
Sunday, July 27, 2014

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The-Coconut-Telegraph-w-CoconutsThe Original Unsocial Media. Anonymous Letters to the Editor with Pictures. Published Daily by Noon Since 2002. No Saturday Edition

This lovely orchid grew on the top of a ten foot long stem!
[Lobster Kits] Fanci Seafood located at 22290 Overseas Hwy., Cudjoe Key has Complete Lobster Kits for $14.95. Don’t forget that we have plenty of ice. Just $5 for 50 lbs (bring a cooler).
 A long, long time ago I tried a couple of barbers down here.  Soon thereafter I figured out how to cut my own hair
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Does anyone know if there will be Wetstock on Picnic Island this year? Last year it was over Labor Day week end and it was great. No one seems to have heard anything about it for this year. I have friends coming for it, but am worried no one is doing it this year.
[“Gonzales Gonzales”] Thank you to whomever posted that. I used to always watch Groucho and it made me laugh all over again. I loved it when the duck came down with the secret word!
cruies-ship-facadeWhy defeating a “study” to dredge the channel wider was important for Key West and the Keys. The first is the very negative impacts to the environment. The second is the economic impact, and the third is quality of life for both residents and visitors who stay for longer than a day. The economic impact for this project would be severe. The city, by requesting a feasibility study, would have agreed to become a cost sharing partner for the whole project. If Key West were to invest 20-25 millions of dollars to widen the channel, and the result would be the same number of passengers as we get now (this is per the Chamber PAC), how would the bond be repaid without any increase in revenue? With our tax dollars, of course!We would effectively be spending millions to tread water. As any business person can attest, this is not a good way to increase your revenue. The quality of life issue was also very important, and I think this was a major factor in the overwhelming results we saw last October. The people who live here, who grew up here, raise their kids here, or just decided this was the place to be, saw this referendum as a chance to stand up against businesses and their allies in government who put the almighty dollar ahead of everything else. There are some things money can’t buy I am still pushing for regulations, similar to what Alaska has done, where the dirtiest ships cannot call here. They should not be able to call anywhere, frankly. Commissioner Yaniz has said he would get legislation before the commission to that effect, we have not seen that legislation yet. Something to look forward to.
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[“Water bag to keep away the flies”
] You have to put a penny in the bag of water. Flies see a huge eye hovering and avoid that predator.
The sewer project reminds me of the tobacco industry and the infamous commercials such as “More doctors smoke Camels” ad. “I trust our engineers,” and a “Cadillac sewer system” are the twisted sound bytes of certain elected officials who have blindly dismissed a growing mountain of evidence about engineering and environmental problems with the sewer system — including putting the treatment plant and 4 shallow sewage injection wells at the base of a large landfill. So much for due diligence. Sadly, when chickens come home to roost and the sewer system inevitably malfunctions, those elected officials responsible for this fiasco will quickly blame the engineers instead of looking in the mirror. Politics, what a wonderful, noble profession (sarcasm).
Loch Ness Monster
was sighted in the backcountry!
I saw a FWC boat towing a sailboat away from the 7 Mile Bridge Friday about 11:30am. A Sea Tow boat was right there watching. I wonder what’s up with that?
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Made with real onions?
Gimme a break.
77 million dollars to spend on the Old 7 Mile Bridge. Where will all the construction equipment be staged and stored? I’ll bet this project turns into the biggest eyesore you’ve ever seen. And how long will we all have to look at it? God may know, but I doubt it. Will the bridge be open to the walkers while the construction is in progress? I doubt it. Cost over runs? Count on it. Will it take longer then they expect? You bet. With times the way they are and 77 million being dumped on Ol’ 7, you really have to wonder about, well … take your pick and I’ll leave it to you to fill in blank
[Sewers] FKAA and DEP now have yet another Petition for Administrative Hearing and Motion to Intervene against their sewer construction permits. This time it is against the Cudjoe Regional Wastewater Plant and their intent to use shallow wells for disposal of very large quantities of partially treated effluent. This legal action came from the Cudjoe Gardens and Sugarloaf Shores Property Owners Associations and joins the 7 filed by Dump the Pumps, Inc. against the faulty collection system that is entirely based on E-1 grinder pumps (even the gravity areas). FKAA calls the treatment plant an Advanced Wastewater Reclamation Facility, but that is just more of the same kind of public fraud and deceit that permeates this entire project. The DEP said that they don’t think the plant can treat much more than 0.84 mgd (million gallons per day) to advanced standards (AWT) but FKAA plans to put up to 2.34 mgd through it! So most of what goes through the plant will probably not be to AWT standard and might not even meet BAT (the minimum standard mandated by 2015). There is no reclaimed water leaving the plant and probably never will be because it is way the hell down Blimp Road and back behind Trash Mountain and there is not much demand for it anyway. Dumb ass FKAA still hasn’t figured out that with everyone connected they can’t get the shit to the plant and the plant would be overwhelmed if they could. This whole system is a horrendous train wreck. The County needs to order a stop to it and get someone who actually knows what they are doing to go over everything. Redesign to treat everyone fairly with a gravity connection from their house and with a system and capacities that will not make a worse mess than just doing nothing.
I’m thinking of buying a 250hp 4-stroke Suzuki outboard. I now have a Yamaha 225hp 4-stroke. I can save thousands on the Suzuki, but I don’t know anyone who’s owned one. Are they reliable? Video
[“Stupid Presidents”] That was a good post in Friday’s CT. The question was who (not just one) is handling Obama and running the country. The actual President is mostly a mouth piece for the people who really run things. All Presidents have ‘advisors’ and those advisors dictate the way their bosses want them to tell the President what to say and do. The big bankers, the stock market, the drug cartels, the labor unions, shipping magnets, the MIC, religious bosses, and a few very powerful land barons. No way does any person have the power that Obama or Putin look like they have. Same goes for the Congress and Senate who are controlled by their ‘advisers’ in the same way! In other words if it was known who runs this planet maybe something could be done to fix things, but we will never know who those Kings and Queens are
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[The Twist
] Chubby Checker’s “The Twist” was a hit in 1960, but by 1961 the Peppermint Lounge was ground zero for the twist craze! Link
[Comcast Cable] I was visiting a buddy of mine last week and he had the TV on. I could not believe the amount of commercials! I have had Netflix for the last couple seasons and I’ll tell you what, whatever Comcast is charging you for cable, you are getting ripped off.
[“All they have to do is click off the electric and we are history in days”] You may be history in days. I pray everyday for something to happen that will shake Americans off the couch and into the streets. Change is near, nothing to fear.
life ring rotate leftThe Key West Sail & Power Squadron is offering America’s Boating Course at the Key West Sail & Power Squadron, 5205 College Road, Stock Island. This course covers boat handling, elementary seamanship, navigation aids, weather, marine radios, Florida boating regulations and more. Completion satisfies MANDATORY Florida State boating certification requirements.

