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The underwater camera website at Bahia Honda bridge hasn’t worked for me in quite a while. Is it just my computer, or is everyone else unable to view it? The screen just reads ‘Ready’. |
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[Peary Court Developers] Representative Holly Raschein was elected to represent the people of Monroe County in the State legislature. She does not work for the military, or Balfour Beatty but seems to have placed their interests ahead of the needs of our community – for a for profit British mega-corporation. With all due respect I think her arguments for doing so needs to be carefully fact checked. The Citizen is correct in today’s editorial.
Ms. Raschein, without a law degree, is telling us in a letter this Saturday that she now has the answers to very complicated legal questions pending before Judge Audlin. A week ago she claimed no knowledge of the tax issue or legislation – “it wasn’t on her radar”. Yet she now suddenly knows more than the Property Appraiser himself and even attorney John Dent, who has been practicing in the field of tax law for over four decades. Could it be the attorneys and lobbyists for Southeast Housing have quickly spun the issue to her and others? Apparently they did so before in reversing the City and DCA”s previous requirement for affordable housing. Has she consulted with you or her elected peers in Monroe County? Has this been a transparent process? Look at the FAQ website for the housing program program and find that the developers were supposed to consult with local officials and that they were on their own as far as property taxes. I believe those requirement were not met, but you might want to ask. It all seems to have been a surprise. School Board Member Andy Griffith pointed out on Morning Magazine Friday that of the 11 million dollars that the Property Appraiser is attempting to collect on behalf of the residents of Monroe County, $3.6 million would go to the School District. There are nearly 900 family housing units on these properties – many children live there and Balfour Beatty rents to non military families as well. The property tax funds that are not collected on those houses are collected from the rest of us. The Federal Government gives only a small percentage of actual costs of educating the military children. Not enough in my opinion since we pay the rest. Ask a school board member. Just who is watching out for the taxpayers of Monroe County and other host communities in Florida? Certainly not the sponsors of these bills and people who think it proper to allow a retroactive exemption for something that feels as if it was intentionally hidden from us for “special” companies. This is a national issue and it is being hashed out in numerous communities all over the country. We should not let the big corporations use their moneyed influence to hide the truth. Is this how our democracy works now? |
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Hey Daddy Bones, I’m a 64 1/2 year old hippy and I love guns! Don’t class everyone the same. It makes you look the fool. |
[Mercury]This colorful view of Mercury was produced by using images from the color base map imaging campaign during Messenger’s primary mission. These colors are not what Mercury would look like to the human eye, but rather the colors enhance the chemical, mineralogical, and physical differences between the rocks that make up Mercury’s surface. |
[County Loses Trespass Case Against City Electric] “Audlin cited a Feb. 6 Third District Court of Appeal ruling in his order, which upheld a decision Audlin made saying that the state Public Service Commission has jurisdiction over electrifying the 1,000-acre island.
“The court finds that the issues in this case are sufficiently related to the regulation and planning of electrical generation and transmission lines, [and] that the issues should first be addressed and determined by the PSC,” Audlin wrote. If that’s the case, it’s widely believed the PSC would rule in favor of commercial electricity on No Name Key. Keys Energy has long held that the PSC requires it to provide power to any customers seeking it within its service territory. That’s why it finally installed the poles last year at the request of the property owners association. The owners paid $650,000 to the utility for the work.” Link |
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The sewers would have been in, over and done with, a long time ago at a lower cost if this place hadn’t been controlled by a bunch of bozos. The only bright spot in all this is that perhaps sewer technology has evolved to where we will be getting a better product now than we would have way back when sewers for the Keys were first mandated. |
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[Same ol’]If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting the results you’ve always gotten. This is good in many ways – the ways in which our lives are thriving and moving along. But if there are areas where we want to expand, improve, or grow we must be willing to think and act differently than we have up until now. |
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Signs you’re a terrible traveler. Link |
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[Rentals] People were talking in a local bar the other night about renting their Keys homes while they are north during the summers until the next season. One lady said it correctly, “Who is going to maintain and guarantee the renters will not trash the place; and how can we get the permits and licenses for rentals in residential neighborhoods that are not zoned commercial?”
