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The Original Unsocial Media. Anonymous Letters to the Editor with Pictures. Published Daily by Noon Since 2002. No Saturday Edition
[No Smoking Ban] Existing County employees will be given until Jan. 1, 2016, to quit using tobacco products or have to pay a $50- a-month surcharge, and a $50-a-month penalty if the employee is caught lying about using tobacco. Smokers cost their employers $753 a year in lost work time and other health and benefit impacts. |
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[Toenail Fungus] Some time back (way back!) I read on the Coconut Telegraph that some had success with Vicks Vapo-rub as a cure for toenail fungus. I thought it might have helped a little at first, but over the course of six months actually seemed to accomplish very little. Then I tried something in a little bottle called “Hongo cure” and, again, over six months or so it might have helped a little at first but never really cured it. Next try was Fungi-Nail (not sure if it was from Publix or W-D) and finally I discovered a product that is curing the toenail. My toenails look better than they have in years! |
[Islamic State] The poster states that we are being baited into going to war with ISIS as the group are shadow people with no central core, and they well know that we will find it impossible to defeat them due to the way their organization is assembled. That is one person’s opinion and that person is to be commended for stepping up with an opinion which at least requires a little thought. Having said that, I would respectfully like to ask the gentlemen if it is, as he seems to be implying, then I would assume he is favoring the position to do nothing. I assume this to be true as he has volunteered no other action to take. Is ISIS going to continue to grow? They say that attacking the United States is definitely on their radar I do not believe one can reason with people that seem to be mired in a seventh century mode. Is the poster championing our country to reason with these people? He has stated his belief in the way we are dealing with the problem as being wrong headed. I would like to hear from the person as to what his method would be to reach a satisfactory conclusion to the problem. |
[Pickup Line] Your hair is like a field of daisies I’d like to run through barefoot. |
In the Florida Keys it’s time to break out the winter clothes. |
[“KW bike lane”] It probably cost a few hundred to paint that stupid bike lane sign in the right-of-way and will probably take a few thousand more to remove them after the study and research is done. DOT sucks |
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Not to be outdone by Safeway’s “Long Yellow Things.” Piggly Wiggly steps up the game. |
[“Getting in shape and off my lard ass”] Congratulations on your positive attitude. You’ll feel so much better, you won’t believe it. I’m not kidding. Your aches and pains will be gone and you’ll have energy once again. And you’ll look terrific! It’ll take a long time, but at least you’ll have a better direction to focus on. The best of luck to you. |
[“Vehicle inspections gone”] More is the pity of incompetent drivers then. With headlights blinding people, fenders flapping, ignorance of the driving laws, and a thousand other things wrong. Some can’t even brush their teeth let alone maintain a vehicle |
[Commemorative Shirt] Take a good look at the shirt, not the Muslim who wears it. This shirt is produced in large quantities and sold on the streets of many Muslims countries, without any local or international organizations making any protest. They make fashion creations and the Muslims wear them with pride and remember the Twin Towers attack in which more than 3,000 people died. Racism and offenses to other races and beliefs do not apply to Muslims. They then demand humanitarian aid at the smallest chance, and we’re always ready to offer them assistance, helping them to even open new Mosques. Keep on like this and in a few years they will meet their objective: the destruction and conquest of the West. |
Authentic leadership is a quality that cannot be purchased nor acquired at a college or university. It cannot be learned from a book nor bestowed upon a political appointee. Its characteristics are not clearly delineated nor readily defined. However, most of us are keenly aware when we are in the presence of an extraordinary individual. Their tangential energy has been changing the course of human events since the inception of man |
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Sarah Palin, a great example of why we no longer use lead paint. |
[“FTR’s hatred and narrow view overwhelms most of us”] So now old FTR has been labeled a ‘hater.” I have never picked any of that up in his postings. He sounds like a good man with opinions. I think this labeling says much more about the poster than it does about FTR |
[Islamic State] The poster was correct that ISIS has no leader or central organization. That is precisely why no one has a strategy for dismantling them. Unlike North Vietnam where we could bomb the hell out of anyone, ISIS has no central location to attack. No one even has a suggestion how to dismantle them. The President’s strategy is more of a tactic than strategy and will only be a temporary measure. I believe he’s taking this step just to “do something”.
