No Saturday Edition
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Belated Kudos and thanks to the folks who decorated their watercraft for the Big Pine Lighted Boat Parade last weekend. Ho Ho Ho! |
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I miss seeing Mike’s Christmas truck this time of year. |
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[Maybe You Touched Your Genitals Hand Sanitizer] If you’re looking for the #1 After-Genital-Contact Hand Sanitizer, look no further. Our Maybe You Touched Your Genitals Hand Sanitizer is the best out there in case you have to shake hands with someone who may or may not have forgotten to wash up in the restroom! Gross! Our 2 ounce non-lubricating formula kills 99.99% of germs and the dreaded cootie virus on contact, smells like innocence, and is fortified with moisturizing extracts of Aloe Vera! $6.29+ |
Another accident at the Sugarloaf school light. I hope you people that live in that area are happy because you snowed the public into thinking it was to protect your kids. Maybe when a kid is killed there then someone with authority will think that stupid decision out and remove that light. I would like to know how many accidents happened there 3 years before the light was installed and now three years later. Me and many other people live on SR4A, and we probably have as many, or more residents as you. Yes it is a pain to get on US1, but if you have to have a light that kills people, is it really worth that few minutes? Ah, yes, the school busses. They drive way too fast and are haphazard drivers. (Nevermind, I’m not going there). Its messed up. The first time a kid is killed there, which will not be far from now, the proverbial s**t will hit the fan and finally someone will find another way. What a shame to sacrifice lives so that people do not have to wait so long for at traffic light. Believe me, that is the total reason why that light is there. |
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[Television show explores Keys’ canals] The Waterways series continues its exploration of the south Florida ecosystem in a new two-segment episode. This latest episode takes a look at Everglades National Park’s neighbor to the north—Big Cypress National Preserve—and a plan to clean-up the man made canals in the Florida Keys. The first segment, “Keys’ Canal Clean-up, Demonstration Restoration,” delves into efforts to improve water quality in Florida Keys canals, which were historically dug too long and deep, resulting in little or no circulation, and where decades of septic tank and cess-pit leaks have degraded water quality. To combat these problems, Monroe County completed a Phase 1 Canal Management Master Plan to develop a framework for Keys canal restoration and management. Link |
[Mini Sea Cucumber Season] 200 sea cucumbers per person permitted to be harvested possibly. Why not also regulate how much air we can breathe? |
[“Post Office double lobotomy”] I live up state in the I4 corridor and have experienced similar uncaring, down right stupid actions (or lack of any action) at the Post Office in the past couple of weeks. The self package mailer jammed adjacent to the auto postal service machine. I needed to mail several postage pre-paid packages. I tell the clerk at the window (four windows, two clerks and 23 people standing in line) “the self mailer is stuck”. The clerk says, “no one up here can do anything about it – they (letter sorters?) will do something about it when they can.” I suppose they have union rules that define and regulate activities by hourly postal workers? I tried to place my packages on the shelf at the end of the counter. I’m 5’10” and could not reach the top of the mountain of packages piled and stacked on the counter. Some packages had fallen off the rear of the shelf on to the floor. Is this customer service for a failing company? yeah, right. Arrrgh! I hate the Post Office, and with this type of no service, it’s no wonder they are on the way out of business. UPS and Fed EX ground are more expensive than USPS, but that’s where I am going with my package business. |
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[Data] In the end, the guy who has the most date wins. ~Tim O’Reilly boss of Google Maps on making money by creating demand for maps vast uses. |
[Guitar Sold] Jerry Garcia’s Taylor Bean 500 made a huge splash last week. Garcia used the guitar, which was estimated for bring in $150,000, extensively throughout the band’s epic year of 1977. The axe scored a huge sum for its owner as the TB500 sold for an unbelievable $238,700. Shockingly, Garcia’s guitar was sold for even more than a custom Hofner bass made for Paul McCartney in 1964 brought in ($201K). No word on who bought Jerry’s axe, but we sure hope they display it publicly.I wonder which Silicon Valley/ Cal Berkeley geek got it? Link |
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It was -21º in Indian Lake ( that’s below zero, aka ‘too freaking cold’)! |
[“Death by China, the movie”] China’s undervalued currency is damaging the U.S., Europe, and the global recovery. It’s the reason why the Federal Reserve under Greenspan lowered the prime lending rate to banks, to combat deflation that China was exporting with extremely inexpensive goods. Greenspan held the prime rate down for quite some time, as they learned from Japan that doing so gradually didn’t work. Keeping the prime rate low caused banks to lower their loan rates and thus caused the U.S. real estate bubble that ended in 2008. The object of the Fed was to over-stimulate the economy back into a inflationary trend (of +2-3%) which they had more experience dealing with than with deflation (-0%). What perhaps should have been done with China instead is a tariff placed on their imports as not to have as such a immediate negative effect on our economy with millions of jobs just going over there. Later the tariffs could be reduced and eventually eliminated as China’s currency value became more on par with the Dollar. However tariffs are viewed as a economic slap which likely wasn’t politically favorable, retaliation is possible and now China seems to have no intention of letting their currency increase in value. While there is talk here in the U.S. of raising the minimum wage from $7+ a hour, Chinese workers in Foxconn are getting $1.20 a hour and forced overtime. If they strike (some have even committed suicide), there is thousands waiting at the gates every morning for a chance to work there. |
