Since 2002. Published Wednesdays and Saturdays
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The restaurant situation will be the bane of the Florida Keys. Gone are the days of the Mom-n-Pop stops where you got to sample family recipes and specialties. Key West has Charles Shultz, Joe Walsh and Pat Croce are among it’s multiple restaurant owners’ club and there’s the guy who has bought Hurricane Hole, The Wharf, Looe Key and the old Kaya. He singlehandedly killed the Wharf (love the “new” menus), turned Looe Key into a “better than nothing” joint and I was never a fan of the Hole. These restaurateurs are simply buying up the places and filling the kitchens with Sysco crap. There’s no Keys’ seafood anymore. There’s no more “all-u-can-eat”, there’s no more “buy your catch”, there’s no more “free beer tomorrow” and there’s no year-round Keys caught dolphin, grouper, snapper, wahoo or cobia. Gone, all gone. It’s all about their corporate bottom lines and how cheaply they can prepare imported cat food for the tourists. |
Hareen’s Suncare & Hats at the Big Pine Flea Market will officially open for the season beginning October 17th, 2015. We look forward to seeing all our regular customers and meeting new one’s. We will be getting in a new line of hats from Columbia and Wallaroo, along with a large variety of new beach bags and towels. Please stop by Saturday and say hi. I can’t wait for the new season to begin! |
[“Car keys”] Back in the 70’s I was a mechanic working Cadillac and Oldsmobile dealerships. A guy bought a new Coupe DeVille for his wife, but she kept losing the keys. Every time she called the locksmith, it was $100 bucks to open up the car and make new keys. So…Hubby brings the Caddy in and has us pull every lock in the car. Doors, ignition, trunk, glove box, everything. And re-code them all to use a blank (un-cut) key. He bought a couple dozen extra key blanks and then told his wife, “After you lose these, walk to Walmart!” |
See it? |
After using a Family Tree online program for several years and getting all kinds of weird data connections, I came to realize these so called web sites are nothing more than cons to get your money. Then I started to wonder who owns such businesses and did some research. It turns out most are owner by only a few major controllers and half are home based in Israel and the UK. The Mormons are in to it big time just like the Federal Government who connects to all of the data. Why? Yep, you know why? #1 is marketing and #2 is information about you. I think I will throw out my computer! |
[Mini Donuts] We have a new donut guy at the flea market. Come in and get some donuts and ice cream and meet ‘Boo’. |
[Regrets] The most miserable thing about getting old is when you become smart enough to realize what you missed. |
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British humour. Video |
I surrender! |
[“Needle in eye”] Why wouldn’t you address this question to an optometrist immediately? Or the Dr. that performed said procedure? I’ve heard of asking around on taking care of ailments, but you’re talking about your eyesight! |
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[“Saturday’s Mystery paddle”] There’s no way you’ll ever know. Drill a hole in it and make it into a lamp. |
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[Florida’s Greenways and Trails] We hope you will enjoy the September 2015 newsletter of current activities, news and updates. The KWBGS Newsletter is provided via email on a quarterly basis and can be accessed via the Garden’s Website. Join me in thanking Beryn Harty for her continued efforts and all the contributors in reporting the Garden news, offers and photos. Link |
![]() “Something will have gone out of us as a people if we ever let the remaining wilderness be destroyed … We simply need that wild country available to us, even if we never do more than drive to its edge and look in.” Don’t forget to take a kid with you, they can explain everything in a way only a fresh young mind can. Sometimes we just don’t get it. Blessings my friends. PS we are very close to 1,000 likes on our Facebook page. Thank you. ~Coconuts & staff. Link |
“Like a good neighbor …” |
[“Davit storage”] Thanks for the info on long term boat davit storage. That’s encouraging. Did you use extra braces/lines for storms? |
China’s traffic. |
[“Fluoride“] It may look bad according to naysayers, but Fluoride occurs naturally in water, though rarely at the optimal level to protect teeth. Numerous scientific studies and reviews have recognized fluoride as an important nutrient for strong healthy teeth. Link |