ISIS is a popular movement. That is why 2 divisions of the Iraqi Army dropped their weapons–they all sympathize with the Islamic State. When one leader falls another is ready to take his place. Popular movements are almost impossible to thwart. The American Revolution was a popular movement and look what happened there |
[“Dog tail wagging shows emotion”] I’m not sure about the wagging part, but I know that when my dog has his tail straight up he’s about to crap on the kitchen floor. |
A tourist asked how me he could tell who were the locals in the Keys? I said just look for anybody with big livers. He said, ‘It figures!’ |
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[Doomsday] The only way to defeat ISIS is to send in the troops. All of them. We have to have a quick response and aggressive approach ! Let’s muscle up and get the job done! We have had more than enough time to gather all the intelligence we need in the middle east. Yes, when we send in the troops ISIS will retaliate on American soil, ISIS is already here. America knows how to deal with terrorist attacks. Or should I say the American people know how to deal with them. They are now inevitable! |
The Centennial Bell replaced the cracked Liberty Bell in Philadelphia’s Independence Hall when the Stow foundry screwed it up. |
Is anyone out there having issues with a local lawyer doing a bait and switch on the billing? |
It doesn’t matter what party affiliation you have when it comes to voting for a president. Both Parties can vote for whoever they want. |
[“BP Claims”] To the Captains who settled with BP too soon and for too little, have you considered suing the press for incorrectly overstating the spill impact on the Keys? or the local Chamber of Commerce /Tourist Development organizations for inadequately refuting the media misrepresentations? That is, if you feel you must sue someone for more money. |
Mr FTR guy, the 15 female U.S. Senators stated yesterday that they would like the NFL to have a “one strike your finished rule” for spousal abuse. I totally support this, but only if the U.S. Congress also enacts the same rule for themselves when they do stupid shit |
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Refrigerator. Double wide commercial refrigerator in excellent working condition asking $500 OBO. Moving soon and need to sell. All reasonably offers will be considered. Located in Cudjoe Key and can be seen anytime. Classified Ads > Miscellaneous |
[Terror] We know we’re in trouble when we’re looking for “moderate” Muslims to help us fight ISIS. Never mind finding friendly Muslims, we can’t even find moderates. Our way of life is in jeopardy. |
In the 513 days between Trayvon Martin dying and the verdict, 11,106 African Americans have been murdered by other African Americans. |
[“Complicated voting registration”] Personally, I found registering to vote about as complicated as ordering fries from Burger King. Then again, high tech seems beyond the grasp of some. |
[Islamic State] British Prime Minister David Cameron said yesterday, “We must confront the menace.” But along with everyone else in the free world, has no ideas or suggestions how to do it |
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[“Getting in shape and off my lard ass”] Good for you! As a result of your exercise, I’m sure you will have more energy and less lard to haul around. Keep us posted and wishing you much success |
[“Registering to vote”] To the person pointing out that it is not possible to register on the phone, one has to go to the trouble of going to the county offices. It seems to me that the same can be said of getting a driver’s license, or even a library card. I don’t like the idea of impersonations in the voting booths. |
[Budget Gap] The annual budget deficit is still at $589 billion dollars. At this rate one more trillion dollars will be added to our debt in two years. That will bring our debt to 20 trillion dollars. Do people understand the differences between a reduction of a deficit, a budget deficit amount, and total debt? I don’t think so. To jump to a conclusion that a reduced annual budget is worthy of admiration is totally naive |
Editor, I hope you had a relaxing Saturday. From what I have been reading you deserve it |
[“Termites”] The only reason why the house we rented on Elizabeth St. was standing, was because the termites were holding hands. A year after we moved, the porch fell off! |
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2011 Taylor Soft Ice Cream Maker, 3 flavors, vanilla, choc and twist. Excellent condition with many extras: Commercial 3 blade milk shake blender with 4 metal cups, stainless steel hot fudge warmer, 2 cone holders, 3 compartment topping keeper, case of sanitizer. Asking $4,000 OBO Located in Cudjoe Key and can be seen anytime. Classified Ads > Miscellaneous |
I am surprised by all of the people who post about the FTR fanatic. I am simply amazed that so many people even read his posts, let alone respond to their deluded and convoluted logic. |
[County approves 2.7 percent tax increase] It still hurts more each year. I demand free Vaseline with my tax bill! Link |
World’s fastest police cars. This is where some of your gas money goes. The Dubai police force are the proud owners of a ‘super fleet,’ a mass of high end sports cars from all over the world. Their latest addition to the fleet is the $1.6 million dollar Bugatti Veyron, cable of doing 267mph and from 0-60 mph in 2.5 seconds. Video |
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A good practice is to buy an external hard drive with at least 1TB of space and set your computer to backup at least once a day. Set the backup to replace the previous backup so you never run out of space. In case you have to get out of your place fast, for a fire or whatever, just grab the external HDD and go. You can always plug it into another computer to use your data. The Cloud is fine, but not like having your own backup in hand. Another tip is to print a copy of your address book and important data for your finances and medical records. A DVD rewritable disk also works well |
Who is FTR? I am a new reader of the Telegraph. Who is Ed? (Ed: FTR is the leader of the free word and Ed is the Editor. Welcome aboard!) |
Antarctic ice is melting a lot faster than previously thought. The Smith Glacier is melting by 29′ a year. |
[Doesn’t like charter Business] “Captain who settled with BP” What the hell is so important about your business that you had to take free money? Your charter BS business is just that, an irreverent con. Go get a real job growing food or fixing poor peoples’ homes. Like anything in the tourist industry, you are junk! |
[“Where do vampires shop”] At the Wal-Mart Mental Ward. |
[Guns] According to my Constitution, I am allowed to defend my self with a firearm. How the hell does any state have the right to change that law? Some states, cities and even businesses think they can allow or disallow my American right to self defense at will, because of their local policies. A federal law should take precedence over all other areas. It is a shame that humanity needs such weapons, but that is the way it is. If the bad guys can have them so must I, and my family also! |
[“Tail wagging tips”] A NJ fat chick does the same thing, right for food, left for sex, drooping for rejection and up for clearance! |
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[Hypocrites] In every country where Muslims are in the minority, they are obsessed with minority rights.