That is the reason we locals do not want our islands destroyed with illegal properties and transits. Paradise needs parasites–not! |
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The crime situation in Chicago is just a symptom of what is happening worldwide. The growth of favelas, also known as urban slums, that are dominated by the often violent drug trade. This growth is fueled by the ever widening gap between the wealthy and the poor. It will not have a happy ending. By 2050, the UN says, there may be 3.5 billion slum dwellers, out of a total urban population of about six billion. |
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The Stock Market is driven by the economic law of supply relative to demand for something setting the price of that something. In this case the “something” happens to be a share of stock. In other words, it’s all in your head. Sorry about that. |
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Prime Rib Dinner Live Music |
![]() (Ed: Thanks for the suggestions. I’m using Chrome for the browser, Word Press for the website editor, GoDaddy for the server. GoDaddy for the email too. For documents it’s Google Drive instead of Microsoft Office and it’s Google Drive where I save images for editing and posting to the CT. I can use instead of Photoshop for image editing and artwork. I’m in the cloud. The cloud means I no longer need software on my computer except for the browser. I just copy and paste things to the tab on the browser opened to Google Drive. That’s the cloud for you. Any picture I take can be automatically uploaded to Google Drive. Now I can publish the CT from any public computer in the world as long as there is a fast internet connection; and there’s no inconvenience or unfamiliarity or missing files. Theoretically I can publish from my cellphone. It’s also a Wi-Fi hotspot so I can connect any wireless computer or device to the internet (the only thing I’ll miss is my three big ‘Star Wars’ monitors). I chose the Chrome environment because they created the Android OS and my phone is a Galaxy S3 running Android 4.1.1.The Chrome browser is the fastest and Google Drive has everything you need to run a small business at no cost to you. You couldn’t buy a smoother running combination for Android. I don’t use half of what is offered by Google for small businesses.) |
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Panhandler Party on the subway. Link |
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Some wonder why bicyclist ride US1 outside the fog line(?) instead of riding the adjacent bike path? The path from Jewfish Creek to Key West is not yet complete. That means crossing traffic to access the path is not always a safe venture. Another problem is that the older sections have buckled which are hazardous on narrow gauge tires. The pros know their hand signals and use them. Also, they are aware of traffic patterns and they are ready to grab a handful of brake lever to avoid collisions (that no sane person wants). The novice has a bike with apehangers(?), notoriously unstable on any two wheeler. |
[Ninja rocks] Things I have learned from the Citizen crime report. Ninja rocks are broken shards of spark plugs. Since they can quickly and almost silently fracture the glass windows on most cars, ninja rocks are increasingly the tool of choice in “smash-and-grab” auto burglaries. They have no traditional association with the ninja or ninjutsu, only being named such due to their “silent but deadly” function in burglaries. |
[Bad Gun Control] No matter how the government tries to change the gun laws, criminals and the crazies will still obtain guns and ammo. The mass killings will continue to happen no matter what laws and restrictions are put in place. I paid $1,000 for my Bushmaster AR15 and have already been offered $3,000 for it. It’s not for sale, yet. |
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Dear Fanci Seafood, Let me know when you have a fresh batch of smoked King Fish. LUV that brine you use! |
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It seems as if our State Attorney is right back at her old habits of dismissing cases. A very public DUI charge has been dismissed. |
[Jewish delis are closing] Tradition dies as diners flock to hipper joints. Link
[“Is there a Jimmy Buffett Day”] Yes, once a week, it is called “Come Monday“. |
Drone University in Arizona already has 300 graduate drone wannabees, with an annual online course of $64,000. (Note to self: Schedule more fun.) Link |
[County CBRS Overlay rears its ugly head Threatening Tavernier Creek’s sewage pipeline planned connection to treatment plant] “Monroe County Growth Management officials are evaluating whether an underwater portion of where the Islamorada plans to build its sewage pipeline to Key Largo is federally protected land and off limits to new utilities.
