Letters to the editor with pictures since 0202. Published on Big Pine Key’s garbage days, Tuesdays and Fridays.
![]() [Price Gauging] “Gouging” by Lower Keys gas stations hurts other businesses. If we drive to Marathon to fill up on $2.15 gasoline, rather than $2.69 (or higher) at Big Pine, Ramrod, or Summerland Keys, we’ll likely shop in Marathon, too. Home Depot reaps the extra cash, rather than our own lumber yard or hardware stores. Publix gets grocery dollars that otherwise might go to Winn Dixie. The K-Mart and Dollar Tree have offerings that compete with our local gift shops. It goes on and on. Maybe the local businesses or the Chamber of Commerce should ‘splain it to the gouging gas stations. |
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[Crappy Contractor] Who was responsible for hiring C & R Milling & Paving? FDOT must really hate the Florida Keys. We get the worst possible road crews in the nation. Night work for repairing US1 on Summerland Key is 1/3 finished. They think they’re done, as the white and yellow lines are already painted. Rather than resurface the road, they only paint a little black asphalt over the top of all the broken, bumpy roadway that we’ve dealt with for years. The only smooth area is the North lane directly off the bridge between Ramrod and Summerland. Inexcusable. |
![]() Science After Feminism (Princeton) We’re All A Little Crazy: Gender, Madness, & Popular Culture (Indiana University) Rednecks, Queers, and Country Music (University of Michigan) Medieval Sexuality (Northwestern University). After four years of that sort of indoctrination, the poor boy doesn’t know any better. Manward has a point. I wonder if these courses count towards your engineering degree? |
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[“Crow cross”] They are cows forming a cross for Heaven’s sake. Not crows! |
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Christmas Ice Carousel. Video |
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I’m at the age where an “all-nighter” just means I didn’t have to get up to pee |
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[Shut Down] Approximately, 150,000 government employed veterans are affected by shutdown. Six of the largest veterans groups call for an end to the stalemate that has led to the longest government shutdown in U.S. history. Support our troops not politics! Link |
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![]() This fun afternoon event is free to all, and continues at the Sugarloaf Lodge, on Sugarloaf Key MM17. Prizes, good food and cold beverages are available. The Club’s sound system will provide 50’s and 60’s music. Bring the kids to enjoy these beautiful relics of the auto world. Club members are seeking new members for a full schedule of shows & events. Join Sunday and get the Club Shirt and sticker. For more information contact Dick Moody 305-942-1758 |
[KOA Rebuilding] I hear they are rebuilding but it’s a hotel with 145 rooms and some high-end camping like Blue Water Resort. Did I miss this news in the paper? How does this get approved? Just because they have the ROGO points doesn’t mean they can change usage |
![]() Do you believe you have true liberty in today’s America or today’s world? If so, maybe you are just not paying attention. As just one example: Did you want to repair your home damaged by Irma, but Monroe County told you the repair bill exceeded 50% of the building’s assessed value, so you would have to destroy your home and become homeless while continuing to pay off a $200,000 mortgage? Thomas Paine, who emigrated to “The Colonies” with the help of Benjamin Franklin in 1774, wrote that he “found the disposition of the people such, that they might have been led by a thread and governed by a reed.” Not much has changed. Maybe it’s the fluoride FKAA adds to the water. Nazi’s added it to concentration camp water as a pacification med and the new Nazis, possibly with the help of fluoride, have successfully been FKAAing us since. |
[Laser Bad] Man pointed a laser at a Coast Guard helicopter, feds say. That’s a federal crime. Link |
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[The Wall] $5.7 billion to build a roughly 230-mile long segment of a U.S.-Mexico border wall. That’s roughly $24 million per mile, and roughly $4,500 per foot! There’s a real price and then there’s the government price. That’s the same government that gave us a $900 toilet seat and the $400 hammer. |
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[Foster Care Classes] Begin in Marathon January 30th. Every day in Florida children are removed from their homes because their parents are not able to provide the love and care they need – sometimes because they didn’t learn good parenting skills; sometimes because of substance abuse, mental illness, and domestic violence; sometimes because of all of the above. As a foster parent, you can give a child the love and security they need. You can play a significant role in helping families heal and reunite and, when that is not possible, you can help children transition to a new home and a new family. Wesley House Family Services is seeking nurturing families interested in providing a loving home to children who are in the foster care system. Classes begin January 30th in Marathon and are held each Wednesday night for six weeks.
