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The Original Unsocial Media. Anonymous Letters to the Editor with Pictures. Published Daily by Noon Since 2002. No Saturday Edition
![]() James Garner, Maverick and the Rockford Files is dead at 86. |
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![]() The bitter truth about why your coffee isn’t tasting as good lately. How’s your coffee? Link |
Danny Coll, if you don’t recall what was said I suggest you speak to Sloan Bashinsky, who is a lawyer from Alabama, and went to all of the shops Mr Coll supplied, in person, to get the truth. I suggest you find Ira Conkright, who now works at Winn Dixie, and I am sure he will be happy to tell you how Danny Paid Ira to pad the inventory, which if you had been in the store you would have seen how bare the shelf’s were. Mr Coll went to a bank in Atlanta to get a $500,000 loan, knowing they would never come all this way to find the inventory Ira padded was incorrect. Danny spent the money on his daughters’ expansive wedding, his divorce and alimony’s and his next marriage, which is over long past now. [additional allegations deleted by editor].
Also contact Richard Beckman, who had an agreement with Mr Coll to buy the Big Pine NAPA, and on the day they went to sign, he upped the price, causing Richard with withdrawal. It took me two months to convince Richard to call our general manager at the Miami distribution center, and when he did, they called Mr Coll and told them they would buy it from him at the original price and would not press charges on his illegal business dealings with the bank in Atlanta and two other banks that will remain nameless. Danny immediately took the deal and in turn Richard bought it from the distribution center. Mr Coll is playing the good guy to get in office and to take the money to use for his own personal reasons, which my friends, are not on the up and up. This is coming from an ex employee who has seen it all, not one word is made up. ~ DADDYSGIRLBPK@AOL.COM |
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[“Charging for water”] I have been eating at the Big Pine Restaurant 3-4 times a week for years and have never been charged for a glass of water. Years ago in Arizona there was a multi-year drought and water was precious. Water was served only on request and in small glasses but never charged for even in that arid desert environment. I’ll be at the Big Pine Restaurant tomorrow for breakfast and will inquire if charging for water is a new practice. If so, I will report it honestly on this site] I have been eating at the Big Pine Restaurant 3-4 times a week for years and have never been charged for a glass of water. Years ago in Arizona there was a multi-year drought and water was precious. Water was served only on request and in small glasses but never charged for even in that arid desert environment. I’ll be at the Big Pine Restaurant tomorrow for breakfast and will inquire if charging for water is a new practice. If so, I will report it honestly on this site. |
![]() [Advertising Safety] Condoms with corporate logos and slogans. |
[Bridges] A few years ago I was reading a story about Flagler constructing bridges for the overseas railway , and the author of the story said that Flagler hauled granite down from New England on his train for aggregate for making the concrete, No shortcuts there! |
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![]() [“50 cents for water”] I asked my waitress this morning if the restaurant charged 50 cents for a glass of water. Her answer was, “No, never.” Perhaps the poster had Bleu Cheese dressing on a salad or requested an English muffin in lieu of toast. There is a 50 cent up-charge for those two items. Rather than spread false information, the customer should have just asked his server for an explanation for the charge instead of making an incorrect assumption and then posting it |
[Cosmic Mystery] Why can dogs smell aromas from far away, yet are compelled to sniff each other’s butt at a fraction of an inch. |
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[“Chrome as in Chrome Ave in Homestead”] That would be Krome Ave! |
![]() [Children In Restaurants] Yo, parents. Just because you are seemingly not bothered by your toddler having a marathon screaming, howling tantrum doesn’t mean the other patrons don’t mind listening to it. It’s hard to enjoy our meal while your child screeches endlessly. Take the kid outside and calm him/her down, or take the child outside while mom or dad have their food boxed to go and go home where you can continue to enjoy the tantrum and let the rest of us enjoy our meal in relative peace. Please! |