Islamorada wastewater engineers intend to thread the pipe 40 feet underneath the Tavernier Creek Bridge, but according to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service maps, that sea bottom is likely part of the Coastal Barrier Resources System created by Congress in 1982 and updated in 1990. Fallout from the policy interpretation has resulted in residents along parts of County Road 905 unable to get permits to connect to the Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District’s system and treatment plant at mile marker 100.5. Christine Hurley, director of the county’s Growth Management Division, said in an e-mail Thursday that she received an e-mail from County Commissioner David Rice’s office on Tuesday regarding the possible Coastal Barrier Resources System roadblocks with the Islamorada sewer project. Hurley said her office is “still evaluating” the issue.” Link |
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[Conch blowing] I know I have a warped mind but doesn’t this go on all the time in Key West? Does anybody else think of that when they read about this event? |
Super Biking. Link |
Online fishery meeting Monday. Link |
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[Planet Earth] Amazing nature scenery. Link |
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[Global Warming] Take a look at the water line on Long Key bridge. It has not changed in over 100 years. global warming is now called climate change. Why, because global warming is not true. Climate change has always been true. There is so much money being made by the purveyors of The Sky is Falling that you should not trust what you hear and see on the TV, or hear from the government. Think for yourself, do some research. Now look at the Long Key Bridge water line. |
Please run the following Help Wanted ad for the, still in business, Cudjoe Key Blimp Site. As you may have heard, the blimp site on Cudjoe Key is not going to close as was posted in the newspaper and on this web site. We are looking to fill a full-time Laborer position at this time. This is a union position with full benefits. The applicant needs to be a self-starter with some mechanical skills who is motivated and able to work the night shift. They must be physically fit and drug free. If interested, please email your resume to Classified Ads |
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Marathon’s House & Garden tour adds art exhibit. Link |
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Faith means not wanting to know what is true. ~Nietzsche |
[Today] Piecing in Paradise Quilt Show February 24 at Sugarloaf School (MM 19) 10am-3pm Sunday |
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[“Death threat--Some foolish anti gun, probably a hippy”]. That is quite an amazing thing to say. “Probably a hippy”. Was that post really from Daddy Bones restaurant management/owner? He loves guns and doesn’t like hippies? I think he is living in the wrong city. Key West is more about hippies than guns except for the military which has plenty of weapons. Go Navy! I love jet noise!
Nobody wants to take your guns for hunting and protection. It’s the guns and ammunition on steroids that should be outlawed. The second amendment was not written for those weapons. Peace out. |
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[Neugent named to BP money panel] Watch the Marathon Wild Bird Center get BP money when none of the other three rescues do! |
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[Captain Doom and Gloom] “Jobs” The only way to make more jobs is to cut down the population. We are breeding ourselves into a mass of inept sheep who cannot support ourselves with the limited resources and manufacturing we have left. Years ago, parents only had kids to help on the farm, so to speak, but today they are a meal ticket to free everything. What will happen when you have to take turns to lie down to sleep, to eat, to crap? Some will say there is plenty of room on this planet for people, but that is not the case when resources and supplies get smaller every day. This planet is on the brink of disaster from over population but the marketers and religious nuts will not let their customer bases diminish. It will get scary in a generation or two, bet on it!