This will be a 3-week course starting August 4, 2014 on Mondays and Thursdays. The class will run from 7 PM TO 9 PM. The fee of $60.00 covers the cost of materials, and a reduced rate of $75 is available for family members who are willing to share materials. People who pass the course are offered an introductory 6-month Power Squadron membership. For information, call Tim Bergin at (305)304-7247 or Vince Melendy at 305-296-1126.

The Key West Sail & Power Squadron is a non-profit boating safety organization that offers a variety of boating courses. Completion of this course and Squadron membership entitles you to reduced fees for advanced courses such as seamanship, piloting, cruise planning, weather, sailing and marine electronics. Members also participate in boating raft-ups and other social events. The Key West Squadron’s jurisdiction begins at the south end of the Seven Mile Bridge. Events

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literally kills depression, relieves anxiety and strengthens the immune system.
Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like. The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it. Remember this my friends, in the end, it’s not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away!
Man was made at the end of the week’s work when God was tired. ~Mark Twain
Dolphin fishing
has remained strong this year. Maybe the best year in a long time. We have been running way off shore to find our fish, the fish have not disappointed us. This bull dolphin was taken in 2,100 ft. of water 21 miles off Looe Key. Looe Key is 5 miles off US 1. That is a long run. The seas have been kind, storms have been few, fishing steady, the boat is fast, lets go.

This fish was taken on spinning gear –15 lb test. He was teased with a small dolphin that we had hooked. He wanted to eat that little guy, oh, so badly. We were able to keep him away for it until we could cast a whole ballyhoo. He refused it, recast, refused, recast, he liked it, ate it, the battle was on! 45 minutes passed before this bad boy was gaffed. I must say. He made our day. His overall length is over 5 feet, much bigger than our fish cooler. Sweet. Have a blessed day. ~Joe/Coconuts

