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The Original Unsocial Media. Anonymous Letters to the Editor with Pictures. Published Daily by Noon Since 2002. No Saturday Edition
(Ed: Hi CT visitors. After much ado I’ve been able to return the popular slide show to the Coconut Telegraph. Believe me when I say it was much ado getting it to work. I hope you all enjoy the tropical pictures. When you’re sick of these I’ll add some more. A faithful reader, Bill, has contributed over 150 over the years.) |
[Gun Nut] Some people are racist and some are not, who cares? Why can’t you hate somebody that messes with your lifestyle, trashes your ‘hood, takes half of your hard earned money, wants to get next to your daughter or son because of color, value, or religion, that demands equal rights and does nothing to protect the country or Constitution. Enough of this One Human Family crap, it does not work and never will. Survival of the fittest is the only thing to believe in! |
Hitler’s super tank. Link |
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This beautiful, huge manatee stopped by for a visit on Little Torch on Saturday. He/she was beautiful! |
In 1956 Heavyweight champ, Rocky Marciano, retires undefeated from boxing on this date. |
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[Razors] Do you spend over $20 a month on razors? I have a beard so I wouldn’t know, but the Dollar Shave Club says so. That seems like a lot of money on razors when they only cost a fet dollars a bag. |
[Inequity] Scathing report finds school privatization hurt poor kids. Link |
[CheapShots] Low cost veterinary services will be in the Keys May 2-5. Dentals starting at $110 and shot packages $44 including a 3-year rabies shot. Call 305-390-0325 or go to Cheapshots.us for more info and schedules. |
[The Clap] I don’t like going to classical music performances because I don’t know when to clap. If I go to a rock concert I can yell and scream whenever I get excited, a jazz performance I can clap after every solo, but classical–no way. The music gets going real good than stops. I want to clap, but you can hear a pin drop so I don’t. Then they start up again and when that’s finished they stop again. I want to clap, but you can still hear a pin drop. Then they do it again and play awhile then stop. By now I’m trained and don’t want to clap, but everyone else is clapping like mad and some are even standing. Go figure. |
[Saints] A poster pointed out that to be a saint in the Catholic Church you used to have to perform 2 miracles. Not any longer. They are making Pope John II a saint despite him having ruled the church during the height of his priests’ diddling altar boys. Pope John had the power and authority to do something about, yet he didn’t. That’s not the actions of a saint, but more the actions of an enabler. |
Dead lobster traps litter the sea floor. Link |
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The ‘Cloud’ is getting darker! Link |
[Lost Car?] Here is something that will be interesting to everyone especially us seniors who forget where they parked their car, if your car can be opened and locked with an electronic key. Just because you are not a senior, still watch this video and learn something that may be useful to you. The wave length of the electronic key is limited to a certain distance. If you want to expand it, learn the trick by watching this video. You won’t forget it. Video |
[“Prince Vlad”] Doesn’t he work for the sewer company now? We know that the sewer company has a better way to impale us then he did. Ouch! |
[Dead Prisoner] Key West’s Mayor Cates and the six city commissioners, after the blue paper broke the story with the devastating video of the take down of Charles Eimers, which totally contracted the police officers’ version of the take down, made a grave error when they didn’t publicly express their own horror and outrage over what happened to Charles Eimers on South Beach last Thanksgiving Day. Yet it is understandable that they didn’t express their horror and outrage, because they had set the tone for how KWPD were to treat homeless people, and they, therefore, were where the buck stopped. Saying it another way, a fish rots from the head down, the apple don’t fall far from the tree, the chickens came home to roost.