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FKAA and BOCC are both preparing to set us up for a major environmental disaster inside of the Key Deer Refuge. Where the hell is the management of our refuge to put the kibosh on this folly before they start digging? Oddly enough my understanding was that we were mandated to get sewers in order to protect our environment, especially our inshore waters from leaching and contaminated groundwater runoff after storms. By taking untreated (yes a grinder pump does not magically create treated sewage) and pumping it under pressure to collection pipes we are setting ourselves up for an environmental catastrophe. when we have our next big hurricane and the flood waters rise, guess what will be floating on top? And when the power remains out for several weeks as it did in 1998 and 2005 who will deliver the Port a Potties? FKAA doesn’t have that many field workers. We need gravity systems here or at a bare minimum vacuum. Pressurized untreated sewage will leak, underground, undetected. This will cause more pollution to enter the water than our existing septic systems do. My understanding was that our refuge system was to protect the refuge above all. Show me. Deer Key Deer Management. Please help us protect our homes and refuge from the scourge that is BOCC and FKAA. |
Does the new $100 bill really have a radio transmitter so they can track it? |
I heard an interesting fact today. |
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NOAA’s Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary announced seven primary and six alternate members to serve new terms on its sanctuary advisory council. The appointees bring a valuable range of experience to the council, which provides the sanctuary superintendent with input and recommendations on sanctuary programs and management. “The sanctuary advisory council is not only critical to the current marine zoning and regulatory review process, but serves as an important forum for public opinion and feedback as well,” said Sean Morton, sanctuary superintendent. “As our newest members join the council, we encourage the public to build relationships with their council representatives and actively engage in the process.” The newly appointed advisory council members, who began their terms this month, are: The appointed alternates are: |
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[Hates Post Office] It is almost comical now because these people are on their last legs and they still are ignorant and not customer friendly. So much of my mail here has been sent to other people and I am talking about checks from customers and that it is ridiculous. Another point: I received the wrong parts from a company and I called them, they said just write return to sender on the box and send it back. I told my mailman and he said. No we can’t do that, the box has been opened. Dont argue with me about this because when UPS takes over and you are out of a job you will wonder why. I can’t wait until every postal worker in Big Pine and Summerland are fired and have to flip frigging burgers. Wake up people and try to remember you’re in the customer service business. It’s amazing to me the stupidity of people that are on the brink of being distinct [extinct]. All I can say is good riddance to you dinosaurs. Lots of luck in your next profession because you are definitely gone within 5 years because of your non existent customer service skills. |
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[Excel AutoComplete] I think you are referring to AutoComplete. I’m not sure what version of Excel you are using, but hopefully this link helps. If not, go to your help and enter AutoComplete. Link |
[Twelve Days of Keys Christmas]
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[Old Bridge] What sort of machinations took place at the State government level that swung the level of State tax money earmarked for rebuilding the falling down 7 Mile Bridge, thus making a lot of local politicos look good and got those who opposed locals paying for it, off the retribution hook. |
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Yesterday set a new record on the length of the Coconut Telegraph with the long winded tome. Thank you! |
Sea level has risen nearly 8 inches worldwide since 1880 but, unlike water in a bathtub, it doesn’t rise evenly. In the past 100 years, it has climbed about a foot or more in some U.S. cities because of ocean currents and land subsidence – 11 inches in New York and Boston, 12 in Charleston, 16 in Atlantic City, 18 in Norfolk and 25 in Galveston, Texas, according to a USA TODAY analysis of 2012 tide gauge data collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Link |
[Tartget Target of Hackers] ] Hackers stole 40,000,000 credit cards’ info from Target. Oh, oh, you’d better check your credit card statements real carefully. |
[Citizen Of The Day Says] Loves the weather, people and convenience of a small town. |
Bill Gates recently said, I am a devout fan of capitalism. It is the best system ever devised for making self-interest serve the wider interest. |
[Lost] I believe my red clipboard fell out of my work van last Wednesday on US1 eastbound between Little Torch and Big Pine, on the bike path where the construction was taking place. If anyone has found it … Classified Ads > Lost and Found |
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With your change in policy concerning political posts, it would seem appropriate to change the heading. Maybe a fun contest would be in order. |