[Mystery Paddle update] Two museums, one in Marathon & one in the upper Keys are looking into it. We were able to send several more photos with much more detail. A few folks feel it’s from the Cubans, I think it’s too small to be a homemade paddle from a raft. My guess is still a cooking tool. More will be revealed when I know more. |
[Holocaust] One presidential candidate said if the Jews were armed they wouldn’t have been exterminated. He got lambasted by almost everyone. I don’t know why he was so criticized for telling it like it is. 6 million Jews were murdered. You can bet if they all had guns the figure would have been far less. The candidate just said what the world has always wondered — would the Jews have fought if they were armed? Yes they would have. |
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[“Paid Duncan Ford $157.98 for a key to my 2010 pickup”] Read the reviews. With all the crap they pull, you sound like one of the lucky ones! |
2008 Mercedes-Benz CLK 350 convertible. 89,500 miles. Excellent condition. $17,500. John 305-304-6584 |
[“Fluoride”] Common fluoroquinolone (FQ) antibiotics like Cipro, Levaquin, Avelox, Noroxin, Floxin and Factive are known to cause mitochondrial toxicity which can result in peripheral neuropathy. That’s the pain, numbness and weakness typically felt in your hands and feet from nerve damage. An FDA study in 2013 confirmed this danger but they have kept quiet about it. The nerve damage and pain can be permanent! At the first hint of trouble, cease the prescription and hope it’s not too late. I got the alert from Health Sciences Institute. I have always tried to avoid these because they are fluoride based which is insecticide and hazardous waste. Whose bright I believe it was the Germans in WWII. It makes the public more docile so it’s easier to run over them and control the masses. It’s actually poison. Check out plans for the new world order. |
![]() [“Mystery paddle”] The Penn Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology has a similar paddle in its collection listed as from the Seneca Iroquois |
[“Bubba system”] If the local government is corrupt who can you call to turn them in? Seems they take care of their own and that is not the correct way to run things anymore. The only honest newspaper around here is The Blue Paper. Every day it’s on the front page of The Citizen and every day it’s on the front page, nothing is being done. Bunch of crooks is what they are. |
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The picture dubbed “Mystery Paddle” first appeared to me as a cutting board that had traveled long distances at sea. |
Buddy Guy rules the Blues! |
[“Mystery paddle”] It looks like a recent boat paddle from one of the derelict boat people where one edge and the handle broke off. |
Coconuts. Rockin’ you Right at the Light for over 30 years. Way before there was a light! |
[Weed] In the U.S. and Fl. it is legal for one to make beer (100 gal. per adult, per year) and wine (200 gal. per year). Why can’t I grow a few simple plants? |
![]() One of the biggest success stories mentioned at the Annual Meeting was the “Stuff the Bus” campaign. This year, donations from the community provided nearly 20 pallets full of school supplies for students throughout the Keys! |
[American Education] A minority person was on TV complaining about the pōlice knocking her boyfriend to the ground and the pain that caused him to be in the “fecal” position. |
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[The Movies] How many heist movies are there where they just have to pull one more job? |
![]() If you happen to be on the mainland this weekend you might want to drop in on the Redland Open House, Fri, Sat, Sun. It’ll be at 4 locations: Carib Plants, Motes Orchids, Soroa Orchids & Whimsy Orchids. Go to Link for details and map. Sale prices and classes at all four locations & drawings for 4 orchid collections. |
Interesting places to visit on the Web. |
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[Marathon Journal] Winners from Key West elections: City Commission District 4 Richard Payne, District 2 Sam Kaufman, and District 5 Margaret Romero. Utility Group 1 Steven Wells Sr, Group 4 Mona Clark, and Group 5 Charles Bradford. Link
For Marathon City Council the Journal endorses Dick Ramsay; Mark Senmartin, as well as for mayor; as suggested by Mayor Chris Bull the third highest vote-getter should be selected to fill that seat. |
Reporter gets angry and tells us the real news. Video |