“When the Government fears the people this is freedom. When the people fear the government that is Tyranny” This is the kind of statement that means nothing because the Government IS the People and the People ARE the government, the problem is those smart enough to make sheep out the rest are always on top of the pile, the government. Eliminate the sheep and this world would run quite well! |
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Just what I always wanted to watch, Danica Patrick on a pole(?). |
Fiscal Cliff – Instead of all these budget cuts, why not withhold all politicians pay, eliminate all travel vouchers and such until they get it fixed? After all, if we didn’t do our jobs, we’d be reprimanded and then fired. Why should it be any different for them? |
FTR is wrong again sequestration was first proposed by Paul Ryan when he was running he said it was a good thing, but now that Obama thinks it’s a good thing, Ryan doesn’t anymore. People, it’s all just politics and posturing. Nothing untoward will ever happen so stop your worry. |
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[Ben Ghazi] I was sitting next to, what had to be the lowest low information voter I have ever met. We were talking politics after a few beers and he said he wanted to know what the Republicans had against the fellow named Ben Ghazi. He said they are just making a big deal out of nothing. I have no doubt who this guy voted for. |
Friday FTR told us Obama is the sole person responsible for the sequestration. Heres a list of just the house Republicans that voted for the very same procedure. C’Mon Ed let one of us folks from the middle have the last say for once at the bottom of the page and list the Republicans that supported it by name. Heres the proof Obama isn’t the Lone Ranger: Sandy Adams (Florida) Robert Aderholt (Alabama) Rodney Alexander (Louisiana) Steve Austria (Ohio) Spencer Bachus (Alabama) Lou Barletta (Pennsylvania) Roscoe Bartlett (Maryland) Joe Barton (Texas) Charles Bass (New Hampshire) Dan Benishek (Michigan) Rick Berg (North Dakota) Judy Biggert (Illinois) Brian Bilbray (California) Gus Bilirakis (Florida) Diane Black (Tennessee) Marsha Blackburn (Tennessee) John Boehner (Ohio) Jo Bonner (Alabama) Mary Bono Mack (California) Charles Boustany (Louisiana) Kevin Brady (Texas) Vern Buchanan (Florida) Larry Bucshon (Indiana) Michael Burgess (Texas) Ken Calvert (California) Dave Camp (Michigan) John Campbell (California) Francisco Canseco (Texas) Eric Cantor (Virginia) Shelley Moore Capito (West Virginia) John Carter (Texas) William Cassidy (Louisiana) Steve Chabot (Ohio) Howard Coble (North Carolina) Mike Coffman (Colorado) Tom Cole (Oklahoma) Michael Conaway (Texas) Rick Crawford (Arkansas) Ander Crenshaw (Florida) John Culberson (Texas) Jeff Denham (California) Charles Dent (Pennsylvania) Mario Diaz-Balart (Florida) Robert Dold (Illinois) David Dreier (California) Sean Duffy (Wisconsin) Jeff Duncan (Tennessee) Renee Ellmers (North Carolina) Jo Ann Emerson (Missouri) Blake Farenthold (Texas) Stephen Fincher (Tennessee) Michael G. Fitzpatrick (Pennsylvania) Bill Flores (Texas) Jeff Fortenberry (Nebraska) Virginia Foxx (North Carolina) Rodney Frelinghuysen (New Jersey) Elton Gallegly (California) Cory Gardner (Colorado) Jim Gerlach (Pennsylvania) Bob Gibbs (Ohio) Chris Gibson (New York) Bob Goodlatte (Virginia) Paul Gosar (Arizona) Kay Granger (Texas) Sam Graves (Missouri) Tim Griffin (Arkansas) Michael Grimm (New York) Frank Guinta (New Hampshire) Brett Guthrie (Kentucky) Richard Hanna (New York) Gregg Harper (Mississippi) Doc Hastings (Washington) Nan Hayworth (New York) Joe Heck (Nevada) Jeb Hensarling (Texas) Wally Herger (California) Jaime Herrera Beutler (Washington) Bill Huizenga (Michigan) Robert Hurt (Virginia) Darrell Issa (California) Lynn Jenkins (Kansas) Bill Johnson (Ohio) Sam Johnson (Texas) Mike Kelly (Pennsylvania) Peter King (New York) Adam Kinzinger (Illinois) John Kline (Minnesota) Leonard Lance (New Jersey) James Lankford (Oklahoma) Steven LaTourette (Ohio) Robert Latta (Ohio) Jerry Lewis (California) Frank LoBiondo (New Jersey) Billy Long (Missouri) Frank Lucas (Oklahoma) Blaine Luetkemeyer (Missouri) Cynthia Lummis (Wyoming) Dan Lungren (California) Donald Manzullo (Illinois) Kenny Marchant (Texas) Tom Marino (Pennsylvania) Kevin McCarthy (California) Michael T. McCaul (Texas) Thaddeus McCotter (Michigan) Patrick McHenry (North Carolina) Buck McKeon (California) David McKinley (West Virginia) Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Washington) Pat