The Original Unsocial Media Anonymous Letters to the Editor with Pictures Published Daily by Noon Since 2002 No Saturday Edition
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One mad momma! One tough broad. Video |
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[Tragedy] My name is Amber Streath and I graduated from Key West High School in June 2011. During high school I had the wonderful chance to create a bond with the Sattele family, including David and Nancy and their son Jonathan. Recently their son was in a terrible car accident and remains in a coma at Lee Memorial Hospital. His family has created a donation page and I was hoping that it could be posted to your website to reach out to the community and give emotional and monetary support to his family. I have been here at the hospital with his parents since the accident which was on April 10th and I can attest to the hardships that they are facing. Below is a possible post that can be shared on your website along with a link to the donations page. We would appreciate any kind of support and thank you so much for your time. Feel free to edit the paragraph below in any way, and do not hesitate to either email me back or give me a call if you have any questions or concerns.David and Nancy Sattele lived on Ramrod Key for 18 years and were very well known throughout the community. David Sattele was the owner of Tropicool Air Conditioning and Nancy Sattele worked at the Marine Bank in Big Pine Key as well as volunteered Sugarloaf Middle School. Their son, Jonathan Sattele, was heavily involved in the community as well, participating in Key Kids Productions and local talent shows. Jonathan graduated from Key West High School in 2010 and was on set to graduate from Florida Southern College with a degree in Biology this May. Last Thursday, April 10th, Jonathan was driving towards Fort Myers and was in a terrible roll-over accident. He was airlifted to Lee Memorial Hospital and remains in critical condition. It has been nine days since the accident and with the family being four hours away from home the expenses and medical bills have been piling up. Please keep Jonathan and his family in your prayers and if possible, continue down below to a donation page that goes directly to Nancy and David’s accounts. All of us here in Fort Myers are being strong for him!This is the website that donations can be sent directly to the family: |
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[Crooks] Monroe County Sheriffs Office deputies arrested two men in a series of recent rod and reel thefts. Joshua Causey 32, of Big Pine Key, was charged with two counts of grand theft in connection with thefts on Summerland Key and Sugarloaf Key. John Farley, 33, of Cudjoe Key, was charged with two counts of grand theft in connection with thefts on Big Coppitt Key and on Sugarloaf Key. Deputies were called to Parley’s home on April 16 at 6 am after he reported seeing someone take rods and reels, reports state. Minutes later, deputies stopped Causey and found 11 rod and reels and a radio-controlled boat motor in his car. |
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Computer desk. This is a solid heavy duty desk and top, oak-faced real wood, this is not a cheap particle board unit, but solid built. Original price was over $900. I am only asking $200. It is in great shape and will last for years to come. Please contact me at Classified Ads > Furniture |
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Dump the Pumps, Inc. has filed a Petition for Administrative Hearing against the sewer construction in North Big Pine Key, which includes everything north of Watson and quite a bit south of Watson. As the Notice accompanying the DEP Permit for that area states, “”Upon the timely filing of a petition, this permit will not be effective until further order of the Department.” In other words, FKAA’s permit is suspended until there is a hearing. The Petition should be available to read on the website by the time you see this. Dump the Pumps went through the the “administrative remedies” pre-requisites (delay tactics, really) and can now open fire.Did you know that FKAA actually got the Big Pine construction permits with plans that did not include any of the gravity conversions approved by County Commission decisions in Oct 2013 and Jan 2014? The general deceit and misinformation has been continuous. |
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Does anyone know why there are no coconut trees on the islands in the backcountry? Seems rather odd as coconuts can easily just float to island, get washed up and grow. Someone told me that coconuts are considered invasive and that some govt. agency actually clears them off the islands. Pretty bizarre if so. |
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[“Stealth Boats”] Probably Fish & Game’s new hunt & kill units to catch illegal fisherman and lobster guys. Hey, they have to do something with our tax money! |