[“Not charging for water”] Deer John, It was nice of you to do so, but I think you went far beyond the call of duty to explain the cost of doing business, and I doubt your unhappy customer will be capable of understanding, or for that matter, even care.  My wife and I (locals) enjoy your facility.  We’ve always been treated kindly, and have never been disappointed by your menu or your staffs service.  As for your unhappy customer, good by and good luck standing in that line at Winn Dixie getting that hamburger.  Perhaps you’ll get a good deal on a packages of meat that has an expiration date of the same day you walk in.  I’ve no doubt you’ll enjoy standing outside in front of your grill in 95 degree weather with 100 percent humidity, cooking your own food, without worrying about a tip.  Just think of how cool you’ll be later, while doing your own dishes.
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Here’s one for the New World Order conspiracy theory.
I’m still looking for a few lobster divers. I only have 14 need a total of 25. There are two ways to win. Find the biggest lobster and win $500. Find the smallest legal lobster & win $50. Also a photo contest.$10 can win you $100. Just take a photo on mini lobster season and bring to the weigh-in party. Also Crook & Crook has teamed up with me in there tournament you could win $250. That’s a total of $750. Winners of both tournaments will be announced at Sunset Tavern on Friday Aug. 1st at the weigh-in party.
We lost a set of keys in Big Pine on 7/8/14. Land Rover key. Please call if found Classified Ads > Lost and Found
Obama said he will sign a bill making it legal for all smartphones to be unlocked. This means that you can now switch carriers without having to buy a new phone.
[MRSA Bacteria] Every diver and physician in the Keys knows our ocean is infested with MRSA bacteria, and if you go into the ocean with a cut or scratch on your skin, you very well might end up with MRSA, which is fatal if not treated. Visitors contract it here then return home and it breaks out. The city needs to see to it that our visitors are warned of the risk of MRSA. The city has a moral obligation to tell its visitors about MRSA in our ocean. Google image MRSA and see for yourself just how awful it is. Like a brown recluse bite, but it takes a little longer to kill you.
lower keys boat rental7.11.14
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ramp27[Lobster Monsters] I had it! No more boating for me until the Lobster Monsters leave next week. The ramp on Little Torch was a mess. Inexperienced boaters trying to backup boat trailers, people doing routine boat maintenance while still on the ramp while a line of boaters wait, a jerk Cuban man blocking the canal so no boats could get to or leave the dock, a 40′ boat’s wake nearly swamping a small dingy while transiting the bridge. I just can’t take it.
Outboard Wanted. Used, but operational 200-250 HP outboard 1989-1996 Classified Ads > Boats
One citizen’s public participation in the workings of his community’s government is enough to brand him a radical activist in the little minds of some people
dildo27A thousand dildos for military wives. Link
White House pollinator’s plan. Save the bees! Link
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Fishing hooks
. Never-opened box of 100. Mustad 34007 stainless hooks. Size 9/0. Cost $60 new, asking $30 OBO. Bob 305-923-0277 or call 872-4648 & leave message. Classified Ads > Boats
[Free Internet in the Keys] Free or cheap ISP providers to the internet in the Keys. Link
The FTR guy‘s postings are proof positive that alternative universes do exist.  Einstein was right.
[Hates Cops] All the cops in the Keys are scared, gung ho wannabes. They have almost 5 thousand dollars worth of stuff on their belts they can’t wait to use on someone at a flimsy of an excuse (officers years ago did not have anything except a belt and a gun). They don’t just arrest anyone anymore. They can’t wait to throw someone down on their face and stick a knee in their back to practice their takedowns. And they hope you do 1 thing wrong so they can practice their chock hold on you and add another charge to you. They all know the more charges they tack on you the more you have to pay the legal triad — bail bondsmen, lawyers and the County all get more money the more excessive charges they can hit you with and they all go to happy hour with each other. They all know the more charges they stack on you will pay their paycheck and retirement. They don’t care what you do as long as they can catch you doing it and book you with as many charges as they can so you cannot afforded to defend yourself in court and have to take a plea and pay, pay, pay. They are into revenue enhancement not law enforcement.
Obama Care:  Thanks Obama . Thanks to you, Pelosi, Reed and  your Socialist machine my sister is dying a miserable and painful death.  Diagnosed with cancer she fortunately had private insurance.   The policy came with a 20 percent co-pay and, due to the high costs of her chemo and radiation, she and her husband bought into your grandiose promises of affordable health care and, hoping they could save a bit of money to help the family cope with the finances, signed up for your sham health care plan.  After believing they now had the ObamaCare plan in place, they cancelled their former health insurance.  Oops, big mistake!  Imagine their shock when they realized that their annual premiums increased.  (These are simple, hard working people, who mistaking put their trust in their government and the lies that they have been told to us).  Her Oncologist and Cancer Clinic didn’t accept the ObamaCare crap.  They were, of course, very apologetic, but said that due to the high cost of treatments they could not afford to continue to provide them without reimbursement of some kind.  Even after trying to work with my family, and offering a 40% discount, our monetary resources were tapped out including taking out a 2nd mortgage on our  home.  Contacting  the former insurance company, we were told that because of her “existing condition” she could not covered.  Then,  without chemo and radiation treatments, her cancer has spread wildly through her body.   She’s dying a slow, painful death, now confined to a bed, unable to eat and suffers every hour of every day as the cancer eats away at her ravaged body.  Thankfully, Hospice came to help us cope and provide my sister with a bit of relief from her constant pain.