Meehan (Pennsylvania) John Mica (Florida) Jeff Miller (Florida) Candice Miller (Michigan) Gary Miller (California) Tim Murphy (Pennsylvania) Sue Myrick (North Carolina) Kristi Noem (South Dakota) Richard Nugent (Florida) Alan Nunnelee (Mississippi) Pete Olson (Texas) Steven Palazzo (Mississippi) Erik Paulsen (Minnesota) Mike Pence (Indiana) Thomas Petri (Wisconsin) Joseph Pitts (Pennsylvania) Todd Platts (Pennsylvania) Mike Pompeo (Kansas) Tom Price (Georgia) Tom Reed (New York) David Reichert (Washington) Jim Renacci (Ohio) Reid Ribble (Wisconsin) Scott Rigell (Virginia) David Rivera (Florida) Phil Roe (Tennessee) Mike Rogers (Alabama) Harold Rogers (Kentucky) Mike Rogers (Michigan) Dana Rohrabacher (California) Tom Rooney (Florida) Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (Florida) Peter Roskam (Illinois) Ed Royce (California) John Runyan (New Jersey) Paul Ryan (Wisconsin) Bobby Schilling (Illinois) Jean Schmidt (Ohio) Aaron Schock (Illinois) James Sensenbrenner (Wisconsin) Pete Sessions (Texas) John Shimkus (Illinois) Bill Shuster (Pennsylvania) Mike Simpson (Idaho) Adrian Smith (Nebraska) Chris Smith (New Jersey) Lamar Smith (Texas) Steve Stivers (Ohio) John Sullivan (Oklahoma) Lee Terry (Nebraska) Glenn Thompson (Pennsylvania) Mac Thornberry (Texas) Pat Tiberi (Ohio) Fred Upton (Michigan) Tim Walberg (Michigan) Greg Walden (Oregon) Daniel Webster (Florida) Allen West (Florida) Ed Whitfield (Kentucky) Robert Wittman (Virginia) Frank Wolf (Virginia) Steve Womack (Arkansas) Robert Woodall (Georgia) Don Young (Alaska) C.W. Bill Young (Florida) Todd Young (Indiana) |
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Illegal alien facts vs the Truth-O-Meter. Link |
Sequestration may happen but it will be quickly followed by some sort of “emergency” funding to keep the train on the tracks. All smoke and mirrors. |
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[Bush Budget] A gentleman stated the two wars during the Bush Admin were not figured in the budget? Pray tell where did he get that little nugget of Info. What were the amounts that Bush lied to us about when he gave us fake numbers for his budget? I have to go now as my date is picking me up in her new Caddy convertible. Isn’t it fun to post what ever thought enters our little minds. |
The fact is that the Budget Control Act (sequestration) passed in the House with 269 votes in favor — 174 from Republicans and 95 from Democrats. And the bill cleared the Senate with 74 “yea” votes, of which 28 were cast by Republicans. The source for the foregoing is Source I did not intend to deceive, it was an error. Actually, in retrospect, I’m glad that most of the Reps voted for Obama’s sequestration for two reasons. It proves that the Reps have already compromised by going along with Obama’s agenda and that we’re serious about slashing government spending. The R’s compromise seems to have only deepened Obama’s intransigence against any reduction in spending. And second and it proves that the Dems really don’t want spending cuts. Part 1) Deer Friends, while our left field fellow travelers caterwaul that the civilization as we know will end when sequestration comes to pass, you and I know that the noise is only a distraction, a sham designed to scare all of us. The absolute fact is that when sequestration goes into effect, there will be no cut in federal spending over our 2012 spending. The cuts will only slow the rate of growth of our government spending. Sadly, even that will be just a cup in an ocean of spending growth. None of the affected agencies will have less to spend in ’13 than they spent in 2012. All of this noise is designed to scare you. Don’t let it.
Please remember that the right to keep and bear firearms is a right, not a privilege. It is fundamentally wrong to require anyone to prove lack of illness in order to exercise a Bill of Rights guarantee. Airline pilots are permitted to ply their profession even if they are taking approved medication for depression, a mental illness. Source Deer Friends, we do not require any medical testing of any American in order to permit them to avail themselves of a Constitutional right. We don’t require any health testing to exercise the right to vote, the right to free speech, the right to keep our homes and selves free from warrantless searches, the right not to self-incriminate, nor any of the rights enumerated in our Bill of Rights. The left’s demands are fundamentally dangerous to our Democratic society. |