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An alarm clock that smells & sounds like bacon cooking. Link![]() |
[Cat Wanted] I’m wanting to find my purrrrfect kitten. Some kitty, young and healthy and playful and brave. I’m not made of money so $75 for a kitten from the shelter is kind of out. I do have money for vaccinations and other necessities. Kitty will live indoors (except for screened porch. Kitty will have it’s very own parrot and doggie to pester. Kitty will be altered when 4 months old. Not black or black & white. How about Grey Tabby or part Ragdoll or something unusual? Call me at Classified Ads > Pets |
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[“Appliance Repairman: Local syndrome: didn’t show, didn’t call. Just part of the salt lifestyle”] Unfortunately, this tends to be the case in far too many places. It’s a world-wide crisis, especially since our so called brilliant engineers continue to manufacture items with ‘planned obsolescence’ Often it’s cheaper to replace than repair. Most often, and there is good reason, repairmen are associated with retail firms who sells new what you want repaired. If it’s a fridge, and it is more than five years old, maybe you’d be better off replacing it. |
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“Prince William and Kate are down under on a PR tour. I think they really want to see the Pistorius murder trial.” They will have to go to South Africa for that — not Australia! Link |
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[Friday Joke: “True Story George Miller”] Nope. B.S., busted by Snopes again. Link |
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[Coma] I’m not sure what your rules are on sharing this, but Jonathan, his Mom & Dad (Nancy & David) just recently moved from Ramrod Key. Jonathan graduated from Key West HS. David had an AC biz in the lower keys. This is a tough situation, but Jonathan is a fighter. They could really use our prayers and support. Jonathan Sattele was in a terrible rollover car accident on Thursday April 10th 2014. He was airlifted to Lee Memorial Trauma Center in Fort Myers where he remains in a coma. His parents remain at his side. They live four hours away and have had to survive this on very little funds. Please if you can donate anything to help during this time it would be very much appreciated. Jonathan graduated from Key West High School and was very involved with his community and theatre. He is to graduate next month from Florida Southern College and go on to Chiropractic College. Lets keep these dreams a reality for Jonathan and his family and help by opening our hearts and wallets to help this wonderful young man regain his life and help his parents endure this tragedy. Please share this site with anyone you know that knows Jonathan and please do that today. |
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We all know that sea level rise is something a court may consider in the grinder pump case, but did you know that Monroe County government is part of the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact? The compact is used to consider the impact of sea level rise on long-term regional planning. On page 27 of their report, it says: “WS-3 Utilize existing and refined inundation maps and stormwater management models to identify areas and infrastructure at increased risk of flooding and tidal inundation with increases in sea level, to be used as a basis for identifying and prioritizing adaptation needs and strategies.” It seems that grinder pumps would be a non-starter for an area that is destined for some of the most dramatic impacts of sea level rise, including increasing incidence and frequency of salt-water intrusion into populated areas with tidal surge and extreme high tides. (Also factor in more frequent and prolonged power outages with this predicted increase in flooding.) Shouldn’t we consider that grinder pumps may not work in areas that are expected to be some of the very first places in our nation that will be covered by the sea? |
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[“Big Pine Crappy”] Try living in Detroit! Big Pine is a great place. Someday I will be there. |
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[“Zip Line Dead”] How much did the ‘study’ cost us taxpayers this time? |
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Refrigerator. Stainless look, 16.6 Cu.Ft. GE refrigerator with ice maker, top freezer, adjustable spillproof shelves, upfront temperature controls, adjustable humidity crisper drawers, spillproof freezer floor, gallon jug door storage, $500 new, excellent condition, $289, includes delivery, 305-515-2759 Classified Ads > Appliances |
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[Whose Money?] This is where Gastesi says that County money is always County money, whether it be paid in salaries or … I thought people would be interested in knowing that he thinks County money never becomes the money of people to whom it has been paid. gastesidepo |
