workers might not have unemployment and other public assistance available to them, like they do now. |
The first Thanksgiving Day did occur in the year 1637, but it was nothing like our Thanksgiving today. On that day the Massachusetts Colony Governor, John Winthrop, proclaimed such a “Thanksgiving” to celebrate the safe return of a band of heavily armed hunters, all colonial volunteers. They had just returned from their journey to what is now Mystic,Connecticut where they massacred 700 Pequot Indians. Seven hundred Indians – men, women and children – all murdered. Enjoy Your Holidays in your bubble of happiness! |
Nothing wrong about being active in Key Deer Alliance. Groups such as Forgotten Felines that advocate free-roaming cats are an entirely different story. A true animal lover knows what damage domestic cats do to wildlife, and keeps their cats indoors. |
[Pot for Perverts] Few see that marijuana is frequently found on the arrest of a pedophile. It’s today’s candy of choice for those miscreants — plus its likely addiction can ruin any career in security matters. The expanded stupefying of millions puts your child in peril. |
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Debbie W.S. Is ugly yes. Like Big Pine has anything to brag about. |
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Fanci Seafood has Fresh, all sizes, Stone Crab claws for your Thanksgiving feast. We also have FRESH Fish, Key West Pink Shrimps, Oysters and many more…. |
BPK speedster not part of KW road project like he said when arrested for bribery, speeding , drunkenness and being an asshole. Another fine Keys tale begins. Link |
We all thought the purple Teletubbie was gay —-we were wrong, turned out it was Elmo. He recently quit Sesame Street to start his own line of designer doll clothes. |
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This is a test. How many Keyzer’s had hot oat meal this morning? If not, how many wanted hot oat meal? |
First prize for most ugly car. |
[Scam of the Day] You just won 1,000,000.00 pounds(1,000,000 GBP) in JUMBO UK 2012 END OF YEAR DRAW. To Receive your Prize, Send: Name, Address, Age, Occupation and Phone Number to Email: jumbolotto@blabla |
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[Vogel selects Kohl] Denis Ward must be having a laugh. The old crew from the Kohl Administration will be parking together. I guess they can all go back on the payroll. |
[On the Norwegian Atlantic road] It takes you on a road out of the ordinary. The road is built on several small islands and reefs, and is crossed by eight bridges, several roads and viaducts. This road has a view on the open sea, which is rare on the roads along the Norwegian coast. You can see the fjords and mountains near the road. The spectacular road quickly became a tourist attraction, and care must be shown when driving, not only due to the closeness to the pounding waves which spray the road surface, but also because of the many locals and visitors who constantly stop to enjoy the view. Video |
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The people have spoken and will not be silent about this. Tell the company to fire her. We, the people are coming together to stop such disrespect to the many who gave all for this country. |
Place a Cornish game hen inside your turkey when you cook it, then trick family members into thinking your turkey was pregnant. |
Thanksgiving Day specials & events in K.W. Link |
Homeland Security wants to more than double it’s predator drones fleet in the U.S. Link |
Alert the Right, I just figured out the abortion issue. Instead of terminating 2 months after insemination, terminate up two months after birth. This way if it is defective or a problem … you know … I have two friends orphaned who grew up in orphanage. Both have great lives, both are loved. If abortion was around when they were conceived, good chance I would only have one of them. |
Put out your cigarettes to get rid of first and second hand smoke. |
Keys Disease: An infliction from boredom and anything 80 Proof, effecting mental abilities and anatomy dimensions resulting in premature immaturity and early Happy Hour madness! There is no know cure. |
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In 1877, Thomas Edison announced his invention of the phonograph while his MP3 play was being repaired. |
“There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.” -Albert Schweitzer Remember to vote daily for our own Keys Forgotten Felines. The Animal Rescue Site is giving away 68 grant prizes in the final voting round! Voting continues until Dec. 16 & tell your friends – 68 prizes. Did I mention that you can vote every day. We’ve moved up in rank from 25 to 22 for all 714 shelters in Florida. Open your heart to Forgotten Felines. We’re more than just one human family! Link |
Jeanne Robertson is a Hoot! I’m assuming you do have some readers who would burst a rib laughing at this great lady. I know I have come close more than once. Link |
[“New poster’s email address BumFarto@blabla”] He’s alive!!! |
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Perhaps a new owner would repair Church Lane, the bombed out road behind Winn Dixie, ruined by the trucks. We could only be so lucky. Let’s hope. |
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[“What’s with the weather”] Some say it is being controlled by those electro-magnetic force fields inAlaska,Chinaand other places. More realistically, it is a deal between Mr G and Mom Nature to straighten out this planet. We’ll see on 12-21-2012 right? |
Everyone is putting down the Hostess Union and damning the company for cutting back. So what? They make nothing but junk food anyway. Ever read the packages of that crap? Should have been banned years ago. Fish will not go near it on a hook either! FTR, do not fret, the Repubs did not lose, the country lost. It was all a fix in Ohio. Look who runs Ohio and the other Dem states and you will see who rules you today! Anyone for Aussi beer? “Pot is Not Heroin or Cocaine” It is still dope, dope! Like make a pan of brownies with Mex-Tex, some snow, a sprinkle of LSD, and whatever is under your sink then wash it down with 180 proof boozesky. Add a little sea salt and smoked cane sugar too. There, now make it all legal and party hardy, Dude! “Mosquito Control board is being paid four times more than boards in other parts of the state” Well, we do have four time the mosquito’s to fight down here, you know! |