To register or for more information call Megan Burgess at 305-809-5020 or e-mail at megan.burgess@wesleyhouse.org |
![]() [Good Legal Advice] ‘Shut the f**k up Friday’. Never answer questions the cops ask. Video |
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[Developers] Old Baltuff Dump, Middle Torch Key. Habitat for Humanity of Key West and the Lower Keys (HFH) will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, January 22, 2019, at 3 pm at the Big Pine Key Library, 213 Key Deer Boulevard, Big Pine Key, FL 33043. The purpose of the meeting is to obtain public comment on HFH’s intent to submit an application for a US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfields Cleanup Grant for the property known as the Old Baltuff Dump, Middle Torch Key Road, Middle Torch Key. Interested parties are encouraged to attend this meeting to provide comment. The initial draft of the proposed grant application, including a draft Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives, will be available for review and comment starting on January 16, 2019, by contacting Gregory Brown, HFH Executive Director, at the HFH Key West office, telephone (305) 294-9006, or email execdirector@habitatlowerkeys.org. Copies of the initial draft of the proposed grant application and the draft Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives will be available at the public meeting. |
![]() [Blood Pressure] Almost everyone I know is on blood pressure pills. This is so sad & scary. Blood pressure drug recall: FDA investigates foreign plants that made drugs with cancer-causing impurities. The FDA increased inspections of foreign drug makers. Problems remain at Chinese and Indian plants that made blood pressure meds recalled for cancer risk. Link |
You change the world, by being yourself. ~Yoko Ono |
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[Mini Sense of Humor] No, it is not OK to shoot Ospreys. It is illegal whatever their status. Why write that? |
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[“Marijuana monopoly”] In Florida this just verifies who has been selling the dope for years. Want a permit to sell? Forgetaboutit. |
![]() The cost of the program is $55 per person (materials included) or $80 for two people with shared materials. Scholarships are available to a high school student and parent. Topics include: Which Boat is for You, Required Boat Equipment, Operator Responsibilities, Rules of the Road, Handling Your Boat, Highway Signs, Introduction to Navigation, Navigation Exercise, A Look at the Coast Guard Auxiliary, Trailering, Boating Safety, Florida Law, Hands on Knot Tying, and a guest speaker from the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. For more information, visit Our Web Site a0701303.wow.uscgaux.info and select “Boating Safety Classes” To sign up, contact Diane Adam 305-872-4071 auxclassreg@yahoo.com |
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[Winn Dixie] Weekly ad. Link |
[Friday Joke] A little old lady, well into her eighties, slowly enters the front door of a sex shop. Very unstable on her feet, she wobbles the few feet across the store to the counter. Arriving at the counter and grabbing it for support, stuttering she asks the sales clerk, “Dddooo youuuu hhhave dddddiilllldosss?” The clerk, trying not to burst out laughing, replies, “Yes we do have dildos. Actually, we carry many different models.” The old lady then asks: “Dddddoooo yyyouuuu ccaarrryy aaa pppinkk onnee, tttenn inchessss lllong aaandd aabboutt ttwoo inchesss ththiickk… aaand rrunns by bbaatteries?” The clerk responds, “Yes we do.” She then asks, “Ddddooo yyoooouuuu kknnnoooww hhhowww tttooo tturrrnnn ttthe ssunoooffabbitch offffff?” |
[Manatees] Heads up and slow down in the Eden Pines canals. I have seen manatees swimming by several times in the last ten days or so |
Socialism is when the State orders you to allow access to your extra bedroom to people that smell bad! |
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We need secure borders. We keep better track of our dairy cows than we do folks coming across our border. Stop the madness, secure our borders now! This is coming to a town or city near you. ~Coconuts Bar & Liquor Store, down town Big Pine Key. |
[ByeBye] After having worked for The Johnsons Insurance Agency/Insurance Office of America for almost forty wonderful years, I am retiring from my insurance career. My last day of work will be Friday, February 1, 2019. Our Big Pine Key office will continue to serve any and all of your insurance needs. Debbie Friis-Pettitt and her team will provide the same excellent level of service for our clientele. It has truly been my joy and privilege to have worked with our wonderful clients throughout these many years. As I begin a new, exciting chapter in my life, I would like to say thank you to all of you for the kindness and respect you have shown me. Warm regards, ~Susan J Cherrybon |
How the Coriolis Effect works on water (not the magnetic field as the video says). Here’s a very interesting experiment performed for tourists in Tanzania. See how precisely the earth’s magnetic force works just few feet apart from the equator and on the equator. Video |