Since 2002. Published Wednesdays and Saturdays
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[Muslims Kill At Least 14 People In California] We have the NRA to thank for this. When will Americans wake up and change our gun laws.
I recently went fishing with a Dutch couple who wanted to know why Americans were so obsessed with guns. I answered that we need them in case we were ever invaded, etc. They laughed and when they realized I was serious, looked at me as if I were crazy. They said they don’t have any shootings in the Netherlands. Video |
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[Rebel Yell] Rare footage of Civil War veterans doing the rebel yell. Video A better version is by Billy Idol – Rebel Yell |
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[Gun Nuts] This year to date there have been 355 mass shootings in the USA. We don’t need gun control. We need gun removal! |
![]() Sunday, Dec 6th is Sunday Football – NFL Ticket See all the games at Springers Check out for daily specials and Like Us on Facebook Y’all come down and see us! |
[“I came to the Keys was back in 1965”] Holy crap, why are you so clinging to the past? Who cares what “the old crowd of shrimpers, hard ass fisherman and locals” would think of today’s Key West? Sunday night I went to a concert of Handel’s Messiah at United Methodist Church on Eaton St., after enjoying Michael McCloud at Schooners Wharf earlier that day with some friends and will be attending the Christmas parade Saturday night and the lighted bicycle ride the following week. How does that equal “greed, corruption and disrespect”, not to mention fruit loops, fantasy fairies and holy rollers”? You definitely have the right moniker (Captain Doom and Gloom) as all you see is the negative in this city. Let go and let God! |
![]() [Information Department] May I have the number for the Big Pine Key Fed Ex office. (Ed: It’s at |
[Gun Nuts] Rampage in California. Gun laws need to be changed to prohibit large magazines and all assault weapons. The existing assault weapons need to be confiscated and melted. That will be a start. ISIS is not the threat. The NRA is the biggest threat to our security. How can we feel safe when almost every day there is a mass shooting? ISIS is not to blame, they’ve had very little impact on our security and killed no one here. The American political ‘Right’ is the problem and their gun crazy obsession. It’s just not normal and does not make a safer America as they so often like to say. The fact is quite the contrary, the profusion of automatic weapons makes us less safe, just read the papers if you don’t believe me. |
[“I came to the Keys was back in 1965”] You remember it fondly only because you were young then and not as cynical as you are today. You had a lot more fun at 30 than you do today at 70 reminiscing on your lost youth. |
I have been listening to US 1 radio since they started in the 80’s. I hope they can work out their problems soon with the move to Sugarloaf. At least on BPK their signal was reliable. Now some days I turn on the radio to silence or choppy reception. It got to the point that I reactivated my Sirius radio in my car and now listen to Howard or CNN or music in the morning. The signal comes from out in space and is more reliable than our old local station. Sometimes I just hate change, especially if it is not for the better. |
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[Crooks] Thank goodness for the Ripoff Rapid Response Team. Where do we contribute to their cause? Those cosmetic shop scams on Duval are a real blight on Key West! |
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[“Big man little dog”] That big ox with the little dog in Wednesday’s CT probably did time to get that big. Bet he has fake front teeth and wiggles when he walks! |
![]() [Call Blocker Free] This app works on Android and Windows phones. Link |
Tuesday, December 1, United Way of the Florida Keys celebrated #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving back! Created in New York City in 2012, #GivingTuesday brings people together around the values of service and giving back. More than 60 countries around the world now celebrate this day to round out the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. #GivingTuesday combines the power of social media and individual giving to create real change in local communities.
This #GivingTuesday, UWFK collected donations for our work addressing education, food insecurity, and homelessness. These small acts of kindness, when added together, create real change for working families in the Florida Keys! Throughout the year, United Way of the Florida Keys contributes over $150,000 in grants to local nonprofits and distributes thousands of pounds of school supplies to public and charter schools throughout Monroe County. Another way UWFK gave back this #GivingTuesday was by volunteering. UWFK staff spent the afternoon volunteering with one of our local nonprofit partner agencies, Marathon Recreation Center, in Marathon. Staff and students worked together on crafts projects and daily homework assignments, helping ensure everyone’s academic needs were met first while still having an opportunity for fun! Donations to support the work of Marathon Rec Center and all of UWFK’s local nonprofit partner agencies are accepted year-round. If you would like to make a donation, you can access our online giving portal by clicking the “Donate” button at Thank you for helping us in our mission to become the leader in community caring! |
I don’t need anger management. I need people to stop pissing me off! |
[.25 Caliber Pistol] While out walking along the edge of a pond just outside of The Villages with my soon to be ex-husband discussing property settlement and other divorce issues, we were surprised by a huge 12-ft. alligator which suddenly emerged from the murky water and began charging us with its large jaws wide open. She must have been protecting her nest because she was extremely aggressive. If I had not had my little Beretta Jetfire .25 caliber pistol with me, I would not be here today! Just one shot to my estranged husband’s knee cap was all it took. The ‘gator got him easily and I was able to escape by just walking away at a brisk pace. It’s one of the best pistols in my collection! Plus the amount I saved in lawyer’s fees was really incredible. |
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[Terrorist Attack] As of Friday morning authorities were still not calling the California massacre a terrorist attack. I’m not an authority, but I know that when a Muslim kills innocents and has bombs in his garage—it’s a terrorist attack. “Oh, they were such nice, quiet people.” Bull s**t, they were Muslims, weren’t they? Preaching love and peace out of one side of their mouths while hate and jihad spew from the other. If they are not doing the killing, they are sympathizing with them. |
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[Marathon Journal] Larry Shaffer’s Mayor Senmartin interview.
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No one can spin a yarn like an Irish old lady. This is blow-coffee-out-your-nose funny at the end. Video |
![]() ![]() [Washer and Dryer For Sale] Like new. Whirlpool high efficiency washer. Frigidaire dryer used one and a half years in single person household. $500 for the pair Please contact 321-514-8834 between 8a.m. – 4p.m. |
Anybody got the scoop on “Fish” on Saddlebunch Key (last it was Kaya)? I hear it’s the same guy who bought The Wharf and Looe Key Tiki resort. If that’s true, then we’re left with Boondocks and the Grouper as independently owned eateries. |
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Neem oil is a natural insecticide (active ingredient: azadirachtin) which stops white flies, mealy bugs, ants and more insects from feeding and developing. Neem oil also has fungicidal properties which will help against powdery mildew, root rot, Septoria and gray mold. It is considered an organic control, it has a low toxicity factor for humans, animals and beneficial bugs. When you use this as a foliar spray, test a small part of your plant first to see if it’s well tolerated. If it works, spray your leaves lightly at night so the leaves absorb the oil overnight. Link |
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The single best thing we can do for the planet is to keep our stuff in use longer. This simple act of extending the life of our garments through proper care and repair reduces the need to buy more over time—thereby avoiding the CO2 emissions, waste output and water usage required to build it. Link |
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I asked the waitress for a quickie and she slapped me. The old woman next to me said, “It’s pronounced ‘quiche’, dear.” |
Ever wonder what a tortilla sounds like on a record player? Video |
A four word synopsis of people: All about the money. |
![]() There is no law that can even be contemplated that would have prevented any of the spate of recent mass casualty shootings. (continued on the National Politics page …) |
Submit anything but National Politics to For National Politics go directly to that page, log in, and post your comment. NATIONAL POLITICS |