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[KW Looking for Fed Money to Repair Beach] There’s parts of New Jersey that have lost over 40 feet of beach front from hurricane Sandy. Please tell us how private business, not the feds, can replace the sand and repair the beaches without federal tax monies? |
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[Immigration] Carl Regan, of Islamorada & Key Biscayne, served in Vietnam; has helped re-locate more than 1,000 Montagnards to the U.S. Link |
Saying what F.T.R. posts is nonsense is like telling us you don’t like the purple. |
[Estate Tax] Get rid of this tax, the government screws us enough while we are alive! |
[“Lets hear some ideas on what is one to make of our 16 plus trillion national debt”] Tax the rich, they don’t mind. They’ve said so. 60% of those who voted for Romney agree. At least it’s a start. |
[Thanksgiving] Remember Bradley Manning. Be thankful for the whistleblower & freedom of speech. Link |
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–Nazi Party started from workers party union — sounds left to me |
Part 2) My critics are a fascinating bunch. I don’t think that I’d care to spend much time in their heads. The universal trait among them is that they demand that I stop voicing my opinion of the inanity of liberalism in general and specifically, the Liberal In Chief. These poor besotted folks accuse me of being anal. Perhaps I am to the extent that I think that what is happening to our nation under liberal governance is an abomination. While these folks call me anal, they continue to read these humble postings even though they are fully aware of the content. They are fully aware that reading these humble postings will piss them off. And still they read on and on and on. They reflect on every nuance (agreed, there are damned few nuances) and they take much time in composing responses and bitchy postings. I suggest that these folks look at definition 2 in the Merriam Webster’s online dictionary of the word “masochism.” It’s shameful that any American would not demand the truth as to why 4 brave Americans died on 9/1/12 in Bengazi in the service of our nation. It is patently obvious that their deaths could not have happened had there not been a major series of Obama administration screw-ups. It’s likely that the Presidents “light footprint” policy was the overarching fault that led to the murders. One of the CT left field denizens suggested that the Bengazi murders were not a “major issue”. I suppose that CT left fielder nodded up and down and muttered: “Yup…yup…yup” at the TV when Mr. Obama characterized the assault as being “a bump in the road”. In another venue Obama whined that the event was “not optimal”. It was the Obama administration that made the entire issue a “major event” when they lied to protect the President’s boast that he had vanquished AQI. Then there are those Liberal folks who are so fey that they compare American Conservatism with Hitler and Nazism. Let’s compare: American Conservatism (AC) on big government: we hate it. Nazi’s on big government: they loved it; they could not have existed without it. Liberals love it; they believe that big government is the cure all for all societal ills. Mr. Obama and his liberal sycophants ache for Mr. Obama and his minions to have even more power. AC on class warfare: It’s wrong, it’s always wrong. Nazi’s on class warfare: Jews, Catholics, Christians were demonized. The Nazi’s rise to power could not have happened if they had not demonized Jews. Liberals on class warfare: The demonize the wealthy, our entrepreneurs, the Tea Party, any strong contrary voice is demonized. The Democrats spent tens of millions of dollars in the last election demonizing Romney, the called him a murderer, a felon, a tax cheat, a capitalist vulture. Do you remember the Liberals propaganda assault on the Tea Party. AC on voter’s rights: we believe in the right to secret ballot. Nazis: no secret ballot. Liberals on secret ballot: President Obama committed to union leaders that he would pass and implement “Card Check” which will strip prospective union members from the right to secret ballots in union elections. The AC movement does not have a ultra powerful propaganda machine. The Nazi’s had legal control of the media in Nazi Germany. It was their propaganda machine. Liberality has de facto control of America’s media, it is their propaganda machine. AC on public speech critical of government: We’re all for it. Nazis on public speech: Try it and die. Liberals on public speech that is critical of government: If the government is Republican, speech that attacks the government is encouraged. If the speech is critical of Democrat governance, see Nazi’s. One of the favorite digs at Conservatives is the Liberal pejorative label of “Neo Con”. That nasty tag just sounds so deadly and evil. Think about it; “Neo” as in neo Nazi. Evil…evil…evil….BOO! Then of course there is the gut reaction to the word “Con”. Most folks gut reaction is to visualize a brutish criminal. But the reality is that the term Neo Nazi actually means new or latter day Nazi. By extension, the term “Neo Con” means a person who is only recently embraced Conservative philosophy. Deer Friends, this olde fart has been a “Neo Con” since the uber liberal FDR was our Prez. On the other hand, the American Conservative is growing. The ’12 election shows that, but AC just hasn’t grown enough. And finally: Nazi is a contraction/acronym for Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei , (National Socialist German Workers’ Party). The “Nati” in “National” is pronounced “Nazi” (with a German ‘z’, which we’d spell ‘Nazi’ in English). Think about it: “National,” “socialistic”, “workers” party. Hmmmm. |