Thanks Mr. President and your socialist regime agenda.  While you’re trotting around the world, bowing to heads of state who hate us and laugh at you and our nation,  traveling the country on your never ending fund raising tour, and your family vacations at the tax-payers expense (reported as $48 million so far), your golf games, hand-shake photo-ops in local  bistros (all  set up of course by your political handlers).  All the while you are apparently oblivious to the needs of our nation, the world at large and the horrendous problems that face our nation.

While you tee-off next week for your golf game and then head to another fund raiser where you will continue to lie, distort and bend the facts according to your speech writers,  I’ll be sitting by my sisters side as she perhaps her takes last breath having trusted you to insure her healthcare.  Thanks, Obama.

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from the right
We’ve seen and heard some woofing from Charlie Crist’s campaign impugning Governor Scott wherein Crist claims that Scott is cutting education funding.   Nothing could be further from the truth, that’s saying a lot given Crist’s propensity for falsehoods.

The facts are simple. In June, Governor Scott signed the fy 14/15 budget. That budget had been passed by Republican legislators even though the Democrats resisted.

Because Florida’s revenues are increasing under Republican Governance, there is $1.2 billion in new revenue. The new budget is rich in infrastructure spending and especially education will enjoy the biggest budget expenditure, ever. Let me repeat that: This year, Governor Scotts education budget is the biggest in Florida history.

Please keep in mind that Republican governance has been able to accomplish that with huge cuts in taxes and fees.

Let’s think about education in Florida. The National Assessment of Educational Progress – known as the Nation’s Report Card, tells us that Florida is doing pretty damned well for the money it spends on education. In a study that compares spending trends with test results, Florida ranks 2nd among the states and D.C.

What about Crist’s record on education? School districts report to the state Department of Education the number of teachers they have each year. That data showed 3,282 fewer teachers in the fall of 2008 compared to 2007. Crist was governor from 2007 till 2011. But please bear in mind that in mid 2008 governing the State of Florida was pushed to the back of the Charlie’s bus as he began his losing run for U.S. Senate.

Part 2) While the Democrats continue their slavish dedication to Mr. Obama’s flitting about the nation like a butterfly slurping up millions of dollars in fundraising from the very wealthy and very pretty, our world and our nation are in harm’s way.

ussr27There can be no doubt now but that Putin is dead set on resurrecting the USSR. He is directing artillery and rocket fire into the sovereign nation of Ukraine. It brings to mind 1939 Poland when Hitler invaded.

Obama’s response? Essentially none. He speaks of “sanctions”, Putin guffaws.

We should immediately take decisive military action to bolster our European allies such as Poland. Remember that Putin hoo rahed Obama into taking antimissile defenses out of Poland. Poland had been promised those missiles. Those missiles should immediately be reinstalled in Poland. We should immediately provide Ukraine with weaponry to defend themselves. We should not put American boots on the ground in Ukraine, but we should put American boots on the ground in the countries that border Russia as a deterrent. Russia is not now a real military threat to us, although they still have nuclear capability, but Putin most certainly intends to make himself and Russia preeminent in world power. He must be stopped, Obama probably won’t even try.

Part 3) There is one HAZWOPER class remaining that is scheduled for 2014. The class will be held on Wednesday, August 6 at the History of Diving Museum in Islamorada. The class will begin at 9:00 AM and end by 4:00 PM as usual for those taking the class initially. There will be hourly breaks and an hour break for lunch on your own. For those recertifying, the class will end at the lunch break around 12:30 PM. Everything for the class will be furnished except note taking materials.

hazwoper27If you have already preregistered, you need not do anything except show up for the class on Aug. 6th. If you have not yet pre-registered and want to do so, just send a return email and I will preregister you and confirm it with you. We look forward to hearing from you.

This program has been a great success in our community over the past three years with more than 800 residents now being HAZWOPER certified and most retaining their certification through the refresher courses. We plan to continue the program in 2015 and will revamp much of the material.

Thank you very much for all your support to make this program a success and we appreciate your continued interest. For further info, contact:   Phil Goodman USCG Auxiliary Cell phone: 305-600-8441