There is one more part. KW people who do not hold Mayor Cates and the six city commissioners responsible for what happened to Charles Eimers last Thanksgiving Day themselves are responsible, as accomplices. Responsible in God’s Court, where all of Key West, except its homeless people, stands trial for what happened to Charles Eimers. That’s a wee bit bigger matter than where to put a new homeless shelter. |
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I have a gumbo limbo that has grown so large the trunk is knocking my fence down. Does anyone know if I can I cut it down without needing a permit? |
Why would anyone bother to bring an amberjack into the boat? Are you that hard up for a picture of a big fish? They taste awful. |
[“Just a dude sitting in his undies at a computer”] I never laughed out loud, so alone, sitting naked at mine! You’ve got to love this place. |
I’m starting to landscape my yard and although I know it’s not practical and requires maintenance I feel I need some lawn area to green up the property. I currently have maintenance free pearock and concrete in abundance. While I have some nice specimen trees, here and there, amongst the peastone, the overall appearance is more like a shopping mall with palm trees in planters rather than a tropical looking Keys landscape. What’s the consensus, should I plant some sod to green it up or will I regret the extra maintenance? |
[“Prince Vlad”] Valt the Impaler would position those he didn’t like on the tip of poles set in the ground and the person’s weight would cause the pole to go up his rectum causing the person a slow, terrible death. |
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Castillo del Morro (aka Morro Castle) Guarding the entrance to Havana Harbor. The fort was built by Spain in 1589. The lighthouse, still in operation and tended 24 hours, a day features a Fresnel lens that amplifies the light that can be seen as far as 20 miles on a clear night. It is open for tourists to explore at their leisure. |
Do they call the Black citizens of England “African-Americans”? |
Microsoft VP said the PC is irrelevant and will be replaced by another device soon. Now that Microsoft owns Nokia it appears they will use Nokia’s patents and technology to improve Microsoft’s devices that are replacing the PC. “The PC is dead! Long live the PC!” Link |
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Crane Point listened to one of the CT posters and bought a trolley to move people through the hammock. Thy couldn’t find a big enough Go Cart so they opted for the trolley. Thanks poster for the suggestion. Now they’re looking for a driver. |
[Earth Shattering Revelations] A banana technically is a berry, A strawberry is not. Melons can be considered both a fruit and a vegetable. A tomato is a fruit. |
[Dem Bones] How does a lab virtualize a bone? Modeling in Geomagic Studio Video |
FTR always picks losers so why should we vote for his latest pick? |
If you really want to stay up with what is going on in Key West check out thebluepaper.com. |
It’s no wonder pig farms smell so terribly. The average 200 pound pig contributes 13 pounds of poop a day. |
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[“Real Estate Agents place ads showing what they sold with no price or information”] I don’t even bother looking at them, but I do notice what realtors think it is a good way of doing business in case someone asks me for a good realtor — those are the first to be ruled out. |
[Captain Doom and Gloom] “Capitalism” Is only part of the problem. The real problem is too many people. Capitalism can only grow if there are customers to use to circulate the wealth among the product/service producers. Without the customer base there would be little incentive to produce an overabundance of products or services and waste natural resources. Cull the herd and save what is left of this rock! “The real director of life is accident” Wrong! there is no such thing as accident, there is only lack of forethought, logical planning, and common sense. What we call Accidents are nothing more than stupidity one way or another! EX: He was kill in the war because the bomb exploded on him by accident. “What happens to the rest of our brain we don’t use” Well, here in the Keys, we rum soak it or use other methods to scare off the demons and depression. It’s called happy hour! |
National politics is back. Click on this link to send your national political post anonymously. No one will know your name or email address, [Well, maybe the NSA will] not even me. FTR is going to be the new national politics editor. Do not fear, FTR promised to post everything, even if he hates it, he’s that kind of guy. Your name and email address are not required. Please be civil. I Have Something To Say About National Politics–Click Here |
Charlie Crist is a very interesting man. He is pretty, he gives great speeches, he is very photogenic, he has a great personality, he has a beautiful wife, but, as an administrator, he is incompetent, and he is a quitter.
