Published Tuesdays and Fridays. Letters to the editor with pictures. Since 0202.
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[Debris] The County has set a deadline for the final debris removal between MM 28-40, Little Torch to Big Bine and No Name Keys. Sunday January 28 is the last day to put hurricane debris on the roadways. |
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[Government Shutdown] My kid asked me if the Government shuts down do we have to obey the laws? I told her that we did because the real government has all the guns and tanks, so we couldn’t do anything anyway. |
![]() Moving slowly and measuring only 1 to 3 inches long, the flatworm has an innocuous presence that doesn’t elicit fear or shrieks. It’s just not something people commonly would notice despite potentially posing a human health hazard as a toxic parasite carrier. They’re also hard to find as they tend to hang out in flower pots or in leaf litter. But if one is found, there’s a good chance more are hidden close by. The flatworm’s mouth is located in the middle of its white belly and can penetrate through a snail’s shell to consume its flesh. “They are a large threat (to snails),” said Tim Collins, director of graduate biological sciences at Florida International University. “They hunt in packs and in some parts of the world they were introduced intentionally to eat the Giant African snail, and groups of these flatworms would take the giant snail down.” Link |
[“Why can’t people be racist?”] I don’t like anyone who is not like me. And even them, I mostly don’t like. |
[Wood Chipper] 4 cylinder gas. Ford engine. 10” throat. Runs good. Makes little sticks out of big sticks. Good tires. $3200 located on 20th Street Ocean in Marathon Eric (352) 207-6492 |
[Conspiracyman] The story given concerning the missile emergency alert in Hawaii seems to be a cover-up. What many aren’t aware of is that 3 days later the same incident occurred in Japan. According to some boat charter contacts I know in Hawaii, they reported that 1/2 hour before the alert went off, what they believed to be a meteor, had exploded in the ocean off the coast of Honolulu. According to some naval contacts, it is believed that the navy intercepted a ballistic missile fired from a type 2 Israeli dolphin submarine. It is believed that the sub was sunk by the navy also. It is believed that the purpose behind this act was to blame North Korea for the missile attack. This wouldn’t be the first time Israelis would attempt a false flag event. Considering that the Israelis attacked the USS Liberty back in 1967 making it look as if the Liberty was attacked by the Egyptian air force. The act was due to Israel’s attempt to foil negotiations between Egypt and the U.S. |
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We will not be able to hold our Big Pine Computer Club meeting at the library this coming Saturday, the 27th. Unavailability of the meeting room is probably going to be ongoing. If anyone has an idea for a possible future meeting location (wi-fi included), please email me. Betz |
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[Debris in Canals] The process to restore canals in the Keys is apparently complex. Monroe County, representing unincorporated parts of the Keys such as Big Pine, Key Largo and several others, along with incorporated areas, must each draft and sign individual memos of understanding with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission originally was also part of the multi-agency venture but has since pulled out. Monroe County Commissioner George Neugent says that all the bureaucratic shuffling means the county’s hands are tied.