[‘Charge for water”] Big Pine Restaurant only charges if you order bottled water never for tap! |
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![]() Foods that make you tastier to mosquitoes. Link |
Victims of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17. It now looks as though Malaysia Airlines will go bust. Link |
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[“Funeral Expenses”] There was a Citizen’s article about the guy’s family that got run over suing the Cates. It’s probably easy enough to find if you are really interested. |
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![]() They were working the Eden Pines area on Big Pine, driving an old, beater grey pick-um up. That dirty pole they use will spread disease, like lethal yellow, from tree to tree. If you have fruit trees, keep an eye out for the robbers. I’ve Got A Lovely Bunch Of Coconuts – Merv Griffin |
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Navy’s Restoration Advisory Board to Hold Meeting Wednesday, July 30 6pm Representatives from Naval Air Station Key West will meet with community members to discuss sites on the air station and former Navy properties in the Lower Keys that require environmental cleanup or monitoring. The annual Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) meeting takes place in the meeting room of the Florida Keys Eco-Discovery Center at 35 East Quay Road, Key West, and is open to the public. The air station’s RAB mission is to establish a forum with the community, regulators and NAS Key West for the input and exchange of information in an open and interactive dialogue concerning the installation’s environmental program. For additional information regarding the 2014 RAB meeting contact the NAS Key West Public Affairs at Events |
![]() [Hunting Jewfish Soon To Be Legal Again] Today’s spearfishing guys deserve a shot at being in a photo like this one from the 50’s. There must not have been much lobster left around back then. |
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![]() Corner desk. Very few nicks that will be covered by wall once placed in corner. Approx. 47 x 47. $50 obo. Classified Ads > Household |
Super noisy air guns coming to the Atlantic Ocean for oil exploration in Federal waters from Delaware Bay to Cape Canaveral. Link |
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[“Composting toilets“] What happens to the grey water from the rest of your house when composting toilets are used? Does it go into a separate tank? |
![]() [En·vi·ron·ment] Does anyone care if George Neugent can’t spell? At least he’s not running for School Board. Ha. (Ed: Oh oh! I’m the one who can’t spell environment. I made that ad. Sorry, George I’ll change it now.) |
At least 50 dead in Israeli attack on Gaza district hospital! (Maybe if they stopped their rocket attacks into Israel the attacks would stop. Duh) Link |
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[Marathon Journal] Marathon’s Mayor Dick Ramsay will be termed out this November. His last year has been his best. He was willing to change according to the time and issue.
He is a proponent of raises for city staff. I can’t remember the last time staff had the possibility of a raise. I’ve talked to Dick about retaining City Manager Mike Puto. He seemed receptive to the idea. Roger Hernstadt as much as he tried didn’t really get the Keys. Mr. Marathon knows the city and its residents. He knows staff. I really think we should keep all staff jobs in the Florida Keys. Mayor Ramsay has identified brand new housing requirements, how to pay for them, and maintain those housing units. The Keynoter has a good article that goes into depth on the issue. Ramsay with the other four councilpersons are hip deep into the budget process. Dick has put his stamp on this budget season in particular. The same could be said about Marathon’s upcoming referenda in early November. Again, for details see the recent Keynoter article on that subject. Congrats to the Keynoter for another award winning year. Hard work pays off! |
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[Just Like KW’s Emiers Death] New York Police say Eric Garner, 43 had a heart attack and died as officers attempted to arrest him for illegally selling cigarettes on Staten Island, but a video of the incident obtained by the New York Daily News appears to show police placing the man in a choke hold as he pleads “I can’t breathe” over and over.