Basically, Crist has fed at the public taxpayer trough for nearly all of his career. He’s been a Florida Senator who served without any real accomplishments. He was appointed Education Commissioner where he served for only two years. He was Florida’s Attorney General, but only half way through that gig, he began to focus his attention on being elected Florida’s governor. While still Attorney General, but campaigning to be Florida’s governor in 2006 he was interviewed by the Palm Beach Post. He had been bragging about his service as our Education Commissioner. But, he screwed the pooch when the told the interviewer that he didn’t know what time of year the FCAT was administered, nor did he even know what a passing score was. Then he waffled on strict education standards. He was widely ridiculed. Charlie’s decision to focus his attention on his run for Governor during the last two years of his service as Attorney General was a forecast of things to come. Charlie was sworn in as Florida’s Governor in January of 2007. Florida was one of the first states to feel the effect of a national recession with job losses starting in April 2007, several months before other states. When the national recovery began in June 2009, Florida was slow to join in and for several years lagged behind the pace of the U.S. economic recovery. Florida suffered more foreclosures than any other state. Even though Florida was wracked with unemployment well above the national average, our rate tripled under Charlie, and a 6 billion dollar deficit, Charlie decided to call it quits and run for Senate only a little more than 2 years into his 4 year term. Then Crist confidant Jim Greer (now convicted felon) was asked why Crist was bailing out on the governor’s office. Greer replied: “he has concluded that the problems and issues that Floridians are facing — high unemployment and the economy — can’t be solved in Tallahassee, they need to be solved in Washington, and I believe that’s what he’s going to do.” Link Deer Friends, that is just incredible. Only 2 years into his term, Crist says that he can’t do a damned thing about our economy, so he quit trying and began running for the Senate. It is astonishing that Crist would admit that there was nothing he could do to help Florida. Maybe after two years, Charlie was engaging in a little retrospection. Then we were hemorrhaging jobs. By the end of his term Florida lost 850,000 jobs. During Charlie’s tenure our unemployment from skyrocket from 3.5% to 11.1%. Deer Friends that’s more than tripled, and well more than the national average.. It’s astounding, but Charlie actually thought that raising taxes would improve our economy. He raised taxes and fees by about $2 billion, then to rub salt into the wound, he refused to commit to no further increases. Nonetheless, Florida’s deficit exploded to about $6 billion.. Charlie even signed into law a bill that raised college tuition by up to 15%. And so, just over two years into his 4 year term, Charlie turned his back on Florida and began his run for US Senate. It wasn’t his first try, back in ’98 he ran against Bob Graham, Charlie got his butt kicked. But he still yearned for the seat. Marco Rubio had also declared his intention to run for the US Senate in ’09.. Charlie saw Marco Rubio, a relative political newbie, as an easy mark. In fact not long after Charlie declared, he led the polls by more than 40 points. Somehow, perhaps because of an informed electorate, Charlie tanked in polls, so badly that he decided to abandon the Republican Party and run as an Independent. You should know that on national TV Charlie promised all of Florida that he would not run as an Independent. But he did, and Charlie again got his butt kicked. Now Charlie, still chasing the golden fleece of a government job has quit being an independent (do you see a pattern there?), and has joined the Democrat party in his quest to be Governor again. Charlie perhaps should be known as the Chicken of the Sea, he absolutely refuses to debate his Democrat rival, Nan Rich. Charlie has told us that Florida is incapable of fixing it’s own economy, and he’s told us that he can’t fix it. We know that that because Charlie told us. But still Charlie wants to be governor. Thanks to Rick Scott’s governance, Florida is in a much better place today than when Charlie was at the helm. Now we have gone from Crist’s huge budget deficit to a budget surpluses of about $1.2 billion. Now we are enjoying lower taxes, our auto tag fees have just been reduced. Our Teachers are getting raises, Scott has managed to convince most of Florida’s colleges to provide a B.A. degree for only $10k tuition. The SunSentinel reported just a couple of days ago that Florida’s economy in 2014 is leading the nation in job growth and the overall recovery. In South Florida, employment is expected to grow 2.3 percent each year and unemployment to moderate to an average of 5.7 percent. The average annual wage is forecast to grow by 2.9 percent to $55,200. Charlie knows how to campaign, look pretty, give speeches, press flesh, but his record proves that he doesn’t know a damned thing about being a Governor. On the other hand, he does know a lot about running away from responsibility. Link |
National Politics. Your name and email address are not required. Please be civil. I Have Something To Say About National Politics–Click Here |