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[Crooks] Party live with lovely Asian women. Get your Free Trial & Date Chinese Beauties Now. Link |
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Raw sewage flooding home sparks outrage. Link |
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I think the Pistorius trial is being held in South Africa, not Australia. |
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Looks like we got ourselves a really good Sheriff. |
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[Lucky’s Landing] Now that the overcrowded slum is being installed on Little Torch Key, Big Pine is no longer the black eye in the Lower Keys |
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[Gun Nuts] Just give me one good reason why we can’t bring our Bushmasters with the big clips into the courthouse? Else, what’s a 2nd Amendment for? |
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Generator, 3000 watts only $75 call 305 747 4081 Classified Ads > Miscellaneous |
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What the world really needs in times like these is the FTR guy in charge of it. |
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National politics is back. Click on this link to send your national political post anonymously. No one will know your name or email address, [Well, maybe the NSA will] not even me. FTR is going to be the new national politics editor. Do not fear, FTR promised to post everything, even if he hates it, he’s that kind of guy. Your name and email address are not required. Please be civil. I Have Something To Say About National Politics–Click Here |
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GUNNY IS BACKHE WRITES: “FTR, Your “beliefs” are wrong. (Is that an insult?) If so, read your own “FTR’s response”. Let’s get honest. I won’t go line by line with a myriad of topics such as my last E-mail. We’ll go one by one, each day. That should make for some good reading.Let us start with my assertion about the GOP’s position on the LGBT community (this is an straight forward and easy one to start with) I stated, QUOTE “Let’s talk about GLBT lives and the GOP’s obsession with controlling and ostracizing that group. I stated the Republican Party was the deniers of “civil rights and dignity”.Your response, QUOTE “In fact there is an article in the ATLANTIC MAGAZINE with the headline “Republicans Are Driving the Momentum for Gay Marriage.” The article can be found at Link “.Let us go to the GOP Party Platform Page 31, “preserving and protecting traditional marriage”. Additionally, turn to page 43, second to the last paragraph. It reads, “We will enforce and defend in court the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in the Armed Forces as well as the civilian world.”Well, that sure appears to me, that the GOP platform in black and white is hostile to that group of people based on “morals” as you stated. Then you go on to provide a link to the Atlantic Magazine.From the article YOU linked, : “”Gay marriage is the last frontier of civil rights, and it would be nice if Republicans didn’t have to be dragged kicking and screaming” toward acceptance, Mark McKinnon, a GOP consultant who once made campaign ads for George W. Bush, told me in an email. “The good news is, I think Republicans are coming around.” National GOP politicians seem loath to broach the issue, and at gatherings like this month’s Conservative Political Action Conference it gets less and less attention, he noted: “The wedge has lost its edge.”Does that, (both the GOP platform and Mr. McKinnon’s statement) sound like the GOP is the party of “an obsession with control and ostracizing the LGBT community”? Sure does to me and I’d be thrilled for you to tell us otherwise. It definitely reeks of denial of dignity and rights driven by whatever drives them (the GOP). How “wrong” am I?To be ‘fair and balanced’. The DNC platform states: {We support the right of all families to have equal respect, responsibilities, and protections under the law. We support marriage equality and support the movement to secure equal treatment under law for same-sex couples. We also support the freedom of churches and religious entities to decide how to administer marriage as a religious sacrament without government interference.}In actuality there IS a current GOP Party Platform, to correct your statement concerning “there is no formalized GOP party platform”. It’s listed prominently on the website under “our party”. There’s the basis and proof provided for my statements on THIS subject and anyone can go straight to the SOURCE. There is no “bluster” as you assert. It’s all fact, from the horse’s mouth so to speak.And no, I didn’t “demand” that that you use the GOP “platform” as source material. My exact quote was: “Let’s use the Republican Party platform itself for proof. Yes?” It’s rather disingenuous to assert otherwise.