Police say the officers observed Garner selling untaxed cigarettes on Bay Street, just blocks away from the 120th precinct. They say he’d been arrested before for the same offense. The video obtained by the paper shows several officers attempting to take Garner into custody by putting him in a (illegal) choke hold and pressing him towards the ground. “I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe,” Garner is heard saying in the video as he is pushed to the ground and handcuffed. Within moments, the 43-year-old stops struggling and appears to go unconscious. Ramsey Orta, 22, who shot the video posted by the newspaper, told the Associated Press on Friday that he was sitting with Garner and discussing weekend plans before the confrontation with police. Garner had just broken up a fight between two other men when the police approached him, claiming they’d observed him selling loose cigarettes, Orta said. “Before they even grabbed him, he told them he wasn’t feeling good and that’s why I pulled the camera out and started recording,” said Orta, adding that Garner was asthmatic. “They could’ve just hopped out on the guys who were fighting, but they didn’t bother to ask. They just jumped straight on him.” Garner has been arrested 31 times since 1988 on charges such as drug possession, selling untaxed cigarettes and assault, police said. Police say Garner weighed 350 pounds at his last illegal-cigarette arrest in May. |
![]() I just heard that a new group is being formed and they are exploring legal action against the County for what they did. (Ed: What did they did?). Save the Seahorse RV and Trailer Park. Check out SaveTheSeahorse.org for updates |
Insane shift change of French lighthouse keepers shows the way keepers used to change shifts at the lighthouse Kéréon in Iroise Sea. Video |
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![]() TV. 32 inch RCA flat screen TV for sale. I bought it a year ago at Sears for $360. It’s like new. I’m moving and need to sell it. $250 or best offer. Classified Ads > Electronics |
Does anyone have any experience or advice with boat storage in the Big Pine area? I have a 20′ inboard. I would like to not leave it in the canal, but I’d like to avoid the trailer/ramp hassle too. Thought I might try an in-out storage facility if there’s one close by. Thanks! |
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[“Composting toilets“] Thanks to the Deer Run Bed and Breakfast for the information on composting toilets. The technology has come a long way since I had one about fifteen years ago. It was placed in a ground level shop and did not require any water. It was self contained and could easily be moved and placed anywhere. It required electricity and plugged in to a regular wall socket. It worked great. The only maintenance needed was to dump several cups of compost material in every few days. The compost material was cheap and sent from somewhere in Ohio where the toilets were manufactured. I wish I still had it but Wilma flooded it and shorted out the electrical parts. I would buy another one and not hook up to the disastrous sewer project if possible. Can I legally refuse the grinder pumps and sewer hook up if I buy my own composting toilet? |
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![]() [Proof Positive] Picture of scar that shows Kim Kardashian’s brain was removed from her head and replaced in her butt. |
[No wake in Channels] I was driving Kemp channel yesterday and it was like the Indianapolis 500 with boats speeding in each direction while on plane. That guy who yelled at you was probably a tourist on a research vessel. They’re usually the most uptight and politically correct. |
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![]() Leaning post. Marine Specialties. Almost new. Used 2 months and always covered. Fold down step. Huge storage area. Backrest with 4 removable rod holders. 35” x 16’ deep x 34” tall. Cost over $1200 new. Selling for $600 o.b.o. Classified Ads > Boats |
[Sewers] I was driving across the Niles Channel bridge Friday night enjoying my windows open, and at the top of the bridge, the air release valve was broken and spraying water across the bridge (and through my open window). I got a shower, but it was only fresh water. I’m just glad it wasn’t the air release on a sewer forcemain! Yech! Which begs the questions, “Where do the normal wet belches of a sewer force main air release valve go, and where would the sewer force main be spraying when the valve sticks?” |
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![]() Wow, new benches at the end of No Name Key! Where did these come from and who footred the bill? Let me suggest the following additions to this new “visitor’s site.” Add a large garbage can for all the tourists who plop their fat asses on the new benches and inevitably litter and desecrate the area. Add a food dispenser with the proper deer food, as these folks will undoubtedly bring leftovers from the No Name Pub and elsewhere to poison the poor little Key deer (they will eat most anything and will surely be harmed). Signs, more signs please (not!). The “Do Not Feed the Deer” signs are useless and ignored every day. Now that seats are provided to aid in this illegal action, tourists will linger longer and, for sure, trespass and steal from properties surrounding the area. This small island has already seen increased traffic since the County posted several bread-crumb signs leading tourists from the main road to this former quite island oasis. Be prepared for more traffic, noise, human defecation, loitering and dead deer. |
There is so much darkness in my mind,
one never knows what one will find. There is so much trouble in our life, we live in a world so much strife.
Senseless wars for money to be made, all at the expense of the lower pay grade. Chemical weapons and IED’s, soldiers returning with “soul disease”
People dying all over the world, to keep the powerless in a stranglehold. They’ll never agree, allow no debate, all for power and religious hate.
We help the whole world for no reason at all, we do so much our back’s to the wall. When we are in trouble who helps us? All other countries throw us under the bus.
Government control of your heart and mind, NSA spying to see what they find. Scandal after scandal the president denies, a congress that won’t call him on his lies.
Millions ilegally crossing our border, states and militia trying to keep order. Sending their children to the “promised land”, and the federal government won’t lend a hand.