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[Can’t Walk and Chew Gum] A tourist in Australia nearly drowned after she fell off a pier while browsing Facebook on her phone. And they give them drivers licenses too? Link |
On this date in 1843 Charles Dickens published “A Christmas Carol.” Bah, humbug! |
Thank you to all our sponsors for the Island Art Festival! It was a huge success this past weekend. The festive holiday signs will be on the Chamber grounds for the rest of the month. |
How do I get spellcheck on my pc for when I write emails or submit to CT? |
The Key West Navy League Commissioning Committee invites you to a fundraiser in support of the Coast Guard Fast Response Cutters upcoming commissionings. Please join the fun at the Bottle Cap Groove Lounge, 1128 Simonton Street, on Friday, 10 January, 5-8 pm. There will be music, free food, a silent auction, 50-50 raffle, and celebrity bartenders from our military and local community! Don’t miss the chance to spin the Big Wheel in our great multi-prize raffle! All donations and tips raised that evening will directly support the future historic commissionings of U. S. Coast Guard Fast Response Cutters being home-ported right here in Key West. For more information on the event or how you can help … Events |
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BPK dump the pump rally. Protesters attend the FKAA meeting. Link |
[Spying] Research shows how MacBook Webcams can spy on their users without warning. Spies and perverts like Apple products] Slew of intentional insecure by design decisions by Apple places easily hackable firmware in keyboards, battery and webcams (yes, no telltale light!) for remote access or blowing up the battery by anyone who has the software and intention of doing so. Link |
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The older I get, the less I care about what people think of me. Therefore the older I get, the more I enjoy life. |
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[Discount Sewer System] You people against having a glorified garbage disposal in your front yard just don’t get it. The county governors are playing the numbers and evidently you don’t add up to squat. They have been cowed by the Pigeon Key bunch, who obviously couldn’t care less about you, into pouring a ton of money into that old bridge just so they can drive their cars and pickups out there to that deserted island, and from there, down a million dollar ramp from the 7 Mile bridge to Pigeon Key and whatever the Hell it is they do down there. They couldn’t care less about those who walk a little ways out onto the bridge, but just walk all the way out to Pigeon and then go down onto the island, you better be ready to beat feet back to shore. They must be laughing like Hell. Were the County officials afraid of getting beat up by them? Just think how many grinder pumps could be eliminated for a $1million dollars? The whole sewer project is about money and who gets it. Not one cent of our tax money should go for anything but the sewers until the project is finished in the best way,not the cheapest, for all tax paying homeowners who are the backbone of the Keys. I bet the Pigeon Key bunch has some kind of tax free exemption. I will say that someone has mollified us by finally re-paving the highway in the lower Keys for which I am grateful. I am sorry for the rant, but I am just not comfortable with my head stuck up my stinky ass like some. |
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Grinder pump agreement coming to a town near you? Knowledge is power. Link |
[Excel Guy] Turn on your auto complete in your preference menu. |
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[“Adjustable hammer”] I have hired a slew of carpenters through the years. Only one was a dummy because he didn’t have an adjustable head hammer. |
Eggnog is basically alcoholic pancake batter. |
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Men are in crisis. We know this. There are books about it, seminars about it, retreats about it, academic conferences about it, and every kind of gathering where men sit around and talk about it. |
Commissioner George Neugent please support getting rid of grinder pumps, you have said you are not running again, but if you plan on doing anything else in Monroe County you will want our support; without it you may not find success. |
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From what I have been reading I understand that grinder pumps may become defective in a storm, possibly contaminating our homes and the groundwater. We all agreed it is not if we have a storm it is when. So tell me why we are spending all this money for a sewer system when our septic tanks work just fine? |
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[Captain Doom and Gloom] Ever notice that M.I.C. – Military Industrial Complex also means Made In China? |
It looks like the new one hundred dollar bill has Franklin with slanted eyes! |
How many signatures does it take to force a recall? Time’s a wastin’. |
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Part 2) Things are about to get really interesting in our financial system. Yesterday the Fed announced that they were beginning to cut back their pumping of money into our economy. Apparently the Fed is concerned that we are getting perilously close to dangerous inflation. Just yesterday there was news that the construction industry was really surging. That lubricated by the extremely low interest rates. That fact raised deep concerns that we might be headed back into a major housing bubble. If that is so, and if the bubble were to burst as it did in ’07-’09. It would be catastrophe. That bursting bubble was the single biggest cause of the recession. If the new bubble were to burst, the effects would be catastrophic. Especially when you consider that a brand new poll reveals that nearly 80% of Americans believe that we still are in recession (Washington Post/ABC News poll).
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