No Saturday Edition
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OZ passed away two weeks ago. He truly was a Keys Character and will be missed. |
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License free fishing weekend! Link |
Happy Thanksgiving Florida Keys! Everyone has a reason to be thankful. |
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[Municipal Bonds] I’ve seen calls to issue bonds, to put in a proper sewer system without grinder pumps on private property, on the CT as of late. Is this a good idea? could investors actually make money on this fisco? If it is a good idea why don’t the powers that be do it? or is that a stupid question? |
I love that NBC showed the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade after the dog show. Did they always do that, and I just never realized? Great! |
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[Don’t Mess With Mother Nature] We all know that Monsanto’s genetically engineered crops and the pesticides they promote can wreak havoc on our farms, food, and environment, but did you know they are also playing a big role in the quickly disappearing Monarch butterflies? |
[Saturday is Small Business Day] I have to admit that being a local, I bought nothing at Black Friday sales. I have been here in the Keys so long that waiting in long lines for a few bargains, with the possibility of being trampled doesn’t appeal to me. I will be buying some electronic things online on Internet Monday. That seems easy. This Saturday and Sunday the Flea Market will be open 8 am till 2pm. We have over 100 local vendors that are selling great bargains for your Christmas shopping. Come in and please buy tropical and unique gifts and don’t forget to get yourself something nice too. There are at least six shops selling women’s tropical clothing, four with tropical jewelry, many with fishing supplies and a few of us with gag gifts and fun toys for kids. Our fresh produce is awesome, but if you try to send it up north it might not make it. Jacks mini donuts are good, but don’t try sending them either. Come on in to meet your friends and neighbors, this is the best social place in Big Pine and you won’t have to fight the stampedes from the big cities. |
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I am ever thankful that I was born in this country and that I did what I did — mostly. |
[R.I.P.] Jon Edward Threlkeld, 80, of Savannah, Tenn., formerly of Big Pine Key, Fla., passed away Tuesday, Nov. 26. He had purchased the Big Pine Fishing Lodge in 1967, and sold it in 1972. He was a local contractor on Big Pine Key in residential and commercial construction. His last construction project on Big Pine Key was Strike Zone Charters. |
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[Groceries] Two years ago It cost about $400 a month to feed my spouse and myself. This year the same amount of food costs about $600. My income has remained the same. Bah, humbug. |
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[Pumpkin Pie] Now you know! |
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[Redux] Fast amphibious car. Video |
Coconuts’ Thanksgiving, 2013] Coconuts, along with some of our customers & staff have been putting together a Thanksgiving feast for over 30 years. Here are some little snippets of our day. We hope your feast was a good one. We are thankful to be a part of such a wonderful community! |
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[Thanksgiving Date Brain Fart] Thanksgiving has been the 4th Thursday of the month since 1942. They history and why is at this link |
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[Citizen Of The Day Says] she loves the people of the Keys. |
No contest, thought the man, so he climbed the ladder to the next cloud. On this cloud was a slightly thinner woman, who was slightly easier on the eye. “Screw me hard or climb the ladder to success,” she said. “Well,” thought the man, “might as well carry on.” On the next cloud was an even more attractive lady who, this time, was quite attractive. “Screw me now or climb the ladder to success,” she uttered. As he turned her down and went on up the ladder, the man thought to himself that this was getting better the further he went. On the next cloud was an absolute beauty. Slim, attractive, the lot. “Screw me here and now or climb the ladder to success,” she flirted. Unable to imagine what could be waiting, and being a gambling man, he decided to climb again. When he reached the next cloud, there was a 400 pound ugly man, arm pit hair showing, flies buzzing around his head. “Who are you?” the man asked. “Hello” said the ugly fat man, “I’m Cess!” |
[Black Friday] Robinson Crusoe standing over Friday after he frees him from the cannibals. |
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[Gas Prices] I don’t understand why BPK/Summerland gas is more than Marathon. Even stranger, as long as I can remember, gas has never been cheaper in Boca Chica/KW than in the lower Keys. I’m with the previous poster, I’ve been boycotting the local Shell-opoly since they opened the shiny new stores and started charging us excessively. The worst is the Rec fuel – even gas on the water (Venture Out) is cheaper than Shell – which is more than 50 cents per gallon higher than Marathon too! |