[Pop Quiz] When was the last time our government told you the truth? What an incredible shame it is about this fake war on terror. It’s ugly, unconceivable and a lot of people can’t get there head around the fact that our own people murdered 3,000 people that day. Not to mention all the patriots (soldiers) that where either crippled or killed. The real terrorists wear $1,000 suits and live in this country. Wake up everybody. I’m not sticking up for Muslims, but let’s face the facts. When you ask a question you’re a “truther”, a “conspiracy theorist”, etc. |
![]() Anyone have the real Lower Keys recipe for Palmetto Poppers? |
Tips for teaching your dog to greet other pets politely. Link |
![]() I haven’t lost my mind. Half of it just wander off. And the other half went looking for it. |
[Eunuch Reporting] After the CT was castrated from displaying national political posts from our local citizens and making us go to some 3rd party big brother link to spout off, there is nothing left to talk about that is as important as national and international happenings. Politics is the root of all evil especially in the Keys. Come on ED, get it back together or get someone with “big ones” to run it the way it was!. |
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[Crooks] A fisherman and his accountant wife were charged with fraud for filing 20 bogus BP Oil claims. Most all those claims are fraudulent. Very few fishermen can say they lost money becasuse of an oil spill a thousand miles away. People are just trying to scam BP whom I have no sympathy for, but right is right and a crook is a crook no matter the reason. |
![]() 1996 2120 Robalo Center Console, 225 HP Suzuki Motor, 9.9HP Yamaha Kicker, S1000 Autopilot JRC1000 Radar, VHF Radio, Oversized T-Top, 2008 Aluminum Continental Tandem Axel Trailer with all stainless steel hardware. Contact 920-217-8280 for more information. Asking $10,000 OBO. |
I find it very heartwarming that the Viagra Corporation made a very large donation to FIRM. |
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Key West city commissioners abetted voter fraud in my opinion by allowing Key Haven resident to vote. Read all about it in |
![]() From now on I only drink gluten free beer. Just kidding, I don’t know what gluten is, but I bet it’s delicious! |
[“Mystery paddle”] It probably belongs to FTR guy, you know for stirring up crap. |
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Is that gun shop that got busted on Big Pine reopen yet? |
![]() I tried to get rid of 200 pounds of ugly fat, but the sharks spit her back into the boat! |
International coastal cleanup a success. Volunteers needed for future cleanups. Link |
![]() [In God’s Name] A central New York couple has been charged with fatally beating their 19-year-old son inside a church and four fellow church members have been charged with assault. |
Gee, wouldn’t it be fun for Fantasy Fest if everyone got dressed as a Muslim and ran around praising Jesus? |
![]() [Teenie Weenie] The reason guys have those jacked up pickup monster trucks is they have a penis problem. They can’t let go of it! |
[Captain Doom and Gloom] DEF: Lock n. A device to keep honest people out. DEF: Security n. Something imagined by innocents. DEF: Hasp n. A place to hang a lock on a wood door. DEF: Airport n. A large flat area for crashing in. DEF: Aircraft n. The ability to flagellate quietly. DEF: Ground Hog n. A real Estate agent who sells other agents properties. DEF: Banker n. A low life using borrowed money for free. DEF: Sin n. That which dull people see as bad or unattainable. DEF: Tax collector n. SEE: Nosferatu, Dracula, IRS. DEF: Junta n. A group of ne’er-do-wells organized to live without working. DEF: Laptop n. A portable unneeded invention. A fun thing in some adult bars |
[Beer] Budweiser is buying Miller for $106 billion. The combined company would control nearly a third of the global market. |
[“Wooden paddle”] Regarding the artifact found, contact Tracy Ardren, PhD, chair of the UM Dept of Anthropology. |
![]() The left are exploiting each mass casualty shooting for their political aims of gutting the Second Amendment. A rational examination of every mass casualty shooting will reveal that no gun control legislation could have prevented the tragedy. The left demonizes guns, but never reveals that at least 67k times a year a gun in used in self-defense. Nor do they tell us that in virtually every episode, the carnage ended with intervention by an armed citizen or law enforcement authority. Guns save far more lives than they take. But gun ownership and shooting are not just defensive in nature, shooting is fun. More and more Americans are discovering that shooting is great recreation. We’re lucky to have a really good range here in the lower Keys. It called the … (Continued on National Politics) |
Submit anything but National Politics to |