“It’s not in the hands of the county, and it’s going to take millions of dollars in cleanup (costs),” Neugent said. While it has been reported that DEP would take on most or all of the costs, that hasn’t been finalized. As that debate continues, Neugent says that the canals will continue to be beset by floating and sunken garbage. |
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[Pot] Buy marijuana seeds. Link |
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[Mold] Deer Renter with mold, I hope you had renter’s insurance. Mold is a bad scene. My face swells up & I look like a Downs Syndrome person. Thanks to all those moldy scuba dive “resorts” which I can no longer expose myself to mold. Run, don’t walk away from being in any area enclosed with mold. My vote is it is all bad and hurts people. |
Aging musicians still with us. |
[Crooks] How can the sewer company charge us for sewage removal if we are not hooked up yet? The sewer system isn’t working right anyway. Are they doing something illegal? |
China’s record breaking 4,000 ft long bridge. Video |
[“Habitat Hammers free help”] Nice info you provided, but what’s the area income needed to qualify? |
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[“Turd world”] I’ve already booked my vacation! Namibia turned ‘shithole’ slur into a spoof sales pitch for a safari tour. Warning ⚠️ excessive use of the word “shithole.” Video |
![]() Levi Roots’ Jamaican Porridge Add the porridge oats to the fragrant spiced liquid, bring to the boil and then turn down the heat to a gentle simmer for 5-10 minutes, stirring often. Personally, I don’t like porridge too stiff, I like to make sure it can still move around the pan adding more coconut milk or water if necessary. Spoon your porridge into bowls and add whatever takes your fancy. I like my porridge sweet so add a bit of condensed milk |
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Has anyone tried Tonio’s (formerly The Wharf, formerly Billie’s, on the west end of the Niles Channel Bridge)? |
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Musician and Textile Artist Selected as January 2018 Artists-in-Residence. Link |
[Hanging Cables] Does anyone know what company owns the cables that are hanging from the Spanish Harbor Bridge and Bahia Honda Bridge in the water. Both areas have had cable crews working there and not one crew will rehang or remove these cables. This is a big danger to boaters and something has to be addressed. |
[Debris] The governor’s pal MCM has again failed to meet a deadline for cleaning up Irma trash. Who’da thunk in an area of half mil and million dollar homes there’d still be trash lining the streets? |
Grammar Police |
[Patience] Adopt the pace of nature; her secret is patience. ~Emerson |
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[Going To The Big City] Has anybody been to Key Plaza lately in Key West? We walked from Kmart to the smoothy place. I had a hooker trying to pick me up; she was very aggressive about it. My wife was lagging behind, but was close enough to hear what was said. Glad the young lady walked off before I needed bail money for wifey. A guy with the hooker was selling something he said was Blues? 4 or 5 drunks passing a bottle of vodka and some really crazy women telling all who would listen, very loudly, how her boyfriend would be mayor! Jesus, KWPD clean that hot mess up please. It is disgusting in that entire parking lot and next to Home Depot as well. If you wanted to take a bus you would have to clean the bums off the benches first. With everybody in Key West hiring this is unacceptable. |
Ice festival in China. Link |
Love your news. I’ve been keeping up for years. Thank you for the honest news! |
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Weed for warriors project. Welcome home! Link |
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[Can Planet Earth Feed 10 Billion People] Humanity has 30 years to find out. Link |
[Irma Repair] I know this is a dumb question, but who in the Lower Keys will do soffit and fascia repairs at a decent price, without me having to remortgage my freak in’ house? |
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[The Rio Canal] Why not dig the Rio Grand wider and deeper to allow ships from the Gulf to the Pacific and say screw the Panama canal? So it takes years, so what, just put all the Mexicans, druggies, and criminals to work digging it. |
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[Get High and Die] While habitual cocaine users contend with a certain risk of death due to their drug abuse, the DEA is warning that even tiny amounts of opioid-laced coke circulating in Florida can be fatal. So far, this highly addictive combination has mostly avoided the Florida Keys, despite a recent analysis of seized cocaine. |
Launch Scrubbed: Jan. 11 Delta IV NROL-47. Video |
Catherine Deneuve just came out with a letter that 100 other woman signed to combat this sick suing crap that is plaguing this planet. She has had enough of the money hungry woman out to get what they can from the rich guys. I would love to see a list of all the woman accusing men of ass grabbing. They would never get any ever again! A list of their lawyers would be nice too. |
![]() Cortes, his officers, and all of us, shed tears for this unfortunate monarch; indeed many of our men, who had been in constant attendance on him, mourned for him as if they had lost a parent. Even father Olmedo himself, who never for a moment left his side, and who, notwithstanding all his efforts, had not been able to convert him to Christianity, could not refrain from shedding tears. And no one will feel surprised at this who knew what a very kind-hearted person Montezuma was. |
[Trash Talking] I have traveled to all parts of this planet, seen what it is like to live in all countries, and believe me, the president is absolutely correct about shitholes. 99 percent of earths inhabitants should be culled for fertilizer. They do not deserve to live here, only we do. |
[Beautiful People Are Nicer] Ever notice the protesters and hate groupies are always the uglies and airheads? Their mental and physical frustrations drive them insane. Seems only the beautiful people are stable! Time to cull the corral. |
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