Citizens dying at the hands of police, heartless bastards to say the least. The very people they’ve sworn to protect, citizen will soon say “these cops we reject”
Homeless starving out in the cold, invisible people that don’t fit the mold. Live or die, some call it fate, only the soup kitchen to offer a plate.
The rich and the wealthy some say elite, someday in heaven the poor they will meet. Where everyones equal like you and me, they’ll say “thanks for the help you SOB”
There is so much darkness in my mind, one never knows what one will find. There is so much trouble in our life, we live in a world with so much strife |
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FTR asked us for a list of Hillarys Accomplishments.
This is what Hillary has done. I am not asking for you to respond. Thanks anyhow. Im just helping you. |
Really ftr, you can’t figure the millions of people you insulted on Wednesday?I’ll give you a hint-they’re women.You do consider women people, don’t you? signed TATS –They,re All The Same. After looking back at ftr’s response, I realize he did indeed know it was women I was referring to.Reread your wed. post .You can figure it out. I know you can do it. |
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Obama is the most vainglorious President in our history. Shamefully striking evidence of that was his announcement of the downing of the Malaysian liner by a Russian missile. He gave the topic about 40 seconds, then went on with a jocular, joke filled speech which he used to impugn Republicans. Then, as the world is seething with turmoil, Obama refused to govern, instead he set about on a flit about round of fund raising. Contrast that to the condemnation of such murder by previous presidents.
Obama is addicted to power, he holds all who have divergent views from him in disdain, they are enemies. Compromise and outreach are profanity to him. His discovery of the “power of the pen and phone” amped him like he had never been amped before. He is on a power binge ignoring the laws of our land and handing out exemptions to our laws to his political allies. Thank God for our Supreme Court. It recognizes Obama’s contempt for our laws and our Constitution. It’s unprecedented, but in the more than five years that Mr. Obama has been in office, the court has rejected the Obama government’s arguments with a 9-0 decision 20 times. There is nothing that can be done about Obama’s personality and character. He is what he is and he will continue to be what he is. We can bitch and piss and moan, but it will accomplish nothing. He will continue to drag our nation further and further down. That is his intention, his goal. He sees America as being too strong, too much of an influence in world affairs. But we can do a lot, a very lot to minimize his negative impact. Among other strategies, we can work hard to ensure that the Democrats lose control of the Senate. In all fairness, it must be noted that there are many Democrat politicos who are doing all in their power to distance themselves from Obama and his practices. It may be a survival first strategy among embattled Democrats who are crucial to the party’s effort to keep control of the Senate, but in conservative states that Obama lost in 2012, Democrat candidates are aggressively criticizing his healthcare, energy and regulatory policies. The list of ship jumpers includes incumbent senators, Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Mark Pryor of Arkansas and Mark Begich of Alaska, as well as Natalie Tennant, who is seeking to replace retiring Democratic Senator Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia. And there are more. Senator Kay Hagan of North Carolina, and Mark Udall of Colorado are not being shy about distancing themselves from Obama and his policies. Obama has fouled his own nest. The Democrat flight away from Obama in also seen in several Governor’s races, and in other contests. All because Obama’s approval ratings are sagging like a 30 year old mattress. Democrat politicos and voters alike recognize that our economy is still in the doldrums, Democare is turning out to be a huge bust and that our influence around the world has gone into the toilet. If we are serious about slowing our slide, we must ensure that the Senate leadership changes. Harry Reid must go. Contrary to Democrat propaganda, hundreds of bills addressing immigration reform, infrastructure, housing, employment, education, etc. etc. etc., have passed the House but Reid has refused to permit them to come to a vote in the Senate purely on partisan grounds. Reid must go. If you want to help to make the last 2 years of the Obama presidency as minimally toxic as it can be, seek out Republican Senate candidates in other states and send them a few bucks, it will make a difference. Part 2) SURPRISE…SURPRISE…Team Obama has once again proven to the world that his word means nothing, nothing at all. Today was supposed to be the deadline for Iraq to agree to constraints on its pell mell rush to nukedom. Iraq said, no way, not today, we need a lot more time, at least until late November, to think about it. Team Obama said “Sure, no problem”. Oh yeah, we also gave them back billions that we had seized from them as sanctions. |