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Jeez, I’m still full from yesterday! |
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I don’t think so! |
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[Joke Friday] While attending a Marriage Weekend, Frank and his wife Ann listened to the instructor declare, It is essential that husbands and wives know the things that are important to each other. He then addressed the men. Can you name and describe your wife’s favorite flower? Frank leaned over, touched Ann’s arm gently, and whispered, Gold Medal-All-Purpose, Isn’t it? |
[Authentic?] Marmalade from England and pie filling from Pennsylvania |
“It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.” ~Ben Franklin Well citizens, we have a lot of authority around here to question. Don’t believe anything they are saying. The deeper I look, the more I find. Dump the pumps! Dump any official that supports sewer grinders on private property. |
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We know it’s cold when our cat crawls under the blankets to keep warm. |
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[Joke Friday] Someone has finally explained the reason baby diapers have brand names such as “Luvs” and “Huggies,” while undergarments for old people are called “Depends.” You see, when babies crap their pants, people are still gonna Luv’em and Hug’em. However, when old people crap their pants, it “Depends” on who’s in the will. Glad to get that straightened out for you. |
[Personal Security Data Defeated] Federal judge dismisses lawsuit against Apple Inc because thier iOS software makes it easy to spy on people and facilitates transmission of personal information including current and past locations, contacts, etc. to unknown third party persons without first informing users. Anyone who has children using these iOS devices are obviously concerned, as well as business people or others who can’t have their sensitive data or current location transmitted online in such easily intercepted and unblockable manner. Because the defendants couldn’t prove any direct harm to themselves, it clears the way for Apple and other companies like Google to continue to be extremely unconcerned about your or your children’s personal security in regards to their products. Ones only option is not to purchase smart devices, especially now that Apple is moving all device syncing online exclusively. Link |
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I say thanks to Ed of our infamous CT. It’s a love/hate thing, but without it why would I get up in the morning? just to drink? |
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[Joke Friday]I love Christmas lights! They remind me of the people who voted for Obama. They all hang together; half of them don’t work, and the ones that do, aren’t all that bright! |
The price of oil is now $92 a barrel, near six-month lows, after U.S. crude stockpiles rose for a tenth consecutive week. It’s predicted that the US will be the largest producer of oil by 2050 out oiling the Mid East. |
[Regressive Hypocrisy] I’m a middle of the aisle person and like the Regressive Hypocrisy posts. Where does he come up with all that stuff? |
[Exporting Democracy Failure] A series of bombings across Iraq targeting shoppers, security forces and a militia group killed at least 13 people Thursday. |
[Faith in Fellow Man] The basic problem with Obama and Obamacare is that he has the usual lofty liberal assumption that all good Americans are naturally going to work together to do the “right” thing. The reality is that most “citizens” are are bunch of opportunistic skates who will not lift one finger to work together and are out to grab as much stuff as they can for themselves without regard for much more than their own pleasure.. This narrative is typical of the entire human race, world wide, unfortunately. Us as mankind, are not cut out for long term survival as a species. But enjoy this situation as long as it lasts. If it feels good, do it! |
[No Inflation] The Federal Reserve is getting pretty desperate that inflation is not happening. I would not be all surprised to see a negative interest rate in order to encourage money to be spent. They do not want people to save. They want a inflation rate of between 4% and 9%. Many banks already charge you to park your money in savings or checking accounts. Though some have accounts that are free, paid for by fees on people that drop below minimums or overdraft. I could certainly see more fees coming in the future. At some point this artificial economy is going to implode. 10 years? 20 years? Who knows? |
[One Trick Pony] Most of the time when I go to Fox News they are blathering about Obamacare. |
[Regressive Hypocrisy #16] The religious right, who consider President Reagan it’s hero, continue to call the United States a Christian Nation. Ronald Reagan, however, said the following. “We establish no religion in this country. We command no worship. We mandate no belief nor will we ever. Church and State must remain separate”. |