In every country with a Muslim majority, there are no minority rights. |
[“I sometimes get so angry at FTR”] Well, do not read his posts! With a frustration like you seem to have it might be a good thing to go on a cruise or fly out of here for awhile. Obviously you need a break. Single woman, right? |
[Captain Doom and Gloom] “Weekend weather update” Big solar storm heading toward earth this weekend. It’s the end of the world! Grab a virgin a.s.a.p. Link |
Is it prohibited on the Coconut Telegraph for me to suggest that those readers who would turn “Paradise” into the over regulated, over taxed hell hole, move back to where ever they moved here from? Other wise, why did you omit the first sentence of my post yesterday regarding vehicle inspections? (Ed: Yeah, like I almost remember it. How about including what you are talking about and giving me a chance?) |
It is telling that the poster critiquing F.T.R. and his explanations reports that his explanation has been spun to fit F.T.Rs oersonal. opinion while ignoring the posters facts, and their lies the rub, personally I find F.T.Rs. facts much more believable than the facts of those challenging him,.brings to mind that old saw that what one person interprets as facts are in reality anothers propoganda. |
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A POSTER WROTE: “Here’s the proof needed to finally expose old FTR. Yesterday he slammed me, the poster who registered to vote, with his purposefully omitted bull. Voter registration can not be done over the phone, nor can transferring a registration from one county to another be done over the phone. Proof of identity and current address is mandatory. FTR, log onto the Monroe County Supervisor of Elections website. Find the voter registration form and then read it, then get back to me.
I’ve now exposed your typical omission of information you do to make yourself look right. Misinforming on voter registration is not fun and games.” FTR’S RESPONSE: This is taking up too much space and too much time, but the complainer is fully and totally wrong…and screwed up. On Friday AM again I called the Supervisor of Elections Office (292-3416) and was again told that all one need do to make a simple transfer of voter registration from any Florida County to Monroe is to simply call them. All the Florida elections offices are linked by computer. Your registration will be transferred from your previous home county to Monroe. Remember that all of your pedigree info is already on file at your old home office. Check it out for yourself, call them. But, if you wish to change party affiliation, you will have to fill out documents that are available on the web or at any of their offices. Voter registration and voting has never been easier. That’s the last word I’ll post on this subject. When you register to vote, please consider registering as a Republican and please vote Republican. It’s for your own sake. ————————————————————- ON FRIDAY A POSTER WROTE: “U.S. budget gap for 11 months shrinks 22% as economy grows. To FTR with love” The poster supplied a link…that link reported “The budget gap as a share of the economy is on a path to shrink this year to the lowest level since 2007, as falling unemployment and swelling corporate profits help revenues grow faster than outlays, the Congressional Budget Office said on Aug. 27.” FTR’S RESPONSE: That’s very interesting.. It’s also interesting that the CBO projects that unless current law is changed that the deficit will reach $1 trillion in only about 10 years. It’s interesting that Federal tax revenues hit a record $2,663,426,000,000 for the first 11 months of the fiscal year this August, but the federal government still ran a $589,185,000,000 deficit during that time, according to the latest Monthly Treasury Statement. That is well more than twice the deficit for the entire year of 2006, the last year of Republican governance. It’s also “interesting” that in December 2006 there were 6.8 million unemployed persons. Today, nearly 8 years into Democrat control of our economy, there are 9.6 million unemployed persons. That’s roughly a 40% increase in unemployment under Democrat governance. In December 2006 there were 145,926,000 employed Americans, today nearly 8 years later there are 146,368,000 employed Americans, after nearly 8 years of Democrat governance, an increase of only 442k. Miserable. It’s interesting that our unemployment rate is nearly 40% higher today than it was when the Democrats took control of our purse strings in January of 2007. Perhaps most interesting is the fact at the end of FY 2006, the last year of Republican budget control, our national debt was $8.451 trillion dollars. Today it is $17.741 trillion dollars. That’s an increase of @120%. During only a little less than 8 years the Democrats have managed to more than double our/your national debt. Your share today is $152,161,000. Federal tax revenues hit a record $2,663,426,000,000 for the first 11 months of the fiscal year this August, but the federal government still ran a $589,185,000,000 deficit during that time, according to the latest Monthly Treasury Statement. That is well more than twice the deficit for the entire year of 2006, the last year of Republican governance. The most interesting thing to consider is that this “recovery” from the recession that ended in June of 2009, is the worst recovery from recession since the Great Depression. The Depression and the recession have one major thing in common, both were managed by Democrats. Only liberals and Democrats could possibly “love” those facts |