In reading your response, I do find it insulting to ‘misquote’ me directly and then accuse me of ‘insulting’ you. To the contrary. I speak frankly and expect the same in response. I took you to task on several issues and asked if you could ‘honestly discuss’ them. “Now I believe him to be a deeply partisan Democrat loyalist.” Really? That’s interesting, since I hold myself to be a fervent supporter of social equality/dignity and strong defense (without waste) and extremely bullish on fiscal discipline. I hold allegiance to NO party. But we are discussing YOUR blind and somewhat disingenuous support of the GOP party/views. I have provided source proof. You provided an ‘article’. What say you now? Remember, we are taking ONE topic at a time… With debate comes things you won’t like. I would REALLY like to know what you consider an “insult”. Also, while you’re at it, please point out where you were being called “names”. I’ve read that post more than several times and can find NO ‘name calling’. I prefer that you be honest with integrity. I am. Gunny FTR’s RESPONSE Good job Gunny. You managed to do some basic research and to present it in a reasonably cogent fashion. We’ll think about your research shortly. Congrats on not feeling the need to be overly insulting. First, you and all the CT readers are fully aware that I am an advocate, I attempt to present my beliefs so as to convince the reader of the merit of my beliefs. You too are an advocate and follow exactly the same path. I am not a journalist, I have no obligation whatsoever to present anything but the best face on my beliefs. As do you. Neither of us ever should even be suggesting that our postings are “balanced”, because they are not. But they should be fair, honest, and accurate. You’ll never see the Democrat web site complaining of Hillary’s many failures as Secretary of State. Second. I choose not to make this section of the CT into the FTR and Gunny show. I suggest that if you are as passionate about your political beliefs as I am about mine, you should contact our Deer Ed and work out an agreement with him to have your own dedicated section. The fee is reasonable. As it stands now your postings and my responses take up entirely too much space. It’s not fair to other posters, and frankly it’s boring. Accordingly, I’ve edited out your most recent comments about the “Green Party”. If you’d like, send them in on another day and I may post them. As to your apparent deep concern with GLBT matters, I again state that there is now no GOP platform. That document will be hammered out at the next GOP Presidential Convention. Each party, at its national presidential election convention, after much discussion, sets out a list of positions on various issues. These positions state the issues and the party’s position on each issue. That is the party platform. A new platform is constructed for each cycle. The GOP position concerning gay marriage is “evolving” as it is in the Democrat party. Your intimation that the Republican Party is hostile to the LGBT community is without merit. I would not be surprised to see the Republicans adopting language very similar to the Democrats stand on same sex marriage. Personally, I’m not a religious person, but I’m convinced that the union of man and woman is the single most important tie that binds any society together. Your claim that the GOP is “obsessed” with controlling and ostracizing the GLBT community is without merit and is pure hyperbole. As is your claim that the GOP are the deniers of “civil rights and dignity”. Republicans have no interest in controlling the lives of the GLBT community. I think that most Republicans and many Democrats believe that the foundation of society, every society in history, has had the union of man and woman as its bedrock. Holding that belief is not hostile to the GLBT community. On the other hand, holding that belief and denying GLBT the same rights and benefits of marriage would be hostile.
I suggest that you take the time to check out Log Cabin Republicans. Log Cabin Republicans is the nation’s largest Republican organization dedicated to representing gay and lesbian conservatives and allies. For more than 30 years, they have promoted the fight for equality through our state and local chapters. They have a full-time office in Washington, DC, and their federal and state political action committees are very active. Recently the Nevada Republican Party rejected a proposal at its convention that would have included an anti-gay marriage plank as part of the state platform. Earlier this year in Indiana, Republican lawmakers modified language in a proposed state constitutional amendment, ensuring it wouldn’t appear before voters on the 2014 ballot. A Pew poll earlier this year found 61 percent of Republicans under the age of 30 support marriage equality. Two Republican U.S. House members — Reps. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (Fla.) and Richard Hanna (N.Y.) — and three sitting Republican U.S. senators — Rob Portman (Ohio), Mark Kirk (Ill.) and Lisa Murkoski (Alaska) — also support marriage equality. You correctly reported the 2012 GOP platform position on DOMA, (the Defense of Marriage Act). That was then, this is now. That posture is changing, evolving exactly as Mr. Obama’s posture on the issue has “evolved.” Inasmuch as you seem to have serious interest in GLBT issues I urge you to re-read Link It chronicles the changes in the Republican Party relating to GLBT issues. And you may want to read an article to be found at Link which chronicles the House Democrats who oppose gay marriage. Or perhaps you may want to view a video on Democrats historical belief that marriage is the union of man and woman. Obama’s and the Democrats posture on DOMA has changed sharply, it has done a complete 180 in the last few years. It wasn’t until a 2012 interview that Obama stated: “I’ve just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married.” But, he equivocated on whether he believed marriage was a fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution. The following year, when his Administration filed a brief to the U.S. Supreme Court supporting the overturning of Proposition 8, California’s same-sex-marriage ban, Obama still held back. The brief did not advocate for a so-called fifty-state view that would guarantee gays and lesbians nationwide the right to marry. In 2009 Obama clearly stated that he believed that marriage was the union of a man and a woman. Link In an August 2008 presidential candidates’ forum, Obama stated: “I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian … it is also a sacred union. God’s in the mix.” In 2004 Senate candidate Obama told the Windy City Times: “ I am not a supporter of gay marriage as it has been thrown about, primarily just as a strategic issue. I think that marriage, in the minds of a lot of voters, has a religious connotation. …” He also expressed his conviction that marriage is the union of a male and female. Link You may wish to ask yourself, what are Obama’s real convictions. Does he shape his most recent utterances simply to please his political base? Your reference to the GOP website, is very welcome. I urge all readers to check it out. But it reveals no mention whatsoever about any of the issues that you mentioned. I repeat: the GOP national platform will not be structured until the 2016 GOP Presidential Convention. Frankly Gunny, while GLBT issues are important, and may be especially important to you, there are other crushing issues facing our nation. Our Democrat induced debt, the abject failure of the Obama foreign policy, the skyrocketing cost of energy, voter fraud, our shrinking workforce, our metastasizing entitlement dependent population, our glacial recovery from the recession, the explosive expansion of AQI, Russia’s resurgent ambitions, a nuclear Iran, the very real potential of the Mideast being ruled by Muslim fanatics, the skyrocketing cost of milk, meat and groceries, and on and on and on. Gunny, you asked which of your remarks I considered “insulting”. Aside from the general tone of your postings, there are specific insults that you posted, some are as follows: In one post you stated: “you are a big a whiny nitwit” Then there was your comment “Have you no integrity?” In another posting your wrote: “The uncanny and obvious whitewashing of fact, it’s called lying.” Yep Gunny those are insults. But, I must admit that your most recent posting is only mildly annoying. Just one more thing: Gunny you stated that: “FTR, Your “beliefs” are wrong. (Is that an insult?)” No it’s not Gunny, my beliefs are my beliefs, you can agree or disagree, but they are not “wrong”. My apologies to the readers for taking up so much time and space with this one critic. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// A POSTER WROTE “Climate change is JUNK science. It’s like all the rest of the “scientific” studies…oops! Did we say that? Uh, Uhm..Uh, well we were wrong- forget the whole thing. We’ll just think up something else tomorrow. Remember alcohol, salt, coffee, chocolate etc..blah… blah… blah. Who talks about the “hole” in the ozone anymore? Nobody, and why? ‘Cause the “experts” finally concluded it has always been there and it’s actually a release system. But did they come out and scream to the world “We were Wrong?!?” Hell no, they just stopped talking about it as if no one would notice. One can’t count how many times these supposed “experts” have reversed themselves. I’m not gonna live in a teepee ’cause some self-hating low life leftist America bashing commie wants to strike a blow against those evil capitalists. These people should leave others alone to enjoy life while they wallow in their own fear. Losers! FTR’S RESPONSE Do you remember back in the ‘70’s when the “experts” told that we were entering an ice age? Hell’ Bells, there even was a Time Magazine cover about it. You really ought to read the article, it’s at: Link Do you remember in the ‘80’s and ‘90’s when Gore and other warmer Henny Pennies tried to convince us that Artic ice would be gone by 2014? It’s not. Thanks for stopping by. FTR JUST ONE MORE THING: My apologies again for taking up so much time and space with one poster. I assure those of you who have sent in remarks, that I will start clearing up the backlog in Monday’s CT. |
National Politics. Your name and email address are not required. Please be civil. I Have Something To Say About National Politics–Click Here |