Democrats greatest achievement since Medicare is Obamacare. Regressive’s greatest achievement is trying to monkey wrench it. |
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Deer Friends, just for the record, The Cleveland Clinic is reducing its staff by about 3000, but contrary to a posting yesterday, I did not post that fact on Wednesday. Is it “voluntary retirement” or layoffs, or is a combination of both, and why? It is true that CC’s management has expressed support for the ACA, wouldn’t you if your business was subjected to draconian governmental regulations? The regulatory powers of the government, especially this administration are formidable, even frightening. Never for an instant forget that the Obama administration wielded the IRS as a weapon against conservative groups. There is no question but that the CC is cutting spending by about $300 million and staff by about 3000. What follows are direct quotes from Eileen Sheil, Executive Director of Corporate Communications for the Cleveland Clinic: “Some of the initiatives (cost cutting) include offering early retirement to 3,000 eligible employees, reducing operational costs, stricter review of filling vacant positions, and lastly workforce reductions,” Why are they doing this? “We know we are going to be reimbursed less,” under Medicaid, Sheil said.” Ms. Sheil also said that the reduction in Medicare payments required by Democare was “a factor” in the decision to cut staff and expenses Please recall that the Democrats funded Democare by robbing Medicare by well over $700 billion. That has had the effect of hospitals being forced to cut costs Certainly such draconian cuts will adversely affect patient care. The Ohio Hospital Association estimates that statewide, the Medicare and Medicaid reductions will come to $7.4 billion over ten years. It is possible that there were factors in addition to Democare that prompted CC to shrink its spending and workforce, but it is impossible to deny that Democare will directly impact the way and how much hospitals will get paid. I submit that the cuts required by Democare were a major factor in CC’s and other hospitals decision to cut staff and reduce costs. Part 2) Fair is fair, so it’s only fair that the “Republican Hypocrisy” poster’s offerings be balanced by an examination of the corruption of just a fraction of Democrat politicos. The United States is a republic, which means law is king. To be a politician and to break the law then is to be corrupt. It’s amazing, but many of the corrupt Democrat politicians have managed to rebound.. Perhaps we should first recall Democrat Congressperson, “The weenie wager”, Anthony Weiner. Then of course there are the income tax cheats, Ex Secy of the Treas Tim Geithner and NY Democrat Congressperson Charlie Rangel who committed at least 13 violation of Congressional Ethics. Certainly we cannot forget William Jefferson Clinton whose perjury resulted in him being impeached and his license to practice law repealed. Democrat bastion, Illinois, is home base to Obama and ground zero where his contacts and ethics were forged. Over the past 40 years, about 1,500 people mostly Democrat politicos—including 30 Chicago aldermen—have been convicted for bribery, extortion, embezzlement, tax fraud, and other forms of corruption. The head of the FBI’s Chicago office, offered a succinct analysis of Chicago’s political landscape: “If [Illinois] isn’t the most corrupt state in the United States,” he said, “it is certainly one hell of a competitor Democrat Governor, Rod Blagojevich is now imprisoned for bribery and sundry other offenses. He joins former Illinois Democrat governors, now convicts, Otto Kerner and Dan Walker in serving prison time. Aren’t we all so thankful that our Supreme Leader is a child and product of Chicago politics? Democrat chicanery is not limited to Illinois. Democrat Former Senate majority leader Tom Daschle dropped his bid to be Health Secretary after being exposed for failing to pay $128,000 of dollars in taxes over the years. New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson dropped out as a candidate for Commerce Secretary amid a grand jury investigation into his out-of-state political donors getting a lucrative state contract. Let’s not forget Democrat John Murtha. Congressperson (PA) and his deep deep involvement in the ABSCAM scandal. That mess involved an FBI sting wherein Saudi nationals were offering bribes enter the US. Murtha testified against two other Democrat Representatives, Frank Thompson (D-NJ) and John Murphy (D-NY). Murtha, was seen, on video, being offered a bribe, he responded by saying: “not now, maybe later.” Plus, there was a substantial body of evidence that he did not deserve the medals he had been awarded when in the military. The link will take you to an abbreviated list of 45 corrupt Democrat politicians with photos where possible. These are Democrat politicians with criminal records. Many have served prison time. Link When you’ve concluded that little walk in the muddy Democrat swamp, perhaps you might be interested in checking out even more Democrat politicos who have crossed the line. Link |